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Social Adaptability Skills Educational Session Within a Team Sport Context

Institute of Sport Studies, University of Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Psychol. Int. 2025, 7(1), 17;
Submission received: 30 December 2024 / Revised: 17 February 2025 / Accepted: 19 February 2025 / Published: 27 February 2025


During their career, most professional players in team sports encounter club-to-club transfers (CCTs). Indeed, it is unusual for a player to remain with a single club throughout their professional career, making these transitions pivotal moments in elite sports environments. However, there is lack of knowledge as concerns the psychosocial skills involved when players encounter CCT challenges. The current study was concerned with integrating Social Adaptability Skills (SAS) simultaneously with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to assist athletes with overcoming CCT challenges. A linear mixed model analysis using the likelihood ratio test revealed significant improvements in SAS, p < 0.05. Furthermore, the main effect of period was significant F(2, 203.17) = 286.07, p < 0.001, indicating that the propensity to enact and deploy SAS varied across the measurement periods (pre-, post-, and retention-test). These findings suggest that ACT-based mindfulness interventions may play a crucial role in reinforcing athletes’ enactment of SAS in overcoming CCT challenges. Overall, the results confirm that the SAS educational intervention effectively equipped athletes with the necessary psychosocial attributes to navigate CCT challenges. This study provides a foundation for future research and practical applications, emphasizing the need for structured psychological support within talent development programs.

1. Introduction

In team sports, successful club-to-club transfers (Owiti & Hauw, 2021) play a crucial role in shaping an athlete’s career trajectory. Indeed, it is unusual for a player to remain with a single club throughout their professional career, making these transitions pivotal moments in elite sports environments. While economic factors are often emphasized during transfer discussions, questions of how athletes’ lives adapt to new teammates, coaches, training methodologies, cultural contexts, and geographical settings remains a significant yet underexplored area in sports psychology (Owiti & Hauw, 2021). Surprisingly, the impact of interpersonal and environmental changes resulting from CCT has received limited attention in research (Owiti & Hauw, 2021; Owiti et al., 2021; Vaeyens et al., 2008). There needs to be more knowledge relating to the processes of transformation experienced by players when they move to a new club. Such insights point to the relatively limited research on the psychosocial attributes necessary for overcoming CCT challenges, leaving numerous avenues for new studies. After establishing the “missing link”, Owiti and colleague (Owiti & Hauw, 2021) identified the psychosocial attributes essential during CCT and named them Social Adaptability Skills—SAS. As a working definition, SAS includes those behaviors and competences consistent with creative adaptation during CCT. Despite this conceptual advancement, there is currently no established framework, methodological approach, or structured intervention aimed at integrating SAS into athlete development programs to enhance performance outcomes. Further research is needed to explore how athletes can effectively develop and apply SAS, providing a comprehensive strategy for facilitating successful CCT in professional sports.
There is a growing application of psychological interventions in sport thanks to their positive influence on psychological well-being (Breslin et al., 2017; Golby & Wood, 2016) and in sports performance (Brown & Fletcher, 2017; Gross et al., 2018). In addition, psychological intervention training has been reported to help improve several psychological variables such as motivation, concentration, self-confidence, or activation level (Beckmann & Elbe, 2015), as well as the acquisition of psychological skills and resources to manage sport practice and competition (McCormick et al., 2018; Simonsmeier & Buecker, 2017). It has previously been reported that athletes require SAS to overcome CCT challenges (e.g., goal-setting, self-discipline, self-organization, interpersonal skills, motivation and confidence, positive thinking, and autonomy) (Owiti et al., 2021). Although SAS may not provide an increment of the athlete’s performance on their own, they can assist athletes (e.g., in conjunction with other physical, technical, and tactical training) with achieving excellence (MacNamara et al., 2010).
During the past decade, there has been considerable interest in the development of psychological interventions designed to improve athletic performance (Gross et al., 2018). A majority of these interventions have applied traditional Psychological Skills Training (PST) based on cognitive techniques and principles (Gustafsson et al., 2017). In PST, cognitive–behavioral techniques are employed to enhance athletic performance through the control, elimination, and replacement of negative thoughts and emotions. In contrast, there is a growing body of evidence supporting interventions that emphasize acceptance rather than cognitive–behavioral control techniques (Hayes & Feldman, 2004; Roemer et al., 2015). As a result of the new method, one can attain greater athletic performance through strategies and techniques that target the development of mindful present-moment acceptance of internal experiences such as thoughts, feelings, valued goals, enhanced attention to external cues, and responses (Gardner & Moore, 2007, 2012; Lindsay & Creswell, 2017).
The following paragraphs examine both traditional and new methodologies as well as the underlying effects of new methods on athletes’ performance. Theoretical assumptions underlying PST foundation procedures have been questioned. A key principle of PST is the belief that a reduction in negative emotions and bodily states and associated increases in positive cognitions and confidence levels are directly related to an ideal performance state which in turn is directly related to optimal athletic level (Gustafsson et al., 2017). However, researchers have studied the mechanisms reinforcing the effects of traditional PST programs but were unable to substantiate the assumptions underlying PST principles (Gardner & Moore, 2007, 2012). A clear conclusion of these studies has indicated that striving for mental control in an attempt to get rid of unwanted emotional and mental content ends up not only being unsuccessful but may paradoxically even be counterproductive (Lundgren et al., 2020; Roemer et al., 2015). This assumption is supported by the theory of “ironic mental processes”, which states that struggling to control or suppress a certain thought may often lead to an increasing engagement in the very thought one tries to avoid (Feldner et al., 2003; Wegner, 1994; Wenzlaff & Wegner, 2000).
A growing number of studies has recently challenged the assumption that “negative” experiences invariably lead to negative behavioral outcomes (Gustafsson et al., 2017; Hayes & Feldman, 2004; Roemer et al., 2015). This led to an introduction of the Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment (MAC) protocol, specifically designed to enhance athletic performance. With its foundation in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) (Hayes & Feldman, 2004), the MAC approach offers athletes an alternative way to enhance their performance that challenges well-established principles of PST. The MAC approach suggests that when an individual has a negative emotional response to an external stimulus (example: anxiety due to coach expectations) and then directly thinks about the stimulus (example: I can’t keep up), it is in the interest of the athlete to accept the negative stimulus as a way of surpassing the challenge.
As opposed to controlling or reducing internal experiences, emerging approaches to psychological interventions emphasize mindful awareness and acceptance of in the moment cognitive, affective, and sensory experiences without passing neither a positive nor a negative judgement (e.g., without assessment). As part of human existence, internal experiences are seen as naturally occurring events that come and go. Consequently, human difficulties are attributed to a tendency for individuals to “fuse” their internal experiences such as thoughts, feelings, and other self-evaluations which in turn triggers behavioral choices (Gardner & Moore, 2007, 2012; Hayes & Feldman, 2004; Khoury et al., 2013). Thus, rather than engaging in a way that reflects commitment to valued goals, competitive choices and behaviors are often used to avoid and limit unacceptable or uncomfortable internal experiences.
Various researchers have tried to identify the most effective coping strategies (e.g., task-oriented, goal-oriented, and emotion focused) that could enable athletes manage stressors during their development (Gaudreau & Blondin, 2004; Juth et al., 2015; Nicholls et al., 2016; Stanton & Low, 2012; Stanton et al., 2000). The closest coping strategy which aligns with the ACT approach is the emotion-focused coping strategy which is meant to regulate emotional response to stressors. However, it should be noted that changing the way an athlete copes does not instantly fix the stressors since it may require time and effort on the part of both the athlete and the coach. Nevertheless, making decisions on the type of coping approach to adapt could be beneficial in overcoming the stressors (Nicholls et al., 2016).
A skill development approach was incorporated into both the ACT and PST educational intervention sessions in an effort to help young athletes develop and enact the necessary SAS whenever faced with CCT challenges. This approach was based on the academic work of Collins and colleague (J. Collins & Durand-Bush, 2010), which introduced a four-letter process (i.e., develop–challenge–refine–retest) colloquially referred to as teach–test–tweak–repeat (D. J. Collins et al., 2016). It involved offering educational intervention sessions to the young upcoming athletes to build their skill set, developing the performer’s ability to deploy SAS in addressing challenges, and ensuring confidence and commitment while performing this under pressure.
Therefore, the aims of the current study were two-fold: (i) to administer the SAS educational intervention session within a talent development program in order to assist young athletes to develop and enact psychosocial resources required during CCT, and (ii) to determine which of the two methods (e.g., ACT or PST) provided an optimal reinforcing effect when implemented in conjunction with an SAS educational intervention session.
In the current study, three hypotheses are proposed: First, it is expected that after the SAS educational intervention session, participants in the ACT group will demonstrate higher SAS scores compared to those in PST group and active control group (aCG), highlighting the intervention’s effectiveness. Second, the ACT group is anticipated to score higher on mindfulness disposition than the PST and aCG, suggesting that combining ACT with SAS enhances mindfulness more effectively than PST alone. Lastly, following the PST intervention, participants in the PST group are expected to achieve higher scores in PST compared to those in the ACT group and aCG, indicating the success of the PST educational intervention session.

