International Relations

A section of Social Sciences (ISSN 2076-0760).

Section Information

International Relations (IR) is a hybrid discipline that draws upon the insights of many other fields of study. Scholars in IR seek to explain and understand international cooperation and conflict. While war is the most longstanding topic, the agenda of IR has expanded to incorporate a vast number of subject areas. Examples include foreign policy, the environment, ethnonationalism, gender relations, and religion. Some scholars work within a school of thought such as realism or liberalism, while others prefer analytic eclecticism – pursuing research without adherence to a paradigm. In addition to seeking out pure knowledge, value is placed on policy-related insights.

The rationale of this section is to encourage research and pedagogy that is rigorous, accessible and relevant to a fast-changing world.


• analytic eclecticism
• conflict
• cooperation
• paradigms
• feminism
• Peacekeeping
• Defense policy
• Strategic culture
• International institutions
• Security policy
• global political forces

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