
30 September–4 October 2024, Puerto Angel, Oaxaca, Mexico
Media Partnership between Toxins and the VII Congreso Nacional de la SOMEFAN, 30 September–4 October 2024, Puerto Ángel, Mexico

The Board of the Mexican Society for the Study of Harmful Algal Blooms (SOMEFAN) and the Universidad del Mar (UMAR) are pleased to welcome you to the VII SOMEFAN Congress, which will take place at our facilities located in Puerto Angel, Oaxaca, Mexico, from 30 September to 4 October 2024.

We are pleased to invite you, and it will be an honor to have you with us. The general and local organizing committees have made great efforts to create a high-quality academic program with speakers from recognized academic and professional backgrounds.

As part of this event, we have included keynote lectures, oral presentations, and poster presentations. We will have awards for the best oral and poster presentations and cultural events in an environment of learning, friendship, and collaboration. The topics addressed in this conference are a sample of the advances and challenges we face, in addition to consolidating our disciplines in their different fields of application and research.

It will be a great pleasure to receive you at our event in Puerto Angel, Oaxaca. We are eagerly waiting to meet with you.

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