2. Method

2.1. Design

Institutional approval for the study was granted by the Research Ethics Commission of the University of Lausanne on 3 April 2023 (project number: E_SSP_122021_00002). In May 2024, letters introducing the study and requesting athlete participation in a repeated-measures design were emailed to various sports institutions, clubs, associations, and coaches previously contacted by the first author. During the same month, representatives such as club presidents and coaches granted permission to present the study to athletes. Towards the end of May 2024, a face-to-face meeting was held with fifteen attendees to outline the study’s aims and objectives and discuss the feasibility of integrating the intervention into regular training schedules. Participants received written study information and signed informed consent forms, with parental consent required for those under 18 years. They were assured of data confidentiality and informed of their right to withdraw at any time without consequences.

2.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

The study employed purposive sampling in recruiting participants with relevant experience to address the research question. Specifically, participants were selected from academy clubs and were nearing the end of their professional careers, having undergone multiple club-to-club transfers (CCTs). This approach was justified since players transitioning to the professional level provided valuable insights into the enactment and deployment of Social Adaptability Skills (SAS) during CCTs (CIES, 2019). Participants had played for a range of 3 to 13 clubs (mean = 6.73, SD = 3.02) and had been trained under 6 to 17 coaches (mean = 9.15, SD = 3.83). Prior experience in mindfulness and acceptance-based practices was assessed on a nominal scale (Yes–No), followed by open-ended questions to specify the type of practice (see Table 1). Only participants with no prior experience in mindfulness and acceptance-based techniques were included in the study. The use of nominal scales for assessing prior experience has been successfully applied in previous research (Josefsson et al., 2019).

2.3. Participants

A total of 102 participants (85 men and 17 women) aged between 15 and 21 years (mean = 18.38, SD = 1.09) were recruited for the study. Of these, 69% played basketball, while 31% participated in unihockey. A G* power statistical analysis program (Faul et al., 2007) for repeated measure, within-between interaction indicated that a minimum of 27 participants per intervention group was required to achieve a statistical power of at least 0.8, with an alpha level of 0.05 and a medium effect size (d = 0.5). Two participants were excluded due to prior experience with meditation and mindfulness practices.

