Improving Bimonthly Landscape Monitoring in Morocco, North Africa, by Integrating Machine Learning with GRASS GIS
:1. Introduction
2. Objective and Motivation
3. Study Area
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Data
4.2. Workflow
4.3. Software
4.4. Data Preprocessing
4.5. Creating Color Composites
# Create the project with new location from raster map (file must contain projection metadata): # grass -c myraster.tif /home/user/grassdata/mynewlocation grass #cd /Users/polinalemenkova/grassdata #grass -c LC09_L2SP_179073_20220419_20230421_02_T1_SR_B1.tif /Users/polinalemenkova/grassdata/Morocco # ----IMPORT AND PREPROCESSING--------------------------> # g.mapset location=Morocco mapset=PERMANENT g.list rast # importing the image subset with 7 Landsat bands and display the raster map r.import input=/Users/polinalemenkova/grassdata/Morocco/ LC09_L2SP_201036_20230126_20230313_02_T1_SR_B1.TIF output=L9_2023_J_01 extent=region resolution=region --overwrite r.import input=/Users/polinalemenkova/grassdata/Morocco/ LC09_L2SP_201036_20230126_20230313_02_T1_SR_B2.TIF output=L9_2023_J_02 extent=region resolution=region r.import input=/Users/polinalemenkova/grassdata/Morocco/ LC09_L2SP_201036_20230126_20230313_02_T1_SR_B3.TIF output=L9_2023_J_03 extent=region resolution=region r.import input=/Users/polinalemenkova/grassdata/Morocco/ LC09_L2SP_201036_20230126_20230313_02_T1_SR_B4.TIF output=L9_2023_J_04 extent=region resolution=region r.import input=/Users/polinalemenkova/grassdata/Morocco/ LC09_L2SP_201036_20230126_20230313_02_T1_SR_B5.TIF output=L9_2023_J_05 extent=region resolution=region r.import input=/Users/polinalemenkova/grassdata/Morocco/ LC09_L2SP_201036_20230126_20230313_02_T1_SR_B6.TIF output=L9_2023_J_06 extent=region resolution=region r.import input=/Users/polinalemenkova/grassdata/Morocco/ LC09_L2SP_201036_20230126_20230313_02_T1_SR_B7.TIF output=L9_2023_J_07 extent=region resolution=region g.list rast
# ----CREATING COLOR COMPOSITES-----> # false color r.composite blue=L9_2023_J_07 green=L9_2023_J_05 red=L9_2023_J_03 output=L9_2023_J_753 --overwrite d.mon wx0 d.rast L9_2023_J_753 d.out.file output=Morocco_753 format=jpg --overwrite # false color: NIR band B05 in the red channel, red band B04 in the green channel and green band B03 in the blue channel r.composite blue=L9_2023_J_03 green=L9_2023_J_04 red=L9_2023_J_05 output=L9_2023_J_345 --overwrite d.mon wx0 d.rast L9_2023_J_345 d.out.file output=Morocco_345 format=jpg --overwrite # true color r.composite blue=L9_2023_J_02 green=L9_2023_J_03 red=L9_2023_J_04 output=L9_2023_J_234 --overwrite d.mon wx0 d.rast L9_2023_J_234 d.out.file output=Morocco_J_234 format=jpg --overwrite
4.6. Image Classification
