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The Perspectives of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy on Transition to Adult’s Health Care and Rehabilitation

Graduate School and Research, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, 00560 Helsinki, Finland
Futureproof Health and Wellbeing Innovation Hub, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, 00920 Helsinki, Finland
Master School, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, 70210 Kuopio, Finland
Department of Child Neurology, Päijät-Häme Central Hospital, 15850 Lahti, Finland
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Disabilities 2025, 5(1), 12;
Submission received: 21 October 2024 / Revised: 9 December 2024 / Accepted: 21 January 2025 / Published: 24 January 2025


The purpose of this study was to describe the perspectives of young adults with cerebral palsy on participating in the transition process when transitioning from children’s health care to adults’ health care and rehabilitation. A phenomenographic approach with data collected with semi-structured interviews was used. Fourteen young adults aged 19–26 with cerebral palsy participated. The analysis resulted in four categories: (1) need for comprehensive and participatory rehabilitation; (2) barriers in the rehabilitation system; (3) self-awareness, courage and activity are rewarded; and (4) a dream of an active role in society. To conclude, the young adults had both positive and negative experiences of the transition process as well as of the rehabilitation planning at the adult health care service. It is important to start the transition planning early, and to involve the young adult as an active participant in the planning process. Both in the transition phase and in the adult health care service an anticipatory and collaborative approach where the young adult’s holistic needs would be considered should be standard practice. A focus is needed on how to grow towards a good adulthood and how to live a meaningful life as a valued member of society.

1. Introduction

Cerebral palsy (CP) affects people’s ability to function at all stages of their lives and, therefore, they may need support, treatment and rehabilitation throughout their life span [1]. Transitioning from pediatric to adult health care has been defined as a purposeful, planned and goal-directed movement [2], involving an early-started individualized plan, interprofessional involvement, caregivers’ involvement and a responsible case coordinator [3,4]. Previous research, however, indicates challenges in transitioning to adult-oriented services for individuals with cerebral palsy, including uncoordinated transitions, inadequate or lack of information and support, poor communication and coordination among health care providers, and the limited involvement of young people and their family members in the planning process [5,6,7,8].
During the last decades, the challenges in transition have induced research as its own discipline [9,10], with models facilitating the transition to adult health care and guiding individuals and families through a gradual and timely transition process based on joint planning and individual- and family-centered principles [4,11,12]. For people with CP, long-term medical and social care as well as rehabilitation including education support and assistance are needed [13].
Rehabilitation is one key factor when it comes to ensuring function, participation and quality of life [14]. In Finland, laws and directives require a personal rehabilitation plan for getting the rehabilitation financed and started [15], with multidisciplinary public-sector teams involved for more complex cases [16,17]. Children with CP are regularly followed up in specialized medical care, where plans are made for further care and rehabilitation. At the ages of 16–18, young people transition to adult care and rehabilitation, where planning for rehabilitation and care takes place at health centers, which are part of the public sector. Rehabilitation services (such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy) can be financed to be provided by the private sector. Professionals, however, have expressed a deficiency in how the transition to adult care and rehabilitation occurs [18]. Transitioning to adulthood is an individual process of change [19]; thus, it is important to understand how participation in planning the future is implemented in practice from the young adults’ perspective. The aim of this study was to describe the perspectives of young adults with cerebral palsy on participating in the transition process when transitioning from children’s health care and rehabilitation to adults’ health care and rehabilitation.

2. Materials and Methods

To capture young peoples’ perspectives on participation when transiting from child to adult care and rehabilitation, the study design was qualitative with a phenomenographic approach [20]. Phenomenography assumes that phenomena can have different meanings for different people, so people’s perspectives are described, analyzed, interpreted and tried to be understood [20,21]. The study had ethical approval from the Social Insurance Institution Ethical Board (Kela). Standards for the Reporting Qualitative Research 21-item checklist [22] were followed.

