Inventions and Innovation in Electrical Engineering/Energy/Communications

A section of Inventions (ISSN 2411-5134).

Section Information

Electronics and communications engineering is an increasingly expanding field of academic pursuit. It encompasses the study, design, and practical implementation of various equipment, devices, and systems that rely on electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. The scope of this discipline is comprehensive and covers an array of topics, including the following:

  • Electrical engineering and electronics
  • Power Engineering
  • Power electronic converters, inverters and controllers
  • Energy Storage
  • Energy efficiency
  • 5G/6G system
  • Telecommunications
  • Radio radio-frequency engineering
  • Networking protocols
  • Data transmission
  • Wireless sensor networks
  • Autonomous systems
  • Signal and information processing systems
  • Advanced electronic and photonic devices
  • Integrated circuits
  • Photovoltaic cells
  • Optics and photonics
  • Electromagnetics and waves
  • Microwave engineering
  • Renewable energies

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