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Rhizobium Inoculants Mitigate Corn Herbicide Residual Effects on Soybean Germination

Ncomiwe Maphalala
Alaina Richardson
Sabrina Quevedo Sastre
Aricia Ritter Correa
Fernanda Reolon de Souza
Te Ming Tseng
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mississippi State University, 32 Creeman St., Starkville, MS 39762, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 17 October 2024 / Revised: 16 January 2025 / Accepted: 23 January 2025 / Published: 27 January 2025


Corn residual herbicides offer a practical approach to comprehensive weed management throughout the growing season. However, the use of residual pre-emergence herbicides can have a negative impact on crops grown in succession or within a rotation. A study was carried out to determine the effect of the residual activity of selected corn herbicides on soybeans. The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of these herbicides on the germination of inoculated soybean seeds. Experiments were conducted in greenhouse conditions to check the carryover effect on soybean germination. Treatment combinations of two pre-herbicides and two inoculants were applied: atrazine (2241 g ai ha−1), mesotrione (105 g ai ha−1), and Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Bradyrhizobium japonicum + Bacillus subtilis, respectively. A randomized complete block design evaluated six treatment combinations, including the control. All treatments, except uninoculated treatments, presented efficacy in reducing the carryover effects of corn residual herbicides on the germination of soybeans. An increase in final germination percentage was observed with Bradyrhizobium japonicum + Bacillus subtilis co-inoculation plus atrazine (24% increase) and Bradyrhizobium japonicum plus mesotrione treatment combinations (19% increase). Inoculating soybean seeds with rhizobium bacteria can reduce the carryover effects on the germination of soybean seeds grown in soil applied with atrazine and mesotrione.

1. Introduction

Corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) are frequently grown in rotation throughout the mid-western United States and Canada. Corn seeding is usually initiated approximately one month before soybeans. The persistent characteristics of applied corn herbicides significantly impact the feasibility of seeding soybeans following corn cultivation. Residual corn herbicides can significantly impact soybean germination and growth when planted in succession or as a replacement crop. These have also impacted soybean injury and yields when seeded in the same season. Various studies have extensively documented the repercussions of commonly used residual corn herbicides on soybean yield [1]. Herbicides with soil residual activity, such as atrazine and mesotrione, are widely used in corn production to provide extended weed control. However, these herbicides can persist in the soil, affecting the germination and growth of subsequent crops, such as soybeans, often grown in rotation with corn. In the USA, residual corn herbicides like atrazine and mesotrione are known to impact soybean emergence and yield when applied in successive cropping systems.
Studies show that injury generally increases as the interval between herbicide application and soybean seeding decreases [1]. Certain herbicides, such as isoxaflutole plus atrazine (79 + 800 g a.i./ha) and dimethenamid plus dicamba/atrazine (1250 + 1800 g a.i./ha), can cause substantial injury and reduce plant stand by 7% and 43% and soybean yield by up to 42% and 54%, respectively [1]. Herbicide residuals in soil can also negatively affect crop productivity and leaf greenness in corn and soybean [2].
Herbicides with soil residual activity provide an extended period of weed control by persisting in the soil and suppressing weeds as they emerge. Residual herbicides are commonly used in pre-emergence applications, whereas some can be applied postemergence. The adoption of herbicides with soil-residual activity is on the rise to broaden the scope of chemical weed control programs. This approach aims to mitigate resistance to frequently employed postemergence herbicides [3] and extend the window for crucial weed removal operations [4]. Herbicide concentration and soil degradation rate depend on individual herbicide properties and various biotic and abiotic factors encountered after application. Factors in the soil influencing herbicide degradation include microorganism activity, soil pH, soil moisture, and soil organic matter [3]. When residual herbicide degradation is delayed due to environmental conditions, herbicide carryover into subsequent sensitive crops can occur, causing potential yield loss. Circumstances that can delay residual herbicide degradation include reduced precipitation following application and postemergence applications made later in the growing season to control late-emerging weeds [3]. While residual herbicides effectively manage late-emerging weeds, their application can also impact soybean germination and establishment. Extensive research has examined the effects of residual herbicides on succeeding crops [1,4,5,6]. However, to date, no studies have investigated the potential influence of Rhizobium bacteria on herbicide carryover.
Between and within the soil medium are groups of biota, such as bacteria, fungi, nematodes, earthworms, termites, and protozoa. These play vital roles, such as residue decomposition, nutrient recycling, soil structural stability, and degradation of soil pollutants [7]. Rhizobia are soil microorganisms that can live on plant residues, entirely within plants, or closely associated with plant roots. They play a central role in the nitrogen supply of most soil ecosystems through their ability to fix nitrogen in symbiosis with legumes. The process by which rhizobia colonize the rhizosphere, infect roots, and facilitate nitrogen fixation, ultimately contributes to plant growth and enhances grain yield [2].
Rhizobia can degrade/mineralize herbicides, reducing potential phytotoxic effects on the host plant and producing phytohormones that stimulate plant growth and help plants overcome stresses caused by herbicide application [8]. Some species of rhizobia can degrade herbicides and use them as an energy source for metabolic activities and physiological processes. For example, a strain of Rhizobium species isolated from agricultural soil was found to degrade atrazine actively, providing a source of energy other than photosynthates alone [8]. No published research, as far as we know, has examined the effects of corn residual herbicides, such as atrazine and mesotrione, on soybeans inoculated with bacteria (Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Bacillus subtilis). While numerous studies detail soybean injury, stand reduction, and biomass decline due to carryover herbicides [1,9], conclusive evidence regarding the impact of bacterial inoculation on corn residual herbicide carryover remains elusive. This study aims to provide growers with valuable insights to guide optimal soybean replanting strategies in fields treated with corn residual herbicides.
This study hypothesizes that inoculating soybean seeds with B. japonicum and B. subtilis could enhance the degradation of atrazine and mesotrione, thereby reducing their persistence and mitigating phytotoxic effects on successive soybean crops. Accordingly, this research aims to assess whether the inoculation of soybean seeds with bacteria can effectively diminish the carryover effects on soybean germination in soil treated with atrazine and mesotrione. Atrazine and mesotrione were selected for this study because they are among the most commonly used residual herbicides in corn production, both in the USA and globally. Given that corn is frequently rotated with soybeans and other legumes, these herbicides often remain in the soil, potentially hindering the growth of subsequent crops. The goal of this study was to determine whether inoculating soybean seeds with bacterial inoculants could reduce the negative effects of herbicide carryover.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Experiment Background