2.1. Participants and Data Collection

The population consisted of adolescents and young adults aged 16–26 with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy (ICD-10, G80) from the Social Insurance Institution, Kela registry. Kela is the main financier of rehabilitation for individuals with severe disabilities, and its register consists of people who have been granted medical rehabilitation organized by Kela. The adolescents and young adults in this study had participated in a survey aimed to explore the person-centeredness in rehabilitation planning. The information letter for the survey included a request of willingness to take part in an interview on the experiences of transitioning from children’s health care to adult health care and rehabilitation. The inclusion criteria for participation were having experience of transitioning from child to adult rehabilitation and being able to communicate independently (with or without assistive devices) with someone unfamiliar (interviewer). Those who were willing to participate were asked to provide their contact details (email or phone number).
The first author (I.J.) contacted young adults who had indicated their willingness to participate in the interview (n = 21). Three of them replied that they no longer wished to participate and four did not reply to emails despite several attempts. Fourteen young adults participated in the interviews, with equal numbers of men and women. The mean age was 23.14 (ranged 19–26) and they were from different regions of the country. One participant had a mild intellectual disability, three had a mother and one had an assistant as an interpreter during the interview. All three used assistance due to communication difficulties (unclear speech). All other participants could communicate verbally, i.e., were effective senders or receivers, sometimes taking extra time. It was up to the individuals to decide on the place and time of the interview. Based on observations of the participant’s functioning, the interviewer (a physiotherapist with more than 20 years’ experience of working with individuals with cerebral palsy) assessed the Gross Motor Function Classification Scale [23] (Table 1).
Financially, most of the participants (13/14) had different social benefits: a disability allowance, housing allowance, study allowance or pension. Five of the participants had friends who they met either at home or outside the home. In addition, two said they keep in touch with friends through social media and eight mentioned family members as important social contacts. In general, family was an important part of everyday life for all.
Semi-structured individual interviews were used as data collection. All interviews took place in the young adults’ homes and lasted between 40 and 90 min. Before the interview, the young adults received a written information sheet about the interview, including general information about the questions to be asked during the interview. The interviews were held during a period of three months by the first author, who has more than 20 years of experience in rehabilitating people with cerebral palsy as well as experience in interviewing. The interview had the same process each time (Figure 1). The dialogue continued according to the answers obtained, with supplementary questions (Supplementary File S1). Interviewees were encouraged to talk about their perspectives through the interviewer’s prompts, including “can you tell me more about...” or “what do you mean...?”.
The interviewer tried to understand and interpret what the participant was saying in order to ask the right follow-up questions. After each interview, the interviewer took notes on the interview situation. The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed by a licensed transcriber not involved in the study. The transcription was, in total, 156 pages, consisting of 50,599 words (Calibri 11, line spacing 1.15.). The participants were given the opportunity to comment, add or correct what was discussed during their interview. Four young adults wanted to read their interviews. None of them commented on the transcribed interview.

2.2. Data Analysis

The seven steps for data analysis described by Sjöström and Dahlgren [21] were followed (Table 2). The primary analyses were conducted by the first author (IJ), confirmed by a member of the research team who is well experienced in qualitative analysis and thereafter reflected between all authors.
The categories demonstrate the perspectives of the analysis of the participants through a universal meaning and an outcome space [24], giving a holistic picture of how the different perspectives are related to each other.

3. Results

The results of the study crystallize into eleven condensed statements in relation to participating in rehabilitation planning in transitioning to adult health care. The statements were sorted into four categories describing young adults’ perspectives (Table 3): (1) need for comprehensive and participatory rehabilitation; (2) barriers in the rehabilitation system; (3) self-awareness, courage and activity are rewarded; and (4) a dream of an active role in society.