2.4. Procedure

After providing written informed consent, participants completed self-administered paper–pencil questionnaires, including the Social Adaptability Skill Questionnaire [SASQ) (Owiti & Hauw, 2023), Athlete Mindfulness Skills Questionnaire (AMSQ) (Zhang et al., 2017), and Athletic Coping Skill Inventory Questionnaire (ACSIQ) (Smith et al., 1995). Based on SASQ pre-test scores, participants were categorized into three groups (e.g., low achievers, average achievers, and high achievers). High achievers were assigned to the active control group (aCG) as they already demonstrated strong SAS necessary during CCTs and therefore did not require additional educational sessions on such. To ensure forming two homogeneous groups, low achievers were randomly assigned to either the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) group or the Psychological Skills Training (PST) group. The same procedure was applied to average achievers, randomly assigning them to the ACT or PST groups. As a result, the study intervention comprised three groups: the ACT group (N = 34), PST group (N = 34), and aCG (N = 34).
The intervention procedure involved administering the SASQ, AMSQ, and ACSIQ at three time points: pre-test, post-test, and retention-test (see Supplemental Material for a detailed intervention program- pages 1 to 11). After the pre-test, the ACT group participated in four sessions of the ACT intervention program, while the PST group completed four sessions of the PST intervention program, both spanning four weeks. In contrast, the aCG underwent an imagery shooting skill program consisting of three sessions over three weeks. Following the completion of all sessions, participants in all three groups were re-assessed (post-test). A retention-test was conducted after an interval of three to four weeks using the same questionnaires. In summary, data collection occurred at three stages: pre-test before the first session, post-test before the third or fourth session, and retention-test after the final session, with approximately three to four weeks between each assessment. The overall mean and standard deviation for educational intervention attendance rates (ranging from 3 to 4 sessions depending on the group) were mean = 2.53 (SD = 0.31) and mean = 3.45 (SD = 0.64), respectively.
The sessions were conducted weekly, allowing a 6-to-7-day gap between sessions 1 and 2. This interval was considered optimal for participants to integrate the learnings from each educational session effectively. To assess the feasibility of each intervention program, an adapted version of the credibility/expectancy questionnaire (Devilly & Borkovec, 2000) was administered. The following questions were asked:
Was the intervention program important for you as an athlete?
Did the intervention program help you develop skills needed to overcome CCT obstacles?
Would you recommend the intervention program to other athletes?
Items 1 and 2 were rated on a 1–4-point scale (1 = not at all, 2 = a little bit, 3 = much, 4 = very much) while item 3 was rated as either yes or no.

3. Psychometric Measurements

The current study utilized the following three psychometric measurements to assess participants longitudinally throughout the intervention sessions.

3.1. Social Adaptability Skills Questionnaire (SASQ) (Owiti & Hauw, 2023)

The SASQ is a recently developed 17-item instrument using a six-point Likert scale to assess the enactment and deployment of SAS in a sports context, particularly during CCT. It comprises four subscales: adapting to coaches, teammates, the club, and being away from family and friends. Initial analyses indicate strong validity and reliability, with higher scores reflecting greater disposition of enacting and deploying SAS in overcoming CCT challenges. In the present study, the reliability coefficients were =0.85 (pre-test), =0.89 (post-test), and =0.88 (retention-test).

3.2. Athlete Mindfulness Skills Questionnaire (AMSQ) (Zhang et al., 2017)

The AMSQ is a 16-item questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale designed to measure the dispositional mindfulness in a sports context. It consists of three subscales, for example, present-moment attention, awareness, and acceptance. Initial analysis of the questionnaire indicates good reliability and validity while higher scores indicate greater dispositional athletic mindfulness. First, the original AMSQ was translated to a French version which was then submitted to an independent translator blind to the original questionnaire. The independent translator performed a back translation that resulted in minor changes on some of the items.
The second step involved adapting the AMSQ to match a team sport context. Targeted modifications were implemented to ensure their relevance and validity while preserving the integrity of the original constructs. Out of the 16 items comprising the AMSQ, eight items were revised to better align with team sport environments. For instance, item 5, originally phrased as “During training and competition, it doesn’t matter if my thoughts and feelings are comfortable or not, I put up with all of them”, was revised to “During training and/or competition, I am aware of my environment and can put up with both negative thoughts and feelings”. In the present study, the reliability coefficients of the AMSQ were =0.87 (pre-test), =0.86 (post-test), and =0.88 (retention-test).

3.3. Athlete Coping Skills Inventory Questionnaire (ACSIQ-28) (Smith et al., 1995)

The ACSIQ is a 28-item questionnaire using a four-point Likert scale designed to measure an athlete’s psychological coping skills in seven key areas: (i) coping with adversity, (ii) coachability, (iii) confidence and achievement motivation, (iv) goal-setting and mental preparation, (v) peaking under pressure, (vi) concentration, and (vii) freedom from worry. However, only three key subscales were chosen in the current study, for example, goal-setting and mental preparation, coping with adversity, and confidence and achievement motivation.
This choice was arrived at due to the fact that the original ACSIQ was perceived to be too long, especially when used in conjunction with a battery of other instruments. Therefore, the three subscales chosen had four questions each leading to a total of twelve questions. The first step involved the current author translating the original ACSIQ to French followed by an independent translator blind to the original questionnaire performing a back translation that resulted in minor changes on some of the items. The second step involved adapting the ACSIQ to match a team sport context. Targeted modifications were implemented to ensure their relevance and validity while preserving the integrity of the original constructs. Similarly, modifications were made to the ACSIQ which now consisted of 12 items; four items were revised for contextual relevance. For example, item 2, previously stated as “I tend to do lots of planning about how to reach my goals” was updated to “I always plan on how to reach both my personal and team’s goals”. These adjustments ensured that the scales accurately reflected the psychological processes and dynamics inherent in team sports. The reliability coefficients of the ACSIQ in the present study were =0.85 (pre-test), =0.89 (post-test), and =0.87 (retention-test).
Both the AMSQ and ACSIQ adapted versions were then discussed by the researchers with the aim of producing a version which was conceptually and semantically equivalent to the original questionnaire and easy to understand. Any misunderstandings and inaccuracies of the process were discussed and, if necessary, questions were revised to retain the meaning of the original questionnaire’s items. To validate the updated scales, a pilot study was conducted with a sample of 11 respondents for pretesting (athletes and coaches of different team sports) to determine whether the items were easy to understand, clear, and comprehensible. Participants were asked to re-read the items and make comments if they perceived any obscurities. There were no comments at this stage leading to the revised scales being adapted (see Supplementary Material for the adapted AMSQ and ACSIQ versions- pages 12 to 13).

