ECM15 Best Paper Award

We are pleased to present the “ECM15 Best Paper Award” to “Ice Forecasting in the Next-Generation Great Lakes Operational Forecast System (GLOFS)” by Eric J. Anderson and colleagues.

This paper demonstrates how new modeling capabilities can usher in a new era of Great Lakes ice forecasting, addressing an issue where millions of dollars and lives are at stake. Modeling enhancements, model performance, uncertainties, and potential future improvements are all clearly described. Reviewers have lauded the authors for their well-written prose and insightful graphics. Congratulations to all the authors of the first Best Paper of the ECM award!

JMSE 2018 ECM15 Best Paper Award

Past Winners


Eric J. Anderson
Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration paper link:
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