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Proceeding Paper

Introducing a Chatbot to the Web Portal of a Higher Education Institution to Enhance Student Interaction †

Pedro Filipe Oliveira
*,‡ and
Paulo Matos
Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI), Laboratório Associado para a Sustentabilidade e Tecnologia em Regiões de Montanha (SusTEC), Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Campus de Santa Apolónia, 5300-253 Bragança, Portugal
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Presented at the 4th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences, 27 October–10 November 2023; Available online:
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Eng. Proc. 2023, 56(1), 128;
Published: 12 December 2023
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of The 4th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences)


This paper introduces the implementation of a chatbot on the web portal of a higher education institution, aiming to enhance student interaction and provide seamless access to information and support services. With the increasing reliance on digital platforms for student engagement, a chatbot offers a user-friendly and efficient means of communication, catering to the diverse needs of students in a higher education setting. The chatbot developed utilizes natural language processing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence algorithms to engage in dynamic conversations with students. We use Large Language Models (LLMs), because these and vector databases are revolutionizing the way we handle and retrieve complex data structures. Their main objective is to provide instant responses, personalized guidance, and timely support for various aspects of student life within the institution, namely the following: Information Retrieval, where the chatbot acts as a virtual collaborator, offering quick and accurate responses to frequently asked questions regarding admissions, programs, course registration, financial aid, and campus facilities, reducing the need for manual information searches; Academic Support, where the chatbot assists students in academic matters, such as course selection, prerequisites, graduation requirements, and study resources. It can offer personalized recommendations based on a student’s academic profile and preferences; Campus Services, which provides information about campus services, extracurricular activities, events, and resources; and Appointment Scheduling, which facilitates appointment scheduling with academic advisors, and support staff, streamlining administrative processes and ensuring timely access to guidance and assistance. This development follows a user-centric approach, incorporating feedback from students, faculty, and administrators to ensure that the chatbot meets their specific needs and preferences. Rigorous testing and quality assurance measures are implemented to guarantee the accuracy, reliability, and security of the chatbot. In conclusion, we achieve a functional chatbot with a medium computational heaviness; in this way, it can be practical to use it in real time by the students on the institution’s web portal. The introduction of a chatbot on the web portal of a higher education institution represents a significant advancement in facilitating student interaction and support services. By providing instant and personalized responses, the chatbot streamlines communication, reduces response times, and empowers students to find information and resources efficiently. As chatbot technology continues to evolve, ongoing enhancements and refinements will ensure that it remains a valuable tool for enhancing student experiences, promoting engagement, and fostering a positive learning environment within the institution.

1. Introduction

In the digital age, higher education institutions face evolving challenges in engaging and supporting their student populations. With the increasing prevalence of online learning and the diverse needs of modern students, the demand for efficient and responsive student services has never been greater. One innovative solution that has gained significant traction in recent years is the integration of chatbots into web portals [1].
This paper explores the implementation of a chatbot within the web portal of a higher education institution, with a primary focus on enhancing student interaction and improving the overall student experience. Chatbots, powered by natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI), have emerged as versatile tools capable of addressing a wide array of inquiries, from answering frequently asked questions to providing personalized academic and administrative support.

2. Methods

Creating a natural language chatbot (LLM—Natural Language) [2] can be a challenging task, but it is a powerful technology for improving interactions with users and automating customer service tasks and technical support, among others. To do that, we followed the following steps to create a chatbot with a LLM:
  • Define the purpose and objectives: this will help guide development and ensure the chatbot is useful.
  • Choose a platform or framework: there are several options available to develop chatbots with LLMs, namely the following:
    Dialogflow (Google): a platform from Google that uses Google Cloud NLP;
    Microsoft Bot Framework: a Microsoft platform for creating chatbots;
    Rasa: an open source framework for chatbot development with LLMs;
    IBM Watson Assistant: an IBM solution for creating chatbots.
  • Training and data: for the chatbot to properly understand and respond to user queries, it has to be trained with relevant data.
  • Channel integration: it can be on a website, mobile app, social media, etc. It is important to integrate the chatbot with relevant channels.
  • Development and configuration: Use the chosen platform or framework to develop the chatbot. Configure the conversation flow, responses, and actions.
  • Test and tune: Test the chatbot exhaustively to identify issues and adjust its responses and behavior. Make sure it understands questions and responds appropriately.
  • Deployment: after testing, the chatbot must be deployed.
  • Continuous improvements: an LLM chatbot can be improved over time as more data and feedback from users are collected.
  • Support and maintenance: the chatbot must be continuously updated and provide ongoing support to deal with user issues and queries.
Creating a chatbot with an LLM requires programming and natural language skills, as well as natural language processing capabilities such as machine learning models and data training [3]. In this work, we focus on building a chatbot using Streamlit, an open source application framework that is a big hit among machine learning and data science enthusiasts. Not only that, we will also explore how to integrate with LangChain and various language models, including LLMs.

