Using the GIS digital data layers of digital elevation model, soils, and land-use, a majority of the data input requirements of AnnAGNPS were developed by using a customized ArcView GIS interface [
13]. Inputs developed from the ArcView GIS interface include physical information of the watershed and subwatershed (AnnAGNPS cell), such as boundary and size, land slope and slope direction, and channel reach (AnnAGNPS reach) descriptions. The ArcView GIS interface also assigned a soil and land-use type to each cell by using the generated subwatershed and the soil and land-use GIS data layers. Additional steps to provide the model with the necessary inputs included developing the soil layer attributes to supplement the soil spatial layer, establishing the different crop operation and management data, and providing channel hydraulic characteristics. Those inputs can be organized using the AnnAGNPS Input Editor [
13], a graphical user interface designed to aid users in selecting appropriate input parameters. Management information includes various field management operations such as planting, cultivation, fertilization, pesticides and harvesting, much of which can be obtained from RUSLE [
30] databases or from actual activities implemented. Climate data for AnnAGNPS simulation can be historically measured, synthetically generated using the climate generator program [
31], or created through a combination of the two.
2.3.1. AnnAGNPS cell and reach data
AnnAGNPS cell and reach parameters were produced with the customized ArcView GIS interface which uses the TOPAZ (TOpographic PArameteriZation) software package [
32]. TOPAZ is primarily designed to assist with topographic evaluation and watershed parameterization in support of hydrologic modeling and analysis. The DEM processing in TOPAZ is based on the downslope flow routing and the critical source area (CSA) concept. The CSA concept defines the channels draining the landscape as those raster cells that have an upstream drainage area greater than a threshold drainage area (critical source area). The CSA value defines a minimum drainage area below which a permanent channel is defined [
33]. TOPAZ requires input of the DEM of the watershed, DEM characteristics, DEM processing options and data output options. Most important for hydrographic landscape segmentation and channel stream network generation are two user-provided network parameters: the CSA and the minimum source channel length (MSCL). For example, as the CSA parameter is increased drainage density of the generated network decreases, and as the MSCL parameter is increased short source channels (1st order channels) are removed. The user can estimate the CSA and MSCL parameters from maps or field surveys, or select their value to fit the scale and resolution of the particular application under consideration. Fine tuning of these values may be necessary to reproduce observed spatial variability. Usually, the finer the delineation is, the better characterization of the variation of land-use and soil. However, a continuous trend may not be obtained as the watershed delineation becomes finer and finer because the land-use and soil assigned to each subwatershed is the dominant land-use and soil which could be changed from one watershed delineation to another. To evaluate the cell sizes as subwatersheds on AnnAGNPS model hydrologic and water quality predictions, various combinations of CSA and MSCL were used for watershed delineation (
Table 1), and numbers of cells and reaches generated from each combination of CSA and MSCL values are also listed in
Table 1.
Table 1.
Cell and reach numbers within the study area using different CSA and MSCL values.
Table 1.
Cell and reach numbers within the study area using different CSA and MSCL values.
Type of delineation | *CSA parameter (ha) | *MSCL parameter (meters) | Number of cells | Number of reaches |
1 | 500 | 2,000 | 48 | 20 |
2 | 200 | 500 | 188 | 76 |
3 | 100 | 200 | 367 | 148 |
4 | 20 | 40 | 1,728 | 721 |
2.3.3. Land-use and field management
The characterization of the watershed land-use, crop operation, and management during the simulation period was critical in providing estimates of the pollutant loadings. AnnAGNPS has the capability of simulating watershed conditions with changing land-use and crop management over the simulation period. However, it was very difficult, at this watershed scale, to characterize the annual changes, including land-use and field management practices, occurring in the watershed. To achieve the objectives of this study, four evaluation schemes were considered during input file development of land-use and field management: (1) model validation; (2) model simulation to represent the base year (BY) of crop type and rotation, and management; (3) model simulation of the 2022 biofuel targets (BT) scenarios which represents future land-use change to meet bio-fuel production target; and (4) model simulation of the 2,022 multiple services (MS) scenario which evaluates the impact of best management practices and/or conservation programs on water quality and quantity.
