Quantifying Chaos by Various Computational Methods. Part 2: Vibrations of the Bernoulli–Euler Beam Subjected to Periodic and Colored Noise
:1. Introduction
- Since PDEs are reduced to ODEs (Cauchy problem) using the FDM of second-order accuracy, their solution essentially depends on the number of beam length partitions (nodes). We need to find a number of partitions n, for which the solution coincided with the case of using n + 1 partitions. Furthermore, we want to achieve convergence even with respect to time history in the case of chaotic orbits. In monograph [30] dealing with a similar problem, the convergence was achieved only with respect to the periodic vibrations, and in the case of chaotic vibrations, only integral convergence was accepted, i.e., coincidence of power spectra was used to validate true chaos.
- The Cauchy problem was solved numerically and it is known that it depends on the chosen method and the integration step, which is why we chose different methods to validate the computational results: fourth order the Runge–Kutta method (RK4) and the second order Runge–Kutta method (RK2) [31], the fourth order Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg method (RKF45) [32,33], the fourth order Cash–Karp method (RKCK) [34], the eighth order Runge–Kutta–Prince–Dormand method (RK8PD) [35], the implicit second order Runge–Kutta method (rk2imp), and the fourth order Runge–Kutta implicit method (rk4imp). The implicit method makes it possible to include an arbitrary form of the used matrix of the related coefficients, whereas the RKF45, RKCK, and RK8PD methods allow for the automatic change of the computational step as well as to control errors introduced by integration.
- For each of the introduced numbers of partitions of the beam length and the solutions to the Cauchy problems, the time histories (vibration signals), 2D and 3D phase portraits, the Fourier power spectra, the Morlet wavelets, snapshots of beam deflections, and Poincaré maps were constructed. For the chosen signal, a 2D wavelet spectrum was also constructed. The following mother wavelets were employed: Haar [36]; Shannon–Kotelnikov and Meyer [37]; Daubechies wavelets from db2 up to db16 [38]; coiflets, simlets, and the Morlet and complex Morlet wavelets [39]; and the wavelets based on the derivative of the Gauss function of the order higher than eight. However, the Haar and Shannon–Kotelnikov wavelets were unsuitable for our purpose. Namely, the first one was badly localized with respect to frequency, and the second one with respect to time.
- 4.
- Since we employed the Gulick [12] definition of chaos, we needed to compute and validate signs of the largest Lyapunov exponents (LLEs). Spectra of Lyapunov exponents were estimated based on the Kantz [42], Wolf [43] and Rosenstein [44] methods. The results were eventually accepted if they agreed to the fourth decimal place.
2. Problem Statement and the Mathematical Model
3. Methods of Solution
3.1. FDM Method
3.2. Lyapunov Exponents
3.3. Case Studies and Results Analysis
4. Concluding Remarks
- Convergence of the employed numerical methods was investigated with respect to the spatial and time coordinates (finite difference method with approximation O(h2) and the Runge–Kutta type methods). Numerical results showed that, to achieve reliable conclusions, it is necessary to conduct a complex analysis and, owing to the proposed methodology, each signal should be studied separately.
- The most negligible effect was observed when purple noise was added—beam vibrations remained periodic. On the other hand, beam vibrations were significantly influenced by pink noise. The degree of chaotization of the system essentially depends on the presence of low-frequency components in noise. The employment of the Morlet mother wavelets allowed to detect time evolution of frequencies during chaotic beam vibrations (Table 2 ()).
- It was found, illustrated and discussed that the Wolf (W), Kantz (K) and Rosenstein (R) methods may yield significantly different values of Lyapunov exponents for the same signal. On the other hand, all the above-mentioned methods exhibited good correlation when used to study different colored noises.
- The obtained results indicate a need to employ a more complex study by using qualitatively different numerical approaches to obtain reliable/true chaotic vibrations.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Power Spectrum | Phase Portrait | Wavelet Spectrum | |
N = 120 | | | |
N = 320 | | | |
N = 360, 400 | | | |
λ | q | n | Wolf | Rosenstein | Kantz |
50 | 10000 | 160 | 0.10078 | 0.11334 | 0.04127 |
50 | 10000 | 200 | 0.07357 | 0.07359 | 0.02888 |
50 | 10000 | 240 | 0.09443 | 0.08599 | 0.03110 |
50 | 10000 | 360; 400 | 0.09885 | 0.07995 | 0.03190 |
Noise | Morlet Wavelet | Fourier Spectrum | w(t) | 2D Phase Portrait | Poincaré Map |
purple | | | | | |
blue | | | | | |
white | | | | | |
pink | | | | | |
brown | | | | | |
Kantz | Rosenstein | Wolf |
| | |
W: 0.0 K: 0.0 R: 0.0 | W: 0.0 K: 210−2 R: 610−2 | W: 0.0 K: 310−2 R: 610−2 | W: 0.0 K: 310−2 R: 710−2 | W: 0.0 K: 210−2 R: 610−2 |
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Awrejcewicz, J.; Krysko, A.V.; Erofeev, N.P.; Dobriyan, V.; Barulina, M.A.; Krysko, V.A. Quantifying Chaos by Various Computational Methods. Part 2: Vibrations of the Bernoulli–Euler Beam Subjected to Periodic and Colored Noise. Entropy 2018, 20, 170. https://doi.org/10.3390/e20030170
Awrejcewicz J, Krysko AV, Erofeev NP, Dobriyan V, Barulina MA, Krysko VA. Quantifying Chaos by Various Computational Methods. Part 2: Vibrations of the Bernoulli–Euler Beam Subjected to Periodic and Colored Noise. Entropy. 2018; 20(3):170. https://doi.org/10.3390/e20030170
Chicago/Turabian StyleAwrejcewicz, Jan, Anton V. Krysko, Nikolay P. Erofeev, Vitalyi Dobriyan, Marina A. Barulina, and Vadim A. Krysko. 2018. "Quantifying Chaos by Various Computational Methods. Part 2: Vibrations of the Bernoulli–Euler Beam Subjected to Periodic and Colored Noise" Entropy 20, no. 3: 170. https://doi.org/10.3390/e20030170
APA StyleAwrejcewicz, J., Krysko, A. V., Erofeev, N. P., Dobriyan, V., Barulina, M. A., & Krysko, V. A. (2018). Quantifying Chaos by Various Computational Methods. Part 2: Vibrations of the Bernoulli–Euler Beam Subjected to Periodic and Colored Noise. Entropy, 20(3), 170. https://doi.org/10.3390/e20030170