3.1. Need for Comprehensive and Participatory Rehabilitation

The interviewees had fond memories of their time in children’s rehabilitation services, and the rehabilitation planning process there. They were examined by an interprofessional team, i.e., several people reflected on their situation, which was seen as a whole. Instructions were also given to their own regional therapist. Most of the time, the staff were the same from one year to the next, and the child and young person had their “own team” with professionals who knew the young person, which in turn gave a sense of security.
When I was little, we used to go for check-ups regurlarly, and the therapists would look at everything and take care of things, (…), and they would always examine and evaluate. Nowadays I have no rehabilitation
They had had a possibility to be, at least, partly involved in the planning process, and felt that they had participated. In the adult health service, they usually met a physician but rarely the same one as the previous time, which meant that there was a lack of continuity between the times. They longed for an equal rehabilitation planning process in the adult health service as in the child service, with their own contact persons and “interprofessional team”.
Back then [in the children’s rehabilitation] I had the same doctor all the time and so on, so it was quite a change, so here [adult rehabilitation service] they change doctors every time and they don’t really know anything, or that’s how it feels sometimes....
During the rehabilitation planning visits at the adult health service, the young person was, at most, rarely examined. If the planning was conducted at the adult neurological outpatient ward at a specialized medical care hospital, there was sometimes a brief examination, but in the health care centers, the rehabilitation plan meeting was a short discussion session with a physician.
the planning visit was so short, that I didn’t even have time to tell the physician about my shoulder pain

3.2. Barriers in the Rehabilitation System

For the young adults, the transition from child rehabilitation to adult rehabilitation came as a surprise. Interviewees felt that they had not been sufficiently, if at all, guided through the transition. They experienced that neither they nor their parents had participated in the process; they had only been informed that the next follow-up would take place at the adult health care center.
Basically, what happened was that when I turned 16, and it was sort of the last one [rehab plan made at children’s service]. We weren’t really told about it, like, that it was happening. They just said that from now on, you’ll go, like, you’re not coming here anymore. And it was a bit confusing—we were kind of left wondering, and maybe still are a bit, about where I really belong. I feel like they could have handled the transition phase better.
For most, the transition had been realized by the age of 16. The young adults felt that the holistic knowledge about them and their situation that existed in pediatric rehabilitation was not transferred to adult rehabilitation (via documentation or other information). They felt that no professional or organization took their needs and overall situation into account during the transition.
Usually, their own regional physiotherapist could provide invaluable support, for example, by helping to contact the health care center for adult rehabilitation services. Parental support and help were valuable, although parents were rarely involved when the rehabilitation plan in the adult health care center was made.
They didn’t really say who I should contact next time. I remember it was a bit confusing—everyone was a little unsure about where to reach out. (…) Finally my physiotherapist helped me.
...the problem is always that no one really looks at the big picture, that all people look at their own little part of it.
The application process to get rehabilitation funded and access various social support resources is, according to the participants, bureaucratic and stressful to experience. They would have liked to have had their own official who could advise them on how to fill in the forms and who could answer or help them with questions about the rehabilitation system and the application system. Additionally, a lack of collaboration between organizations was highlighted as an obstacle to holistic rehabilitation planning. For example, some of the participants said that thanks to rehabilitation, they could go on with studies or live independently while managing everyday tasks. However, there was a lack of collaboration between rehabilitation and other organizations. They wished to have the opportunity to talk to a guidance counsellor to get advice and guidance on planning studies and careers. They felt that tutoring at school was not helpful, as the tutor could not give advice on adapted study paths, and therefore wished that there was a place where they could discuss options for the future with an interdisciplinary team of professionals from health and social care.
In vocational school, I encountered people (also staff) who clearly believed that you couldn’t study or get a job because you were in a wheelchair. They had this simplistic idea that being in a wheelchair meant you couldn’t work.
Some of the participants felt that they did not dare look for a job, they were afraid that no one would want to employ a disabled person and that slowness and other difficulties related to the disability would not be acceptable. Some had heard derogatory comments from teachers and tutors during their studies or from people on the street and in the workplace. These negative experiences affected their self-esteem and their courage to apply for jobs.

