Editor’s Choice Articles

Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in the various research areas of the journal.

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10 pages, 476 KiB  
It Takes a Village! Editorship, Advocacy, and Research in Running an Open Access Data Journal
by Mandy Wigdorowitz, Marton Ribary, Andrea Farina, Eleonora Lima, Daniele Borkowski, Paola Marongiu, Amanda H. Sorensen, Christelle Timis and Barbara McGillivray
Publications 2024, 12(3), 24; https://doi.org/10.3390/publications12030024 - 13 Aug 2024
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2942
Partaking in the editorial process of an academic journal is both a challenging and rewarding experience. It takes a village of dedicated individuals with a vested interest in the dissemination and sharing of high-quality research outputs. As members of the editorial team of [...] Read more.
Partaking in the editorial process of an academic journal is both a challenging and rewarding experience. It takes a village of dedicated individuals with a vested interest in the dissemination and sharing of high-quality research outputs. As members of the editorial team of an open access data journal, we reflect on the emergence of data-driven open research, a new journal genre (data paper), and a new journal type (data journal) in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (AHSS). Access to data—the currency of empirical research—is valuable to the research community, crucial to scientific integrity, and leads to cumulative advancements in knowledge. It therefore requires significant investment and appropriate venues for dissemination. We illustrate the necessity of raising awareness about data-driven open research and best practices in data-driven publishing. We discuss how it involves building a community of authors and readers, establishing a company of editors, reviewers, and support staff, and passing on the practice, which has been challenging the status quo in research and publishing. Potential future directions are considered, including data peer review and reward, recognition, and funding structures for data sharing. Full article
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11 pages, 1610 KiB  
Bibliometric Analysis of Papers Dealing with Dental Videos on YouTube
by Andy Wai Kan Yeung, Maima Matin, Michel Edwar Mickael, Sybille Behrens, Dalibor Hrg, Michał Ławiński, Fabian Peter Hammerle and Atanas G. Atanasov
Publications 2024, 12(3), 22; https://doi.org/10.3390/publications12030022 - 25 Jul 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1495
The aim of this study was to perform a bibliometric analysis to discover what topics of dental YouTube videos have been investigated by the scientific literature, and evaluate how video characteristics were related to citation count. The Scopus electronic literature database was accessed [...] Read more.
The aim of this study was to perform a bibliometric analysis to discover what topics of dental YouTube videos have been investigated by the scientific literature, and evaluate how video characteristics were related to citation count. The Scopus electronic literature database was accessed to identify relevant papers. After screening, a total of 128 papers entered the analysis. The bibliographic data were provided by Scopus, whereas content evaluations were manually performed. Most papers evaluated videos recorded in English (85.9%). Each of the 128 papers analyzed a mean (±SD) of 79.2 ± 61.6 videos. Mean journal impact factor was 1.8 ± 1.4, and mean citation count was 13.0 ± 22.4. The preference for publication of papers was inclined towards dental journals (80.5%), with the majority (54.7%) being published without open access. Papers dealing with videos targeting patients/public had higher citations than those targeting dental professionals only (14.1 ± 23.4 vs. 4.0 ± 6.3, p < 0.001). The most represented as well as the most highly cited specialty of the dental YouTube publications was oral and maxillofacial surgery/oral medicine. Some twin or triplet studies published in the same year covering the same topic were identified, but they often covered a different number of videos. Full article
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19 pages, 3527 KiB  
Research on Disinformation in Academic Studies: Perspectives through a Bibliometric Analysis
by Nuria Navarro-Sierra, Silvia Magro-Vela and Raquel Vinader-Segura
Publications 2024, 12(2), 14; https://doi.org/10.3390/publications12020014 - 7 May 2024
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 2753
Disinformation is a phenomenon of concern to all political systems, as it poses a threat to freedom and democracy through the manipulation of public opinion aimed at eroding institutions. This paper presents a bibliometric and systematized study which allows the establishment of a [...] Read more.
Disinformation is a phenomenon of concern to all political systems, as it poses a threat to freedom and democracy through the manipulation of public opinion aimed at eroding institutions. This paper presents a bibliometric and systematized study which allows the establishment of a comprehensive view of the research and current state of academic investigations on disinformation. To this end, a content analysis of the scientific articles indexed in Scopus up to 31 December 2023 has been carried out based on three categories of analysis: journals, authors and investigations. Similarly, a systematic study of the 50 most cited articles in this sample was performed in order to gain a deeper understanding of the nature, motivations and methodological approaches of these investigations. The results indicate that disinformation is a research topic which has gained great interest in the academic community since 2018, with special mention to the impact of COVID-19 and the vaccines against this disease. Thus, it can be concluded that disinformation is an object of study which attracts significant attention and which must be approached from transdisciplinarity to respond to a phenomenon of great complexity. Full article
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10 pages, 1810 KiB  
The Time from Submission to Publication in Primary Health Care Journals: A Cross-Sectional Study
by Tsung-An Chen, Ming-Hwai Lin, Yu-Chun Chen and Tzeng-Ji Chen
Publications 2024, 12(2), 13; https://doi.org/10.3390/publications12020013 - 28 Apr 2024
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2428
Background: The time from submission to publication can significantly impact the speed of knowledge dissemination and is influenced by multiple factors. This research aims to investigate the time from submission to publication of journals of primary health care and to explore the factors [...] Read more.
