Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Cells reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: clinical research; residency education; evidence-based medicine; hospitalist medicine; structural heart disease
Interests: retina; er stress; Retinal Diseases; neurovascular unit; calcium homeostatic and signalling; neuroglial signalling
Interests: inflammatory diseases; inflammatory bowel diseases; cardiovascular diseases; sarcopenia
Interests: inflammation; leukocytes; integrins; cell signaling; Tumor-associated immune cells; extracellular vesicles; obesity
Interests: neurodegenerative disorders; mitochondria; bioenergetics; live-cell imaging; alzheimer's disease; frontotemporal dementia; ALS
Interests: deafness; hearing loss; genetics; molecular and cellular biology; Proteomic; stem cells; IPSC; cochlea; gap junctions; connexins; cellular terapie; oxidative stress
Interests: bacterial secretion system; effector; toxin; T6SS; Bacterial pathogenesis; enteropathogen; interbacterial competition; Salmonella; cellular microbiology
Interests: inflammation; oxidative stress; inflammasome; extracellular vesicles; retinal pathologies
Interests: laser-therapy in dermatology; inflammatory skin diseases; cutaneous malignancies
Interests: Neuron; cell signaling; cell biophysics; oxidative stress; calcium signaling; Cell Death; mitochondria; mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex
Interests: cardiovascular disease; heart failure; biomarkers; extracellular vesicles; cell precursors
Interests: smooth muscle; atherosclerosis; vascular biology; vascular physiology; cardiovascular physiology; Arteries; Vascular diseases; myography; cholesterol; ion channels; calcium signaling; cell signaling
Interests: non-coding RNAs; transcriptional networks; Inflorescence development; abiotic stresses
Interests: plant development; abiotic stress; rnaseq; Microproteins; autophagy; protein protein interactions
Interests: peptides; immunohistochemistry; glia; hormones; Neuron; neurosteroids; ghrelin; neurobioepilepsy; kainic acid; Pilocarpine
Interests: hypoxia; Globins; ageing; NGS; gene regulation
Interests: epigenetics; LncRNA; transcription; gene regulation; aging; nucleolus
Interests: cardiovascular complications of diabetes
Interests: regenerative medicine; cell therapy; stem cells; bioengineering; liver; acute liver injury
Interests: phylogenetics; sex chromosomes; coleoptera; evolution; population genetics
Interests: flavivirus; cell host interactions
Interests: metastasis; mesenchymal stem and progenitor cell; sarcoma; cancer; apoptosis; fibrosis; growth factor
Interests: bioinformatics; transcriptomics; vaccinology; nanotechnology; neuroscience; brain tumours
2. Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
3. RIKEN Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan
Interests: genomics; transcriptomics; human genetics; epigenetics; gene regulation; Chromatin Structure
Interests: autophagy; pexophagy; plant physiology; plant cell biology; Plant Molecular Biology; Lipid Metabolism; Seed development and germination; transcriptomics; proteomics
Interests: t cells; cellular signaling; t cell signaling; Immunology; cancer; parasitology; exosomes; extracellular vesicles
Interests: cardiovascular genetics; bicuspid aortic valve disease; molecular epidemiology; environmental and occupational exposure; radiobiology; telomeres; non-coding RNA; mitochondrial DNA damage
Interests: cancer; extracellular matrix; hydrogel; tissue engineering; 3D models; drug resistance
Interests: biophysical chemistry; nanostructural research; small angle scattering methods; changes in membrane structure; protein-lipid interactions; vesicle systems; nanoerythrosomes
Interests: vasopressin receptor type 2 (V2R); aquaporin 2