Spring Fever in The Netherlands: Framing Child Sexuality in Sex Education and Its Controversies
:1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
“This week is Spring Fever week, as it is called. In primary schools all over The Netherlands, kids of four years old are encouraged by adults to think about sex-change, anal sex, threesomes, and drag queens. Picture books with images on, for example, how to give a blowjob are spread as well. Again, to kids aged four. This sexualization of children is wrong and must stop. Promoting sex change to children must stop. And the creeping normalization of pedophilia must stop as well”.
Parliamentary question asked by Dutch MP Thierry Baudet to Dennis Wiersma, Minister of Primary and Secondary Education.
1.2. Child Sexuality
1.3. Sex Education in The Netherlands
1.4. Anti-Gender Movements and Moments
1.5. Spring Fever
2. Methods and Data
3. Results
3.1. Spring Fever and Tickles in Your Tummy
Children discover their bodies, enter into relationships, are curious about sexuality, display sexual behavior and have many questions. Not all children receive timely, correct and complete information about relationships and sexuality. The information is sometimes too one-sided, too limited or incorrect. As a result, some children are less well prepared for puberty, may take sexual risks, may display sexually transgressive behavior or develop psychosocial problems. The Tickles in Your Tummy lesson package has been developed systematically using the intervention mapping methodology. The lesson package addresses important determinants such as knowledge, attitude, social norms, risk perception and communication skills around relevant themes. […] The themes and work forms are in line with the world of young children and are offered in a continuous learning line.
3.2. Short Overview of the 2023 Furor
3.3. Sexual Pleasure and a 3D Model of the Clitoris
When children in primary education learn about their bodies, relationships and sexuality from a positive message, they know better what they like and what they don’t. Pupils who learn about relationships and sexuality in a positive way from an early age have a more positive self-image and body image, can communicate better about their wishes and boundaries and they learn to treat each other with more respect. Research also shows that young people who think in advance about what a pleasant first sexual experience is for them, actually have more pleasant first sexual experiences and are less confronted with sexual problems such as transgressive behaviour, unwanted pregnancy and STDs.
3.4. Parents Concerned About Sexualization
3.5. Gender Diversity, Wokeness, and the Dutch Nation
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Krebbekx, W. Spring Fever in The Netherlands: Framing Child Sexuality in Sex Education and Its Controversies. Youth 2025, 5, 6. https://doi.org/10.3390/youth5010006
Krebbekx W. Spring Fever in The Netherlands: Framing Child Sexuality in Sex Education and Its Controversies. Youth. 2025; 5(1):6. https://doi.org/10.3390/youth5010006
Chicago/Turabian StyleKrebbekx, Willemijn. 2025. "Spring Fever in The Netherlands: Framing Child Sexuality in Sex Education and Its Controversies" Youth 5, no. 1: 6. https://doi.org/10.3390/youth5010006
APA StyleKrebbekx, W. (2025). Spring Fever in The Netherlands: Framing Child Sexuality in Sex Education and Its Controversies. Youth, 5(1), 6. https://doi.org/10.3390/youth5010006