Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Vegetation
A section of Remote Sensing (ISSN 2072-4292).
Section Information
For a global to local monitoring of agriculture and/or vegetation conditions, a wide range of passive and active sensors are deployed on many different satellites and other platforms. The delivered data volumes are usually huge and cover various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. The information contained in those datasets can only be retrieved to its full extent using advanced image and signal processing techniques. In this section we therefore cover all agriculture/vegetation related research such as crop type identification, land cover and land use mapping, change detection, identification of pest and diseases, crop stress and droughts, yield forecasts and phenotyping to name only a few applications. From a methodological point of view, we encourage the publication of both empirical (regression and classification) approaches and physical based methods such as the inversion of radiative transfer models for the retrieval of vegetation bio-physical variables.
We invite authors to submit their articles to Remote Sensing to further improve and consolidate current knowledge in the field of vegetation/agriculture related Earth Observation. Manuscripts addressing theories and applications are equally welcome. We urge authors to take utmost care not only in preparing the manuscript, but equally in providing well designed graphs and maps.
Editorial Board
Topical Advisory Panel
Special Issues
Following special issues within this section are currently open for submissions:
- High-Throughput Phenotyping in Plants Using Remote Sensing (Deadline: 15 March 2025)
- Remote Sensing Applications for Enhancing Wildfire Management and Ecosystem Multifunctionality (Deadline: 15 March 2025)
- Remote Sensing and Modelling of Terrestrial Ecosystems Functioning (Deadline: 15 March 2025)
- Remote Sensing for Monitoring and Assessment of Hydrological and Water Quality Parameters (Deadline: 15 March 2025)
- Machine Learning and High-Throughput Phenotyping in Precision Agriculture (Deadline: 15 March 2025)
- Enhancing Vegetation and Water Use Management through Earth Observation (Deadline: 25 March 2025)
- Machine Learning in Global Change Ecology: Methods and Applications (Deadline: 25 March 2025)
- Machine Learning for Applications in Agriculture and Vegetation Using Remote Sensing (Deadline: 28 March 2025)
- Remote Sensing Technologies in Precision Agriculture: From Ground Vehicles to Aerial and Handheld Platforms (Deadline: 30 March 2025)
- Evapotranspiration Model Based on Remote Sensing and Ground Station Observation Data and Its Application in Agriculture (Deadline: 15 April 2025)
- Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture and the Dynamics of Soil–Vegetation Systems (Deadline: 15 April 2025)
- Estimating Land Surface Evaporation Using Remote Sensing Data (Deadline: 15 April 2025)
- Advanced in Remote Sensing Approaches for Agricultural Monitoring at Field and Regional Scale (Deadline: 15 April 2025)
- Advances in the Remote Sensing of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence for Vegetation Stress (Deadline: 15 April 2025)
- Novel Interpretations of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Photochemical Reflectance Using Remote Sensing (Deadline: 25 April 2025)
- Applications of Unmanned Aerial Remote Sensing in Precision Agriculture (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Remote Sensing and Machine Learning in Vegetation Biophysical Parameters Estimation (Second Edition) (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Remote Sensing for Soil Moisture and Vegetation Parameters Retrieval (Second Edition) (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Advancements in Remote, Areal, and Proximal Soil Sensing: Innovations in Measurement and Spatial Modelling (Deadline: 15 May 2025)
- Investigating State-of-the-Art Machine Learning Approaches in Vegetation Analysis through Earth Observation Data (Deadline: 25 May 2025)
- Application of Satellite and UAV Data in Precision Agriculture (Deadline: 25 May 2025)