# ---Clustering and Classification ----> # grouping data by # Set computational region to match the scene g.region raster=L9_2023_J_01 -p group=L9_2023_J subgroup=res_30m \ input=L9_2023_J_01,L9_2023_J_02,L9_2023_J_03,L9_2023_J_04, L9_2023_J_05,L9_2023_J_06,L9_2023_J_07 --overwrite # Clustering: generating signature file and report using k-means clustering algorithm i.cluster group=L9_2023_J subgroup=res_30m \ signaturefile=cluster_L9_2023_J \ classes=10 reportfile=rep_clust_L9_2023_J.txt --overwrite # Classification by i.maxlik module i.maxlik group=L9_2023_J subgroup=res_30m \ signaturefile=cluster_L9_2023_J \ output=L9_2023_J_cluster_classes reject=L9_2023_J_cluster_reject # Mapping d.mon wx0 g.region raster=L9_2023_J_cluster_classes -p r.colors L9_2023_J_cluster_classes color=bcyr d.rast L9_2023_J_cluster_classes d.legend raster=L9_2023_J_cluster_classes title="26 January 2023" title_fontsize=14 font="Helvetica" fontsize=12 bgcolor=white border_color=white d.out.file output=Morocco_2023_Jan format=jpg --overwrite # Mapping rejection probability d.mon wx1 g.region raster=L9_2023_J_cluster_classes -p r.colors L9_2023_J_cluster_reject color=wave -e d.rast L9_2023_J_cluster_reject d.legend raster=L9_2023_J_cluster_reject title="26 January 2023" title_fontsize=14 font="Helvetica" fontsize=12 bgcolor=white border_color=white d.out.file output=Morocco_2023_reject format=jpg --overwrite
# MACHINE LEARNING ------> # g.list rast g.region raster=L9_2023_J_01 -p # First, we are going to generate some training pixels from an older (1996) land cover classification: r.random input=L9_2023_cluster_classes seed=100 npoints=1000 raster=training_pixels --overwrite # Next, we create the imagery group with all Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS 7 (2000) bands: group=L9_2023_J input=L9_2023_J_01,L9_2023_J_02,L9_2023_J_03,L9_2023_J_04, L9_2023_J_05,L9_2023_J_06,L9_2023_J_07 --overwrite # Then use these training pixels to perform a classification on recent Landsat - 2022 image: # # train a decision tree classification model using r.learn.train r.learn.train group=L9_2023_J training_map=training_pixels \ model_name=DecisionTreeClassifier n_estimators=500 save_model=rf_model.gz --overwrite # perform prediction using r.learn.predict r.learn.predict group=L9_2023_J load_model=rf_model.gz output=rf_classification --overwrite # check raster categories - they are automatically applied to the classification output r.category rf_classification # copy color scheme from landclass training map to result r.colors rf_classification raster=training_pixels # display d.mon wx0 d.rast rf_classification r.colors rf_classification color=roygbiv -e d.legend raster=rf_classification title="Decision Tree: 01/2023" title_fontsize=14 font="Helvetica" fontsize=12 bgcolor=white border_color=white d.out.file output=DT_2023_01 format=jpg --overwrite
# train a extra trees classification model using r.learn.train r.learn.train group=L9_2023_J training_map=training_pixels \ model_name=ExtraTreesClassifier n_estimators=500 save_model=rf_model.gz --overwrite # perform prediction using r.learn.predict r.learn.predict group=L9_2023_J load_model=rf_model.gz output=rf_classification --overwrite # check raster categories applied to the classification output r.category rf_classification # copy color scheme from landclass training map to result r.colors rf_classification raster=training_pixels # display d.mon wx0 d.rast rf_classification r.colors rf_classification color=bgyr -e d.legend raster=rf_classification title="Extra Tree: 01/2023" title_fontsize=14 font="Helvetica" fontsize=12 bgcolor=white border_color=white d.out.file output=ET_2023_01 format=jpg --overwrite
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. Analysis of Findings
