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Proceeding Paper

Analysis of Variables Affecting Reference Block Equivalency Process Using Ndt Ultrasonic Method †

Department of Industrial Technology, Vocational School, Diponegoro University, Prof. H. Soedarto Str., 13, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Central Java, Indonesia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Presented at the 8th Mechanical Engineering, Science and Technology International Conference, Padang Besar, Perlis, Malaysia, 11–12 December 2024.
Eng. Proc. 2025, 84(1), 32;
Published: 6 February 2025


Non-destructive testing (NDT) aims to assess components without compromising their functionality by identifying internal defects. Ultrasonic testing, a key NDT method, uses sound waves (0.5–20 MHz) to detect imperfections and requires tool calibration with reference blocks for accuracy. This study focuses on ultrasonic techniques and the equivalence of tool calibration and parameter adjustments. It involves selecting a reference block for testing and comparing it to a standard reference. The ultrasonic instrument checks if the alternate block produces a signal equivalent to the standard. Results showed a full screen length (FSL) difference, highlighting factors affecting reference block equivalence.

1. Introduction

In industry, ensuring the quality and integrity of materials is key to safety and performance. One important method to achieve this is non-destructive testing (NDT), which allows the evaluation of materials without damaging the structure under test. NDT is used to detect, locate, and evaluate defects and imperfections in materials to assess the integrity, properties, and geometry characteristics of those materials [1,2,3].
Ultrasonic testing is one of the most effective NDT methods, particularly in detecting internal defects and measuring material thickness. This method utilizes ultrasonic waves to identify the internal structure and size of defects such as cracks or corrosion. The accuracy of ultrasonic testing depends largely on the calibration of the device used. This calibration often involves the use of a standards-compliant reference block, such as those set out in British Standards 3683-4. Reference blocks are pieces of material with a specific composition, heat treatment, geometry shape, and surface texture that are used to calibrate and verify test parameters [4]. The principle of reference block equivalence is important to ensure that test results with alternative blocks can be compared and interpreted consistently with the applicable standard. This equivalence guarantees that test results remain valid and accountable.
The aim of this research is to explore the basic principles of NDT with a focus on ultrasonic testing and assess the quality and accuracy of testing using alternate blocks as alternative calibrators. In addition, this research will outline how the reference block equivalence process affects test results and the steps that can be taken to ensure that alternate blocks can be used as calibrators that comply with applicable standards.

2. Ultrasonic Methods

In non-destructive testing, commonly referred to as non-destructive test, the ultrasonic testing method uses a mechanical wave (sound) test medium that has a frequency of 0.5–25 MHz to test the material without damaging the material. Ultrasonic inspection can be used to measure material thickness, detect the internal structure of the material, the type of material, and can detect possible defects in the material, such as the location and size of cracks, corrosion, and others. Pulse echo ultrasonic devices produce an electric pulse that causes the piezoelectric crystals inside the transducer to expand and contract, forming mechanical vibrations (sound waves). Then the sound waves will be emitted by the transducer and spread through the material in the form of a signal. The resulting signal will be reflected back to the transducer from the back surface of the material or discontinuity. The sound reflected back to the transducer is converted back into an electric pulse that is amplified and displayed on a cathode ray tube (CRT) [5,6,7].
From Figure 1, it can be observed that in ultrasonic testing, the term A-Scan is known, which is a display on a CRT tube where on the screen, there are two axes, namely X and Y, where X is a representation of the signal travel distance (in units: mm) and Y is a representation of the ultrasonic energy intensity or amplitude (in units: decibels, dB) [8].

3. Piezoelectric Transducer

Ultrasonic vibration energy comes from something called a “transducer”. In order to create ultrasonic waves, inside the transducer is a thin disk made of piezoelectric crystals. Piezoelectric crystals can convert electrical signals into mechanical vibrations that will be emitted into the material and reflected back to the transducer. The reflected mechanical vibration will connect with the piezoelectric crystal and then produce an electric current. Therefore, the transducer can send and receive energy (Figure 2) [9].
A small-diameter, high-frequency transducer is excellent for tracking discontinuities of small size (Figure 3a). The larger the transducer, the more sound energy will be emitted into the test specimen. Large diameters and low frequencies are often used to locate discontinuities at deep penetration. Transducer frequency is an important factor because the higher the frequency of the transducer, the smaller the spread of sound energy and the greater the resolution and sensitivity.
If the frequency is lower (Figure 3b), the penetration of sound energy will be deeper because there will be less scattering. The thickness of the crystal will also affect the frequency of the transducer. If the frequency is higher, the crystal will be thinner [3].