The experiment was conducted at the R.R. Foil Plant Science Research Center greenhouse (43°04′33″ N, 89°25′27″ W), Mississippi State University, MS, USA. The soil used in this experiment was collected adjacent to a field (no history of synthetic herbicide use) at the North Farm Research Station (33°28′15″ N, 88°46′56″ W). The experimental unit consisted of 482.5 cm3 polyethylene pots filled with a mixture of a potting mix and the field soil (50:50). The plant material used was soybean seeds from the AG24X7 cultivar. These seeds were inoculated with commercial peat-based inoculants, B. japonicum, at a rate of 0.94 g/30 g seed, and were also co-inoculated with B. japonicum and B. subtilis (0.031 g/g of seed plus 1.34 g/L soil). The viability of these strains was ensured by following standard inoculation procedures, including appropriate storage and application rates. After inoculation, ten soybean seeds were sown per pot at a depth of 1/2 inch to ensure consistent and optimal conditions for germination. The experimental treatments included two corn-residual herbicides—atrazine (applied at 2.24 kg ai/ha) and mesotrione (applied at 0.27 kg ai/ha) (Table 1)—as well as two inoculants: B. japonicum and a combination of B. japonicum and B. subtilis. An untreated control was also included for comparison (Table 2).
Herbicides were applied on the same day after soybean sowing using a spray chamber (Generation III track sprayer, DeVries Manufacturing, Inc., Hollandale, MS, USA) equipped with an FC-GA110-02 (Teejet) nozzle calibrated to deliver 20 gallons per acre (GPA). Experimental units were watered to field capacity before herbicide application, and watering was repeated for the remainder of the experiment as required. The experiment was conducted twice in a randomized complete block design with four replications per treatment, producing 24 experimental units. Greenhouse conditions (21 °C minimum, 26 °C average, 32 °C maximum with 45% average relative humidity) were monitored with a WatchDog A150 Temp/RH logger (Spectrum Technologies, Aurora, IL, USA).

