The Smallest “Miner” of the Animal Kingdom and Its Importance for Raw Materials Exploitation
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Importance of Ants for Human Society
1.2. Processes That Simulate Mining in Ant Colony Operation
- The main objective of ants is food concentration, whereas, in mining, it can be paralleled with ore concentration.
- The ant nest can be correlated with the mine site.
- For foraging, some ants have the role of scouts and can be paralleled with exploration (geophysical, drilling) for finding deposits, where instead of foraging, the aim is to find exploitable concentrations of minerals.
- The carriers transferring the food to the nest can be associated with trucks transporting the mined material from the mine to the deposit position. It should be noted that transport follows the opposite path in mining operations than ants’ movement from the operation (nest) to the deposition site (food source), as the goal of ants is storage, while in mining operations, it is extraction. Further, in large-scale mining, the fleet of trucks resembles the swarm of ants as they march from and to the nest.
- The workers who excavate and maintain the nest are associated with the drilling, excavation, and support operations of underground and subterranean mining. Therefore, excavators and drillers can be associated with ant workers.
- The guards responsible for protecting the nest can be associated with the mine safety engineers who are responsible for ensuring that all safety rules for the proper operation of the mine are followed.
- Winged ants looking for new places to establish new colonies can be associated with drones and the use of aerial photography to detect new mine sites.
- The queen that in ants creates the entire colony can be related to the rules that govern the operation of exploitations in each state. In Greece, these rules are defined by the Regulations for Mining and Quarrying Operations.
2. Materials and Methods
3. Surface Exploitations
3.1. The Myth of Gold-Digging Ants
3.2. Mine Rehabilitation
- Yeo et al.’s [40] study of mining restoration on Mount Nimba, Guinea, showed that ant populations and species are more affected by the restoration area than vegetation in protected areas without mining.
- The research by Ribas et al. [41] used different ant species as bioindicators to examine the restoration of gold mining tailings from three different mines in Nova Lima, southeastern Brazil and determine the most appropriate restoration method.
- Andersen’s [42] work examines uranium reclamation sites in Australia. It shows that the location of the mine in the natural environment where the ants in question thrive plays a role in ant prevalence.
- Ottonetti et al. [43] suggested suitable ant species for biomarkers in restored Mediterranean mines.
- The same technique was used by Fernandes et al. [44] to study the evolution of bauxite mine reclamation in the Amazon.
- The study of Khazin et al. [45] uses two inhabitant species of ants as bioindicators: Cataglyphis longipedem and Camponotus compressus are used for heavy metal content in soils due to mining two coal sites. The first species increased, while the second decreased with increasing soil pollution.
- Buchori et al. [46] used the diversity of insects (including ants) in post-mining areas to examine their role as bioindicators. This study was conducted in a coal mine in Berau Coal in Binungan, East Kalimantan.
- Dvořáčková et al. [47] use ants as bioindicators to compare the success of rehabilitation in different regimes in the Czech Republic.
3.3. Surface Mining Geometry and Hauling
4. Underground Excavations
4.1. Stability
4.2. Excavation
- (A)
- Pulling mode, in which the ants grab the material, with the amount being proportional to the size of the grain and the size of the claw, and then they remove it from the gallery.
- (B)
- Formation mode, in which ants shape the material’s grain before removing it with a series of movements. Efficiency in material extraction and flexibility of movement has attracted the interest of mining equipment manufacturers in designing equipment to mimic the ant’s claw geometry, as in the claws and excavation machinery in shafts and high gradient adits.
- Bucket excavators, in which special claws on the bucket help cut and load loose soil formations. As exemplified by cable excavators, these machines have taken on giant proportions in surface explorations.
- Roadheaders, in which two types of machines are used: the transverse and axial types. These machines have been developed in recent years to excavate in hard formations.
- Mining Tunnel Boring Machine.
- Bucket-wheel excavator, whose primary function is continuous digging in large-scale open pit mining.
- Continuous miners consist of five parts: (a) central body, (b) cutting head, (c) loading mechanism, (d) a conveying system, and (e) rear jib section used for excavating soft materials such as coal.
4.3. Ventilation
4.4. Water Drainage
4.5. Conclusive Remarks
5. Ant Colony Algorithms
- Pheromone model.
- Heuristic variables , are usually inversely proportional to the distance from point to .
- Ant-routing table, s.
- Stochastic decision policy and selecting the objective function, f.