Background: The time from submission to publication can significantly impact the speed of knowledge dissemination and is influenced by multiple factors. This research aims to investigate the time from submission to publication of journals of primary health care and to explore the factors that influence this duration. Methods: We selected journals of primary health care and extracted their impact factors, annual publication frequencies, and open access status. The time from submission to acceptance (SA lag), acceptance to publication (AP lag), and submission to publication (SP lag) were calculated. Additionally, we conducted statistical analyses to determine whether impact factors, annual publication frequencies, and journal open access status had an influence on publication time. Results: This study revealed the average SP lag was 243.4 days (interquartile range, IQR 159–306), the average SA lag was 177.8 days (IQR 99–229.3), and the average AP lag was 65.6 days (IQR 14–101). Variations were observed in SP lag, SA lag, and AP lag among different journals. SP lag generally decreased with higher impact factors. Journals with open access had longer SA lag but shorter AP lag. There was a general trend of decreasing SP lag and SA lag with an increasing number of annual publications, but no clear trend was observed for AP lag. Conclusions: Improvements are needed in reducing the duration from submission to publication for primary health care journals. Significant variation exists among journals. Additionally, factors such as the impact factor, open access status, and the number of annual publications may influence publication speed. Full article
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30 pages, 1479 KiB  
Coping with the Inequity and Inefficiency of the H-Index: A Cross-Disciplinary Empirical Analysis
by Fabio Zagonari and Paolo Foschi
Publications 2024, 12(2), 12; https://doi.org/10.3390/publications12020012 - 22 Apr 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2654
This paper measures two main inefficiency features (many publications other than articles; many co-authors’ reciprocal citations) and two main inequity features (more co-authors in some disciplines; more citations for authors with more experience). It constructs a representative dataset based on a cross-disciplinary balanced [...] Read more.
This paper measures two main inefficiency features (many publications other than articles; many co-authors’ reciprocal citations) and two main inequity features (more co-authors in some disciplines; more citations for authors with more experience). It constructs a representative dataset based on a cross-disciplinary balanced sample (10,000 authors with at least one publication indexed in Scopus from 2006 to 2015). It estimates to what extent four additional improvements of the H-index as top-down regulations (∆Hh = Hh − Hh+1 from H1 = based on publications to H5 = net per-capita per-year based on articles) account for inefficiency and inequity across twenty-five disciplines and four subjects. Linear regressions and ANOVA results show that the single improvements of the H-index considerably and decreasingly explain the inefficiency and inequity features but make these vaguely comparable across disciplines and subjects, while the overall improvement of the H-index (H1–H5) marginally explains these features but make disciplines and subjects clearly comparable, to a greater extent across subjects than disciplines. Fitting a Gamma distribution to H5 for each discipline and subject by maximum likelihood shows that the estimated probability densities and the percentages of authors characterised by H5 ≥ 1 to H5 ≥ 3 are different across disciplines but similar across subjects. Full article
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14 pages, 1435 KiB  
Application of ChatGPT in Information Literacy Instructional Design
by Jelena Madunić and Matija Sovulj
Publications 2024, 12(2), 11; https://doi.org/10.3390/publications12020011 - 15 Apr 2024
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 5346
Recent developments in generative artificial intelligence tools have prompted immediate reactions in the academic library community. While most studies focus on the potential impact on academic integrity, this work explored constructive applications of ChatGPT in the design of instructional materials for courses in [...] Read more.
Recent developments in generative artificial intelligence tools have prompted immediate reactions in the academic library community. While most studies focus on the potential impact on academic integrity, this work explored constructive applications of ChatGPT in the design of instructional materials for courses in academic information literacy. The starting point was the use of openly licenced information resources or content infrastructure as facilitators in the creation of educational materials. In the first phase, course teaching material was developed using a prompt engineering strategy, predefined standards, and a prompt script. As a second step, we experimented with designing a custom chatbot model connected to a pre-defined corpus of source documents. The results demonstrated that the final teaching material required careful revision and optimisation before use in an actual instructional programme. The experimental design of the custom chatbot was able to query specific user-defined documents. Taken together, these findings suggest that the strategic and well-planned use of ChatGPT technology in content creation can have substantial benefits in terms of time and cost efficiency. In the context of information literacy, the results provide a practical and innovative solution to integrate the new technology tool into instructional practices. Full article
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16 pages, 5472 KiB  
Bibliometric Overview of ChatGPT: New Perspectives in Social Sciences
by Marian Oliński, Krzysztof Krukowski and Kacper Sieciński
Publications 2024, 12(1), 9; https://doi.org/10.3390/publications12010009 - 21 Mar 2024
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 5019
This study delves into a bibliometric analysis of ChatGPT, an AI tool adept at analysing and generating text, highlighting its influence in the realm of social sciences. By harnessing data from the Scopus database, a total of 814 relevant publications were selected and [...] Read more.