3.4. Data Analysis

Descriptive and normality tests were analyzed on the data using SPSS version 27. Skewness and Kurtosis scores were transformed into Z-scores to test whether the values were significantly different from normal distribution (raw data provided under supplementary material). Absolute values greater than 1.96 were significant at p < 0.05, above 2.58 at p < 0.01, and above 3.29 significant at p < 0.001 (Field, 2020). In order to test if the variances in each group were equal, Levene’s test was performed with significant scores (p < 0.05) indicating that the assumption of homogeneity had been violated while non-significant scores (p > 0.05) showed non-violation of the assumption.
Visual analysis presentation of rain cloud plots was performed using the R studio (R version 4.2.2). Consequently, a linear mixed-effects analysis using lme4 package version 1.1-23; (Bates et al., 2015) in R (version 4.2.1-2022-23ucrt) was conducted to investigate the effect of intervention on the groups and the time of participants’ propensity to enact SAS across three measurement periods. A further bivariate correlation analysis using Spearman’s correlation coefficient was run to determine associations between the SAS that athletes enact and deploy in overcoming CCT challenges and their mindfulness dispositions (i.e., present moment, awareness, and acceptance). The level of significance was set at p < 0.05.
Model parameters were also estimated by maximum likelihood estimation using the bobyqa algorithm wrapped optimx package (version 2020-4.2) (Nash & Varadhan, 2011) as optimizer. The model included a fixed factor for the group, time, and their interaction, as well as a random factor for individual participants to account for the repeated-measures design. In cases where the assumptions of the homogeneity of variances and normal distribution were not met, the robustness of the linear mixed-effects analysis was supported by the use of appropriate post hoc tests (Field, 2020; Glass et al., 1972). The following example of R syntax was applied for the analysis:
Random intercept SAS: lme(enactment ~ Group × Time + (1|Participant))
Random slope: lme(enactment ~ Group × Time + (Group|Participant))

4. Results

Table 2 presents the evaluation results from the three intervention programs.
Table 3 shows the descriptive statistics of the different tests on each group: mean, SD, minimum and maximum values, skewness and kurtosis and their respective Z-scores. The results presented values of asymmetry with both kurtosis and skewness.
An effective data visualization approach was used to present maximal statistical information using a rain cloud with box plots (Allen et al., 2021) (see Figure 1). Part A represents the SASQ results from the three groups. It can be seen that the ACT group had the highest score compared to both the PST group and the aCG. In the same vein, part B indicates the results from the AMSQ and from the rain cloud box plots, the ACT group scored higher points than both the PST group and aCG. However, part C indicates the results from the ACSIQ and it can be seen that the PST group had the highest scores compared to both the ACT group and the aCG.
Table 4 represents the association between the SAS and athletes’ mindfulness disposition. Indeed, a positive relationship was observed between athletes’ ability to enact and deploy SAS in overcoming CCT challenges and their mindfulness disposition. For example, participants ability to adapt to coach challenges during CCT were positively associated with being in the present moment, accepting challenges and being aware of the drawbacks. The current study findings indicate a positive association, suggesting that mindfulness may play a role in how athletes enact and deploy SAS to navigate CCT challenges.
The likelihood ratio test for the ACT group was significant (p < 0.05), further justifying retaining the random slope (see Table 5). Parameter estimates for the random slope effects are presented in Table 6. The main effect of the ACT group was found to be significant F(1, 80.50) = 41.59, p < 0.001, indicating differences in the propensity to enact SAS between the three groups. The main effect of period was also significant F(2, 203.17) = 286.07, p < 0.001, suggesting that the propensity to enact SAS varied across the three measurement periods. Additionally, there was a significant interaction between the intervention group and period F(2, 203.17) = 160.78, p < 0.001), indicating that the effect of period on propensity to enact SAS varied between the three groups. Pairwise differences in the ACT group versus the PST group were statistically significant (p < 0.001), however, there were no significant statistical pairwise differences between the ACT group versus the aCG p = (0.111) (see Table 7). Further exploration of this interaction revealed that the ACT group showed a significant increase in propensity to enact SAS from T2 to T3 (p = 0.024), whereas the PST group and aCG did not show significant changes over time. Post hoc comparisons revealed that the ACT group [mean = 62.4] had significantly higher mean levels for enacting SAS compared to the PST group [mean = 42.4] and aCG [mean = 59.4] [see Table 8].
The likelihood ratio test for the PST group was not significant (p = 0.427), suggesting that the more complicated model was not justified even though both models converged just fine; the (uncorrelated) random slope could be removed from the model intercept (see Table 9). Parameter estimates for the random intercept effects are presented in Table 10. The main effect of the PST group was found to be significant F(2, 99) = 103.995, p < 0.001, indicating differences in developing the learned psychological skills between the three groups. The main effect of period was also significant F(2, 198) = 358.546, p < 0.001, suggesting the development of the learned psychological skills varied across the three measurement periods. Additionally, there was a significant interaction between the treatment group and period F(4, 198) = 199.147, p < 0.001, indicating that the effect of developing the learnt psychological skills varied between the three groups. Pairwise differences in the PST group versus aCG were statistically significant (p < 0.001) (see Table 7). Further exploration of this interaction revealed that the PST group showed a significant increase in developing the learned psychological skills from T2 to T3 (p = 0.024), whereas the aCG did not show significant changes over time.
The likelihood ratio test for the aCG was not statistically significant (p = 1), suggesting that the more complicated model was not justified even though both models converged just fine; the (uncorrelated) random slope could be removed from the model intercept (see Table 11). Parameter estimates for the random intercept effects are presented in Table 12. The main intervention effect of the aCG was found to be significant F(2, 99) = 25.513, p < 0.001, indicating differences between the three groups. The main effect of period was also significant F(2, 198) = 218.98, p < 0.001, suggesting the groups varied across the three measurement periods. Additionally, there was a significant interaction between group and period F(4, 198) = 75.899, p < 0.001, indicating that the intervention effect varied between the three groups.
Random intercepts for individual participants were estimated to have a variance of 0.32 (SE = 0.08), indicating significant variability in the propensity to enact SAS between participants. The overall fit of the model was assessed using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), which was found to be 1885.027 (see Table 9). Diagnostic plots showed no evidence of violation of the model assumptions.
Overall, these results suggested that the intervention administered to the ACT group simultaneously with an ACT program and taking into account the period had significant effects on participants’ propensity to enact SAS whenever they were faced with CCT challenges. Group differences were observed, with the ACT group exhibiting higher propensity to enact SAS compared to the PST group and aCG. Additionally, the propensity to enact SAS varied across the three measurement conditions, with a general increase over time observed for the ACT group only.

