Travel Award

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Evaluation Committee, we are pleased to announce the winner of the 2019 Genealogy Travel Award, which has been granted to the following applicant:

Margo Turnbull, a Post-Doctoral fellow from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, will attend the Professional Practice, Education and Learning (ProPEL) Conference, December 9–11, 2019, in Sydney, Australia, to present her following paper: “Exploring Spaces and Places of Care: Using Foucault to Investigate Localisation in Primary Health Care”.

With such high-quality applications for the award, this was a difficult decision, and we would like to thank all applicants for submitting their diverse and fascinating range of research topics. We congratulate the winner for her accomplishments.

Dr. Sherry Rankins-Robertson

Dr. Duane Roen

Genealogy provides a venue for cutting-edge contributions to the interdisciplinary field of genealogy studies; it encourages submissions that examine genealogies of family lineage, study the construction of genealogical narratives, or use genealogical methods to examine other historical processes, such as migration histories, social identities, and social institutions.

Please click here for more information on Genealogy:

Genealogy 2019 Travel Award
Past Winners


Margo Turnbull
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

Award Committee

Dr. Sherry Rankins-Robertson Chairman
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Dr. Christine Scodari
Florida Atlantic U
Dr. William Baumgarth
Dr. Réal Fillion
Dr. Martin Fredriksson
LInköping University
Dr. Amy Smith
Salem State University
Prof. Judy Baumel-Schwartz
Dr. Christine Sleeter
California State University Monterey Bay
Dr. Jean-Marie Thiebaud
Dr. Weiguo Zhang
Prof. Samuel Otterstrom
Brigham Young University
Dr. Abel Bartley
Dr. Diane Wolf
Univ. of California, Davis
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