Food Additive Sodium Benzoate (NaB) Activates NF?B and Induces Apoptosis in HCT116 Cells
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. NaB Inhibited Proliferation of HCT116 Colon Cancer Cells at Concentrations Higher than 6 mM
2.2. NaB Treatment Induced Morphological Changes in HCT116 Colon Cancer Cells
2.3. Effect of NaCl on the Viability of HCT116 Colon Cancer Cells
2.4. NaB Exhibited Less Cytotoxic Activity on L929 Fibroblast Cells Compared to HCT116 Cells
2.5. NaB Induced Loss in HCT116 Cell Viability Was Mediated by Apoptosis
2.6. NaB Induced Caspase-3 Activation in HCT116 Cells at Its Apoptotic Concentrations
2.7. NFκB Activation Accompanies NaB Induced Loss of Cell Viability and Inhibition of NFκB Activation did not Induce a Massive Effect on Cell Viability, but Induced a More Apoptotic Profile Which May Involve Changed Bim but not Bcl-xl Expression
3. Discussion
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Cell Line and Chemicals
4.2. Cell Culture
4.3. Cell Viability Experiments
4.4. Caspase-3 Activity Assay
4.5. Flow Cytometry for Detection of Apoptosis by Annexin V-PE and 7-AAD Staining
4.6. Western Blot for NFκB-p65, Bcl-xl, Bim and PARP
4.7. Statistical Analysis
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Yilmaz, B.; Karabay, A.Z. Food Additive Sodium Benzoate (NaB) Activates NF?B and Induces Apoptosis in HCT116 Cells. Molecules 2018, 23, 723.
Yilmaz B, Karabay AZ. Food Additive Sodium Benzoate (NaB) Activates NF?B and Induces Apoptosis in HCT116 Cells. Molecules. 2018; 23(4):723.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYilmaz, Betul, and Arzu Zeynep Karabay. 2018. "Food Additive Sodium Benzoate (NaB) Activates NF?B and Induces Apoptosis in HCT116 Cells" Molecules 23, no. 4: 723.
APA StyleYilmaz, B., & Karabay, A. Z. (2018). Food Additive Sodium Benzoate (NaB) Activates NF?B and Induces Apoptosis in HCT116 Cells. Molecules, 23(4), 723.