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Peer-Review Record

Psychometric Evaluation of the Teacher Professional Well-Being Scale: Assessing Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity in University Instructors

Psychol. Int. 2024, 6(3), 746-768;
by Girum Tareke Zewude 1,*, Yikunoamlak Mesfin 2, Solomon Goraw 3, Kasahun Hussen 1, Engidasew Nigussie Eshetie 4, Drese Fenatw Mekonnon 3, Moges Gebresellassie 1 and Derib Gosim Bereded 1
Reviewer 1: Anonymous
Psychol. Int. 2024, 6(3), 746-768;
Submission received: 3 July 2024 / Revised: 19 July 2024 / Accepted: 24 July 2024 / Published: 4 September 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Psychometrics and Educational Measurement)

Round 1

Reviewer 1 Report

Dear authors :

congratulation to your scientific artcile:

Psychometric Evaluation of the Teacher professional well-being Scale: Assessing Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity in University Instructors

This study aims

a) to adapt, develop, and validate the TPWBS  in Ethiopia. 

b) Investigate the TPWBS factor structure and evaluate its measurement invariance (MI) across gender, university type, and teaching experience.


please delete 5 references (page 4):  1 .. Fernardez ....

Figure 1. Teacher Professional well-being measures related to the current study

please delete 3 x -  Teacher professional well-being  (TPWB) line: (When you explained it).

TPWBS (Teacher Professional Well-Being Scale


Explanation 2.1. Research Design
The current study employed a quantitative research design with an
associational and cross-sectional approach, deemed well-suited to
achieve the stated objectives.

I like your: 2.4.2. Criterion Measures

How important is MOTIVATION and Individual Responsibility ?

try to implement :  ( it is not  neccessary)

Tkáčová, H., Maturkanič, P., Pavlíková, M., & Slobodová Nováková, K. (2023). Online media audience
during the Covid-19 pandemic as an active amplifier of disinformation: Motivations of university students
to share information on Facebook. Communication Today, 14(2), 154–167.

Tkáčová, H., Pavlíková, M., Tvrdoň, M., & Jenisová, Z. (2021). The Use of Media in the Field of Individual
Responsibility for Sustainable Development in Schools: A Proposal for an Approach to Learning about
Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 13(8), 4138.

Individual Responsibility is very important - idea and missing in your article.


Accept for publishing.

check statistics please

Author Response

Authors’ Response to Reviewers

Manuscript ID: psycholint-3112938

Article Type: Research Paper

Title: Psychometric Evaluation of the Teacher professional well-being Scale: Assessing Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity in University Instructors

Reviewer #1

Comments and Suggestions for Authors

Dear authors :

congratulation to your scientific article: Psychometric Evaluation of the Teacher professional well-being Scale: Assessing Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity in University Instructors. This study aims

  1. a) to adapt, develop, and validate the TPWBS  in Ethiopia. 
  2. b) Investigate the TPWBS factor structure and evaluate its measurement invariance (MI) across gender, university type, and teaching experience.

Dear Reviewer,

Thank you for taking the time to review our manuscript on the Psychometric Evaluation of the Teacher professional well-being Scale: Assessing Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity in University Instructors. We appreciate your positive feedback and valuable suggestions for improving the manuscript. We have carefully considered each point raised and have made the following revisions accordingly.


Comment 1. please delete 5 references (page 4):  1 .. Fernardez Figure 1. Teacher Professional well-being measures related to the current study

please delete 3 x -  Teacher professional well-being  (TPWB) line: (When you explained it) and TPWBS (Teacher Professional Well-Being Scale


  • Yes, thank you very much for your helpful suggestion. Now, we have incorporated the required information as follows.We apologize for including the unnecessary references on page 4. We have reviewed the manuscript and removed all uncessary references. Inaddition, we have revised Figure 1 to ensure that it accurately represents the teacher professional well-being measures relevant to our study. We have also removed 6 times Teacher professional well-being   and Teacher professional well-being  Scale highlighted in red color.  