- Precision Agriculture and Crop Monitoring Based on Remote Sensing Methods (Deadline: 28 May 2025)
- Agricultural Drought Monitoring Using Remote Sensing (Deadline: 28 May 2025)
- Real-Time Agricultural Monitoring from Remotely Sensed Data (Second Edition) (Deadline: 30 May 2025)
- Ground, Proximal and Remote Sensing for Precision Agriculture Applications (Deadline: 30 May 2025)
- Satellite Image Processing and Object Recognition for Agriculture and Food Security Applications (Deadline: 30 May 2025)
- Perspectives of Remote Sensing for Precision Agriculture (Deadline: 31 May 2025)
- Cropland and Yield Mapping with Multi-source Remote Sensing (Deadline: 31 May 2025)
- Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS for Agricultural Disaster Monitoring and Management (Deadline: 15 June 2025)
- Remote Sensing for Precision Farming and Crop Phenology (Deadline: 15 June 2025)
- Remote Sensing for Agricultural Water Management (RSAWM) (Second Edition) (Deadline: 15 June 2025)
- Vegetation Biophysical Variables and Remote Sensing Applications (Second Edition) (Deadline: 25 June 2025)
- New Perspectives in Plant Phenotyping: Satellite-Based Multispectral Remote Sensing (Deadline: 30 June 2025)
- Mapping Essential Elements of Agricultural Land Using Remote Sensing (Deadline: 30 June 2025)
- Advances in Remote Sensing for Soil Property Mapping (Deadline: 30 June 2025)
- Plant Disease Detection and Recognition Using Remotely Sensed Data (Deadline: 1 July 2025)
- Proximal and Remote Sensing for Precision Crop Management II (Deadline: 15 July 2025)
- Remote Sensing in Coastal Vegetation Monitoring (Deadline: 15 July 2025)
- Remote Sensing Observation Methods for Leaf Area Index (LAI) in Mountainous Regions (Deadline: 31 July 2025)
- Monitoring, Assessment, and Prediction of Agroecosystem Dynamics for Sustainable Agriculture: Applications of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Geographic Information Systems (Deadline: 31 July 2025)
- Utilization of Remote Sensing in Evaluating Crop Production Constraints (Deadline: 31 July 2025)
- State-of-the-Art in Land Cover Classification and Mapping (Deadline: 15 August 2025)
- Crop Biophysical Parameters Retrieval Using Remote Sensing Data (Second Edition) (Deadline: 15 August 2025)
- Quantitative Remote Sensing for Vegetation Phenology and Regional Landscape Patterns (Deadline: 15 August 2025)
- Monitoring Vegetation Response Based on Remote Sensing and Climate Data (Second Edition) (Deadline: 15 August 2025)
- Advances in the Application of Spaceborne and UAS-Borne Radar Remote Sensing (Deadline: 15 August 2025)
- Near Real-Time (NRT) Agriculture Monitoring (Deadline: 15 August 2025)
- Advances in Remote Sensing for Regional Soil Moisture Monitoring (Deadline: 15 August 2025)
- Advances in High-Resolution Crop Mapping at Large Spatial Scales (Deadline: 28 August 2025)
- Artificial Intelligence-Based Remote Sensing for Crop Information Extraction and Status Monitoring (Deadline: 29 August 2025)
- Remote Sensing in Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics (Deadline: 29 August 2025)
- Remote Sensing of Mountain and Plateau Vegetation (Second Edition) (Deadline: 30 August 2025)
- Vegetation Dynamics Revealed by Remote Sensing and Its Feedback to Regional and Global Climate (3rd Edition) (Deadline: 31 August 2025)
- Crop Quantitative Monitoring with Remote Sensing II (Deadline: 31 August 2025)
- Biomass Remote Sensing in Forest Landscapes II (Deadline: 15 September 2025)
- Remote and Proximal Sensing for Precision Agriculture and Viticulture II (Deadline: 15 September 2025)
- Quantitative Remote Sensing and Its Applications in Agriculture and Vegetation (Deadline: 15 September 2025)
- Advances in Remote Sensing for Crop Monitoring and Food Security (Deadline: 30 September 2025)
- Remote Sensing of Agricultural Water Resources (Deadline: 31 October 2025)
- Applications of Multi-Scale Remote Sensing and Machine Learning to Study Agriculture and Agriculture Water Management (Deadline: 30 March 2026)
Topical Collection
Following topical collection within this section is currently open for submissions: