Journal History

2014 The inaugural issue was released. Separations was published as a quarterly journal.
2016 The journal’s name was changed from Chromatography to Separations.
Separations was indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and the Web of Science.
Separations started the Travel Award project.
2017 Separations announced the first edition of the Travel awards.
2019 Separations was indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)—Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics).
Separations announced the second edition of the Travel awards.
Separations announced the first edition of the Best Paper awards.
2020 Separations announced the first edition of Outstanding Reviewer awards.
Separations announced the first edition of Highly Cited Paper awards.
The Central European Group of Separation Sciences became affiliated to Separations.
Separations received its first Impact Factor (1.900).
Separations adopted a monthly publication schedule.
2021 The Impact Factor increased to  2.777.
Separations established the following sections:
  • Analysis of Natural Products and Pharmaceuticals;
  • Analysis of Food and Beverages;
  • Materials in Analysis;
  • Bioanalysis/Clinical Analysis;
  • Environmental Analysis;
  • Forensics/Toxins;
  • Analysis of Energies.
2022 Separations received its 2021 Impact Factor (3.344), ranked 37/87 (Q2) in “Chemistry, Analytical”.
Separations established the following sections:
  • Purification Technology;
  • Chromatographic Separations.
Section "Materials in Analysis" was renamed as "Materials in Separation Science";
Section "Environmental Analysis" was renamed as "Environmental Separations".

2023 Separations published its 1,000th paper.
Separations established the following section:
  • Separation Engineering.
Separations received its 2022 Impact Factor (2.6).
2024 The year 2024 marks the 10th Anniversary of Separations.


2014–present Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Frank L. Dorman

Section Editor-in-Chief

2021–present Section Editor-in-Cheif: Dr. Sascha Nowak for the section on Analysis of Energies
Section Editor-in-Cheif: Prof. Dr. Javier Saurina for the section on Analysis of Food and Beverages
Section Editor-in-Cheif: Dr. Paraskevas D. Tzanavaras for the section on Analysis of Natural Products and Pharmaceuticals
Section Editor-in-Cheif:
Prof. Dr. Ki Hyun Kim for the section on Purification Technology
2022–present Section Editor-in-Cheif: Prof. Dr. Victoria Samanidou for the section on Chromatographic Separations
Section Editor-in-Cheif:
Dr. Katelynn A. Perrault for the section on Forensics/Toxins
2023–present Section Editor-in-Cheif: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Khayet for the section on Materials in Separation Science
Section Editor-in-Cheif: 
Dr. Dimosthenis Giokas for the section on Environmental Analysis
Section Editor-in-Cheif: Prof. Dr. Yundong Wang for the section on Separation Engineering
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