5. Discussion

The current study had two aims: (i) to administer the Social Adaptability Skills (SAS) educational intervention session within a talent development program in order to assist young athletes develop and enact psychosocial resources required during club-to-club transfers (CCTs), and (ii) to determine which of the two methods (e.g., Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) or Psychological Skills Training (PST)) provided an optimal reinforcing effect when implemented in conjunction with SAS educational intervention. Overall, and consistent with the current study’s hypotheses, the findings showed the potential effectiveness of SAS educational intervention sessions in addition to confirming that ACT intervention in conjunction with SAS was successful as opposed to PST intervention on its own.
As expected, the ACT group obtained greater improvements in enacting and deploying the SAS required during CCT: pre-test (mean = 51.85, SD = 7.14), post-test (mean = 86.56, SD = 10.14), and retention-test (mean = 94.79, SD = 4.07). These findings were corroborated by the results from linear mixed model analysis using the likelihood ratio test, indicating significant differences between groups at all periods of the educational intervention. A post hoc test also revealed a significant difference between the three groups (i.e., ACT, PST, and active control group (aCG)). Consequently, results from the ACT within-group test revealed significant differences at separate periods indicating that the educational intervention was successful in assisting the participants enact and deploy SAS whenever they encountered CCT challenges.
In summary, the present study results confirm that the SAS educational intervention sessions effectively supported athletes in developing the necessary psychosocial attributes to successfully navigate CCT challenges. Specifically, results showed that from post-test to retention-test, participants in the ACT group demonstrated statistically significant improvements in key psychosocial attributes measured by the SASQ. These findings are consistent with empirical evidence demonstrating that athletes require psychosocial resources identified as SAS for a successful CCT outcome and co-adaptation (Owiti & Hauw, 2021; Owiti et al., 2021; Owiti & Hauw, 2023). The presence of an increase in SAS observed in this study may be explained as follows. An athlete’s performance is influenced by the competition for resources, which, once secured, create opportunities for success (Passos et al., 2016). The challenges of CCTs stem from adapting to a new club’s system, including coaches’ attitudes, coaching styles, team dynamics, cultural openness, and the availability of training and performance resources. Additionally, factors such as an athlete’s level of family dependency or autonomy play a role in coping with being away from home. Fundamentally, an athlete’s perception of the CCT process and the accuracy of that perception can shape their overall experience and outcomes. If an athlete acknowledges and accepts the challenges associated with CCTs, they may be more likely to achieve successful transitions. Thus, it can be inferred that athletes’ perceptions of how well their basic psychological needs are met play a mediating role in their strategies for overcoming CCT challenges (MacNamara et al., 2010; D. J. Collins et al., 2016).
The present findings suggest that athletes who successfully navigate CCT challenges may exhibit higher mindfulness dispositions. This could imply that mindfulness serves as a coping mechanism, helping athletes navigate the psychological demands of a CCT. The results are in accordance with several studies (Josefsson et al., 2019; Sabzevari et al., 2023; Lundgren et al., 2020) who also suggested that mindfulness, commitment, and acceptance exercises could increase cognitive flexibility and the sports performance of elite athletes. This association can be explained by the fact that, unlike the traditional approaches (i.e., PST), the Mindfulness Acceptance and Commitment (MAC) approach integrates various key components such as attentional awareness, acceptance, commitment, and behavior change, allowing athletes to function effectively despite experiencing CCT challenges. In addition, individuals learn how to reduce experiential avoidance while increasing their tolerance for unpleasant situations such as problematic experiences with teammates during CCTs. Therefore, incorporating SAS educational intervention simultaneously with a MAC-based approach makes it easier for athletes to pursue value-based behaviors (i.e., successful CCT) versus emotion-centered avoidance behaviors (i.e., difficult CCT) while increasing their commitment and adherence to goals (Gardner & Moore, 2007; Moore, 2016).
Although our results indicate the effectiveness of the MAC approach in assisting athletes enact and deploy SAS during CCTs, the following studies failed to support the hypothesis that the MAC approach would lead to significant improvement in sport performance. First, a study by Plemmons (Plemmons, 2015) examined the effects of the MAC approach on sports performance in a group of recreational golfers. It was hypothesized that participants who completed the MAC training protocol would exhibit significantly greater performance enhancements than those in a no-intervention control group. However, the results showed no significant performance changes following the MAC intervention. Similarly, a randomized controlled trial by Gross et al. (2018) investigated the effectiveness of the MAC approach compared to traditional PST on the mental health and sports performance of female collegiate athletes. The researchers hypothesized that participants in the MAC group would demonstrate reduced emotional dysregulation, increased psychological flexibility and dispositional mindfulness, and improved athletic performance compared to those in the PST group. While the study found no significant differences between the MAC and PST groups in athletic performance, results did indicate reductions in psychological distress and increased psychological flexibility from post-intervention to one-month follow-up.
The lack of improvement in mindfulness disposition and sports performance following the MAC intervention previously mentioned above may be attributed to methodological differences in study protocols. We identify two key methodological factors that could have influenced these outcomes. First, the choice between subjective and objective performance reporting may have played a role in determining the effectiveness of the MAC approaches. Studies that have applied subjective assessments of MAC effects have reported improvements in athletes’ sports performance (Gardner & Moore, 2012; Gross et al., 2018; Josefsson et al., 2019). In contrast, studies employing objective performance measures such as standardized quantifiable performance data (Plemmons, 2015) have failed to provide confirmatory evidence supporting the enhancement of sports performance through MAC interventions. Second, the dose of mindfulness disposition intervention in these studies may have been insufficient. It is possible that inadequate emphasis was placed on the mindfulness intervention component of MAC. For instance, a study by Goodman et al. (2014) found a positive impact on both mindfulness disposition and performance following a MAC-based intervention that included over 60 min of weekly yoga training for student-athletes. This suggests that the effectiveness of MAC interventions may depend on the intensity and duration of mindfulness disposition intervention. Further research is needed to determine the optimal “dose” of mindfulness practice required to achieve meaningful results.
Despite the growing popularity of mindfulness, acceptance, and commitment-based interventions in sports psychology, there is still limited evidence-based research supporting their effectiveness and methodology. Research quality in this area remains inconsistent (Lundgren et al., 2020). Additionally, while it is crucial to examine the long-term effects of these interventions (efficacy), most studies have only reported their immediate effects (effectiveness) without conducting follow-ups (Rumbold et al., 2012). The findings in this field are often contradictory, with some studies including diverse samples but lacking control groups or objective sports performance evaluations (Aherne et al., 2011).