- Restriction regarding pheromones, .
- Scheduling of the ants.
- Restarting the algorithm after stagnation.
- Optional components, local search.
InitializePheromoneValues( while (terminate conditions not met) do for do ConstructSolution( if ( is valid) then LocalSearch() {optional} if ( or ) then end if end if end for end while Output: |
- Ant system.
- Elitist ant system.
- Max–min ant system.
- Rank-based ant system.
- In the programming and operation of robotic systems, Song et al. [92].
- Another use of the method is the optimum operation of a pump for water distillation in a coal mine that, instead of running at maximum operation, alternates between valleys and peaks [95], significantly reducing costs.
- The optimization of the loading–transport cycle by selecting the most suitable loading location concerning the traffic congestion at the loading and unloading locations [96] is an alternative methodology to that of the queuing theory.
- In their research, Wan and Du [97] use MATLAB to apply a new objective evaluation method to test whether constructing ecological mining sites at the Pingmei Shenma coal mine in China can help develop the economy, society, and the environment.
- Feng et al. [98], in their research, have used an enhanced ant colony algorithm to improve the tracking accuracy of a hydraulic system of a robotic mining excavator.
6. Hauling Evolution in Mining
- First, the largest two-axle dump truck with a nominal payload of 450 metric tonnes.
- Second, the largest body of the dump truck with a volume of 645.4 cubic meters.
7. Discussion
8. Conclusions
- The development of artificial intelligence allows the ant paradigm to be involved in the design of robotic systems, which will efficiently automate the exploitation process, reducing its environmental footprint. This technology will also help mining in conditions that are difficult for humans, such as the exploitation of underground deposits, especially at great depths, and possible mining in space in the future.
- Ants also have more direct positive effects on mining, such as their use as bioindicators to monitor the impact of mining on the environment.
- They are also used in many cases to locate alluvial gold, as during nest building they have been observed to carry the underground gold to the anthill, revealing a possible underground deposit. This practice has been mentioned in the ancient writings of Herodotus and his gold-digging ant.
- The technique of creating a mold of ant nests, apart from its visual uses, has helped to create 3D models of the tunnel network and can be used for modelling stability, ventilation, and other parameters critical for mining. In addition, we suggest that the nests can be a first-class analogue experimental setup for determining the actual behavior of geomaterials. Nowadays, numerical models are a powerful simulation tool. However, it is challenging to create 3D models that fully reproduce the physical response as they are based on many assumptions. Although the nests are mainly located in the first soil layers with different mechanical behavior from the humans’ underground excavations, studying ant-nest structures can help improve numerical models.
- The functioning of a colony and how pheromone signals from ants are used to self-organize the “exploration” and transportation of food has been adopted from the mining industry with the ant colony algorithms. Many studies have used these algorithms to improve mining production and hauling processes.
- Despite their small size, ants are pretty efficient miners due to the large number of colony members and their cooperation. There are studies on replacing the “large to small” in size and “few to many” in number mining fleet to meet the needs dictated by the post-coal era.
- Today’s mining technology is focused on the transition to electrification and the creation of autonomous systems. At the same time, research has been concentrated on creating collaborative robotic systems that will, in the future, replace current technologies, enabling the expansion of operations into more challenging environments.
- This work shows that the existing mining technology has many similarities with the ant’s body and has already helped the mining industry in the past years. Furthermore, in the future, the connection that ant colony members have with each other will help to design more efficient autonomous systems.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Xiroudakis, G.; Saratsis, G.; Manoutsoglou, E. The Smallest “Miner” of the Animal Kingdom and Its Importance for Raw Materials Exploitation. Mining 2024, 4, 260-283.
Xiroudakis G, Saratsis G, Manoutsoglou E. The Smallest “Miner” of the Animal Kingdom and Its Importance for Raw Materials Exploitation. Mining. 2024; 4(2):260-283.
Chicago/Turabian StyleXiroudakis, George, George Saratsis, and Emmanouil Manoutsoglou. 2024. "The Smallest “Miner” of the Animal Kingdom and Its Importance for Raw Materials Exploitation" Mining 4, no. 2: 260-283.
APA StyleXiroudakis, G., Saratsis, G., & Manoutsoglou, E. (2024). The Smallest “Miner” of the Animal Kingdom and Its Importance for Raw Materials Exploitation. Mining, 4(2), 260-283.