This study delves into a bibliometric analysis of ChatGPT, an AI tool adept at analysing and generating text, highlighting its influence in the realm of social sciences. By harnessing data from the Scopus database, a total of 814 relevant publications were selected and scrutinised through VOSviewer, focusing on elements such as co-citations, keywords and international collaborations. The objective is to unearth prevailing trends and knowledge gaps in scholarly discourse regarding ChatGPT’s application in social sciences. Concentrating on articles from the year 2023, this analysis underscores the rapid evolution of this research domain, reflecting the ongoing digital transformation of society. This study presents a broad thematic picture of the analysed works, indicating a diversity of perspectives—from ethical and technological to sociological—regarding the implementation of ChatGPT in the fields of social sciences. This reveals an interest in various aspects of using ChatGPT, which may suggest a certain openness of the educational sector to adopting new technologies in the teaching process. These observations make a contribution to the field of social sciences, suggesting potential directions for future research, policy or practice, especially in less represented areas such as the socio-legal implications of AI, advocating for a multidisciplinary approach. Full article
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14 pages, 740 KiB  
Benefits of Citizen Science for Libraries
by Dolores Mumelaš and Alisa Martek
Publications 2024, 12(1), 8; https://doi.org/10.3390/publications12010008 - 8 Mar 2024
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 4117
Participating in collaborative scientific research through citizen science, a component of open science, holds significance for both citizen scientists and professional researchers. Yet, the advantages for those orchestrating citizen science initiatives are often overlooked. Organizers encompass a diverse range, including governmental entities, non-governmental [...] Read more.
Participating in collaborative scientific research through citizen science, a component of open science, holds significance for both citizen scientists and professional researchers. Yet, the advantages for those orchestrating citizen science initiatives are often overlooked. Organizers encompass a diverse range, including governmental entities, non-governmental organizations, corporations, universities, and institutions like libraries. For libraries, citizen science holds importance by fostering heightened civic and research interests, promoting scientific publishing, and contributing to overall scientific progress. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the specific ways in which citizen science can benefit libraries and how libraries can effectively utilize citizen science to achieve their goals. The paper is based on a systematic review of peer-reviewed articles that discuss the direct benefits of citizen science on libraries. A list of the main benefits of citizen science for libraries has been compiled from the literature. Additionally, the reasons why it is crucial for libraries to communicate the benefits of citizen science for their operations have been highlighted, particularly in terms of encouraging other libraries to actively engage in citizen science projects. Full article
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12 pages, 717 KiB  
FAIRness of Research Data in the European Humanities Landscape
by Ljiljana Poljak Bilić and Kristina Posavec
Publications 2024, 12(1), 6; https://doi.org/10.3390/publications12010006 - 5 Mar 2024
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3392
This paper explores the landscape of research data in the humanities in the European context, delving into their diversity and the challenges of defining and sharing them. It investigates three aspects: the types of data in the humanities, their representation in repositories, and [...] Read more.
This paper explores the landscape of research data in the humanities in the European context, delving into their diversity and the challenges of defining and sharing them. It investigates three aspects: the types of data in the humanities, their representation in repositories, and their alignment with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). By reviewing datasets in repositories, this research determines the dominant data types, their openness, licensing, and compliance with the FAIR principles. This research provides important insight into the heterogeneous nature of humanities data, their representation in the repository, and their alignment with FAIR principles, highlighting the need for improved accessibility and reusability to improve the overall quality and utility of humanities research data. Full article
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16 pages, 1987 KiB  
Tracing the Evolution of Reviews and Research Articles in the Biomedical Literature: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Abstracts
by Stefano Guizzardi, Maria Teresa Colangelo, Prisco Mirandola and Carlo Galli
Publications 2024, 12(1), 2; https://doi.org/10.3390/publications12010002 - 12 Jan 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2270
We previously examined the diachronic shifts in the narrative structure of research articles (RAs) and review manuscripts using abstract corpora from MEDLINE. This study employs Nini’s Multidimensional Analysis Tagger (MAT) on the same datasets to explore five linguistic dimensions (D1–5) in these two [...] Read more.
We previously examined the diachronic shifts in the narrative structure of research articles (RAs) and review manuscripts using abstract corpora from MEDLINE. This study employs Nini’s Multidimensional Analysis Tagger (MAT) on the same datasets to explore five linguistic dimensions (D1–5) in these two sub-genres of biomedical literature, offering insights into evolving writing practices over 30 years. Analyzing a sample exceeding 1.2 million abstracts, we observe a shared reinforcement of an informational, emotionally detached tone (D1) in both RAs and reviews. Additionally, there is a gradual departure from narrative devices (D2), coupled with an increase in context-independent content (D3). Both RAs and reviews maintain low levels of overt persuasion (D4) while shifting focus from abstract content to emphasize author agency and identity. A comparison of linguistic features underlying these dimensions reveals often independent changes in RAs and reviews, with both tending to converge toward standardized stylistic norms. Full article
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