The current findings lend support to several researchers who have critically discussed the effectiveness of PST intervention (i.e., control strategies), citing that athletes do seem to report difficult experiences while employing PST-related techniques as opposed to ACT techniques (Birrer et al., 2012; Gardner & Moore, 2007, 2012). This finding can be explained by a substantial body of research that has clearly indicated that striving or mental control (i.e., as reported in PST interventions) in an attempt to get rid of unwanted emotional and mental content ends up not only being ineffective but may paradoxically even be counterproductive (Gardner & Moore, 2007, 2012; Josefsson et al., 2017, 2019). The ironic mental process theory suggests that controlling or suppressing an unwanted thought can lead to an increased engagement in the very thought that one is trying to resist (Masters & Maxwell, 2008; Wegner, 1994; Wenzlaff & Wegner, 2000). In contrast, the ACT-based intervention (i.e., mindfulness strategy) which targets optimal performance through enhanced, present-centered awareness of inner and outer stimuli has been supported by the current findings in enhancing athletes SAS during CCTs.
Over the course of the intervention, no statistically significant changes in mindfulness disposition measures were observed in the PST group. This outcome is unsurprising since PST interventions were not specifically designed to enhance mindfulness disposition. Nevertheless, some research suggests that athletes may transfer skills learned in PST training to their daily lives (Gilbert et al., 2008; Horn et al., 2011; Sheard & Golby, 2006). One possible explanation for the differences in outcomes between the PST group and ACT group is that PST does not directly target key mechanisms such as present-moment awareness and acceptance, which are central to the psychosocial concerns measured in this study. Therefore, caution should be exercised when interpreting these results, as the mindfulness disposition measures used may have been more sensitive to the ACT intervention. Our results do not necessarily imply that one intervention is superior to the other, however, ACT appears to be effective when applied simultaneously with SAS educational intervention. Additionally, some ACT concepts, such as cognitive defusion instead of cognitive restructuring, may initially seem unconventional to athletes, leading them to prefer PST-based approaches (Gross et al., 2018). Exploring the acceptability and preference of these interventions among athletes could be a valuable direction for future research.
As concerns the current findings, it is worth highlighting that further difference between PST and ACT as methods of intervention revolves around whether the situation(s) to be dealt with are either specific or general. The PST as a form of intervention is mostly geared towards targeting challenging situations holistically (e.g., with a general approach involving several skills to help overcome the challenges). Contrastingly, the ACT intervention is specific at the beginning (changes with commitment which is general) since acceptance and commitment refers to personal value(s). For example, what is important for the person, in general and in particular. Values generally tend to help persons adapt by making it possible to manage specific situations. As such, a person first accepts a specific situation and with commitment works towards adapting to the challenge (i.e., commitment is both general and specific). Therefore, when a person practices ACT, they first focus on the specific challenge (i.e., targeting a specific hook/challenge) but if they stop the ACT at this level, then the work is not completely finished. In fact, they should continue with all the specific hooks they encounter and thereafter generalize the approach for every threat.
While considering the skill development approach incorporated within the educational sessions, we argue that, through the application of the teach–test–tweak–repeat cycle, the developing athletes got used to handling CCT challenges, accepting temporary setbacks while simultaneously building a long-term approach. Consequently, there is emerging evidence that skills such as SAS can be taught, with consequential impact on performer’s ability to cope with developmental challenges (J. Collins & Durand-Bush, 2010). The current findings are supported through the lens of Developing the Potential of Young People in Sport (DPYPS) (J. Collins & Durand-Bush, 2010) which formally taught, encouraged, modeled, and refined, then transferred the Psychological Characteristics of Developing Excellence (PCDE’s) skills using a variety of means. Results showed that young participants were able to apply PCDE’s to a wide range of challenges, from both within and outside their sporting environment, helping them maintain progress and development.
The current study examined the reinforcing effects of ACT and PST interventions on SAS in a longitudinal mindfulness-based sport specific intervention enabling for causal inferences to be made. Additionally, athletes’ dispositional mindfulness was assessed using a sport-related mindfulness measure AMSQ (Zhang et al., 2017) in which mindfulness has been operationalized as a multidimensional concept consisting of present-moment attention, awareness, and acceptance, given that almost all the published studies within the literature investigating dispositional mindfulness in a sports context had previously used measures that are not specifically designed for athletes. The current study is in line with the suggestion of Josefsson and colleagues (Josefsson et al., 2017) who argued that it would be more appropriate and credible to use sport-specific mindfulness questionnaires which are more “situated” rather than general mindfulness measure when studying dispositional mindfulness in athlete populations.
In considering breathing as a self-regulating technique that might have aided the participants to accept CCT challenges, I present the following arguments: First, research shows that the ability to self-regulate the quality of feeling and emotion of a person’s in-the-moment experience is closely linked to the physiology and the reciprocal interactions among physiological, cognitive, and emotional systems (McCraty & Zayas, 2014). These interactions form the basis of information processing networks in which communication between systems occurs through the generation and transmission of rhythms and patterns of activity. Second, it has been reported that self-induced positive emotions increase the coherence in bodily processes, which can be reflected in the pattern of the heart’s rhythm (McCraty & Zayas, 2014; McCraty et al., 2009).
Therefore, a shift in the heart rhythm in turn plays an important role in facilitating higher cognitive functions, creating emotional stability and facilitating states of calm. In summary, with practice, an athlete is able to use the breathing technique to shift into a more coherent physiological state before, during, and after challenging or adverse situations [i.e., during CCTs], thus optimizing mental clarity and emotional composure and stability. In challenging situations, breathing is one of the techniques advanced to “help take the intensity out” or “turn down the volume” of the reaction. It has also been argued that, since human beings have conscious control over breathing and can easily slow the rate and increase the depth of the breathing rhythm, we can take advantage of this physiological mechanism to modulate efferent vagal activity and thus the heart rhythm (McCraty et al., 2009).
Since one of the aims of the current study was to examine the reinforcement effect of SAS following the ACT and PST educational interventions, it was difficult to compare or even detect unique mindfulness effects with previous studies because the majority of research examining multi-modal Mindfulness and Acceptance Based Interventions (MABIs) effects mostly used inactive control groups (MacCoon et al., 2012). In line with the current study, to accurately examine the effects of MABIs as well as specific mindfulness effects, not only was it necessary to deploy an aCG but also one that was structurally equivalent to the experiment condition. Thus, the aCG in the current study also performed meaningful session activities that were expected to have positive athletic outcomes excluding any ACT-specific ingredients (MacCoon et al., 2012; Mohr et al., 2009).