Pulse Echo

The principle of this method is to utilize the reflection of waves originating from defects in the material or the surface behind the material. In this test, pulse echo contact testing is used. In this method, the transducer is attached directly to the surface of the material. To eliminate air between the surface of the material and the transducer, a couplant must be provided between the two materials. This method can use a single transducer or twin transducers. Information about the presence and location of defects in the material is displayed by the amplitude of the reflected signal and the time of the reflected signal received by the transducer [10].

4. Calibration Methods

The calibration process must be carried out every time you use an ultrasonic test tool, either with a normal probe or an angle probe. This calibration process aims to adjust or verify that the inspection tool used can provide accurate results in determining the condition of the material being tested based on document standards [11]. In ultrasonic tests, there must be several stages. First, the electronic device must be calibrated to ensure that the device works as it should. In ultrasonic testing, a reference standard block is needed. Reference standards blocks are used to establish a common level of measurement consistency and to help interpret and calculate the information contained in the received signal. The second requirement is the major limitation of most reference standard samples. Most uses of drilled holes and notches do not come close to the actual defect picture. In most cases, the artificial defects in the reference standards block better reflect the sound energy (because the reference standards block is flatter and has a smoother surface) and produce a wider indication compared to the size of the defect [8].

5. Methodology

This chapter describes the methodology used in research on the alternate block equivalence process. This research begins with the data collection of reference blocks contained in the Non-Destructive Test Manual (NTM), then the sorting of reference block data that will be used as recommended blocks and reference blocks that will be used as alternate blocks. The next step is to analyze the reference block material specifications that will be used as an alternate block based on the reference block standard document used as a reference. If the alternate block meets the equivalence requirements based on what has been stated in the standard document, the next process is to carry out the equivalence process by testing using an ultrasonic instrument. This process is carried out to see whether the selected alternate block can produce the signal obtained by the recommended block based on the standard document or not. If the alternate block can meet the requirements based on document analysis and testing using instruments, then the next step is to compare the equivalence results that have been obtained at the instrument testing stage with the signal shown in the standard document. After that, the next step is to analyze what variables affect the equivalence results that have been obtained. If the difference in signal results obtained is still within the tolerance limits mentioned in the standard document, then the alternate block can be used as an alternative calibrator before testing the test object directly. There are two types of reference blocks used in the equivalence process, namely recommended blocks, which are used as references in the equivalence process, and alternate reference blocks, which act as replacement blocks to achieve the same or equivalent results as the results obtained by the recommended block.

6. Recommended Block

In the recommended block standard document, it explains regarding the equipment settings used and the signal results obtained during the calibration process using the recommended block. In Figure 4, we can see the design of the recommended block, which will be used as a reference for the test sample.
Recommended block specifications:
  • Material type: aluminum 2024;
  • Size dimension (Table 1).
  • Surface Coating:
    • Protective finish;
    • Primer;
    • White top coat.
  • Allowable size tolerance ±0.2 mm.
In the recommended block, the calibration process is carried out using an ultrasonic instrument with the following equipment settings (Table 2).

7. Alternate Block

The alternate blocks used in this study are reference block DEF (Figure 5) and reference block XYZ (Figure 6) to obtain results that are equivalent to reference block ABC. The selection of reference block P/N (part number) is considered because the requirements in the reference block equivalence process, such as size, shape, defect dimensions, surface coating on the reference block, and basic material type used, are the same or close.

7.1. Reference Block DEF

Recommended block specifications:
  • Material type: aluminum 2024;
  • Size dimension (Table 3).
  • Surface coating:
    • Protective finish;
    • Primer.
In the alternate block DEF, the calibration process is carried out using an ultrasonic instrument with the following equipment settings (Table 4).