Comment 2.Explanation 2.1. Research Design
The current study employed a quantitative research design with an associational and cross-sectional approach, deemed well-suited to achieve the stated objectives.

Response: Dear reviwer, thank you for your interesting and valuable suggestions.  We acknowledge your comnt and why we used the quantitative research design with an associational and cross-sectional approach was deemed well-suited to achieve the objectives of the study, allowing for the exploration of relationships between variables in a specific population at a particular point in time. Inadditon this approach and design is suit to examine the large scale validation assessemnt.  

  1. I like your: 2.4.2. Criterion Measures

Response: Dear reviewer, thank you for your kind and positive feedback on section 2.4.2, "Criterion Measures." The inclusion of criterion measures in a research study is crucial for assessing the validity and reliability of the variables under investigation. Criterion measures provide a standard against which the variables of interest can be compared, allowing researchers to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of their measurements.

Comment 4. How important is MOTIVATION and Individual Responsibility ? Individual Responsibility is very important - idea and missing in your article. Try to implement :  ( it is not  neccessary)

  • Tkáčová, H., Maturkanič, P., Pavlíková, M., & Slobodová Nováková, K. (2023). Online media audience
    during the Covid-19 pandemic as an active amplifier of disinformation: Motivations of university students to share information on Facebook. Communication Today, 14(2), 154–167.
  • Tkáčová, H., Pavlíková, M., Tvrdoň, M., & Jenisová, Z. (2021). The Use of Media in the Field of Individual Responsibility for Sustainable Development in Schools: A Proposal for an Approach to Learning about Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 13(8), 4138.

Response: Dear reviewer, we appreciate and thank you for your positive feedback. Regarding your comments on the imclusion of motivation and individual reponsibility. Tthe importance of motivation and individual responsibility in the context of sustainable development and TPWB is the most valuable. It can stem from various factors such as personal values, awareness of environmental issues, social norms, and perceived benefits. Therefore we have included in future research include these valauble constricts and we have used the reffernces.

Comment 5. WELL STRUCTURED article. Accept for publishing.

Response: Dear reviewer, we greatly appreciate your positive assessment of our article's structure and findings. Your constructive feedback has been instrumental in improving the quality of our research. We are grateful for your recommendation to accept our article for publishing.

Once again, thank you for your time and valuable input. We look forward to the publication of our article in your esteemed journal.




Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Reviewer 2 Report

Dear Authors:

At the outset I would like to say that the paper is interesting. The authors have attempted to develop a global measure of teachers' professional development scale. 

Though the intent of the authors is good, I have some concerns regarding the inclusion of some variables in the scale.

1. What is the rationale for including psychological capital in the professional development scale ?

2. What is the rationale for including the emotional intelligence in the professional development scale?

Including job satisfaction is justified to some extent as previous scholars also included. 

3. The authors did not include all the items of the sub-scales. What is the logic behind leaving some items?

4. When scale is developed, then all the intems should be included in the first step; then after running one round of factor analysis then those indicators that do not load properly (loadings less than 0.70) should be deleted and the authors need to re-run. In this process, only some items will be left to be included in the final scale. I did not see this process at all. 

5. I suggest the authors to go over scale development papers published in 'Journal of Applied Psychology' so that all the steps in scale development can be known. The authors need to go through the entire process of scale development. This is because once the scale is developed properly, researchers can use the scale in their studies. 

The following papers will help in scale development.

Hinkin, T. R. (1995). A Review of Scale Development Practices in the Study of Organizations. Journal of Management21(5), 967-988.

Tay, L., & Jebb, A. (2017). Scale Development. In S. Rogelberg (Ed), The SAGE Encyclopediaof Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sag Matusik, J. G., Poulton, E. C., Ferris, D. L., Johnson, R. E., & Rodell, J. B. (2024). The PCMT model of organizational support: Scale development and theoretical application. Journal of Applied Psychology, 109(7), 1059–1076.