2.1. Concepts

  • What is Streamlit?
Streamlit is a fast, easy, and fun open source tool for building web applications. It is designed to help machine learning engineers and data scientists build interactive web applications around their projects without the need for web development knowledge. Streamlit’s simplicity and speed make it an excellent choice for building a chatbot interface [4].
  • What is a Chatbot?
A chatbot is a software application designed to conduct online chat conversations through text or text-to-speech, rather than providing direct contact with a human attendant in real time. Designed to convincingly simulate human behavior as a conversational partner, chatbot systems often require continuous tuning and testing, and many in production are still unable to properly conduct conversations or pass the industry standard, the Turing test.

2.2. Environment Configuration

Before we started building the chatbot, we needed to configure the development environment with the needed libraries and tools [5] to ensure that the code runs successfully and that the chatbot works well. At the streamlit_requir.txt file, we have a list of libraries/tools that this project needed. This list includes the following:
  • streamlit -> a library to create interactive web applications for projects that use machine learning and data science;
  • streamlit_chat -> this component is used to create user interfaces;
  • langchain -> A framework used to develop applications that use language models. This provides a regular interface to use chains, integration’s with different tools, and end-to-end chains for regular applications;
  • sentence_transformers -> A library to allow the use of transformer models (BERT, RoBERTa, and others) and generate text semantic representations (embeddings) used for document indexation;
  • openai -> OpenAI’s library, which allows one to use its language model, (GPT-3.5-turbo), and generate human-like text;
  • unstructured and unstructured[local-inference] -> libraries used for document processing and unstructured data management;
  • pinecone-client -> A client for Pinecone, a service vector database which allows one to perform similarity searches of vector data.
For theses libraries installation processes, we run the following command in a terminal window: this command instructs “pip” (package installer) to install all the libraries that were previously defined in the streamlit_requir.txt file, this can be seen at Listing 1.
Listing 1. Streamlit libraries installation.
pip install -r streamlit_requir.txt