3.3. Self-Awareness, Courage and Activity Are Rewarded

The participants had different perspectives on participation in the rehabilitation planning in the adult health care service. Mainly they felt that they had a say. Sometimes the young adult dictated what they wanted or needed, and what they wanted the content to be in their written rehabilitation plan. If the written statement from their own regional therapist was available, it guided the rehabilitation plan. The young people’s own activities and interests increased the sense of participation. Those who could analyze their situation, express themselves and show interest in their own health felt that they were easily involved in the planning.
Yes, I am involved. That is because I am able to tell my situation so well, I can pretty much analyze what my physical or mental situation is.
But I have to say that I’ve been active, though sometimes I wonder about people who aren’t as active or aren’t able to be active themselves, or those who don’t have parents or other relatives to handle things for them (….) makes me wonder how those people manage.
The participants appreciated that the visits for rehabilitation planning in adult health care were fewer and shorter, since the plan was primarily updated every two or three years. A standout difference in comparison with child rehabilitation planning was the fact that in the adult health care center, there was no contact with anyone other than the physician, who often changed from one session to the next. They felt that they always had to explain their situation again and again and not many doctors knew about cerebral palsy and its problems. Some felt a kind of satisfaction at being able to “educate” doctors about cerebral palsy, while others were merely frustrated by the lack of knowledge and expertise.
….They were a little bit like that, like surprised, and to some of them I’ve sometimes, to the doctor, I had to explain... I have sometimes had to explain what a cerebral palsy disability is. It’s kind of annoying.

3.4. A Desire of an Active Role in Society

All participants had hopes and dreams for the future that emphasized the need to feel included in society. The young people wished that rehabilitation could continue, as that was a prerequisite for maintaining function and thus being able to be active and involved. They felt they needed rehabilitation to cope with everyday activities, but also to feel well in general.
I do believe that if I don’t have that rehabilitation (…), where I practice walk and my spatial awareness or similar activities, it definitely affects whether I can work, whether I can sit for eight hours, lift things off the floor, or even just take a shower on my own.
Using their own skills now and in the future and maintaining their ability to function were seen as important. Those who could walk hoped to maintain and further improve their walking ability. There was a constant fear that rehabilitation would be reduced or that the amount of rehabilitation granted would not be sufficient for the whole rehabilitation period. Some of the young adults raised the issue that if they had already had the opportunity to think about their future with the experts during their time in children’s rehabilitation, they might be in a better position to see what possibilities rehabilitation has to support future study and work opportunities.
I have physiotherapy, and that is good…. But now it’s a bit annoying, because they always reduce and reduce them [amount of physiotherapy per year], that each time they have reduced… it has an immediate impact on my ability to function [and be active in my everyday life].
Young adults’ lives during the transition process involved changes and dreams that included going to university, getting a job, having a family and the possibility to get a home of their own. They felt that they would benefit from peer support and guidance from people who were slightly older than they were, who had experience and insight into their ability to function and cope, and who could give advice and courage for the years ahead, as well as for life in general.
I hope to go to university one day.
I have dreams of having a family, normal dreams for a person of my age and if I could get a job that would be great
After graduation I’ll see what the work situation is like, if I just could use my own skills, and in a way be accepted as I am, in the work community as it is.

3.5. Summary of the Results

The perspectives of the young adults can be divided into a more negative experience and a more positive experience (Figure 2). The participants felt that the more active they were in the situation, the better they could influence how the rehabilitation was planned, and the stronger the feeling of participation in the process. A negative experience was the rehabilitation system, where there was a lack of cooperation and communication between the different agencies involved in rehabilitation in general and in connection with the transition to adult health care services in particular.
The need for a comprehensive and participatory rehabilitation is evident, where young adults would be active and involved in their own rehabilitation process, where they would have the opportunity to meet an interprofessional team and receive comprehensive assessment and both long and short-term planning. The young people would appreciate planning that would involve a broad perspective, considering rehabilitation, education, training and job opportunities. Planning that would provide opportunities to plan for active participation in society, which in turn would require a collaboration between different organizations and stakeholders.