5.2. Interpretation of Land Cover Types
5.3. Comparison Between Performance of Algorithms
- 1: Bimonthly class separability matrices between 10 classes of land cover types in Rif Mountains, Morocco: January and March 2023 (1).
- 2: Bimonthly class separability matrices between 10 classes of land cover types in Rif Mountains, Morocco: May and July 2023 (2).
- 3: Bimonthly class separability matrices between 10 classes of land cover types in Rif Mountains, Morocco: September and November 2023 (3).
5.4. Bimonthly Evaluation of the Land Cover Types
5.5. Accuracy Assessment
6. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
API | Application Programming Interface |
DTC | Decision Tree Classifier |
ETC | Extra Trees Classifier |
EO | Earth Observation |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization |
GRASS | Geographic Resources Analysis Support System |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
Landsat OLI/TIRS | Landsat Operational Land Imager and Thermal Infrared Sensor |
GEBCO | General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans |
GMT | Generic Mapping Tools |
QGIS | Quantum Geographic Information System |
ML | Machine Learning |
RS | Remote Sensing |
SWIR | Shortwave Infrared |
NIR | Near Infrared |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
WGS84 | World Geodetic System 84 |
Appendix A. Initial Means for Classes of Pixels in Each Multispectral Band of the Landsat OLI/TIRS Satellite Images
Class | Band 1 | Band 2 | Band 3 | Band 4 | Band 5 | Band 6 | Band 7 |
Class 1 | 7353.24 | 7533.21 | 8177.38 | 7818.66 | 10,987.1 | 10,158.3 | 8739.9 |
Class 2 | 7569.99 | 7774.52 | 8500.84 | 8237.08 | 11,888.8 | 10,959.1 | 9396.37 |
Class 3 | 7786.75 | 8015.83 | 8824.3 | 8655.49 | 12,790.5 | 11,759.9 | 10,052.8 |
Class 4 | 8003.51 | 8257.14 | 9147.76 | 9073.91 | 13,692.2 | 12,560.7 | 10,709.3 |
Class 5 | 8220.27 | 8498.45 | 9471.21 | 9492.32 | 14,593.9 | 13,361.5 | 11,365.8 |
Class 6 | 8437.03 | 8739.76 | 9794.67 | 9910.73 | 15,495.6 | 14,162.3 | 12,022.2 |
Class 7 | 8653.78 | 8981.07 | 10,118.1 | 10,329.1 | 16,397.3 | 14,963.1 | 12,678.7 |
Class 8 | 8870.54 | 9222.38 | 10,441.6 | 10,747.6 | 17,299 | 15,763.9 | 13,335.2 |
Class 9 | 9087.3 | 9463.69 | 10,765 | 11,166 | 18,200.8 | 16,564.7 | 13,991.6 |
Class 10 | 9304.06 | 9705 | 11,088.5 | 11,584.4 | 19,102.5 | 17,365.5 | 14,648.1 |
Class | Band 1 | Band 2 | Band 3 | Band 4 | Band 5 | Band 6 | Band 7 |
Class 1 | 8036.12 | 8397.21 | 9295.02 | 9561.14 | 13,138.1 | 12,962.9 | 10,897.1 |
Class 2 | 8246.35 | 8665.51 | 9702.28 | 10,172.8 | 14,019.7 | 13,972.2 | 11,692.2 |
Class 3 | 8456.57 | 8933.81 | 10,109.5 | 10,784.5 | 14,901.3 | 14,981.5 | 12,487.3 |
Class 4 | 8666.8 | 9202.11 | 10,516.8 | 11,396.2 | 15,783 | 15,990.8 | 13,282.5 |
Class 5 | 8877.03 | 9470.41 | 10,924.1 | 12,007.9 | 16,664.6 | 17,000.2 | 14,077.6 |
Class 6 | 9087.26 | 9738.71 | 11,331.3 | 12,619.6 | 17,546.2 | 18,009.5 | 14,872.7 |
