A Novel Capacitive Model of Radiators for Building Dynamic Simulations
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Research Method
2.2. Radiator Model
- Constant fluid properties: fluid properties like specific heat (Cp) and density (ρ) are assumed constant, ignoring their temperature dependence.
- Local Thermal Equilibrium: no significant delays in heat transfer between the fluid and the radiator.
- Neglect of gravitational and kinetic terms: the influence of gravity (buoyancy effects) and kinetic energy changes in the water flow (due to speed variations) are not included in the calculations.
- Steady-state assumption for heat transfer: The heat transfer coefficients (hi and he) and thermal conductivity (k) are constant over time.
- Constant ambient conditions: Room temperature is fixed at 20 °C.
- Enthalpy flow rate: This is the enthalpy of the water flow throughout the radiator:
- 2.
- Heat transfer from water to radiator: This is the heat transfer rate from the water node, assumed as the average between the inlet and outlet, and the radiator node:
- 3.
- Heat transfer from radiator to room: This term represents the heat transferred from the radiator to the thermal zone:
3. Results
3.1. Transient Heat Transfer Rate
3.2. Sensitivity Analysis
3.3. Model Validation
3.4. Comparison with TRNSYS Simulation Model
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
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- The capacitive model reveals a distinct transient phase in which the heat transfer from the water to the radiator and from the radiator to the environment is gradual. This results in smoother temperature profiles in both the water outlet and the room air, reflecting a more realistic thermal response.
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- Sensitivity analyses underscore that the radiator performance is strongly influenced by the surface area, inlet water temperature, and water flow rate. These parameters critically determine the efficiency of heat exchange and the subsequent energy demand of the heating system.
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- The discrepancies observed between the capacitive and non-capacitive models indicate that conventional simulation tools may oversimplify the transient dynamics of radiators. By integrating the capacitive effects, the enhanced model offers improved accuracy in estimating heating consumption and assessing the impact of retrofit strategies on energy efficiency.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Variable | Name | Value | Unit |
hi | Internal heat transfer coefficient | 1500 [36] | W/m2K |
k | Aluminum thermal conductivity | 236 [36] | W/mK |
he | External heat transfer coefficient | 15 [36] | W/m2K |
U | Overall heat transfer coefficient | 14.78 | W/m2K |
Cp | Aluminum-specific heat capacity | 0.896 [36] | kJ/kgK |
ρ | Aluminum density | 2700 | kg/m3 |
A | Surface area | 1.50 | m2 |
Mr | Radiator mass (empty) | 15 | kg |
Tw,in | Inlet temperature | 80 | °C |
ṁw | Flow rate | 342 | kg/h |
L | Length | 0.88 | m |
ρw | Density of water | 1000 | kg/m3 |
Cp,w | Specific heat capacity of water | 4.19 | kJ/kgK |
Mw | Mass of water | 5 | kg |
Ta | Ambient temperature | 15 | °C |
tend | Total simulation time | 500 | s |
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Calise, F.; Cappiello, F.L.; Cimmino, L.; Dentice d’Accadia, M.; Vicidomini, M. A Novel Capacitive Model of Radiators for Building Dynamic Simulations. Thermo 2025, 5, 9. https://doi.org/10.3390/thermo5010009
Calise F, Cappiello FL, Cimmino L, Dentice d’Accadia M, Vicidomini M. A Novel Capacitive Model of Radiators for Building Dynamic Simulations. Thermo. 2025; 5(1):9. https://doi.org/10.3390/thermo5010009
Chicago/Turabian StyleCalise, Francesco, Francesco Liberato Cappiello, Luca Cimmino, Massimo Dentice d’Accadia, and Maria Vicidomini. 2025. "A Novel Capacitive Model of Radiators for Building Dynamic Simulations" Thermo 5, no. 1: 9. https://doi.org/10.3390/thermo5010009
APA StyleCalise, F., Cappiello, F. L., Cimmino, L., Dentice d’Accadia, M., & Vicidomini, M. (2025). A Novel Capacitive Model of Radiators for Building Dynamic Simulations. Thermo, 5(1), 9. https://doi.org/10.3390/thermo5010009