4. Discussion

This study explored the perspectives of young adults with cerebral palsy on participating in planning their own rehabilitation when transitioning from children’s health care to adults’ health care. The young adults described not being properly involved in the planning of the transfer before and during the transition, and so the transition had come as a surprise. According to a previous study on practice in multidisciplinary rehabilitation teams, the transition phase in children’s rehabilitation started about a year before the actual transfer [18], but the results in our study indicate that the youngsters did not actively participate in the process.
It seems that standardized health care services might not answer the individual needs of adolescents with cerebral palsy in transition [25,26]. It is worth noting that at the time of transferring from child-specialized rehabilitation services to adult services, the young adult’s life includes several other demanding transfers. The transition from childhood to adulthood, encompassing the shift from elementary school to vocational studies or college, is both physically and emotionally demanding. This process might further be intensified by the move away from familiar family environments, with some individuals starting to live an independent life on their own. Additionally, with age might come both physical and mental fatigue, which further increases the burden [27]. In this study, we have focused on the transition to adult health care through the rehabilitation planning process, as the plan is a precondition for being granted rehabilitation and therefore also a reason for regular visits to the health care service. Additionally, rehabilitation should be goal oriented and focus on the individual’s everyday needs. Young people and young adults want to be able to function and participate in society, such as in school, studies, or work, which requires functioning and abilities that can be developed through rehabilitation.
In the adult health care service, the starting point is often that the young adult takes care of things themselves, as far as possible. This leaves many young adults to be the coordinator of their own rehabilitation. A prerequisite for young adults to take an active role is that they have been given the opportunity to be active and involved in their own planning from a young age, and that they have been given the information they need to be their own coordinator. If unprepared, there is a risk of getting lost in the process and the “new adultlike culture” [5]. There is also a need to consider individual resources and capabilities. Some of the young adults in the study complained that the visit to the doctor at the adult health care center was so short that there was no time for a thorough examination, while others expressed that it was positive that the visits were short and that they dictated to the doctor what they needed and wanted. It seems that the ability to express oneself and be aware of one’s needs and what a rehabilitation plan might contain is an advantage in adult services, which in turn can put young adults in an unequal situation. Similar results are shown in a resent systematic review showing that a higher level of motor functioning, education, activity and participation and parent involvement was linked to greater participation and independence in developing personal care plans [28]. Further, informants highlighted that there was not always sufficient knowledge about CP in adult health care centers. With age also comes a decline in function and an increased risk of chronic diseases [29,30], which makes it important that there should be enough time for an interprofessional holistic assessment and planning. In their systematic literature and meta-ethnographic review, Boyle et al. [31] found that young people need to learn about adulthood through adults and professionals, and that the key to empowerment is to be well informed.
Based on the results and in line with previous studies, professionals should be encouraged to become more skilled in identifying needs and informing young persons [31] as well as giving the young person a sense of control and meaning in life [32]. Young people should be coached in self-advocacy and take responsibility for their own rehabilitation process [5], but they do not seem to be sufficiently coached in these self-advocacy requirements [8,9,31]. It has been recommended that young people should be coached and supported in self-direction gradually over a long period of time, with responsibility slowly shifting from parents and professionals to young people [33]. Teaching self-management skills early helps children build the independence necessary for handling complex adult health care needs [34]. This process of self-direction is based on the fact that growing into adulthood is slow and that the brain’s eclectic functions are still developing after the age of 20 [35].
Based on the results, the young people had not received needed help from school or the employment office. If young people are faced with a poor service, it demands a lot of energy and motivation [36]. Some young adults had the perception that as disabled people, they were inferior to others and that workplaces are reluctant to hire them. Such a bump in self-esteem had come from professionals. The study results demonstrate the need for more know-how about CP and collaboration between organizations. In Finland, many NGOs provide peer support and activities for young people, and municipalities offer activities. But for young people to find suitable activities being offered, collaboration is required between social and health care services and community organizations.
The results show that from young adults’ perspectives, anticipatory and collaborative practices are highly needed in the transition phase. Difficulties in identifying the importance of transition have been identified as a major barrier to a successful transition [9]. Practices that promote young people’s agency and preparation for transition in collaboration with professionals and family members enhance the youngsters’ feelings of security, autonomy and capability [37,38]. Vänskä et al. [39] have called for a network of stakeholders based on the individual’s needs. For young people with CP, collaboration between various stakeholders in health care, rehabilitation, social services, education and employment could be an opportunity to meet the young person’s needs and plan for a future with active participation in society.
There were some limitations of this study. The participants informed their willingness to participate in the interview based on a request in a survey they had participated in previously. In qualitative research, it is common to select individuals or groups of individuals that are especially knowledgeable about or experienced with the phenomenon of interest [40]. This means that the participants in this study were not necessarily representative of those most appropriate to answer the research question. However, the participants were from different parts of the country, had a relatively wide age range and had different backgrounds. Even if there was heterogeneity in the level of motor involvement, they were all able to express themselves and they had experience of transitioning to adult health care and rehabilitation planning and could thus contribute to providing their perspective on the studied phenomenon. During the interviews, saturation was reached regarding the interviewees’ answers. An additional limitation was that only one researcher conducted the interviews; however, in addition to recording, notes were taken during the interview. The interviewer has extensive experience in working with young people with cerebral palsy and rehabilitation, as well as experience in interviewing. In order to increase credibility, there were regular meetings with the research group to confirm the condensation and to discuss the interpretation of the analysis. Dependability and conformability were ensured by describing the research process in detail and by continuously having a back-and-forth analysis between the analysis itself and the transcribed text throughout the process to ensure that the meaning was not affected by pre-understanding. The number of young adults in this study was quite small, and the results are based on these individuals’ perceptions and can therefore not be generalized. The quotations used were translated from Finnish to English. The translated quotations were discussed with a native English-speaking person.