7.2. Reference Block XYZ

Recommended block specifications:
  • Material type: aluminum 2024;
  • Size dimension (Table 5).
  • Surface Coating:
    • Protective finish;
    • Primer.
At alternate block XYZ, the calibration process is carried out using an ultrasonic instrument with the following equipment settings (Table 6).

8. Characteristics of 2024 Series Aluminum

The material used in the recommended block and alternate block is aluminum 2024 with the following chemical mixture (Table 7) [12].
The table below presents the properties of 2024 aluminum in International System (SI) units, which contain material characteristics from physical, mechanical, thermal, to electrical properties (Table 8).

9. Methods for Testing and Collecting Data

The initial stage of this final project is the selection of reference blocks that will be equivalent and the selection of calibration blocks or reference blocks that will be used to perform the equivalence. To achieve accurate equivalence, there are several conditions that must be met, including the type of material and thickness of the calibration block must match the test specimen exactly to ensure reliable measurements. The acoustic properties of the material must be the same or close because it can affect the smoothness of ultrasound waves. Differences in material properties or thickness can affect the behavior of ultrasonic waves and velocity, causing discrepancies in measurements. Once these conditions have been met, the next step is to test the selected calibration block or reference block.


  • Preparation Equipment and Material:
    • Ultrasonic equipment;
    • Search unit (probe angle);
    • Cable;
    • Reference block;
    • Couplant.
  • Instrument Adjustment:
    • Connect the search unit 60° Al, 5 MHz to the ultrasonic equipment.
    • Set the data given in Table 9 on the ultrasonic equipment.
    • Use reference block.
    • Apply couplant in the surface reference block to be inspected.
    • Couple the search unit 60° Al, 5 MHz in line with the fastener hole.
    • Adjust the position of the search unit to get a maximum reflection from the hole on the time base.
    • Move the search unit to be in line with the possible crack.
    • Adjust the position of the search unit to get a maximum reflection from the slot on the time base.
    • Adjust the ultrasonic equipment gain control to get a full screen height signal on the time base.
    • Remove the couplant and clean the reference block surface.
Perform the above 10 steps according to the number of ladder blocks or artificial defects in the reference block.

10. Result and Discussion

Table 10 shows the results of the equivalence comparison analysis between the recommended block and the alternate block.
From the data table above, it is found that there are differences in signal travel distance (FSL) and amplitude (FSH) between recommended block and alternate block. The difference in signal travel distance represented by FSL is influenced by the difference in hole diameter dimensions between recommended block and alternate block, while the difference in amplitude represented by FSH is influenced by the difference in the number of surface layers between recommended block and alternate block.
The difference in FSH occurs because the number of layers or layer thickness of the alternate block is greater than the recommended block. This is due to the strengthening of the peak amplitude at the same frequency. This strengthening occurs due to constructive interference or the meeting of two opposing waves between the wave coming out of the probe and the reflected wave due to the thickness of the coating on the different tests that converge and make waves with higher intensity [13].
Although there are differences in FSL and FSH between the recommended block and alternate block, these differences are still within the tolerance limits set by the recommended block standard document. The dimensions and characteristics of the alternate block still conform to the accepted specifications, which ensures that the alternate block can be effectively used for calibration without compromising the accuracy of the test results. Therefore, this discrepancy is approved, and the alternate block is acceptable as a valid replacement in accordance with the applicable standard.