2.2. Soybean Emergence and Germination

To explore the potential impacts of corn residual herbicides on soybean germination, we monitored germination over a 15-day period, commencing from the day after sowing or herbicide treatment (DAT). Daily recordings were made to track the number of germinated seedlings. The germination of soybean seeds typically occurs within a week, but emergence can take 6–15 days depending on soil conditions. Therefore, a 15-day monitoring period was chosen to capture the complete range of germination events under these controlled conditions.

2.3. Data Collection and Analysis

Data were collected on the final germination percentage (G%) (final number of seeds germinated in a seed lot*100) and GRI (G1/1 + G2/2 +…+ Gx/x) [9] emergence speed index (ESI). Final Germination Percentage (FGP) represents the total number of seeds that have germinated by the conclusion of the experiment, calculated based on the count of emerged plants in each pot. A higher FGP value indicates a more extensive germination of the seed population. Germination Rate Index (GRI) reflects the daily germination progress throughout the germination period, with a higher GRI value signifying both greater and quicker germination. All analyses were performed using JMP 12.1.0 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) for Windows software. Data were analyzed using a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a significance level of p = 0.05, assessing the standard error of the difference between treatment means. Data from both experimental runs were combined and analyzed through a two-way ANOVA to assess the effects of herbicide treatments and inoculant combinations, including the main effects and their interactions.

3. Results

3.1. Final Germination Percentage (FGP)

Differences in Final Germination Percentage (FGP) between the control and treatments with B. japonicum, B. japonicum + B. subtilis, were not significantly different where atrazine was applied, but there was a statistically significant difference between uninoculated and B. japonicum + B. subtilis inoculated treatments at zero herbicide rate (Figure 1, Table 3). At full atrazine rate, seeds inoculated with B. japonicum showed an increase in FGP (9% increase).
The application of mesotrione resulted in FGP differences that were not significantly different between the control and B. japonicum and B. japonicum + B. subtilis treatments. There was no statistically significant difference between uninoculated treatments at the full mesotrione rate and the control (Table 4, Figure 1). Co-inoculation with B. japonicum + B. subtilis resulted in an 8% FGP increase, while with uninoculated treatments, there was a 14% decrease in FGP (Table 5). Between the experimental treatments alone, inoculation with B. japonicum and co-inoculation with B. japonicum + B. subtilis significantly increased FGP compared to uninoculated treatments at a full atrazine rate (Table 5).
At the full mesotrione rate, uninoculated treatments resulted in a 13% decrease in FGP, and co-inoculation with B. japonicum + B. subtilis resulted in a 19% increase, while inoculation with B. japonicum resulted in a higher % FGP increase of 42% (Table 6). Between the experimental treatments alone, inoculation with B. japonicum resulted in a significant increase in FGP compared to uninoculated treatments at the full mesotrione rate (Table 6).

3.2. Germination Rate Index (GRI)

The Germination Rate Index (GRI) exhibited a somewhat comparable trend to FGP’s. The GRI showed no statistically significant differences among treatments where atrazine was applied. However, uninoculated, no-herbicide treatments showed a higher GRI (11%) and the lowest was with co-inoculation, no-herbicide treatments (9%). Co-inoculation with B. japonicum and B. subtilis resulted in a higher GRI (11.7%) (Figure 2A, Table 7).
Where mesotrione was applied, there was no statistically significant difference in the GRI between inoculant–herbicide treatments and the control. B. japonicum + no-herbicide treatments again showed a lower GRI (5%), while no inoculant + no herbicide treatments resulted in a higher GRI (8%) (Figure 2, Table 8). At the full atrazine rate, seeds inoculated with B. japonicum showed a decrease in GRI (−3% increase), while co-inoculation with B. japonicum + B. subtilis resulted in the highest GRI increase (3.25%). With uninoculated treatments, there was a 13% decrease in FGP (Table 9). No significant increase in GRI was observed between the experimental treatments alone at the full atrazine rate (Table 9).
At the full mesotrione rate, the uninoculated treatments resulted in a 12% decrease in the GRI, and co-inoculation with B. japonicum + B. subtilis resulted in a 22% increase, while inoculation with B. japonicum resulted in a 21% increase (Table 10). No significant increase in the GRI was observed between the experimental treatments alone at the full mesotrione rate (Table 10).