5. Conclusions

The perspectives of the young adults in this study could be divided into a more negative experience and a more positive experience (Figure 2). The participants felt that the more active they were in the situation, the better they could influence how the rehabilitation was planned, and the stronger the feeling of participation in the process. A negative experience was the rehabilitation system, with a lack of cooperation and communication between the different agencies involved in the transition to adult health care and rehabilitation services. The need for a comprehensive and participatory rehabilitation is evident, where young adults would be active and involved in their own rehabilitation process, and where they would have the opportunity to meet an interprofessional team and receive comprehensive assessment and both long and short-term holistic planning. The young people would appreciate planning that would involve rehabilitation from a broad perspective, considering education, training and job opportunities. Planning that would provide opportunities to plan for active participation in society, which in turn would require a network of collaboration between different organizations and stakeholders. Key to the transition phase is collaboration that is attached to everyday life and a good future for the young person.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Supplementary File S1: Interview Framework.

Author Contributions

I.J.-K.; methodology, I.J.-K., N.V. and S.S.; validation, I.J.-K., N.V. and S.S.; formal analysis, I.J.-K.; investigation, I.J.-K.; resources, I.J.-K.; data curation, I.J.-K.; writing—original draft preparation, I.J.-K.; writing—review and editing, I.J.-K., N.V., A.K., H.S. and S.S.; visualization, I.J.-K., N.V., A.K., H.S. and S.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by The Social Insurance Institution in Finland, Kela.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Social Insurance Institution Ethics Committee (Kela) (Dnro 1/500/2013).

Informed Consent Statement

Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are not available due to participant privacy.


