Travel Award

Dear Colleagues,

As Evaluation Committee Chair of 2018 Vaccines Travel Awards, I am pleased toannounce the winners of the 2018 Vaccines Travel Awards.

We had many impressive applicants for this award from all over the world andchoosing was very difficult. Thanks to the Evaluation Committee’s thoroughdeliberation and reviews, the 2018 Travel Awards have been granted to Dr. Lynda Coughlan, a postdoctoral research fellow from Mount Sinai at IcahnSchool of Medicine, USA; and Mr. João Conniot, a PhD student from Universidadede Lisboa, Portugal. Please join us in congratulating them for their achievements.

Dr. Lynda Coughlan will be awarded 800 Swiss Francs towards participationat the “2nd International Meeting on Respiratory Pathogens” that will be heldon 7-9 March 2018 in Singapore. She will give an oral presentation for herwork entitled “Improving the immunogenicity of vaccine antigens delivered bynon-replicating adenoviral vectored vaccines by exosome-display”.

Mr. João Conniot will also be awarded 800 Swiss Francs towards participationat the “Frontiers in Immunomodulation and Cancer Therapy” that will be heldon 9-11 July 2018, Madrid, Spain. He will present his work entitled “DendriticCell-targeted Nano-vaccines Synergize with Immune Checkpoint Modulatorsfor Melanoma Treatment”.

Once again, we would like to thank all the applicants for participating, andacknowledge the members of the Evaluation Committee for their thoroughassessment of applicants. We are proud to support young scientists, and hopethose who weren’t chosen this time will apply for the 2019 Travel Awards.

Prof. Nirbhay Kumar
Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA

Vaccines 2018 Travel Award
Past Winners


Alessandro Pardini
University Hospital of Bern, Switzerland
Xin Du
University of California San Diego School of Medicine, CA, USA

Award Committee

Dr. Ralph Tripp Chairman
Univ Georgia
Prof. Michael Bukrinsky
The George Washington University
Dr. Zixin Wang
JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Haval Shirwan
University of Louisville


Alexandra Dvorscek
Monash University, Australia
Eduard Puente-Massaguer
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, USA

Award Committee

Dr. Ralph Tripp Chairman
Univ Georgia
Prof. Vasso Apostolopoulos
RMIT University
Prof. Michael Bukrinsky
The George Washington University
Prof. Antonella Caputo
Department of Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Nancy Agmon Levin


Kyle O'Donnell
National Institutes of Health, MT, USA
Irene González Domínguez
Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, USA

Award Committee

Dr. Ralph Tripp Chairman
Univ Georgia
Dr. Olga Borges
University of Coimbra
Dr. David Benfield
Prof. François Meurens
Swine and Poultry Infectious Diseases Research Center, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Montreal
Dr. Toru Takimoto
University of Rochester Medical Center


Hee Chun Chung
Seoul National University, Korea
Alejandro Marin Lopez
Yale University, CT, USA

Award Committee

Dr. Ralph Tripp Chairman
Univ Georgia
Dr. Marzena Pazgier
Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences
Dr. Enric Mateu


Carly May Bliss
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, USA
Joshua Gillard
Radboudumc, The Netherlands
Adam Cheng
University of Minnesota, MN, USA
Sasha Larsen
Infectious Disease Research Institute, WA , USA

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. Nirbhay Kumar Chairman
George Washington University
Prof. Andrew Pekosz
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Dr. Romain Paillot
Dr. Yoshihiko Hirohashi
Dept of Pathology, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine.


Lynda Coughlan
Mount Sinai at IcahnSchool of Medicine, NY, USA
João Conniot
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
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