11. Conclusions

Based on the results of the reference block equivalence analysis that has been carried out, the following conclusions can be drawn.
  • There are differences in specifications owned by alternate blocks but still within the tolerance limits written in the recommended block standard document, namely ±0.2 mm. The material used in the recommended block is aluminum 2024 with thickness dimensions at hole 1 = 2.0 mm, hole 2 = 4.0 mm, and hole 3 = 5.4 mm and has a hole diameter at hole 1 = 4.8 mm, hole 2 = 4.8 mm, and hole 3 = 4.8 mm with the number of surface layers on the reference block being as many as three layers, namely protective finish, primer, and white top coat. The specifications of the alternate block include that the material used is aluminum 2024 with thickness dimensions at hole 1 = 2.13 mm, hole 2 = 4.19 mm, and hole 3 = 5.25 and has a hole diameter at hole 1 = 4.89 mm, hole 2 = 4.8 mm, and hole 3 = 5.00 mm with the number of surface layers on the reference block being as many as two layers, namely protective finish and primer.
  • There is an insignificant difference in signal results between the alternate block and the standard recommended block document. In the standard recommended block document, there is a hole signal on hole 1 with an x-axis value = 3.2 mm, y-axis = 100%; hole 2 with an x-axis value = 3.2 mm, y-axis = 100%; and hole 3 with an x-axis value = 3.6 mm, y-axis = 100%, and a crack signal on hole 1 with an x-axis value = 3.6 mm, y-axis = 100%; hole 2 with an x-axis value = 3.6 mm, y-axis = 100%; and hole 3 with an x-axis value = 4.00 mm, y-axis = 100%. When testing alternate blocks using an ultrasonic instrument, the results of the hole signal on hole 1 with an x-axis value = 3.2 mm, y-axis = 110%; hole 2 with an x-axis value = 3.2 mm, y-axis = 105%; and hole 3 with an x-axis value = 3.4 mm, y-axis = 105%, and obtained crack signals on hole 1 with an x-axis value = 3.8 mm, y-axis = 110%; hole 2 with an x-axis value = 3.6 mm, y-axis = 103%; and hole 3 with an x-axis value = 4.00 mm, y-axis = 106%.
  • The test results show that there are several variables that affect reference block equivalence testing, including:
    • Material type;
    • Size dimensions (thickness dan hole diameter);
    • Surface coating.

Author Contributions

R.N.M. and G.M. conceived of the presented idea and carried out the experiment. A.F.H.M. verified the analytical methods and supervised the project. W.M. and S. helped supervise the project. All authors discussed the results and contributed to the final manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