Class 7 | 9297.49 | 10,007 | 11,738.6 | 13,231.3 | 18,427.9 | 19,018.8 | 15,667.8 |
Class 8 | 9507.72 | 10,275.3 | 12,145.8 | 13,842.9 | 19,309.5 | 20,028.1 | 16,463 |
Class 9 | 9717.94 | 10,543.6 | 12,553.1 | 14,454.6 | 20,191.1 | 21,037.4 | 17,258.1 |
Class 10 | 9928.17 | 10,811.9 | 12,960.4 | 15,066.3 | 21,072.7 | 22,046.7 | 18,053.2 |
Class | Band 1 | Band 2 | Band 3 | Band 4 | Band 5 | Band 6 | Band 7 |
Class 1 | 7598.78 | 7764.07 | 8434.53 | 7941.99 | 12,295.6 | 10,618.7 | 8849.61 |
Class 2 | 7754.07 | 7949.13 | 8718.98 | 8335.56 | 13,270.4 | 11,401 | 9511.46 |
Class 3 | 7909.36 | 8134.19 | 9003.43 | 8729.14 | 14,245.2 | 12,183.3 | 10,173.3 |
Class 4 | 8064.65 | 8319.25 | 9287.89 | 9122.72 | 15,219.9 | 12,965.7 | 10,835.2 |
Class 5 | 8219.95 | 8504.31 | 9572.34 | 9516.29 | 16,194.7 | 13,748 | 11,497 |
Class 6 | 8375.24 | 8689.37 | 9856.79 | 9909.87 | 17,169.5 | 14,530.3 | 12,158.8 |
Class 7 | 8530.53 | 8874.43 | 10,141.2 | 10,303.4 | 18,144.3 | 15,312.6 | 12,820.7 |
Class 8 | 8685.82 | 9059.49 | 10,425.7 | 10,697 | 19,119.1 | 16,095 | 13,482.5 |
Class 9 | 8841.12 | 9244.55 | 10,710.1 | 11,090.6 | 20,093.9 | 16,877.3 | 14,144.4 |
Class 10 | 8996.41 | 9429.61 | 10,994.6 | 11,484.2 | 21,068.7 | 17,659.6 | 14,806.2 |
Class | Band 1 | Band 2 | Band 3 | Band 4 | Band 5 | Band 6 | Band 7 |
Class 1 | 8146.96 | 8572.74 | 9528.06 | 9871.64 | 12,802.2 | 13,459.3 | 11,517.8 |
Class 2 | 8370.6 | 8848.08 | 9926.18 | 10,412.8 | 13,530.9 | 14,431.9 | 12,322.4 |
Class 3 | 8594.23 | 9123.41 | 10,324.3 | 10,954 | 14,259.6 | 15,404.5 | 13,127.1 |
Class 4 | 8817.87 | 9398.75 | 10,722.4 | 11,495.2 | 14,988.3 | 16,377.2 | 13,931.7 |
Class 5 | 9041.5 | 9674.09 | 11,120.5 | 12,036.4 | 15,717.1 | 17,349.8 | 14,736.3 |
Class 6 | 9265.14 | 9949.43 | 11,518.6 | 12,577.6 | 16,445.8 | 18,322.4 | 15,541 |
Class 7 | 9488.77 | 10,224.8 | 11,916.7 | 13,118.9 | 17,174.5 | 19,295.1 | 16,345.6 |
Class 8 | 9712.41 | 10,500.1 | 12,314.9 | 13,660.1 | 17,903.2 | 20,267.7 | 17,150.3 |
Class 9 | 9936.04 | 10,775.4 | 12,713 | 14,201.3 | 18,631.9 | 21,240.3 | 17,954.9 |
Class 10 | 10,159.7 | 11,050.8 | 13,111.1 | 14,742.5 | 19,360.6 | 22,212.9 | 18,759.6 |
Class | Band 1 | Band 2 | Band 3 | Band 4 | Band 5 | Band 6 | Band 7 |
Class 1 | 8037.45 | 8299.79 | 8964.58 | 9252.55 | 11,892.9 | 12,555.5 | 10,819.7 |
Class 2 | 8252.53 | 8565.39 | 9363.68 | 9802.02 | 12,631.3 | 13,569.5 | 11,680.2 |
Class 3 | 8467.62 | 8830.99 | 9762.77 | 10,351.5 | 13,369.8 | 14,583.6 | 12,540.8 |
Class 4 | 8682.7 | 9096.59 | 10,161.9 | 10,901 | 14,108.2 | 15,597.6 | 13,401.3 |
Class 5 | 8897.79 | 9362.19 | 10,561 | 11,450.4 | 14,846.6 | 16,611.6 | 14,261.9 |
Class 6 | 9112.87 | 9627.78 | 10,960 | 11,999.9 | 15,585.1 | 17,625.6 | 15,122.4 |
Class 7 | 9327.96 | 9893.38 | 11,359.1 | 12,549.4 | 16,323.5 | 18,639.6 | 15,983 |
Class 8 | 9543.04 | 10,159 | 11,758.2 | 13,098.9 | 17,061.9 | 19,653.6 | 16,843.5 |
Class 9 | 9758.13 | 10,424.6 | 12,157.3 | 13,648.3 | 17,800.4 | 20,667.6 | 17,704.1 |
Class 10 | 9973.21 | 10,690.2 | 12,556.4 | 14,197.8 | 18,538.8 | 21,681.7 | 18,564.6 |
Class | Band 1 | Band 2 | Band 3 | Band 4 | Band 5 | Band 6 | Band 7 |