The authors thank all the young adults who participated and shared their valuable perceptions, Camilla-Wikström-Grotell for her help in the beginning of the analysis phase, and Violetta Teetor for helping to polish the language.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.


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Figure 1. Visualization of the semi-structured interview process.
Figure 1. Visualization of the semi-structured interview process.
Disabilities 05 00012 g001
Figure 2. The categories and their relations.
Figure 2. The categories and their relations.
Disabilities 05 00012 g002
Table 1. Participants and their characteristics.
Table 1. Participants and their characteristics.
The Participant’s GMFCS * LevelAgeHousingStudy or Job Status
I19Living with parentsStudying at a university of applied sciences
V19Living with parentsUnemployed
V19Supported livingBasic education, no plans for future education or job
III21Living with parentsHad applied for studies at upper secondary school
I22Living with parentsStudying at university
III23Independent living, assistantUnemployed
III24Independent living, assistantUnemployed
I24Independent livingPaid job with employment support from Government Employment Service
III25Supported livingVocational special education, no plans for job
V25Independent living, assistantGeneral upper secondary education, plan to apply for further studies
V25Living with parents, assistantUnemployed
I26Supported livingSupported work once a week
Mild intellectual disability
IV26Living with parentsUnemployed
IV26Independent living, assistantUnemployed
* Gross Motor Function Classification Scale Expanded and Revised [23], assessed by the interviewer (an experienced physiotherapist).
Table 2. The seven steps in data analysis by Sjöström and Dahlgren (2002) [21].
Table 2. The seven steps in data analysis by Sjöström and Dahlgren (2002) [21].
The Data Analysis Process How the Steps Were Used in the Analysis
FamiliarizationTo verify the accuracy of the transcription and to get a holistic view of the data, the recorded interviews were listened to, and the transcribed texts were read and re-read multiple times.
CompilationRelevant statements about participating in planning the rehabilitation and the transition were identified.
CondensationEssential elements from the statements were identified and shortened without losing the meaning.
GroupingThe condensed statements were grouped into categories based on their similarities and differences.
ComparisonA comparison of categories was made.
NamingThe categories were named to describe their essence.
Contrastive comparisonThe categories were compared to find how they were similar or different, and the connections between the categories were presented in an outcome space.
Table 3. Overview of categories and condensed statements.
Table 3. Overview of categories and condensed statements.
CategoriesCondensed Statements
Need for comprehensive and participatory rehabilitation Discussion without examination
A need for a personal contact person
A longing for what it was like in pediatric rehabilitation
Barriers in the rehabilitation systemLack of holistic approach at individual and system level
Self-awareness, courage and activity are rewardedThe ability for self-analysis is good to have
Self-expression is valued even if not everyone has it
You need to have interest in your own affairs
Doctors seem to change very frequently
A desire of an active role in societyRehabilitation a prerequisite for maintaining function
A need for peer support and guidance
A desire to study or work
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MDPI and ACS Style

Jeglinsky-Kankainen, I.; Vänskä, N.; Kinnunen, A.; Sätilä, H.; Sipari, S. The Perspectives of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy on Transition to Adult’s Health Care and Rehabilitation. Disabilities 2025, 5, 12.

AMA Style

Jeglinsky-Kankainen I, Vänskä N, Kinnunen A, Sätilä H, Sipari S. The Perspectives of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy on Transition to Adult’s Health Care and Rehabilitation. Disabilities. 2025; 5(1):12.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Jeglinsky-Kankainen, Ira, Nea Vänskä, Anu Kinnunen, Heli Sätilä, and Salla Sipari. 2025. "The Perspectives of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy on Transition to Adult’s Health Care and Rehabilitation" Disabilities 5, no. 1: 12.

APA Style

Jeglinsky-Kankainen, I., Vänskä, N., Kinnunen, A., Sätilä, H., & Sipari, S. (2025). The Perspectives of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy on Transition to Adult’s Health Care and Rehabilitation. Disabilities, 5(1), 12.

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