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29–31 January 2024, Silchar, Assam, India
4th International Conference on Micro/Nanoelectronics Devices, Circuits and Systems (MNDCS-2024)

The 4th edition of Micro/Nanoelectronics Devices, Circuits, and Systems (MNDCS-2024) is scheduled to take place on 29–31 Jan 2024 in Hybrid Mode at National Institute of Technology (NIT) Silchar, Department of Electronics and Communication (ECE), Silchar, Assam, India in association with the IEEE EDS NIT Silchar Student Branch Chapter and IEEE Nanotechnology Council Chapter.

The objective of MNDCS 2024 is to promote advanced research and developments in the areas of Micro/Nanoelectronics, Semiconductor Materials and Devices, VLSI Circuits and Systems. The conference aims to foster the development of this field through keynotes, invited talks, and oral/poster presentations of research articles in the most relevant areas to the theme of the conference. It will also create an international platform to share research ideas, scientific thoughts and research problems among academicians, researchers, technologists and scientists.

Papers are invited in the area of Micro/Nanoelectronics, Semiconductor Materials, Devices, Circuits and Systems, especially those focused on the following emerging areas:

  • Advanced Logic Technology;
  • Emerging Devices and Computing Technology;
  • Memory Technology;
  • Microwave, Millimeter Wave and Analog Technology;
  • Modeling and Simulation;
  • Optoelectronics, Displays, and Imaging Systems;
  • Power Devices and Systems;
  • Reliability of Systems and Devices;
  • Sensors, MEMS, and Bioelectronics;
  • Analog, Digital and Mixed-Signal IC.

Design; Embedded and FPGA-based Systems Design, etc., in the following conference tracks:

  • Micro/Nanoelectronics Devices: Device Physics, Quantum Electronics, Quantum Transport, Compact Device Modelling, LED, MOSFET, MESFET, FinFET, TFET, Beyond CMOS, III-V HEMT, Ga2O3 HEMT, SET, UWB Semiconductor Materials and Devices, 2D Materials: Graphene, Spintronics, Carbon Nanotubes.
  • Nanotechnology: Nanowires, Nanostructures, Flexible Electronics, High Efficiency Solar Cells, Novel Photovoltaic Concepts, Energy Storage, Advanced energy materials, Advanced Electronic Devices, Optoelectronics and Photonics, etc.
  • Micro/Nanoelectronics Circuits: Analog VLSI Circuits, Digital VLSI Circuits, Mixed-mode VLSI Circuits, System on Chip (SoC), Bioelectronics Circuits, Circuit Optimization Techniques, Reconfigurable Circuits, HDL-based FPGA Design, Testing and Verification, Packaging, Circuit Reliability, DSP-based VLSI, etc.
  • Micro/Nano Systems: MEMS/NEMS, Sensors, Actuators, Nanogenerator, Energy Harvester, Micromachining, Microfluidics, Lab-on-Chip, Health care systems, Embedded System Design, Biomedical Systems, IoT/IoE and Smart Systems, Robotics and Mechatronics, MEMS Packaging, System Reliability.

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