Class 1 | 7805.3 | 7978.69 | 8394.85 | 8339.26 | 10,618.8 | 10,876.8 | 9549.69 |
Class 2 | 7994.42 | 8207.25 | 8745.73 | 8818 | 11,398.4 | 11,816.7 | 10,351.8 |
Class 3 | 8183.55 | 8435.81 | 9096.6 | 9296.74 | 12,178 | 12,756.6 | 11,154 |
Class 4 | 8372.67 | 8664.38 | 9447.48 | 9775.48 | 12,957.6 | 13,696.6 | 11,956.1 |
Class 5 | 8561.79 | 8892.94 | 9798.36 | 10,254.2 | 13,737.2 | 14,636.5 | 12,758.2 |
Class 6 | 8750.92 | 9121.5 | 10,149.2 | 10,733 | 14,516.8 | 15,576.5 | 13,560.4 |
Class 7 | 8940.04 | 9350.07 | 10,500.1 | 11,211.7 | 15,296.4 | 16,516.4 | 14,362.5 |
Class 8 | 9129.17 | 9578.63 | 10,851 | 11,690.4 | 16,076 | 17,456.4 | 15,164.7 |
Class 9 | 9318.29 | 9807.2 | 11,201.9 | 12,169.2 | 16,855.6 | 18,396.3 | 15,966.8 |
Class 10 | 9507.41 | 10,035.8 | 11,552.8 | 12,647.9 | 17,635.2 | 19,336.3 | 16,768.9 |
Appendix B. Standard Deviations for DNs of Pixels by 10 Computed Classes
Class | Band 1 | Band 2 | Band 3 | Band 4 | Band 5 | Band 6 | Band 7 |
2023: January | |||||||
1 | 520.366 | 535.906 | 762.029 | 534.589 | 458.971 | 261.960 | 185.243 |
2 | 490.239 | 471.037 | 624.903 | 718.469 | 1108.75 | 864.994 | 643.283 |
3 | 469.625 | 475.629 | 523.194 | 551.304 | 924.17 | 813.025 | 684.606 |
4 | 314.352 | 297.355 | 402.396 | 473.559 | 946.247 | 881.536 | 697.401 |
5 | 355.762 | 363.823 | 482.001 | 628.670 | 1123.910 | 809.348 | 943.121 |
6 | 398.402 | 397.373 | 474.544 | 609.048 | 1059.400 | 1019.420 | 849.959 |
7 | 831.164 | 913.648 | 997.848 | 1243.020 | 1609.220 | 1416.340 | 1089.100 |
8 | 602.747 | 649.726 | 694.899 | 843.584 | 1472.750 | 926.428 | 972.410 |
9 | 563.373 | 645.449 | 846.794 | 1005.060 | 1844.240 | 1204.890 | 1309.140 |
10 | 3912.350 | 4022.450 | 3523.310 | 3432.850 | 3098.910 | 2796.470 | 2599.350 |
2023: March | |||||||
1 | 490.469 | 541.212 | 879.207 | 716.637 | 616.488 | 686.935 | 613.483 |
2 | 255.312 | 246.682 | 318.072 | 462.128 | 1664.020 | 929.262 | 719.619 |
3 | 541.560 | 602.780 | 686.249 | 782.835 | 1273.070 | 980.419 | 834.318 |
4 | 344.733 | 387.283 | 524.843 | 812.884 | 1659.040 | 980.065 | 855.260 |
5 | 377.657 | 422.529 | 565.366 | 724.443 | 1044.500 | 753.815 | 856.870 |
6 | 507.082 | 559.630 | 652.069 | 974.570 | 1023.500 | 866.568 | 784.542 |
7 | 449.736 | 488.873 | 597.974 | 692.265 | 1060.560 | 878.137 | 929.794 |
8 | 532.728 | 589.376 | 727.215 | 948.085 | 1317.450 | 934.689 | 1002.260 |
9 | 507.096 | 562.500 | 709.818 | 853.806 | 1051.740 | 1083.610 | 1336.400 |
10 | 753.846 | 857.879 | 1039.350 | 1108.080 | 1502.720 | 1502.480 | 2189.920 |
2023: May | |||||||
1 | 465.095 | 566.529 | 901.861 | 522.758 | 321.154 | 193.603 | 120.269 |
2 | 277.062 | 255.083 | 376.608 | 450.477 | 1258.88 | 804.346 | 710.667 |
3 | 441.646 | 468.557 | 562.157 | 597.613 | 1136.880 | 723.626 | 673.917 |
4 | 378.651 | 385.161 | 519.410 | 649.726 | 1220.780 | 868.215 | 1039.880 |
5 | 258.976 | 264.420 | 393.296 | 494.295 | 1055.540 | 951.268 | 799.838 |
6 | 228.533 | 221.204 | 444.333 | 414.391 | 1722.940 | 994.491 | 630.409 |
7 | 531.397 | 586.941 | 678.976 | 806.428 | 1337.73 | 1061.7 | 936.166 |
8 | 623.942 | 671.415 | 760.778 | 817.799 | 1089.700 | 905.306 | 884.892 |