No new data were created in this study. Data sharing is not applicable to this article.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Display device.
Figure 1. Display device.
Engproc 84 00032 g001
Figure 2. Principle of transducer operation.
Figure 2. Principle of transducer operation.
Engproc 84 00032 g002
Figure 3. Differences in transducer frequency: (a) high-frequency transducer; (b) low-frequency transducer.
Figure 3. Differences in transducer frequency: (a) high-frequency transducer; (b) low-frequency transducer.
Engproc 84 00032 g003
Figure 4. Recommended block ABC.
Figure 4. Recommended block ABC.
Engproc 84 00032 g004
Figure 5. Alternate block DEF.
Figure 5. Alternate block DEF.
Engproc 84 00032 g005
Figure 6. Alternate block XYZ.
Figure 6. Alternate block XYZ.
Engproc 84 00032 g006
Table 1. Recommended block ABC size dimensions.
Table 1. Recommended block ABC size dimensions.
ThicknessHole 1:2 mm
Hole 2:4 mm
Hole 3:5.4 mm
Hole DiameterHole 1:4.8 mm
Hole 2:4.8 mm
Hole 3:4.8 mm
Table 2. Settings of equipment for the recommended block.
Table 2. Settings of equipment for the recommended block.
Frekuensi3–10 MHz
Range50 mm (1.97 in)
MLT Velocity3230 m/s (0.127 in/µs)
Rectification ModeFullwave
Table 3. Alternate block DEF size dimensions.
Table 3. Alternate block DEF size dimensions.
ThicknessHole 1:2.13 mm
Hole 2:4.19 mm
Hole DiameterHole 1:4.89 mm
Hole 2:4.8 mm
Table 4. Settings of equipment for alternate block DEF.
Table 4. Settings of equipment for alternate block DEF.
Frequency5 MHz
RangeHole 1 = 59 mm
Hole 2 = 50 mm
Delay0 µs
ZeroHole 1 = 6.400 µs
Hole 2 = 6.800 µs
MLT Velocity3230 m/s
Rectification ModeFullwave
Probe60°, 5 MHz, Al
Table 5. Alternate block XYZ size dimensions.
Table 5. Alternate block XYZ size dimensions.
ThicknessHole 3:5.25 mm
Hole DiameterHole 3:5.00 mm
Table 6. Setting equipment for alternate block XYZ.
Table 6. Setting equipment for alternate block XYZ.
Frequency5 MHz
RangeHole 3 = 62 mm
Delay0 µs
ZeroHole 1 = 6.200 µs
MLT Velocity3230 m/s
Rectification ModeFullwave
Probe60°, 5 MHz, Al
Table 7. Chemical composition of aluminum 2024 according to ASTM B221-21 data.
Table 7. Chemical composition of aluminum 2024 according to ASTM B221-21 data.
Chemical Composition
Aluminium (Al)90.7%94.7%
Chromium (Cr)-0.1%
Copper (Cu)38%4.9%
Iron (Fe)-0.5%
Magnesium (Mg)1.2%1.8%
Manganese (Mn)0.3%0.9%
Silicon (Si)-0.5%
Titanium (Ti)-0.15%
Zinc (Zn)-0.25%
Table 8. Aluminum 2024 properties.
Table 8. Aluminum 2024 properties.
Physical PropertiesMetric
Density2780 kg/m2
Mechanical propertiesMetric
Tensile strength400–470 MPa
Yield strength240–300 MPa
Young’s modulus (E)73 Gpa
Shear modulus (G)28 GPa
Elongation at break10–20%
Poisson’s ratio (v)0.33
Brinell hardness120–140 HB
Thermal propertiesMetric
Melting point500–640 °C
Thermal conductivity121–200 W/m·K
Specific heat capacity ( C p ) 880 J/kg·K
Coefficient of thermal expansion ( a 1 ) 2.31 × 10 5 1/°C
Electrical propertiesMetric
Electrical conductivity1.74 × 10⁷ S/m
Electrical resistivity3.5 × 10 8 Ω·m
Table 9. Setting equipment.
Table 9. Setting equipment.
MLT Velocity
Rectification Mode
Table 10. Comparison result of the recommended block and alternate block equivalence.
Table 10. Comparison result of the recommended block and alternate block equivalence.
Recommended BlockAlternate BlockSize Tolerance Limit
Hole 1Hole 2Hole 3Hole 1Hole 2Hole 3
Thickness2 mm2 mm5.4 mm2.13 mm2.13 mm5.25 mm±0.2 mm
Hole Diameter4.8 mm4.8 mm4.8 mm4.89 mm4.89 mm5.00 mm±0.2 mm
Surface Coating3 Coating3 Coating3 Coating2 Coating2 Coating2 Coating
X-Axis Hole Signal (Travel Distance)—FSL3.
Y-Axis Hole Signal (Amplitude)—FSH100%100%100%110%105%105%
X-Axis Slot Signal (Travel Distance)—FSL3.
Y-Axis Slot Signal (Amplitude)—FSH100%100%100%110%103%106%
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MDPI and ACS Style

Maharani, R.N.; Mukhmad, A.F.H.; Mangestiyono, W.; Sutrisno; Maulana, G. Analysis of Variables Affecting Reference Block Equivalency Process Using Ndt Ultrasonic Method. Eng. Proc. 2025, 84, 32.

AMA Style

Maharani RN, Mukhmad AFH, Mangestiyono W, Sutrisno, Maulana G. Analysis of Variables Affecting Reference Block Equivalency Process Using Ndt Ultrasonic Method. Engineering Proceedings. 2025; 84(1):32.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Maharani, Rizka Natasya, Alaya Fadllu Hadi Mukhmad, Wiji Mangestiyono, Sutrisno, and Ghifar Maulana. 2025. "Analysis of Variables Affecting Reference Block Equivalency Process Using Ndt Ultrasonic Method" Engineering Proceedings 84, no. 1: 32.

APA Style

Maharani, R. N., Mukhmad, A. F. H., Mangestiyono, W., Sutrisno, & Maulana, G. (2025). Analysis of Variables Affecting Reference Block Equivalency Process Using Ndt Ultrasonic Method. Engineering Proceedings, 84(1), 32.

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