Outstanding Reviewer Award

The Outstanding Reviewer Award is given annually to recognize reviewers who generously contribute their time to reviewing papers and display thoroughness, professionalism, and timeliness while doing so. Winners will be chosen from all previous years’ reviewers and revealed by the end of February each year.

The Prize:
– First Prize (1 winner): CHF 500 plus a free voucher for article processing fees valid for one year;
– Second Prize (2 winners): A free voucher for article processing fees valid for one year;
– An electronic certificate.

Number of Winners: 3

Cells Outstanding Reviewer Award
Winner announcement: 28 February 2025

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

– All of the reviewers for Cells in the 2024 will be automatically included;
– Number of review reports;
– The quality and timeliness of review reports.
Past Winners


Takujiro Homma
Yamagata University, Japan
Aniruddha Das
The University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA
Kishor Pant
Hormel Institute (a Medical Research Center University of Minnesota), MN, USA


Zdenek Andrysic
University of Colorado Boulder, CO, USA
Tito Calì
University of Padova, Italy
Kevin Dzobo
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Francesca S. Forini
Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica del CNR, Italy
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