9 | 528.555 | 602.147 | 767.459 | 860.058 | 1806.600 | 1088.830 | 1165.730 |
10 | 1210.190 | 1398.230 | 1656.380 | 1682.400 | 1778.850 | 1867.540 | 2167.590 |
Class | Band 1 | Band 2 | Band 3 | Band 4 | Band 5 | Band 6 | Band 7 |
2023: July | |||||||
1 | 401.603 | 474.680 | 753.823 | 554.671 | 452.066 | 377.558 | 279.117 |
2 | 444.544 | 494.063 | 605.472 | 689.234 | 1469.020 | 1074.000 | 858.682 |
3 | 400.815 | 449.109 | 548.777 | 721.564 | 1773.570 | 1030.710 | 912.245 |
4 | 329.822 | 337.588 | 456.271 | 617.552 | 934.712 | 737.397 | 693.313 |
5 | 383.645 | 392.394 | 484.058 | 558.823 | 955.127 | 757.462 | 640.994 |
6 | 369.823 | 422.794 | 574.353 | 625.855 | 807.736 | 699.93 | 634.601 |
7 | 380.957 | 393.860 | 462.246 | 493.918 | 938.201 | 756.140 | 818.874 |
8 | 389.170 | 433.991 | 512.028 | 543.331 | 810.822 | 715.835 | 672.958 |
9 | 585.918 | 680.160 | 803.684 | 738.175 | 743.199 | 762.175 | 944.871 |
10 | 994.099 | 1126.100 | 1284.760 | 1153.090 | 1115.620 | 1242.490 | 1575.490 |
2023: September | |||||||
1 | 437.651 | 443.108 | 680.601 | 464.861 | 251.267 | 134.622 | 109.822 |
2 | 352.790 | 343.761 | 458.110 | 604.993 | 1647.410 | 1009.150 | 737.153 |
3 | 413.844 | 428.298 | 527.591 | 627.276 | 1270.460 | 820.868 | 669.725 |
4 | 609.427 | 665.603 | 750.628 | 922.569 | 2049.290 | 1237.420 | 1107.210 |
5 | 410.913 | 444.970 | 557.272 | 605.301 | 936.943 | 802.527 | 790.452 |
6 | 412.096 | 463.575 | 605.626 | 711.301 | 1026.750 | 826.580 | 710.861 |
7 | 476.481 | 556.664 | 690.121 | 675.737 | 961.119 | 727.211 | 750.357 |
8 | 560.709 | 661.131 | 788.185 | 748.966 | 878.300 | 826.902 | 929.749 |
9 | 734.715 | 872.060 | 1021.830 | 874.668 | 875.353 | 1032.820 | 1289.020 |
10 | 1228.510 | 1477.600 | 1759.470 | 1582.050 | 1479.630 | 1594.770 | 1825.860 |
2023: November | |||||||
1 | 408.799 | 366.029 | 518.468 | 358.299 | 494.063 | 288.290 | 183.250 |
2 | 337.779 | 313.223 | 378.857 | 471.889 | 1236.690 | 864.664 | 718.244 |
3 | 329.228 | 309.538 | 391.118 | 526.252 | 1133.950 | 971.402 | 842.809 |
4 | 357.573 | 340.276 | 405.652 | 474.368 | 868.293 | 878.208 | 719.913 |
5 | 407.823 | 418.715 | 501.585 | 583.480 | 1177.420 | 746.789 | 760.614 |
6 | 560.647 | 596.644 | 680.376 | 807.904 | 1923.630 | 1063.100 | 992.282 |
7 | 404.268 | 434.357 | 567.739 | 689.356 | 1145.220 | 911.636 | 828.516 |
8 | 502.947 | 558.014 | 686.296 | 677.680 | 976.150 | 885.420 | 857.641 |
9 | 571.593 | 667.463 | 845.177 | 950.398 | 1288.210 | 1164.560 | 1261.840 |
10 | 1130.670 | 1394.490 | 1762.720 | 1842.670 | 1953.210 | 2219.250 | 2058.000 |
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Class | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
January | 766 | 465 | 554 | 736 | 1031 | 785 | 462 | 1016 | 646 | 149 |
March | 720 | 341 | 696 | 673 | 1060 | 791 | 587 | 821 | 720 | 203 |
May | 742 | 348 | 545 | 449 | 904 | 912 | 905 | 722 | 645 | 501 |
July | 766 | 465 | 554 | 736 | 1031 | 785 | 462 | 1016 | 646 | 149 |
September | 668 | 424 | 674 | 318 | 793 | 791 | 1099 | 1023 | 683 | 222 |
November | 781 | 483 | 701 | 675 | 1097 | 429 | 744 | 833 | 734 | 225 |
Class | Band 1 | Band 2 | Band 3 | Band 4 | Band 5 | Band 6 | Band 7 |
2023: January | |||||||
