Geographic Information System and Atomized Transportation Modes
:1. Introduction
2. GIS
- Heatmap: heatmaps map the concentration of a spatial phenomenon. For instance, a heatmap of car accidents [7];
- Proximity analysis: this analysis determines the impact of a spatial feature. For instance, assessing the impact of green spaces on promoting cycling [8];
- Spatial regression: this regression method refers to any regression technique that accounts for spatial dependency in the data. For instance, modeling cycling ridership at an intersection level by correcting for cycling ridership at a neighboring intersection [9];
- Suitability analysis: this analysis assigns a numeric value for factors relative to their importance in order to find the optimal location for certain spatial features. For instance, finding optimal school locations to promote student walking and cycling [10];
- Agent-based model: a type of model that evaluates the effect of certain environments on agents by simulating their actions. For instance, comparing between driving, cycling, and walking distance for simulated journeys in certain cities. Therefore, the agents are corresponding to the simulated trips, whereas the cities are the environments constrained by the street networks [11];
- Spatial autocorrelation analysis: this analysis statistically assesses the spatial patterns of a certain variable. The returned value of this analysis ranges from 1 (postive spatial autocorrealtion) to −1 (negative spatial autocorrelation), where the value of 0 represents spatial randomness. As shown in Figure 2, spatial autocorrelation occurs when a given feature is neighbouring features with similar value; for example, a feature with high (or low) values are situted near other features with high (or low) values. As opposed to negative spatial autocorrealation, a given feature is neighbouring features with dissimilar values. For example, there is a tendency for cyclists to cycle in (or close by) areas where cycling is common due to many reasons, among which is the ‘safety-in-numbers’ theory. This theory states that, when the number of cyclists increases, drivers will pay more attention, and thus provide a safer environment [12];
- Map matching: in order to reveal the path of vehicles/travelers, map matching techniques (e.g., Douglas and Peucker algorithms) are used to match the collected GPS points from vehicles/travelers to the corresponding street segments. For example, this technique is presented in Google Maps Platform (, accessed on 22 March 2022) and is constantly being used in tracking apps;
- Participatory mapping: involving the general public in spatial data collection through online platforms is known as participatory mapping. For example, the public can report bike safety issues using (, accessed on 22 March 2022) and walking or rolling safety issues using (, accessed on 22 March 2022).
- GPS trajectories: consecutive GPS points retrieved at a predefined time interval from the users, revealing their location. Map matching techniques are then preformed to convert these points to nearest streets. Certain smartphones apps (elaborated in Section 3) provide such data. This data are useful to estimate ridership at a street level, which is considered the finest available data;
- Origin–destination: data of the start (origin) and the end (destination) of each journey are used. The data can be represented as points (e.g., representing a bike- sharing system station or kiosk) or aggregated to represent a city zone;
- Self-reported journeys: research can solicit a journey’s data using participatory mapping by recruiting participants. Yet, the accuracy of the obtained data depends to a large extent on the participants’ skills of mapping [14].
3. Active Transportation
4. Micromobility
5. Cars
6. Concluding Remarks
- There is a pressing need for researchers and planners to be equipped with GIS skills to deal with atomized transportation data;
- Making the data openly available to facilitate a better understanding of trends and allowing more collaboration between researchers. A geographic gap can be witnessed in the case studies’ location, given the availability of data. For instance, limited knowledge is available about locations where active transportation is less prevalent;
- There is a lack of studies about food delivery services making cycling more safe and providing jobs that include cyclist couriers in active transportation advocacy plans [74];
- There is a scarcity in the literature about bike-sharing systems and micromobility vandalism and theft incidents. Collecting such data might be cumbersome for researchers. Yet, if service operators provide such data, insightful patterns that help to curb such behavior might be revealed;
- There is a need for further investigation into the reliability of big data in terms of its representativeness and precision;
- Replicating previous work with finer resolution data. For example, most bike-sharing system studies rely on origin–destination, whereas GPS trajectories are less used, creating a gap in the literature regarding bike-sharing system users’ route choice.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Active Transportation | Micromobility | Cars | |
Data producer | Social fitness networks (e.g., Strava) Transportation agencies (e.g., SFCTA) Advocate groups (e.g., Imagery (e.g., Google Earth) Bike-sharing systems (e.g., Los Angeles’ Metro Bike) | Service providers (e.g., Uber Movement) Transportation agencies (e.g., City of Austin open data portal) | Apps (e.g., Street Bump) Ride sharing services (e.g., Uber) Imagery (e.g., Google Earth) |
Types of data | Trip volume data Trip histories data Infrastructure data | Trip volume data | Infrastructure data Average speed and travel time |
Methods | Spatial statistics (e.g., heatmap and proximity analysis) | Spatial statistics (e.g., heatmap and proximity analysis) | Spatial statistics (e.g., heatmap and proximity analysis) |
Manual digitization | Manual digitization | ||
Visualization methods | Object-oriented programing languages (e.g., R and Python) GIS software (e.g., ArcMap) Cloud-based analytic tool (e.g., |
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Alattar, M.A.; Beecroft, M.; Cottrill, C. Geographic Information System and Atomized Transportation Modes. Encyclopedia 2022, 2, 1069-1081.
Alattar MA, Beecroft M, Cottrill C. Geographic Information System and Atomized Transportation Modes. Encyclopedia. 2022; 2(2):1069-1081.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlattar, Mohammad Anwar, Mark Beecroft, and Caitlin Cottrill. 2022. "Geographic Information System and Atomized Transportation Modes" Encyclopedia 2, no. 2: 1069-1081.
APA StyleAlattar, M. A., Beecroft, M., & Cottrill, C. (2022). Geographic Information System and Atomized Transportation Modes. Encyclopedia, 2(2), 1069-1081.