Young Investigator Award

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the 2021 Coatings Young Investigator Award is Dr. Marta Mohedano.

The selection committee is chaired by the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Alessandro Lavacchi, and supported by Dr. Ramon Escobar Galindo, Prof. Dr. Stefano Farris, Dr. Pascal Briois, Dr. Daniel E. Mack, and PD Dr. Thilo Glatzel.

Dr. Marta Mohedano completed her Ph.D. in Materials Science and Technology (Extraordinary Award) from Complutense University of Madrid-UCM (Spain) in 2011. She is very active in scientific organizations and currently, she is the Chair of the Young EFC (European Federation of Corrosion), the Chair of the EFC Equity Task Force, the EFC Social Media Manager, the Chair of the Task Force Corrosion and Protection, and Board Member in the Spanish Society of Materials (SOCIEMAT). Her research interests lie in the tailoring of surfaces of light alloys (Mg, Al, and Ti) and detailed corrosion studies in different environments for transport and biomaterials applications. Dr. Mohedano has contributed to the field of corrosion and protection of light alloys with a total of 80 publications with >2400 citations and h-index = 31 (Scopus), more than 50 communications to national/international conferences, participation in 13 research projects, 14 technology transfer contracts, and 1 utility model. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Marta Mohedano on receiving this award and for her outstanding achievements.

As the awardee, Dr. Marta Mohedano will receive an honorarium of 2000 CHF; rapid, open access publication free of charge in Coatings after peer review in 2021; and an engraved plaque.

Together with the Coatings editorial team, I would like to congratulate Dr. Marta Mohedano for her achievements and thank the award committee for their excellent work in the hard task of selecting a winner from such a large number of excellent candidate profiles. We would also like to thank all the nominees from various fields of study for their participation and we will continue to reward young scientists with the 2021 Young Investigator Award and wish them further success in their careers.

Dr. Alessandro Lavacchi
Editor-in-Chief, Coatings

Coatings 2021 Young Investigator Award
Past Winners


Marta Mohedano
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Award Committee

Dr. Alessandro Lavacchi Chairman
Dr. Ramon Escobar-Galindo
Departamento de Física Aplicada I, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad de Sevilla
Prof. Stefano Farris
University of Milan
Dr. Pascal BRIOIS
Dr. Daniel Emil Mack
Forschusngszentrum Jülich GmbH
Dr. Thilo Glatzel
University of Basel


Kelsey Stoerzinger
Oregon State University, USA
Federico Bella
Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Award Committee

Dr. Alessandro Lavacchi Chairman
Prof. Dr. Vincenza Crupi
University of Messina
Prof. MariaCristina Tanzi
Dr. Andriy Voronov
North Dakota State University
Prof. Dr. Dennis Douroumis
University of Greenwich


Dr. Ruitao Wen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
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