Editorial Board for section 'Pediatric Neonatology'
- Pediatric Neurology & Neurodevelopmental Disorders Section
- Pediatric Hematology & Oncology Section
- Pediatric Surgery Section
- Global Pediatric Health Section
- Pediatric Neonatology Section
- Pediatric Cardiology Section
- Pediatric Nephrology & Urology Section
- Pediatric Dermatology Section
- Pediatric Nursing Section
- Pediatric Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Section
- Pediatric Dentistry & Oral Medicine Section
- Pediatric Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine Section
- Pediatric Mental Health Section
- Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Section
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases Section
- Pediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes Section
- Pediatric Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine and Palliative Care Section
- Pediatric Emergency Medicine & Intensive Care Medicine Section
- Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Section
- Pediatric Drugs Section
- Pediatric Radiology Section
- Translational Pediatrics Section
- Pediatric Ophthalmology Section
- Pediatric Otolaryngology Section
Please see the section webpage for more information on this section.
Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical, and follows the structure of the editorial board presented on the MDPI website under information for editors: editorial board responsibilities.
Interests: neonatal brain injury and encephalopathy; diseases of the newborn; diseases of the premature infant; bronchopulmonary dysplasia; BPD; hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy; neonatal seizures; birth trauma; patent ductus arteriosus; persistent pulmonary hypertension; necrotizing enterocolitis; neonatology
Interests: neonatology BPD sepsis; pediatric intensive care; epilepsy
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: neonatal neurology; neonatal ethics; neuromonitoring; neonatal follow-up
Interests: breastfeeding; human milk; milk banks
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: maternal and child health; neonatal health; neurotrauma; substance use disorders; infectious diseases
Interests: quality and safety in neonatal airway management; focusing on intubation and unplanned extubation; newborn resuscitation; neonatal epidemiology
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: neonatal transition; neonatal resuscitation; neonatal jaundice; phototherapy for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia; near-infrared spectroscopy
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: neonatal; pediatric respiratory care
Interests: neonatal invasive and non-invasive ventilation; hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy; heart rate variability; extremely preterm infants on respiratory therapy
Interests: birth asphyxia; preterm birth; initial ventilation strategies; airway management; oxygen titration; timing of umbilical cord clamping; temperature control; chest compressions; neonatal vascular access; emergency medication; post-resuscitation care
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
2. Paediatrics, Monash University, Melbourne ZIP 3168, Australia
Interests: newborn; cardiac function; vascular disease; IUGR; bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Interests: neonatal pain; neonatal jaundice; family-integrated care; health outcomes
Interests: prenatal diagnosis
Interests: systems-based approaches; NICU; perinatal mood and anxiety disorders; the care of newborns
Interests: neonatal medicine; neonatal brain injury; near infrared spectroscopy; transfusion; inflammation; placental function
2. Children’s Research Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 W Watertown Plank Rd., Wauwatosa, WI 53226, USA
Interests: neonatal-perinatal medicine; prematurity; neonatal disorders; free radicals research
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: newborn medicine; lung function; neonatal nutrition; neonatal chronic lung disease; neonatology
Interests: neonatal resuscitation; education; maternal and neonatal care in low-resource countries; neonatal airway management; neonatal transport
Interests: development of children with perinatal risk factors like preterm birth; diagnostic assessments
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: developmental pharmacology; neonatal pharmacology; pediatric pharmacology; maternal-fetal pharmacology; fetal pharmacology
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: maternal-fetal medicine; management of multiple pregnancies; preterm labor; preeclampsia; renal conditions complicating pregnancy
Interests: pediatrics; neonatal diseases; respiratory diseases; diseases of the autonomic system; neonatal and pediatric neurology; neonatal and pediatric immunology; neonatal and pediatric pulmunology
Interests: pediatric disorders; perinatal risk; machine learning; gut microbiota; the role and mechanism of genetic and perinatal risk factors and their interactions in the occurrence of pediatric and psychiatric diseases; application of machine learning, deep learning and other artificial intelligence technology in metagenomics and metabolomics; the role of gut microbiota and metabolites in the perinatal period, newborns, children, and neuropsychiatric diseases
Interests: neonatology; neonatal brain injury; hypoxic-ischemic brain injury; hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and neuroprotection
Interests: neonatology; neonatal neurology; hypoxic ischemic brain injury