4. Discussion

The findings of this study suggest that the higher increases in Final Germination Percentage (FGP) and Germination Rate Index (GRI) observed in inoculated treatment combinations can be attributed to enhanced herbicide degradation facilitated by increased bacterial presence post-inoculation. This likely reduced the availability of herbicides for plant uptake, minimized phytotoxicity, and increased seed emergence efficiency. Studies, such as Muoni et al. [10], emphasize the important role that microbial activity plays in herbicide degradation, particularly through enzymatic processes. For instance, atrazine may have transformed into less toxic molecules or volatilized from the soil surface, reducing its phytotoxic effects. Additionally, enhanced degradation likely occurred in the presence of bacterial inoculants due to the increased population of microorganisms capable of mineralizing or degrading herbicides [8,11]. Uninoculated treatments, by contrast, may have lacked sufficient microbial populations to effectively metabolize the herbicides present in the soil.
Fewer studies have specifically investigated the impact of residual corn herbicides on inoculated soybeans. Although various studies describe soybean injury and its effects on germination, stand, and biomass from carry-over herbicides, less definitive answers have been given regarding the effect of bacterial inoculation on corn residual herbicide carryover. For example, Usman et al. [1], in a study on the impact of residual corn herbicides on the injury and yield of un-inoculated soybeans seeded in the same season, found a 10% decrease in plant stand in pre-emergence isoxaflutole plus atrazine treatments, which implies a reduction in germination percentage where atrazine is used with no bacterial inoculants. Dimethanamid plus atrazine decreased plant stand by 43, 18, and 7% when applied 0, 2, and 4 wk prior to seeding soybean, respectively. On the contrary, Muoni et al. [10], in their study investigating the impact of atrazine use in maize on soybean productivity within maize–soybean rotations, observed that atrazine treatments did not adversely affect soybean emergence across all study sites when compared to hand-hoe weeding alone. These authors concluded that soybean emergence was unaffected by prior atrazine application in both seasons. Their findings align with our study, which similarly found that full-rate atrazine application resulted in significantly higher germination percentages for inoculated soybean seeds compared to uninoculated treatments.
The primary focus of our study was on germination parameters, specifically examining how inoculation influences the initial stages of soybean emergence under herbicide carryover conditions. While this approach provided valuable insights into germination outcomes, it did not extend to other growth metrics, such as root length, biomass, or seedling rate, which are important for a more comprehensive understanding of herbicide carryover effects. Future research should investigate these additional growth parameters to assess how inoculation impacts not only germination but also the broader development of crops under residual herbicide pressure.
In this study, soybeans inoculated with B. japonicum resulted in a significantly higher germination percentage after applying atrazine at full rate than uninoculated treatments. These microorganisms have been found to have tremendous potential for bioremediation and herbicide degradation due to the presence of catalytic enzymes that degrade or mineralize the herbicides into different metabolites that act as a source of energy for the seed and, as such, enhance its germination. Many strains have been reported for their abilities in atrazine mineralization, including members of the genera Pseudomonas, and Bacillus [7].
Vercellino et al. [12] discovered that Bradyrhizobium exhibited a significant capacity to metabolize the investigated herbicides, with atrazine being the most utilized energy source among the compounds studied. They concluded that certain strains of Bradyrhizobium could both denitrify and utilize atrazine. In a separate study, Jiang et al. [13] observed that after inoculating soybean seeds with B. japonicum, the strain alleviated atrazine-induced growth inhibition by enhancing leghemoglobin and total nitrogen contents in soybean seedlings.
Some species of rhizobia, such as Rhizobium, have also been found to actively degrade atrazine, providing a source of energy other than photosynthates alone and, as such, improving soybean germination and growth. Zhu et al. [11] found that two bacteria of the Bacillus genus could efficiently degrade atrazine. The degradation efficiency of atrazine by the strains reached about 98.6 and 99.6% after 7 days under the same conditions, and it was faster when the two strains were combined.
In this study, the degradation of herbicides resulted in reduced phytotoxicity toward soybean seeds, thereby enhancing germination rates and speed. Bozarth [14] also highlighted that rhizobia can degrade or mineralize herbicides, mitigating potential phytotoxic effects on host plants. Furthermore, they can produce phytohormones that stimulate plant growth and aid in stress mitigation caused by herbicide application. Khan et al. [15] observed significant production of IAA (3-indole acetic acid) by some strains of Bradyrhizobium sp., a trait also noted by Frah et al. [16] in Azotobacter sp. and Pseudomonas sp. Atrazine might have also positively affected the growth and development of rhizobia or the seed, thus promoting germination. Burul [8] has stated that herbicides, such as atrazine, can positively affect the growth and development of rhizobia and/or the host plant, directly or indirectly, or negatively affect the species diversity, abundance, activity, and reproduction of rhizobia.
Soybeans inoculated with B. japonicum resulted in a significantly higher germination percentage after the application of mesotrione at a full rate, compared to uninoculated treatments. Co-inoculation with B. japonicum + B. subtilis also resulted in an increase in FGP compared to uninoculated + herbicide treatments. This is due to the degradation and utilization of the herbicide by Bradyrhizobium as a carbon and nitrogen source, as found by [17]. Romdhane et al. [9] also investigated the ability of the Bradyrhizobium sp. SR1 strain to degrade mesotrione and tembotrione or natural triketones (leptospermone), in resting cell experiments and found that SR1 could only degrade mesotrione. In the case of Bacillus sp. 3B6, which was also investigated in their study, mesotrione degradation primarily involved the reduction in the nitro group, resulting in the formation of several transformation products. Liu et al. [18] reported that Bacillus pumilus HZ-2, a novel isolate, demonstrated the ability to degrade over 95% of mesotrione at initial concentrations ranging from 25 to 200 mg/L within four days under flask shaking conditions. Carles et al. [19] similarly found that Bacillus megaterium Mes 11, isolated from agricultural soil, completely transformed 1 mM of mesotrione within 5 h, whether alone or in combination with 1 mM of nicosulfuron and/or metolachlor herbicides.
Additionally, Mahmood et al. [20] identified improvement in seed germination as one of several mechanisms by which rhizobacteria promote plant growth, which aligns with the present study’s findings.

5. Conclusions

In conclusion, co-inoculation with B. japonicum and B. subtilis shows significant potential for mitigating the effects of atrazine, while B. japonicum alone exhibits promise in addressing mesotrione carryover, enhancing both germination and early seedling establishment. Strict adherence to herbicide label instructions remains essential, and our results do not promote off-label use. However, they suggest that inoculated soybean seeds may help reduce herbicide phytotoxicity, increase germination rates, and potentially, with further investigation, shorten re-crop intervals for legumes, offering greater flexibility for farmers.
While this study focused on germination outcomes, further research is needed to understand the full scope of inoculants’ impact on herbicide degradation and seedling development. Our findings provide a foundational basis for future studies to optimize seed physiological potential and develop sustainable agricultural solutions. The results indicate that inoculating soybean seeds with B. japonicum and B. subtilis improves germination under atrazine and mesotrione carryover conditions. Nonetheless, this study’s focus on germination highlights the need for future greenhouse and field research to explore the mechanisms of herbicide degradation in soil and the broader effects on plant development beyond germination.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, N.M. and T.M.T.; methodology, N.M. and T.M.T.; software, N.M.; validation, N.M. and T.M.T.; formal analysis, N.M., A.R., S.Q.S. and A.R.C.; investigation, N.M., A.R., S.Q.S. and A.R.C.; resources, T.M.T.; data curation, T.M.T.; writing—original draft preparation, N.M., F.R.d.S. and T.M.T.; writing—review and editing, N.M., F.R.d.S. and T.M.T.; visualization, N.M., F.R.d.S. and T.M.T.; supervision, T.M.T.; project administration, T.M.T.; funding acquisition, T.M.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was partially funded by the Fulbright Foreign Student Program and the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station—Special Research Initiative. This material is based upon work supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, US Department of Agriculture, Hatch project, under accession number 230100.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Dataset available on request from the authors.


The authors thank Luis Avila, Ashwathy Rai, and Shankar Shanmugam for their technical advice and guidance (Mississippi State University).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Soybean Final Germination (FGP) 15 days after application of the herbicide atrazine (A) and mesotrione (B), I1C (B. japo + no herbicide), I2C (B. japo + B. sub + no herbicide), I3C (No inoculant + no herbicide), I11X (B. japo + herbicide/full rate), I21X (B. japo + B. sub + herbicide/full rate) and I31X (No inoculant + herbicide/full rate). Letters correspond to the 95% confidence interval and indicate a significant difference between treatments (t-test p < 0.05, n = 6).
Figure 1. Soybean Final Germination (FGP) 15 days after application of the herbicide atrazine (A) and mesotrione (B), I1C (B. japo + no herbicide), I2C (B. japo + B. sub + no herbicide), I3C (No inoculant + no herbicide), I11X (B. japo + herbicide/full rate), I21X (B. japo + B. sub + herbicide/full rate) and I31X (No inoculant + herbicide/full rate). Letters correspond to the 95% confidence interval and indicate a significant difference between treatments (t-test p < 0.05, n = 6).
Seeds 04 00006 g001
Figure 2. Soybean mean germination rate index (GRI) at 15 days after application of herbicide atrazine (A) and mesotrione (B), I1C (B. japo + no herbicide), I2C (B. japo + B. sub + no herbicide), I3C (No inoculant + no herbicide), I11X (B. japo + herbicide/full rate), I21X (B. japo + B. sub + herbicide/full rate) and I31X (No inoculant + herbicide/full rate). Letters correspond to the 95% confidence interval and indicate a significant difference between treatments (t-test p < 0.05, n = 6).
Figure 2. Soybean mean germination rate index (GRI) at 15 days after application of herbicide atrazine (A) and mesotrione (B), I1C (B. japo + no herbicide), I2C (B. japo + B. sub + no herbicide), I3C (No inoculant + no herbicide), I11X (B. japo + herbicide/full rate), I21X (B. japo + B. sub + herbicide/full rate) and I31X (No inoculant + herbicide/full rate). Letters correspond to the 95% confidence interval and indicate a significant difference between treatments (t-test p < 0.05, n = 6).
Seeds 04 00006 g002
Table 1. General properties of the herbicides evaluated.
Table 1. General properties of the herbicides evaluated.
TreatmentSite of ActionGroupHerbicide FamilyRate
AtrazinePhotosystem II inhibitor5Triazines2 lbs/acre
MesotrioneHPPD inhibitor27Triketone7.7 oz/acre
Table 2. Treatment combinations of herbicides and inoculants were evaluated for each herbicide.
Table 2. Treatment combinations of herbicides and inoculants were evaluated for each herbicide.
Atrazine + B. japonicumMesotrione + B. japonicum
Atrazine + B. japonicum and B. subtilisMesotrione + B. japonicum and B. subtilis
Atrazine + no inoculantMesotrione + no inoculant
No herbicide + B. japonicumNo herbicide + B. japonicum
No herbicide + B. japonicum and B. subtilisNo herbicide + B. japonicum and B. subtilis
No herbicide + no inoculantNo herbicide + no inoculant
Table 3. Impact of inoculation–herbicide (atrazine) treatments on soybean seed germination percentage.
Table 3. Impact of inoculation–herbicide (atrazine) treatments on soybean seed germination percentage.
Treatment CodeTreatment NameMean FGP (%)Standard Deviation
I1CB. japo + no herbicide77.0 ab8.9
I2CB. japo + B. sub + no herbicide71.0 b18.0
I3CNo inoculant + no herbicide87.0 a13.9
I11XB. japo + herbicide (full rate)83.0 ab13.0
I21XB. japo + B. sub + herbicide (full rate)77.0 ab17.5
I31XNo inoculant + herbicide (full rate)75.0 ab16.0
Equal letters in the column indicate that there is no significant difference between the treatments, with p < 0.05.
Table 4. Impact of inoculation–herbicide (mesotrione) treatments on soybean seed germination percentage.
Table 4. Impact of inoculation–herbicide (mesotrione) treatments on soybean seed germination percentage.
Treatment CodeTreatment NameMean FGP (%)Standard Deviation
I1CB. japo + no herbicide46.0 a25.3
I2CB. japo + B. sub + no herbicide50.0 a27.3
I3CNo inoculant + no herbicide74.0 a16.0
I11XB. japo + herbicide (full rate)68.0 a28.7
I21XB. japo + B. sub + herbicide (full rate)49.0 a37.6
I31XNo inoculant + herbicide (full rate)58.0 a34.5
Equal letters in the column indicate that there is no significant difference between the treatments, with p < 0.05.