6. Limitations and Future Research

Several limitations should be acknowledged, highlighting questions that remain unresolved and defining potential directions for future research. First, these findings are not easily generalizable, they are context-specific and need to be tested in different contexts, with larger samples to increase the SAS educational intervention scope. Therefore, it remains of interest as to whether studies with bigger samples show similar outcomes. Second, the study focused exclusively on basketball and unihockey players and does not inform us about the nature of adaptability in other sports or levels in addition to gender imbalance. Therefore, future research should widen the scope into different sports, levels, and gender balance to increase the study scope. A third limitation involved comparing our results with other studies for generalizability. This was made difficult due to different terms applied within ACT (e.g., paying attention, awareness, acceptance, judging) which is dependent on previous experience and/or familiarity with mindfulness practice. Therefore, future research should “minimize” such risks by standardizing the ACT terminologies. Finally, correlation does not imply causation; therefore, the associations presented between SAS and the mindfulness disposition facets should be read with caution. Future studies may apply longitudinal observations to strengthen causal inference in addition to applying multiple regression and structural equation modeling (SEM) to help control for confounding variables.

7. Practical Implications

While acknowledging the limitations of the current study, a few practical implications can be cautiously formulated. Athletic success is not solely determined by physical ability and technical skills, rather, an athlete’s ability to adapt to social and environmental dynamics plays a crucial role in their long-term development. The current study underscores the necessity of incorporating SAS within the existing TID and Talent Environment Development (TED) frameworks to better support athletes in reaching their full potential. In addition, the current findings also contribute to a deeper understanding of how athletes navigate CCT challenges. Career transitions often present various obstacles, and developing strong SAS not only enhances ease of adaptability but also facilitates successful CCT. For the young athletes to develop the SAS necessary to overcome future obstacles, their immediate environment needs to be carefully managed. Providing structured support systems will help create environments that nurture talent. Therefore, integrating SAS ensures that the athletes are equipped to take full advantage of their environments, rather than struggle with career transition barriers. From a coaching perspective, this study underscores the importance of athlete development, offering insights that will enable coaches to play an active role in supporting players during CCT. Coaches can contribute by incorporating SAS training into TID programs, including mentorship, team-building activities, and communication workshops. Furthermore, high-performance organizations and professional sports clubs can apply these findings to strengthen existing resources and develop new strategies to assist players through CCT periods. Embedding SAS-focused programs within talent pathways ensures a holistic development approach, equipping athletes with the psychosocial skills necessary to navigate the evolving demands of their careers successfully.

8. Conclusions

The current study explored the role of an SAS educational intervention within a TID framework in assisting young athletes develop and enact the psychosocial skills necessary during CCTs. The findings highlight the potential effectiveness of SAS education intervention in mitigating CCT-related challenges, reinforcing the importance of preparing athletes psychologically in facing career transition demands. A key contribution of this research is the identification of a dispositional mindfulness intervention (i.e., ACT) as a mechanism for enhancing and reinforcing SAS enactment and deployment during CCTs. This suggests that integrating mindfulness-based approaches alongside SAS education intervention could further enhance athletes achieving successful CCTs. Notably, this study is the first to develop and assess an educational intervention specifically targeting the psychosocial skills necessary for a successful CCT. We believe that this intervention holds significant value for both research and professional practice, offering a structured approach to supporting athletes during CCTs. Future studies should continue refining and expanding this framework to further optimize talent development pathways and athlete support systems.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at File S1 Raw Data, File S2. A detailed intervention program/The adapted versions of ACSQ & AMSQ.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, S.O. and D.H.; methodology, S.O. and D.H.; software, S.O.; validation, S.O.; formal analysis, S.O.; investigation, S.O.; resources, S.O. and D.H.; data curation, S.O.; writing—original draft preparation, S.O.; writing—review and editing, S.O.; visualization, S.O.; supervision, D.H.; project administration, S.O.; funding acquisition, none. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Research Ethics Commission of the University of Lausanne-UNIL (Project number E_SSP_122021_00002).