3. Results and Discussion

These results are related to a specific use case implemented on the Web Portal of a higher education institution. In the following, we detail all the necessary steps to develop the chatbot.
  • Document Indexing
Following the previous steps, building the chatbot involved preparing and indexing the documents that the chatbot will use to answer queries. We used the script.
  • Loading documents from a directory with LangChain
The first step with the script ( involves loading the documents from a directory. For that, we used the (DirectoryLoader) class provided by LangChain. This class receives a directory as input and it loads all the documents the folder contains, this can be seen at Listing 2.
Listing 2. Loading documents.
from langchain.document_loaders import DirectoryLoader
directory_to_load = ’/content_info/data’
def load_documents(directory_to_load):
loader = DirectoryLoader(directory_to_load)
loaded_docs = loader.load()
return loaded_docs
loaded_docs = load_documents(directory_to_load)
  • Document splitting
After document loading, the script continues to divide each document into smaller pieces. The chunk sizes and the overlap between them are defined by the user. We did this to ensure that the document sizes can be managed and that no important information is lost in the splitting process. For this, LangChain’s RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter class is used, this can be seen at Listing 3.
Listing 3. Document splitting.
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
def split_documents(docs, size_chunk=500, overlap_chunk=20):
splitter_text = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(size_chunk=size_chunk, overlap_chunk=overlap_chunk)
documents = splitter_text.split_documents(docs)
return documents
documents = split_documents(docs)
  • Embedding creation
After the documents were broken down, we needed to convert these text chunks into a format that the AI model understands. We did this by creating text embeddings using the class (SentenceTransformerEmbeddings) foreseen by LangChain, this can be seen at Listing 4.
Listing 4. Embedding creation.
from langchain.embeddings import SentenceTransformerEmbeddings
embeddings_txt = SentenceTransformerEmbeddings(mdel_name=“all-MiniLM-L6-v2”)
  • Storing embeddings using Pinecone
After embeddings were created, we needed to store them in a location where they could be accessed and searched. Pinecone is a vector database service that can suit this task. An example code can be seen at Listing 5.
Listing 5. Storing embeddings using Pinecone.
from langchain.pinecone import PineconeIndexer
def index_embeddings(embeddings, documents):
indexer = PineconeIndexer(api_key=‘your-api-key-from-pinecone’, index_name=‘your-index-name’)
indexer.index(embeddings, documents)
index_embeddings(embeddings, documents)
This script creates an index in Pinecone and stores the embeddings along with the corresponding text. Now, whenever a user asks a question, the chatbot can search this index for the most similar text and return the corresponding answer.
  • Creating the chatbot Interface with Streamlit
With our documents indexed and ready to be searched, we can now focus on creating the chatbot interface. Streamlit provides a simple and intuitive way to create interactive web applications, and is perfect for our chatbot interface.
  • Streamlit Chat Component
Streamlit’s chat component is a new way to create chatbots. It provides a chat app-like interface, making a chatbot deployed on Streamlit with a cool interface. To use this component, you need to install it separately using pip, this can be seen at Listing 6.
Listing 6. Install streamlit-chat component.
pip install streamlit-chat
After installation, you can import it into your Streamlit app, this can be seen at Listing 7.
Listing 7. Streamlit import.
import streamlit as stlit
from streamlit_chat import chat
def get_chat():
return chat()
chat = get_chat()
This code creates a new chat interface in the Streamlit app. We can add messages to this chat using the add_message method, this can be seen at Listing 8.
Listing 8. Chat interface creation.
chat.add_message(“Hi, how can i help you today?”, “bot”)
  • Integrating Chatbot with LangChain
LangChain is a framework to develop applications that can use language models. It has a standard interface for chains, many other integrated tools, and end-to-end chains for regular applications. To integrate our chatbot with LangChain, we needed to modify the load_chain function in, this can be seen at Listing 9.
Listing 9. Chatbot integration.
from langchain import LangChain
def load_chain_openai():
chain_openai = LangChain(api_key=’your-api-key-from-openai’)
return chain_openai
chain_openai = load_chain_openai()
This code creates a new instance of LangChain with your OpenAI API key. You can use this instance to generate responses to user queries [6].
In Figure 1, the architecture that supports the developed chatbot can be seen.

4. Conclusions

The introduction of a chatbot has the potential to revolutionize the student experience in higher education. Its ability to provide instant responses to common queries, offer personalized guidance, and facilitate seamless access to important resources can significantly alleviate the burden on administrative staff while empowering students to navigate their academic journey more efficiently.
One of the most notable advantages of a well-implemented chatbot is its availability around the clock, ensuring that students have access to information and support when they need it most, irrespective of time zones or office hours. This accessibility aligns with the expectations of the digital-native generation and demonstrates an institution’s commitment to providing modern, responsive services.
However, the successful deployment of a chatbot does not come without challenges. Privacy and data security concerns must be addressed meticulously, and ongoing maintenance and refinement are essential to ensure that the chatbot remains a valuable asset. Moreover, while chatbots excel at handling routine queries, the human touch remains indispensable for more complex and nuanced issues.
Clearly, some limitations can be identified, namely the continuous need for input information (websites, documents).
As future work, we will continue to test the chatbot, retrieving feedback from users and continuously tuning the chatbot’s performance. Furthermore, we will also continuously upgrade the input information.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, P.F.O. and P.M.; methodology, P.F.O.; software, P.M.; validation, P.F.O. and P.M.; formal analysis, P.M.; investigation, P.F.O.; resources, P.M.; data curation, P.F.O.; writing—original draft preparation, P.F.O.; writing—review and editing, P.M.; visualization, P.F.O.; supervision, P.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CeDRI (UIDB/05757/2020 and UIDP/05757/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.


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Figure 1. Chatbot—system architecture.
Figure 1. Chatbot—system architecture.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Oliveira, P.F.; Matos, P. Introducing a Chatbot to the Web Portal of a Higher Education Institution to Enhance Student Interaction. Eng. Proc. 2023, 56, 128.

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Oliveira PF, Matos P. Introducing a Chatbot to the Web Portal of a Higher Education Institution to Enhance Student Interaction. Engineering Proceedings. 2023; 56(1):128.

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Oliveira, Pedro Filipe, and Paulo Matos. 2023. "Introducing a Chatbot to the Web Portal of a Higher Education Institution to Enhance Student Interaction" Engineering Proceedings 56, no. 1: 128.

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