Table 5. Impact of inoculation–herbicide (atrazine) treatments on soybean seed final germination percentage (FGP).
Table 5. Impact of inoculation–herbicide (atrazine) treatments on soybean seed final germination percentage (FGP).
Treatment CodeTreatmentMean FGP (%)
I11XB. japo + herbicide (full rate)9.5 a
I21XB. japo & B. sub + herbicide (full rate)8.1 a
I31XNo inoculant + herbicide (full rate)−14.4 b
Equal letters in the column indicate that there is no significant difference between the treatments, with p < 0.05.
Table 6. Impact of inoculation–herbicide (mesotrione) treatments on soybean seed final germination percentage (FGP).
Table 6. Impact of inoculation–herbicide (mesotrione) treatments on soybean seed final germination percentage (FGP).
Treatment CodeTreatmentMean FGP (%)
I11XB. japo + herbicide (full rate)46.5 a
I21XB. japo & B. sub + herbicide (full rate)19.4 ab
I31XNo inoculant + herbicide (full rate)−13.3 b
Equal letters in the column indicate that there is no significant difference between the treatments, with p < 0.05.
Table 7. Effect of inoculation–herbicide (atrazine) treatments on soybean seed germination rate index.
Table 7. Effect of inoculation–herbicide (atrazine) treatments on soybean seed germination rate index.
Treatment CodeTreatmentMean GRI (%) AtrazineStandard Deviation
I1CB. japo + no herbicide9.6 a3.8
I2CB. japo & B. sub + no herbicide9.1 a3.7
I3CNo inoculant + no herbicide11.0 a4.0
I11XB. japo + herbicide (full rate)10.0 a4.0
I21XB. japo & B. sub + herbicide (full rate)9.1 a3.3
I31XNo inoculant + herbicide (full rate)10 a3.1
Equal letters in the column indicate that there is no significant difference between the treatments, with p < 0.05.
Table 8. Effect of inoculation–herbicide (mesotrione) treatments on soybean seed germination rate index.
Table 8. Effect of inoculation–herbicide (mesotrione) treatments on soybean seed germination rate index.
Treatment CodeTreatmentMean GRI (%) MesotrioneStandard Deviation
I1CB. japo + no herbicide5.3 a4.4
I2CB. japo & B. sub + no herbicide5.7 a3.2
I3CNo inoculant + no herbicide8.2 a2.9
I11XB. japo + herbicide (full rate)7.6 a4.3
I21XB. japo & B. sub + herbicide (full rate)5.6 a5.2
I31XNo inoculant + herbicide (full rate)6.6 a4.2
Equal letters in the column indicate that there is no significant difference between the treatments, with p < 0.05.
Table 9. Impact of inoculation–herbicide (atrazine) treatments on soybean seed germination rate index.
Table 9. Impact of inoculation–herbicide (atrazine) treatments on soybean seed germination rate index.
Treatment CodeTreatment NameMean GRI (%)
I11XB. japo + herbicide (full rate)−3.4 a
I21XB. japo & B. sub + herbicide (full rate)3.2 a
I31XNo inoculant + herbicide (full rate)−12.9 a
Equal letters in the column indicate that there is no significant difference between the treatments, with p < 0.05.
Table 10. Impact of inoculation–herbicide (mesotrione) treatments on soybean seed germination rate index.
Table 10. Impact of inoculation–herbicide (mesotrione) treatments on soybean seed germination rate index.
Treatment CodeTreatmentMean GRI (%)
I11XB. japo + herbicide (full rate)20.9 a
I21XB. japo & B. sub + herbicide (full rate)22.3 a
I31XNo inoculant + herbicide (full rate)−12.7 a
Equal letters in the column indicate that there is no significant difference between the treatments, with p < 0.05.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Maphalala, N.; Richardson, A.; Sastre, S.Q.; Correa, A.R.; Souza, F.R.d.; Tseng, T.M. Rhizobium Inoculants Mitigate Corn Herbicide Residual Effects on Soybean Germination. Seeds 2025, 4, 6.

AMA Style

Maphalala N, Richardson A, Sastre SQ, Correa AR, Souza FRd, Tseng TM. Rhizobium Inoculants Mitigate Corn Herbicide Residual Effects on Soybean Germination. Seeds. 2025; 4(1):6.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Maphalala, Ncomiwe, Alaina Richardson, Sabrina Quevedo Sastre, Aricia Ritter Correa, Fernanda Reolon de Souza, and Te Ming Tseng. 2025. "Rhizobium Inoculants Mitigate Corn Herbicide Residual Effects on Soybean Germination" Seeds 4, no. 1: 6.

APA Style

Maphalala, N., Richardson, A., Sastre, S. Q., Correa, A. R., Souza, F. R. d., & Tseng, T. M. (2025). Rhizobium Inoculants Mitigate Corn Herbicide Residual Effects on Soybean Germination. Seeds, 4(1), 6.

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