Psychological Analysis among Goal Orientation, Emotional Intelligence and Academic Burnout in Middle School Students
:1. Introduction
1.1. Goal Orientation
1.2. Emotional Intelligence
1.3. Academic Burnout
1.4. Goal Orientation, Emotional Intelligence and Academic Burnout
1.5. Study Objective
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Demographic Variables
3.2. Descriptive Variables
3.3. Correlational Analysis of Goal Orientation, Emotional Intelligence and Burnout
3.4. Regression Analysis of Emotional Intelligence and Academic Burnout on Goal Orientation
3.5. Goal Orientation, Emotional Intelligence and Academic Burnout Structural Equation Model
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Socio-Demographic Variables | N | % | |
Gender (male–female) | Male | 1614 | 55.73 |
Female | 1282 | 44.26 | |
Age (12–18) | 12 | 447 | 15.43 |
13 | 543 | 18.75 | |
14 | 553 | 19.09 | |
15 | 677 | 23.37 | |
16 | 476 | 16.43 | |
17 | 154 | 5.31 | |
18 | 46 | 1.58 | |
School year (1–4 grade) | Year 1 | 698 | 24.10 |
Year 2 | 745 | 25.72 | |
Year 3 | 867 | 29.93 | |
Year 4 | 586 | 20.23 |
Psychological Variables | Total | Male | Female | |||
x | sd | x | sd | x | sd | |
Goal Task-oriented | 3.80 | 0.80 | 3.71 | 0.82 | 3.91 | 0.76 |
Goal Ego-oriented | 2.89 | 1.03 | 2.95 | 0.98 | 2.82 | 1.08 |
Emotional attention | 3.44 | 0.75 | 3.35 | 0.76 | 3.55 | 0.72 |
Emotional comprehension | 3.41 | 0.72 | 3.50 | 0.70 | 3.31 | 0.74 |
Emotional regulation | 3.56 | 0.75 | 3.62 | 0.70 | 3.49 | 0.79 |
Physical/emotional exhaustion | 3.19 | 0.96 | 3.17 | 1.01 | 3.22 | 0.91 |
Cynicism | 2.14 | 1.06 | 2.29 | 1.08 | 1.97 | 0.99 |
Self-efficacy | 3.52 | 0.77 | 3.49 | 0.80 | 3.55 | 0.72 |
Psychological Variables | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
(1) Goal Task-oriented | 1 | |||||||
(2) Goal Ego-oriented | 0.289 ** | 1 | ||||||
(3) Emotional attention | 0.383 ** | 0.100 ** | 1 | |||||
(4) Emotional comprehension | 0.378 ** | 0.029 ** | 0.155 ** | 1 | ||||
(5) Emotional regulation | 0.355 ** | 0.093 ** | 0.255 ** | 0.0451 ** | 1 | |||
(6) Physical/emotional exhaustion | −0.182 ** | 0.132 ** | 0.100 ** | −0.136 ** | −0.198 ** | 1 | ||
(7) Cynicism | −0.434 ** | 0.164 ** | 0.047 | −0.172 ** | −0.251 ** | 0.328 ** | 1 | |
(8) Self-efficacy | 0.520 ** | 0.256 ** | 0.060 | 0.331 ** | 0.388 ** | −0.158 ** | −0.489 ** | 1 |
X | 3.80 | 2.89 | 3.44 | 3.41 | 3.56 | 3.19 | 2.14 | 3.52 |
SD | 0.80 | 1.03 | 0.75 | 0.72 | 0.75 | 0.96 | 1.06 | 0.77 |
Cronbach’s α | 0.86 | 0.83 | 0.79 | 0.83 | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.80 | 0.79 |
Psychological Variables | B | s.e. | R2 | t | Sig. |
Constant | 2.172 | 0.296 | 0.342 | 7.334 | 0.000 |
Attention | 0.095 | 0.035 | 1.672 | 0.006 | |
Comprehension | 0.096 | 0.035 | 2.701 | 0.007 | |
Regulation | 0.093 | 0.030 | 3.608 | 0.002 | |
Self-efficacy | 0.363 | 0.035 | 10.303 | 0.000 | |
Cynicism | −0.165 | 0.024 | −6.780 | 0.000 |
Psychological Variables | B | s.e. | R2 | t | Sig. |
Constant | 1.082 | 0.243 | 0.077 | 4.448 | 0.000 |
Comprehension | 0.117 | 0.049 | 2.377 | 0.018 | |
Self-efficacy | 0.323 | 0.047 | 6.953 | 0.000 | |
Exhaustion | 0.086 | 0.035 | 2.448 | 0.015 |
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Usán Supervía, P.; Salavera Bordás, C.; Murillo Lorente, V. Psychological Analysis among Goal Orientation, Emotional Intelligence and Academic Burnout in Middle School Students. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 8160.
Usán Supervía P, Salavera Bordás C, Murillo Lorente V. Psychological Analysis among Goal Orientation, Emotional Intelligence and Academic Burnout in Middle School Students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(21):8160.
Chicago/Turabian StyleUsán Supervía, Pablo, Carlos Salavera Bordás, and Víctor Murillo Lorente. 2020. "Psychological Analysis among Goal Orientation, Emotional Intelligence and Academic Burnout in Middle School Students" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, no. 21: 8160.