Applied Psychometrics: The Steps of Scale Development and Standardization Process Theodoros A. Kyriazos, Anastasios Stalikas
Department of Psychology, Panteion University, Athens, Greece.
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2018.911145  

I posted my comments above in the 'comments to the authors' 

Author Response

Authors’ Response to Reviewers

Manuscript ID: psycholint-3112938

Article Type: Research Paper

Title: Psychometric Evaluation of the Teacher professional well-being Scale: Assessing Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity in University Instructors

Reviewer #2

Comments and Suggestions for Authors

Dear Authors: At the outset I would like to say that the paper is interesting. The authors have attempted to develop a global measure of teachers' professional development scale. 

Dear Reviewer,

Thank you very much for your thorough review and helpful suggestions. We are very useful for our manuscript. Therefore, we have incorporated and addressed all of your suggestions one by one. For clarity, these changes are highlighted in red in manuscript.

Comment 1: Though the intent of the authors is good, I have some concerns regarding the inclusion of some variables in the scale.

  1. What is the rationale for including psychological capital in the professional development scale ?
  2.  What is the rationale for including the emotional intelligence in the professional development scale?

Respnse: Thank you very much for your helpful suggestion regarding a more direct statement of the significance of the study, and a clearer description of the contribution of the paper. Now, we have revised the whole abstract by your suggestion. It is as follows.

  • 1. Inclusion of Psychological capital: Including psychological capital in the teacher professional development scale is based on its association with teacher professional wellbeing. Psychological capital refers to an individual's positive psychological state and includes constructs such as self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience. By including psychological capital in the scale, the authors aim to capture the positive psychological resources that can contribute to teachers' professional growth and overall wellbeing. It helps assess the teachers' belief in their abilities to succeed, their positive outlook, and their capacity to overcome challenges, which are important factors in professional development.
  • Inclusion of Emotional intelligence: The rationale for including emotional intelligence in the teacher professional development scale is its relevance to effective teaching and professional growth. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others. Teachers with higher emotional intelligence are better equipped to manage classroom dynamics, build positive relationships with students, and adapt to the emotional demands of their profession. Including emotional intelligence in the scale allows for an assessment of teachers' emotional competencies, which are crucial for their professional development and success.
  • Inclusion of Job satisfaction: The inclusion of job satisfaction in the teacher professional development scale is justified by the previous reseasrch work that has recognized its importance in the teaching profession. Job satisfaction reflects the level of contentment and fulfillment experienced by teachers in their work. It is an essential component of teacher wellbeing and directly relates to their motivation, engagement, and commitment to professional growth. Including job satisfaction in the scale provides insights into the extent to which teachers find their work fulfilling and satisfying, thereby offering a comprehensive assessment of their professional development.
  • However, the main goal of inclusion of constrcuts such as Emotional intelligence, psychological capital , satisfaction with life and  burnout were becuase of the following reasons: (1) By incorporating these constructs in the scale, the authors aim to ensure the external validity of the measure and to capture the multidimensional nature of teachers' professional development, including their psychological resources, emotional competencies, and overall job satisfaction. (2) Emotional intelligence, psychological capital  and satisfaction with life expected to be positively asssocated and confirmed the convergenet validity with teacher professsional scale. However, burnout expected to be negatively asocated with TPWBS and confirmed diveregent validity and increase the generalizability of the measure and its applicability.

Comment 3:  The authors did not include all the items of the sub-scales. What is the logic behind leaving some items?

Comment 4:   When scale is developed, then all the intems should be included in the first step; then after running one round of factor analysis then those indicators that do not load properly (loadings less than 0.70) should be deleted and the authors need to re-run. In this process, only some items will be left to be included in the final scale. I did not see this process at all. 

  • Response: Dear reviewer, we have included  all adapted 26 items in the adaptation and validation processes. This is a comprehensive approach that helps establish the psychometric properties of the scale. We have also employed various methods, such as discriminant validity, construct validity, factor loadings above 0.4, reliability measures (e.g., Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability), and measurement invariance, to examine the items' performance and determine their suitability for inclusion. Through these rigorous analyses, we would have assessed the items' ability to discriminate between different constructs, their alignment with the theoretical framework, their factor loadings on the underlying factors, and their reliability in consistently measuring the intended constructs. Based on these evaluations, all items may have been retained becuase of all meet the desired criteria and they exhibited best performance in terms of validity or reliability.The decision to include certain items is typically driven by the aim of constructing a reliable and valid measurement tool that accurately captures the intended constructs. It ensures that the scale is concise, unambiguous, and effective in assessing the targeted variables. By adhering to rigorous validation procedures, the authors can ensure that the included items accurately represent the constructs of interest in the professional development scale.