1 | 8053.66 | 8105.74 | 7961.36 | 7451.51 | 7386.15 | 7411.52 | 7385.87 |
2 | 7529.44 | 7754.46 | 8346.18 | 8318.72 | 11,431.1 | 10,065.3 | 8996.52 |
3 | 8054.51 | 8324.72 | 9136.1 | 9317.05 | 12,308.5 | 12,725.3 | 11,052.1 |
4 | 7889.8 | 8102.02 | 8942.29 | 8745.57 | 14,901.1 | 12,282.7 | 10,135 |
5 | 8332 | 8667.33 | 9728.08 | 10061.3 | 14,289.8 | 14,818.8 | 12,637.9 |
6 | 8110.13 | 8324.27 | 9467.21 | 9012.78 | 17,982.6 | 13,440.9 | 10,707.4 |
7 | 8251.2 | 8447.13 | 9831.94 | 9044.77 | 21,802.8 | 13,717.8 | 10,608.9 |
8 | 8640.53 | 9039.94 | 10,407.5 | 10,794.4 | 16,840.5 | 16,286.3 | 13,653.7 |
9 | 9111.71 | 9625.79 | 11,316.9 | 12,294.1 | 17,724.7 | 19,083.2 | 16,430 |
10 | 11,270 | 12,124 | 14,516 | 16,218.7 | 21,505.9 | 23,336.4 | 20,483 |
2023: March | |||||||
1 | 7732.78 | 7928.37 | 7997.69 | 7540.35 | 7530.62 | 7850.57 | 7839.92 |
2 | 7850.68 | 8119.44 | 9096.92 | 8986.22 | 16,313.3 | 12,929.6 | 10,370.1 |
3 | 8406.34 | 8821.78 | 10,011.9 | 10,547.6 | 15,377.5 | 14,966.2 | 12,509.7 |
4 | 8377.33 | 8825.2 | 10,246.8 | 10,459 | 19,450.9 | 15,628.6 | 12,195.9 |
5 | 8777.26 | 9318.35 | 10,778.5 | 11,790.6 | 16,488.5 | 17,202.7 | 14,298.8 |
6 | 9050.82 | 9764.11 | 11,495.9 | 12,894.6 | 18,940.7 | 17,954 | 14,120.4 |
7 | 9129.74 | 9761.09 | 11,407.2 | 12,937.6 | 17,616.1 | 19,787.9 | 16,566.3 |
8 | 9848.06 | 10,823.1 | 12,951.4 | 15,075.9 | 19,854.8 | 20,511.1 | 16,312.7 |
9 | 9570.95 | 10,302.4 | 12,240.4 | 14,420.2 | 19,123.6 | 22,705 | 19,360.4 |
10 | 10,759 | 11,957.4 | 14,571.2 | 17,344.9 | 21,903.1 | 24,000.4 | 19,583.5 |
2023: May | |||||||
1 | 8111.51 | 8199.08 | 8100.88 | 7465.42 | 7287.35 | 7335.55 | 7330.84 |
2 | 7565.9 | 7794.02 | 8480.23 | 8399.37 | 13,105.3 | 11,135.9 | 9540.2 |
3 | 7941.53 | 8209.27 | 9135.12 | 9131.33 | 14,663.5 | 13,138.1 | 10,966.2 |
4 | 8278.6 | 8635.24 | 9757.47 | 10183.6 | 14,710.6 | 15,182 | 12,997.8 |
5 | 8007.61 | 8238.4 | 9379.12 | 9007.12 | 18,137.6 | 13,349.7 | 10,649.6 |
6 | 7959.3 | 8113.15 | 9263.84 | 8488.51 | 22,413.9 | 12,764.6 | 9831.97 |
7 | 8460.35 | 8799.31 | 10,364.7 | 10,092.9 | 20,827.9 | 15,638.7 | 12,351.6 |
8 | 8552.87 | 8939.44 | 10,306.6 | 10,660.9 | 17,349.2 | 16,382.3 | 13,624.4 |
9 | 8999.75 | 9517.87 | 11,173.8 | 12,159.9 | 17,889.8 | 18,838.8 | 16,259.8 |
10 | 10,309.3 | 11,076.4 | 13,413.5 | 15,174.4 | 20,565.5 | 22,691.1 | 20,127.9 |
Class | Band 1 | Band 2 | Band 3 | Band 4 | Band 5 | Band 6 | Band 7 |
2023: July | |||||||
1 | 7500.81 | 7646.92 | 7722.75 | 7376.19 | 7464.38 | 7798.77 | 7755.02 |
2 | 8127.96 | 8540.32 | 9609.1 | 9705.24 | 15,267.4 | 13,436.5 | 11,015.4 |
3 | 8252.89 | 8754.25 | 10,217.3 | 10,220.6 | 19,793.6 | 15,491.7 | 12,155.2 |
4 | 8632.51 | 9160.58 | 10,487.1 | 11,145.4 | 15,532 | 15,921.1 | 13,380.2 |
5 | 8846.49 | 9479.29 | 11,046.4 | 11,830.1 | 17,492.5 | 17,638.3 | 14,481.8 |
6 | 9201.59 | 9873.76 | 11,411 | 12,488 | 15,585.3 | 18,152.4 | 15,358.2 |
7 | 9293.07 | 10,015.1 | 11,685.1 | 13,029.5 | 17,033.7 | 19,868.5 | 16,751.3 |
8 | 10,080.1 | 10,993.2 | 12,891.2 | 14,295.8 | 17,321.4 | 20,518.4 | 17,159.1 |
9 | 9985.18 | 10,842.3 | 12,815.2 | 14,613.6 | 18,222.5 | 22,332.9 | 19,188 |
