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Best Paper Award

We are pleased to announce the “Remote Sensing 10th Anniversary Best Paper Award”, which marks the 10th anniversary of Remote Sensing in 2018. Nominations from all papers published from 2009 to 2018 were made by the Evaluation Committee and finally approved by the EiC, Dr. Prasad S. Thenkabail. Following a review process by the Evaluation Committee, 10 final winners were selected. The recipients of the “Remote Sensing 10th Anniversary Best Paper Award”, in no particular order, are as follows.

Special Award: (the certificate and 1000 CHF)

  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Remote Sensing and Scientific Research: Classification
    and Considerations of Use (doi:10.3390/rs4061671)

Rank 1 Award: (the certificate and 800 CHF each)

  • A Non-Stationary 1981–2012 AVHRR NDVI3g Time Series (doi:10.3390/rs6086929)
  • Advances in Remote Sensing of Agriculture: Context Description, Existing Operational Monitoring Systems and Major Information Needs (doi:10.3390/rs5020949)

Rank 2 Award: (the certificate and 600 CHF each)

  • An Automated Technique for Generating Georectified Mosaics from Ultra-High Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery, Based on Structure from Motion (SfM) Point Clouds (doi:10.3390/rs4051392)
  • An International Comparison of Individual Tree Detection and Extraction Using Airborne Laser Scanning (doi:10.3390/rs4040950)
  • Global Data Sets of Vegetation Leaf Area Index (LAI)3g and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR)3g Derived from Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI3g) for the Period 1981 to 2011 (doi:10.3390/rs5020927)

Rank 3 Award: (the certificate and 400 CHF each)

  • Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) Technique for Landslide Characterization and Monitoring (doi:10.3390/rs5031045)
  • A Review of the Application of Optical and Radar Remote Sensing Data Fusion to Land Use Mapping and  Monitoring (doi:10.3390/rs8010070)
  • Remote Sensing of Coral Reefs for Monitoring and Management: A Review (doi:10.3390/rs8020118)
  • The EnMAP Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Mission for Earth Observation

Congratulations to the winners for their excellent research!

Kind regards,
Remote Sensing Editorial Office

Remote Sensing Best Paper Award
Past Winners


21 pages, 3393 KiB  
A Machine Learning-Based Approach for Surface Soil Moisture Estimations with Google Earth Engine
by Felix Greifeneder, Claudia Notarnicola and Wolfgang Wagner
Remote Sens. 2021, 13(11), 2099; - 27 May 2021
21 pages, 10895 KiB  
Estimating Canopy Density Parameters Time-Series for Winter Wheat Using UAS Mounted LiDAR
by Jordan Steven Bates, Carsten Montzka, Marius Schmidt and François Jonard
Remote Sens. 2021, 13(4), 710; - 15 Feb 2021
21 pages, 13778 KiB  
Spatial-Spectral Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification
by Xin He, Yushi Chen and Zhouhan Lin
Remote Sens. 2021, 13(3), 498; - 30 Jan 2021
19 pages, 39618 KiB  
Leveraging TLS as a Calibration and Validation Tool for MLS and ULS Mapping of Savanna Structure and Biomass at Landscape-Scales
by Shaun R. Levick, Tim Whiteside, David A. Loewensteiner, Mitchel Rudge and Renee Bartolo
Remote Sens. 2021, 13(2), 257; - 13 Jan 2021
24 pages, 7428 KiB  
Applying RGB- and Thermal-Based Vegetation Indices from UAVs for High-Throughput Field Phenotyping of Drought Tolerance in Forage Grasses
by Tom De Swaef, Wouter H. Maes, Jonas Aper, Joost Baert, Mathias Cougnon, Dirk Reheul, Kathy Steppe, Isabel Roldán-Ruiz and Peter Lootens
Remote Sens. 2021, 13(1), 147; - 5 Jan 2021
31 pages, 11753 KiB  
Mapping Daily Evapotranspiration at Field Scale Using the Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 Dataset, with Sharpened VIIRS as a Sentinel-2 Thermal Proxy
by Jie Xue, Martha C. Anderson, Feng Gao, Christopher Hain, Yun Yang, Kyle R. Knipper, William P. Kustas and Yang Yang
Remote Sens. 2021, 13(17), 3420; - 28 Aug 2021
29 pages, 18427 KiB  
Machine Learning Classification of Mediterranean Forest Habitats in Google Earth Engine Based on Seasonal Sentinel-2 Time-Series and Input Image Composition Optimisation
by Salvatore Praticò, Francesco Solano, Salvatore Di Fazio and Giuseppe Modica
Remote Sens. 2021, 13(4), 586; - 7 Feb 2021
41 pages, 18279 KiB  
SAR Ship Detection Dataset (SSDD): Official Release and Comprehensive Data Analysis
by Tianwen Zhang, Xiaoling Zhang, Jianwei Li, Xiaowo Xu, Baoyou Wang, Xu Zhan, Yanqin Xu, Xiao Ke, Tianjiao Zeng, Hao Su, Israr Ahmad, Dece Pan, Chang Liu, Yue Zhou, Jun Shi and Shunjun Wei
Remote Sens. 2021, 13(18), 3690; - 15 Sep 2021
13 pages, 411 KiB  
UAVs for Vegetation Monitoring: Overview and Recent Scientific Contributions
by Ana I. de Castro, Yeyin Shi, Joe Mari Maja and Jose M. Peña
Remote Sens. 2021, 13(11), 2139; - 29 May 2021
54 pages, 7153 KiB  
A Review of GPR Application on Transport Infrastructures: Troubleshooting and Best Practices
by Mercedes Solla, Vega Pérez-Gracia and Simona Fontul
Remote Sens. 2021, 13(4), 672; - 13 Feb 2021