Informed Consent Statement

Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.

Data Availability Statement

Raw data set in Excel format to be attached under supplementary material (Title—Raw-data1).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. The rain cloud plot representing each intervention group’s scores. Note: (A) = SASQ; (B) = AMSQ; (C) = ACSIQ.
Figure 1. The rain cloud plot representing each intervention group’s scores. Note: (A) = SASQ; (B) = AMSQ; (C) = ACSIQ.
Psycholint 07 00017 g001
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of previous experiences of meditation-related practices.
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of previous experiences of meditation-related practices.
Prior experience of meditation-related practice2
Table 2. Evaluation summary results of the three intervention programs.
Table 2. Evaluation summary results of the three intervention programs.
QuestionACT ProgPST ProgShooting Prog
1. Was the intervention program important for you as an athlete?Mean = 3.68, SD = 0.58Mean = 3.67
SD = 0.66
Mean = 3.77
SD = 0.49
2. Did the intervention program help you develop skills needed to overcome club-to-club transfer obstacles?Mean = 3.78
SD = 0.65
Mean = 3.89
SD = 0.56
Mean = 3.88
SD = 0.45
3. Was the intervention program important for you as an athlete?98% answered
100% answered Yes97% answered
Table 3. Group information and corresponding descriptive statistics.
Table 3. Group information and corresponding descriptive statistics.
SASQMeanSDMin-Max ScoreSkewnessKurtosisZ-Score SkewnessZ-Score Kurtosis
ACT group
PST group
Control group
ACT group
PST group
Control group
ACT group
PST group
Control group
Table 4. Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlation between SAS and mindfulness disposition.
Table 4. Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlation between SAS and mindfulness disposition.
MeanSDPresent Moment (1–6)Awareness (7–11)Acceptance (12–16)
Q23.650.830.654 **
Q33.850.870.532 **0.545 **
Q44.651.76−0.2530.432 *0.624 **
Q53.450.990.381 **0.501 **0.4830.453 **
Q64.631.010.453 **0.367 *0.365 **0.367 **0.723 **
Q73.990.940.367 **−0.201 *−0.3890.453 *0.367 **0.367 **
Q83.110.65−0.109 **0.371 **0.511 *−0.2010.354 *−0.2050.537 **
Q94.390.870.503 **0.490 **0.254 **0.256 **0.465 **0.367 **0.267 *0.545 *
Q103.710.910.315 **0.1040.466 *0.456 **0.265 *0.105 *−0.173 *0.523 **0.675 **
Q114.321.020.403 **0.341 **0.3260.108 *0.451 **−0.1450.451 **0.206 *0.453 *0.501 **
Q123.540.850.278 *0.367 *0.478 **0.491 **0.402 **0.345 **0.312 **−0.1070.345 **0.3260.385 **
Q133.410.670.612 **0.543 **−0.2540.356 **0.298 **0.261 *0.377 *0.309 **0.456 *0.389 **0.456 **−0.348 *
Q144.670.940.402 **0.563 *0.433 **0.4110.367 *0.345 **0.503 **0.267 *0.245 **0.137−0.1080.116 **0.456 **
Q153.811.21−0.3890.108 **0.356 *−0.0990.493 **0.274 *0.475 *0.421 **0.376 **0.289 *0.333 *0.265 *0.1340.545 **
Q163.520.950.543 **0.377 **0.288 *0.353 *0.502 **0.3890.309 *0.235 *0.324 **0.311 **0.401 **0.224 *−0.2160.348 *0.567 **
Q174.270.680.421 **0.365 **0.256 **−0.9920.215 **0.089 **0.432 **0.462 **−0.2210.164 **0.245 **0.315 **−0.1450.342 **−0.2850.702 **
Note. ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed). * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed).
Table 5. Likelihood ratio test results for ACT group.
Table 5. Likelihood ratio test results for ACT group.
Table 6. Random slope results for ACT group.
Table 6. Random slope results for ACT group.
Group1, 80.5041.59<0.001
Period2, 203.17286.07<0.001
Group × period2, 203.17160.78<0.001
Table 7. Pairwise differences between ACT, PST, and aCG groups.
Table 7. Pairwise differences between ACT, PST, and aCG groups.
ACT versus PST19.991.4913.3790.001
ACT versus aCG3.031.492.028p = 0.111
PST versus aCG−16.961.49−11.3520.001
aCG = active control group.
Table 8. Post hoc comparison results between ACT, PST, and aCG groups.
Table 8. Post hoc comparison results between ACT, PST, and aCG groups.
GroupEmeanSEDFLower CLUpper CL
Intervention ACT62.41.069960.364.5
Intervention PST42.41.069940.344.5
Active control group59.41.069957.361.5
Table 9. Likelihood ratio test results for PST group.
Table 9. Likelihood ratio test results for PST group.
Table 10. Random intercept results for PST group.
Table 10. Random intercept results for PST group.
EffectSum SquaresMean SquaresNumDFDenDFF-Valuep-Value
Group × period14,904.73726.1754198199.1470.001
Table 11. Likelihood ratio test results for aCG group.
Table 11. Likelihood ratio test results for aCG group.
Table 12. Random intercept results for aCG group.
Table 12. Random intercept results for aCG group.
EffectSum SqMean SqNumDFDenDFF-Valuep-Value
Group × period2269.66567.415419875.8990.001
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Owiti, S.; Hauw, D. Social Adaptability Skills Educational Session Within a Team Sport Context. Psychol. Int. 2025, 7, 17.

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Owiti S, Hauw D. Social Adaptability Skills Educational Session Within a Team Sport Context. Psychology International. 2025; 7(1):17.

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Owiti, Samuel, and Denis Hauw. 2025. "Social Adaptability Skills Educational Session Within a Team Sport Context" Psychology International 7, no. 1: 17.

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Owiti, S., & Hauw, D. (2025). Social Adaptability Skills Educational Session Within a Team Sport Context. Psychology International, 7(1), 17.

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