10 | 10,968.9 | 12,001.6 | 14,474.9 | 16,602.5 | 19,960 | 24,353.3 | 21,345.3 |
2023: September | |||||||
1 | 8057.65 | 8039.26 | 7748.32 | 7366.06 | 7277.01 | 7381.23 | 7381.57 |
2 | 7726.42 | 7990.22 | 8786.58 | 8828.21 | 14,163.6 | 12,041.9 | 10,029.1 |
3 | 8247.64 | 8609.77 | 9618.74 | 10,150.4 | 14,170.5 | 14,536.1 | 12,265.5 |
4 | 8313.97 | 8631 | 9791.5 | 9795.11 | 18,703.7 | 14,820.3 | 11,736 |
5 | 8759.38 | 9204.49 | 10,345.5 | 11,259.8 | 13,905.7 | 16,652 | 14,282 |
6 | 8851.15 | 9357.15 | 10,724.4 | 11,653 | 16,282.7 | 17,375 | 14,521.9 |
7 | 9289.65 | 9878.35 | 11,350.2 | 12,612.5 | 15,641.1 | 18,960.8 | 16,187 |
8 | 9656.35 | 10,336.8 | 12,032.2 | 13,588.6 | 16,911.5 | 20,589.9 | 17,615.2 |
9 | 10,122.7 | 10,879.8 | 12,859.4 | 14,816 | 18,280.5 | 22,704 | 19,758.4 |
10 | 11,172.9 | 12,165.6 | 14,822.7 | 17,351.5 | 20,822.6 | 25,700.6 | 22,812.4 |
2023: November | |||||||
1 | 7982.57 | 7976.11 | 7746.84 | 7371.42 | 7374.01 | 7416.82 | 7387.47 |
2 | 7606.96 | 7848.7 | 8421.42 | 8450.72 | 11,883.1 | 10,576.5 | 9345.26 |
3 | 8009.92 | 8271.76 | 9076.5 | 9113.51 | 14,879.4 | 13,007.5 | 10,800.5 |
4 | 8443.29 | 8714.75 | 9430.96 | 9844.52 | 11,725.6 | 13,884.5 | 12,143.8 |
5 | 8688.21 | 9043.79 | 10003.6 | 10602.4 | 13,637.5 | 15,634.6 | 13,570.2 |
6 | 8371.09 | 8671.7 | 9834.34 | 9692.7 | 18,571.4 | 14,782.6 | 11,792.6 |
7 | 8804.19 | 9223.59 | 10,496.4 | 11,154 | 16,783.6 | 17,135.9 | 14,444 |
8 | 9160.99 | 9627.78 | 10,860.9 | 11,853.9 | 14,513.2 | 17,931.3 | 15,848 |
9 | 9542.27 | 10,134.7 | 11,817.5 | 13,258.5 | 17,309 | 20,476.2 | 18,053.6 |
10 | 11,042.5 | 12,012.4 | 14,554.4 | 16,720.1 | 20,561.1 | 25,084.9 | 22,211.2 |
Iteration | 01/2023 | 03/2023 | 05/2023 | 07/2023 | 09/2023 | 11/2023 |
Iteration 1 | 74.15% | 81.46% | 58.44% | 74.15% | 81.12% | 81.47% |
Iteration 2 | 77.52% | 88.60% | 74.76% | 77.52% | 88.74% | 78.51% |
Iteration 3 | 90.02% | 88.06% | 89.85% | 90.02% | 92.05% | 85.56% |
Iteration 4 | 93.59% | 93.42% | 94.81% | 93.59% | 94.67% | 92.87% |
Iteration 5 | 95.31% | 95.40% | 96.52% | 95.31% | 95.25% | 96.37% |
Iteration 6 | 96.32% | 95.94% | 96.85% | 96.32% | 96.21% | 97.33% |
Iteration 7 | 97.11% | 96.88% | 97.34% | 97.11% | 97.09% | 97.66% |
Iteration 8 | 97.05% | 97.78% | 97.60% | 97.05% | 97.19% | 97.97% |
Iteration 9 | 97.55% | 98.16% | 98.03% | 97.55% | 97.46% | 98.24% |
Convergence | 98.1% | 98.2% | 98.0% | 98.1% | 98.0% | 98.2% |
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Lemenkova, P. Improving Bimonthly Landscape Monitoring in Morocco, North Africa, by Integrating Machine Learning with GRASS GIS. Geomatics 2025, 5, 5.
Lemenkova P. Improving Bimonthly Landscape Monitoring in Morocco, North Africa, by Integrating Machine Learning with GRASS GIS. Geomatics. 2025; 5(1):5.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLemenkova, Polina. 2025. "Improving Bimonthly Landscape Monitoring in Morocco, North Africa, by Integrating Machine Learning with GRASS GIS" Geomatics 5, no. 1: 5.
APA StyleLemenkova, P. (2025). Improving Bimonthly Landscape Monitoring in Morocco, North Africa, by Integrating Machine Learning with GRASS GIS. Geomatics, 5(1), 5.