Travel Award

We are pleased to announce that the winners of the 2019 Travel Awards, sponsored by MDPI and Cells, are Claudia Burrello and Macsue Jacques.

Claudia Burrello carried out her university studies in Milan, where she studied a BSc in Biology and an MSc in Biology Applied to Biomedical Research. During her MSc internship in 2012, she joined Dr. Snaar-Jagalska's lab at Leiden University in the Netherlands.

Back in Italy, she joined Prof. Rescigno's lab at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan. Here she became acquainted with the field of mucosal immunology and the techniques used to study pathologies involving intestinal inflammation. She therefore started her PhD programme in 2014 at the labs of Dr. Facciotti and Prof. Rescigno with the goal of evaluating the role of the gut microbiota in orchestrating mucosal immune responses during intestinal inflammation and cancer. She recently defended her PhD thesis and obtained a one year post doc fellowship for 2019.

Macsue Jacques is a PhD student at the Institute for Health and Sport (iHeS), Victoria University (VU), supervised by A/Prof Nir Eynon (NHMRC Career Development Fellow), and Dr Sarah Voisin (NHMRC Early Career Fellow). She completed her honours degree in 2016 for which she received a 1st class distinction and was subsequently awarded the VU Outstanding Graduate of the year prize. Since commencing her PhD studies in February 2017, she has published eight peer-reviewed manuscripts and three book chapters, which is considered outstanding. During the first year of her PhD she was awarded a prestigious travel grant from The Physiological Society, London (800 Euro) to present her work at the International Physiological Society Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 2017, she also presented her work at the Australian Physiological Society (AuPS) conference in Melbourne. In June 2018, she was elected as a council member (student representative) of the AuPS and was interviewed for the AuPS newsletter ( Her PhD project aims to uncover the epigenetic and genetic markers influencing exercise adaptations, and has received significant NHMRC funding via her supervisor’s fellowships.

Prof. Dr. Alexander E. Kalyuzhny
Editor-in-Chief, Cells
Neuroscience, UMN Twin Cities

Cells 2019 Travel Award
Past Winners


Daniel R. Fox
Australian National University, Australia
Zsolt Lakatos
Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary


Claudia Burrello
IEO European Institute of Oncology IRCCS, Italy
Macsue Jacques
Victoria University Melbourne, Australia


Francisca Vaz Bravo
University of Minho and University Nova of Lisbon, Portugal
Zhongying Wang
University of Southern California, CA, USA


Miquéias Lopes-Pacheco
University Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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