23 pages, 2636 KiB  
A Spatial-Temporal Attention-Based Method and a New Dataset for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
by Hao Chen and Zhenwei Shi
Remote Sens. 2020, 12(10), 1662; - 22 May 2020
29 pages, 6546 KiB  
LiCSBAS: An Open-Source InSAR Time Series Analysis Package Integrated with the LiCSAR Automated Sentinel-1 InSAR Processor
by Yu Morishita, Milan Lazecky, Tim J. Wright, Jonathan R. Weiss, John R. Elliott and Andy Hooper
Remote Sens. 2020, 12(3), 424; - 28 Jan 2020
23 pages, 27978 KiB  
Mapping Landslides on EO Data: Performance of Deep Learning Models vs. Traditional Machine Learning Models
by Nikhil Prakash, Andrea Manconi and Simon Loew
Remote Sens. 2020, 12(3), 346; - 21 Jan 2020
35 pages, 4708 KiB  
Change Detection Based on Artificial Intelligence: State-of-the-Art and Challenges
by Wenzhong Shi, Min Zhang, Rui Zhang, Shanxiong Chen and Zhao Zhan
Remote Sens. 2020, 12(10), 1688; - 25 May 2020
35 pages, 1734 KiB  
Current Practices in UAS-based Environmental Monitoring
by Goran Tmušić, Salvatore Manfreda, Helge Aasen, Mike R. James, Gil Gonçalves, Eyal Ben-Dor, Anna Brook, Maria Polinova, Jose Juan Arranz, János Mészáros, Ruodan Zhuang, Kasper Johansen, Yoann Malbeteau, Isabel Pedroso de Lima, Corine Davids, Sorin Herban and Matthew F. McCabe
Remote Sens. 2020, 12(6), 1001; - 20 Mar 2020

Award Committee

Dr. Jón Atli Benediktsson Chairman


29 pages, 17064 KiB  
UAV-Based High Resolution Thermal Imaging for Vegetation Monitoring, and Plant Phenotyping Using ICI 8640 P, FLIR Vue Pro R 640, and thermoMap Cameras
by Vasit Sagan, Maitiniyazi Maimaitijiang, Paheding Sidike, Kevin Eblimit, Kyle T. Peterson, Sean Hartling, Flavio Esposito, Kapil Khanal, Maria Newcomb, Duke Pauli, Rick Ward, Felix Fritschi, Nadia Shakoor and Todd Mockler
Remote Sens. 2019, 11(3), 330; - 7 Feb 2019
26 pages, 28982 KiB  
An Integrated View of Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Changes Based on Models and Satellite Observations
by Ruth Mottram, Sebastian B. Simonsen, Synne Høyer Svendsen, Valentina R. Barletta, Louise Sandberg Sørensen, Thomas Nagler, Jan Wuite, Andreas Groh, Martin Horwath, Job Rosier, Anne Solgaard, Christine S. Hvidberg and Rene Forsberg
Remote Sens. 2019, 11(12), 1407; - 13 Jun 2019
21 pages, 8791 KiB  
Evaluation of Different Machine Learning Methods and Deep-Learning Convolutional Neural Networks for Landslide Detection
by Omid Ghorbanzadeh, Thomas Blaschke, Khalil Gholamnia, Sansar Raj Meena, Dirk Tiede and Jagannath Aryal
Remote Sens. 2019, 11(2), 196; - 20 Jan 2019
41 pages, 6009 KiB  
Satellite Remote Sensing of Precipitation and the Terrestrial Water Cycle in a Changing Climate
by Vincenzo Levizzani and Elsa Cattani
Remote Sens. 2019, 11(19), 2301; - 2 Oct 2019
29 pages, 6410 KiB  
A Review on Deep Learning Techniques for 3D Sensed Data Classification
by David Griffiths and Jan Boehm
Remote Sens. 2019, 11(12), 1499; - 25 Jun 2019