Comment 5:  I suggest the authors to go over scale development papers published in 'Journal of Applied Psychology' so that all the steps in scale development can be known. The authors need to go through the entire process of scale development. This is because once the scale is developed properly, researchers can use the scale in their studies. The following papers will help in scale development.

  • Hinkin, T. R. (1995). A Review of Scale Development Practices in the Study of Organizations. Journal of Management21(5), 967-988.
  • Tay, L., & Jebb, A. (2017). Scale Development. In S. Rogelberg (Ed), The SAGE Encyclopediaof Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA:
  • SagMatusik, J. G., Poulton, E. C., Ferris, D. L., Johnson, R. E., & Rodell, J. B. (2024). The PCMT model of organizational support: Scale development and theoretical application. Journal of Applied Psychology, 109(7), 1059–1076.
  • Applied Psychometrics: The Steps of Scale Development and Standardization Process Theodoros A. Kyriazos, Anastasios Stalikas
    Department of Psychology, Panteion University, Athens, Greece. DOI: 10.4236/psych.2018.911145  

Response: Dear reviwer, Indeed, we agree with that. Therefore, we have included the suggested references in the future direction and limitation of the study.

To conclude, we have addressed all of your comments and suggestions. Your suggestions are of great importance for the improvement of the study.  We sincerely appreciate them all. Thank you once again.

Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Round 2

Reviewer 2 Report

Dear Authors:

I am satisfied with the responses. I have only one question. The authors mentioned that the factor loadings of over 0.40 were included. That is not true. The factor loadings should be at least 0.60, and preferably over 0.70. If the measure includes some items that have loadings of lower than 0.60, then these items should be excluded. 

I would be happy if the authors remove those indicators that load lower than 0.60, so that the measure becomes robust. 

Other than that I do not have any suggestions. 

 am satisfied with the responses. I have only one question. The authors mentioned that the factor loadings of over 0.40 were included. That is not true. The factor loadings should be at least 0.60, and preferably over 0.70. If the measure includes some items that have loadings of lower than 0.60, then these items should be excluded. 

I would be happy if the authors remove those indicators that load lower than 0.60, so that the measure becomes robust. 

Other than that I do not have any suggestions. 

Author Response

Authors’ Response to Reviewers

Manuscript ID: psycholint-3112938-R2

Article Type: Research Paper

Title: Psychometric Evaluation of the Teacher professional well-being Scale: Assessing Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity in University Instructors

Reviewer #2

Comments and Suggestions for Authors

Dear Authors:

I am satisfied with the responses. I have only one question. The authors mentioned that the factor loadings of over 0.40 were included. That is not true. The factor loadings should be at least 0.60, and preferably over 0.70. If the measure includes some items that have loadings of lower than 0.60, then these items should be excluded. 

I would be happy if the authors remove those indicators that load lower than 0.60, so that the measure becomes robust. Other than that I do not have any suggestions.

 Response  Dear Reviewers, thank you for your valuable feedback on our research. We appreciate your attention to detail and would like to address the concern raised regarding the factor loadings in our measure. We apologize for the confusion caused by our previous statement. Upon careful consideration, we agree that factor loadings of at least 0.60, and preferably over 0.70, are commonly recommended for robust measures. In light of this, we have revised our approach and removed indicators that have loadings lower than 0.60 to ensure the robustness of our measure. Hence, we have deleted item 1 from authority and item 5 from job satisfaction due to poor factor loadings. Here below attached the two models: original and modified included in the modified version of our manuscript.

We appreciated fir your valuable time and critical comments.



Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

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