The Perspectives of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy on Transition to Adult’s Health Care and Rehabilitation
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants and Data Collection
2.2. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Need for Comprehensive and Participatory Rehabilitation
“When I was little, we used to go for check-ups regurlarly, and the therapists would look at everything and take care of things, (…), and they would always examine and evaluate. Nowadays I have no rehabilitation”(I)
“Back then [in the children’s rehabilitation] I had the same doctor all the time and so on, so it was quite a change, so here [adult rehabilitation service] they change doctors every time and they don’t really know anything, or that’s how it feels sometimes....”(B)
“the planning visit was so short, that I didn’t even have time to tell the physician about my shoulder pain”(K)
3.2. Barriers in the Rehabilitation System
“Basically, what happened was that when I turned 16, and it was sort of the last one [rehab plan made at children’s service]. We weren’t really told about it, like, that it was happening. They just said that from now on, you’ll go, like, you’re not coming here anymore. And it was a bit confusing—we were kind of left wondering, and maybe still are a bit, about where I really belong. I feel like they could have handled the transition phase better.”(J)
“They didn’t really say who I should contact next time. I remember it was a bit confusing—everyone was a little unsure about where to reach out. (…) Finally my physiotherapist helped me.”(J)
“...the problem is always that no one really looks at the big picture, that all people look at their own little part of it.”(C)
“In vocational school, I encountered people (also staff) who clearly believed that you couldn’t study or get a job because you were in a wheelchair. They had this simplistic idea that being in a wheelchair meant you couldn’t work.”(K)
3.3. Self-Awareness, Courage and Activity Are Rewarded
“Yes, I am involved. That is because I am able to tell my situation so well, I can pretty much analyze what my physical or mental situation is.”(E)
“But I have to say that I’ve been active, though sometimes I wonder about people who aren’t as active or aren’t able to be active themselves, or those who don’t have parents or other relatives to handle things for them (….) makes me wonder how those people manage.”(F)
“….They were a little bit like that, like surprised, and to some of them I’ve sometimes, to the doctor, I had to explain... I have sometimes had to explain what a cerebral palsy disability is. It’s kind of annoying.”(G)
3.4. A Desire of an Active Role in Society
“I do believe that if I don’t have that rehabilitation (…), where I practice walk and my spatial awareness or similar activities, it definitely affects whether I can work, whether I can sit for eight hours, lift things off the floor, or even just take a shower on my own.”(L)
“I have physiotherapy, and that is good…. But now it’s a bit annoying, because they always reduce and reduce them [amount of physiotherapy per year], that each time they have reduced… it has an immediate impact on my ability to function [and be active in my everyday life].”(I)
“I hope to go to university one day.”(N)
“I have dreams of having a family, normal dreams for a person of my age and if I could get a job that would be great”(A)
“After graduation I’ll see what the work situation is like, if I just could use my own skills, and in a way be accepted as I am, in the work community as it is.”(J)
3.5. Summary of the Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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The Participant’s GMFCS * Level | Age | Housing | Study or Job Status |
I | 19 | Living with parents | Studying at a university of applied sciences |
V | 19 | Living with parents | Unemployed |
V | 19 | Supported living | Basic education, no plans for future education or job |
III | 21 | Living with parents | Had applied for studies at upper secondary school |
I | 22 | Living with parents | Studying at university |
III | 23 | Independent living, assistant | Unemployed |
III | 24 | Independent living, assistant | Unemployed |
I | 24 | Independent living | Paid job with employment support from Government Employment Service |
III | 25 | Supported living | Vocational special education, no plans for job |
V | 25 | Independent living, assistant | General upper secondary education, plan to apply for further studies |
V | 25 | Living with parents, assistant | Unemployed |
I | 26 | Supported living | Supported work once a week Mild intellectual disability |
IV | 26 | Living with parents | Unemployed |
IV | 26 | Independent living, assistant | Unemployed |
The Data Analysis Process | How the Steps Were Used in the Analysis |
Familiarization | To verify the accuracy of the transcription and to get a holistic view of the data, the recorded interviews were listened to, and the transcribed texts were read and re-read multiple times. |
Compilation | Relevant statements about participating in planning the rehabilitation and the transition were identified. |
Condensation | Essential elements from the statements were identified and shortened without losing the meaning. |
Grouping | The condensed statements were grouped into categories based on their similarities and differences. |
Comparison | A comparison of categories was made. |
Naming | The categories were named to describe their essence. |
Contrastive comparison | The categories were compared to find how they were similar or different, and the connections between the categories were presented in an outcome space. |
Categories | Condensed Statements |
Need for comprehensive and participatory rehabilitation | Discussion without examination |
A need for a personal contact person | |
A longing for what it was like in pediatric rehabilitation | |
Barriers in the rehabilitation system | Lack of holistic approach at individual and system level |
Self-awareness, courage and activity are rewarded | The ability for self-analysis is good to have |
Self-expression is valued even if not everyone has it | |
You need to have interest in your own affairs | |
Doctors seem to change very frequently | |
A desire of an active role in society | Rehabilitation a prerequisite for maintaining function |
A need for peer support and guidance | |
A desire to study or work |
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Share and Cite
Jeglinsky-Kankainen, I.; Vänskä, N.; Kinnunen, A.; Sätilä, H.; Sipari, S. The Perspectives of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy on Transition to Adult’s Health Care and Rehabilitation. Disabilities 2025, 5, 12.
Jeglinsky-Kankainen I, Vänskä N, Kinnunen A, Sätilä H, Sipari S. The Perspectives of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy on Transition to Adult’s Health Care and Rehabilitation. Disabilities. 2025; 5(1):12.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJeglinsky-Kankainen, Ira, Nea Vänskä, Anu Kinnunen, Heli Sätilä, and Salla Sipari. 2025. "The Perspectives of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy on Transition to Adult’s Health Care and Rehabilitation" Disabilities 5, no. 1: 12.
APA StyleJeglinsky-Kankainen, I., Vänskä, N., Kinnunen, A., Sätilä, H., & Sipari, S. (2025). The Perspectives of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy on Transition to Adult’s Health Care and Rehabilitation. Disabilities, 5(1), 12.