Award Committee

Dr. Jón Atli Benediktsson Chairman


1061 KiB  
Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Remote Sensing and Scientific Research: Classification and Considerations of Use
by Adam C. Watts, Vincent G. Ambrosia and Everett A. Hinkley
Remote Sens. 2012, 4(6), 1671-1692; - 8 Jun 2012
2362 KiB  
A Non-Stationary 1981–2012 AVHRR NDVI3g Time Series
by Jorge E. Pinzon and Compton J. Tucker
Remote Sens. 2014, 6(8), 6929-6960; - 25 Jul 2014
1285 KiB  
An International Comparison of Individual Tree Detection and Extraction Using Airborne Laser Scanning
by Harri Kaartinen, Juha Hyyppä, Xiaowei Yu, Mikko Vastaranta, Hannu Hyyppä, Antero Kukko, Markus Holopainen, Christian Heipke, Manuela Hirschmugl, Felix Morsdorf, Erik Næsset, Juho Pitkänen, Sorin Popescu, Svein Solberg, Bernd Michael Wolf and Jee-Cheng Wu
Remote Sens. 2012, 4(4), 950-974; - 30 Mar 2012
1479 KiB  
Global Data Sets of Vegetation Leaf Area Index (LAI)3g and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR)3g Derived from Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI3g) for the Period 1981 to 2011
by Zaichun Zhu, Jian Bi, Yaozhong Pan, Sangram Ganguly, Alessandro Anav, Liang Xu, Arindam Samanta, Shilong Piao, Ramakrishna R. Nemani and Ranga B. Myneni
Remote Sens. 2013, 5(2), 927-948; - 22 Feb 2013
1863 KiB  
Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) Technique for Landslide Characterization and Monitoring
by Veronica Tofani, Federico Raspini, Filippo Catani and Nicola Casagli
Remote Sens. 2013, 5(3), 1045-1065; - 1 Mar 2013
2647 KiB  
A Review of the Application of Optical and Radar Remote Sensing Data Fusion to Land Use Mapping and Monitoring
by Neha Joshi, Matthias Baumann, Andrea Ehammer, Rasmus Fensholt, Kenneth Grogan, Patrick Hostert, Martin Rudbeck Jepsen, Tobias Kuemmerle, Patrick Meyfroidt, Edward T. A. Mitchard, Johannes Reiche, Casey M. Ryan and Björn Waske
Remote Sens. 2016, 8(1), 70; - 16 Jan 2016
7471 KiB  
Remote Sensing of Coral Reefs for Monitoring and Management: A Review
by John D. Hedley, Chris M. Roelfsema, Iliana Chollett, Alastair R. Harborne, Scott F. Heron, Scarla Weeks, William J. Skirving, Alan E. Strong, C. Mark Eakin, Tyler R. L. Christensen, Victor Ticzon, Sonia Bejarano and Peter J. Mumby
Remote Sens. 2016, 8(2), 118; - 6 Feb 2016
6042 KiB  
The EnMAP Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Mission for Earth Observation
by Luis Guanter, Hermann Kaufmann, Karl Segl, Saskia Foerster, Christian Rogass, Sabine Chabrillat, Theres Kuester, André Hollstein, Godela Rossner, Christian Chlebek, Christoph Straif, Sebastian Fischer, Stefanie Schrader, Tobias Storch, Uta Heiden, Andreas Mueller, Martin Bachmann, Helmut Mühle, Rupert Müller, Martin Habermeyer, Andreas Ohndorf, Joachim Hill, Henning Buddenbaum, Patrick Hostert, Sebastian Van der Linden, Pedro J. Leitão, Andreas Rabe, Roland Doerffer, Hajo Krasemann, Hongyan Xi, Wolfram Mauser, Tobias Hank, Matthias Locherer, Michael Rast, Karl Staenz and Bernhard Sangadd Show full author list remove Hide full author list
Remote Sens. 2015, 7(7), 8830-8857; - 13 Jul 2015
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