Since monitored runoff and water quality data from the USGS gauging station-5592900 were available from 1980–2006 [
36], actual records of field operation and crop management from 1980 to 2006 should be used to develop land-use and management schedules for model performance evaluation. However, this information was not available at the watershed scale.
To evaluate the impact of future increased corn production to meet ethanol demand, a base year land-use/land cover was needed. Thus, the first step involved was to develop the spatially-explicit agricultural data which includes information on crop type and rotation. The USGS 2001 National Land Cover Database (NLCD) was selected as a basis for base year data layer. It was obvious that the LANDSAT derived single year NLCD would not yield the desired level of detail for the AnnAGNPS modeling. For example, corn, soybeans and wheat are not differentiated in the NLCD data, nor does it provide crop rotation information. For this reason, it was necessary to involve a many image or multi-temporal approach in identifying crop types. Thus, the USDA National Agriculture Statistical Survey (NASS) Cropland Data Layer (CDL) was collected for years of 2004–2007 to expand the “Single cultivated crops” land-use within the NLCD into multiple cropping types and rotational information.
Base year land-use information for the study area is listed in
Table 2. This land-use was used for BY scenario simulation. Base year land-use was repeated for simulation of 1980 to 2006 for model evaluation because of the difficulties in characterizing land-use changes from 1980–2006. Land-uses of different delineations for AnnAGNPS simulations for validation are also listed in
Table 2. The BT scenarios are these expected to result given currently existing law and policy, plus the standards established by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA; Public Law 110–140). These scenarios anticipate a steady increase in corn production, and by 2022, the EISA goals are met. Therefore, corn area was gradually increased for BT scenarios based on the base year GIS land-use listed in
Table 2. The MS scenarios are those which can be used to evaluate how best management practices and/or conservation programs might be implemented to improve ecosystems services, reducing N loadings to streams in this case. Thus, split fertilizer application was evaluated based on the final BT land-use because the model is limited in simulating the processes of wetland and riparian zones.
For crop management practices, RUSLE crop management database downloaded at was used to develop the AnnAGNPS Management Schedule Data Section for the base year. The tillage practice information is available at the county level from the Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC— using the regional data from 2004. The data report overall percentage of tillage types by county, not exact field-by-field. Therefore, no tillage was assumed for all simulations. Nitrogen applied for major crops corn, soybean and wheat are listed in
Table 3.
Table 2.
Land-use defined by the final GIS land-use layer and by AnnAGNPS cells of different delineations.
Table 2.
Land-use defined by the final GIS land-use layer and by AnnAGNPS cells of different delineations.
Land-use type | Distribution of land-use assigned to AnnAGNPS Cells for the 4 delineations (ha) as shown in
Table 1 | Land-use from GIS layer |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Area (ha) | Percent |
Corn | 0 | 0 | 1.4 | 14.6 | 0.1% | 780.7 | 2.7% |
Corn/soybean | 16,582.8 | 18,269.5 | 16,529.9 | 15,871.2 | 55.3% | 11,665.6 | 40.6% |
Corn/wheat | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0% | 80.7 | 0.3% |
Soybean | 0 | 0 | 0 | 130.3 | 0.5% | 613.1 | 2.1% |
Soybean/other | 0 | 190.0 | 206.8 | 611.1 | 2.1% | 1,704.9 | 5.9% |
Soybean/wheat | 0 | 0 | 160.4 | 277.5 | 1.0% | 666.5 | 2.3% |
Wheat | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0% | 95.9 | 0.3% |
Grain | 0 | 0 | 3.5 | 19.0 | 0.1% | 239.9 | 0.8% |
Pasture/hay | 0 | 43.7 | 0 | 244.3 | 0.9% | 896.0 | 3.1% |
Fallow/idle | 0 | 292.4 | 264.1 | 603.1 | 2.1% | 721.3 | 2.5% |
Barren | 0 | 0 | 8.5 | 0.6 | 0.0% | 209.3 | 0.7% |
Forest | 12,124.9 | 9,687.0 | 11,075.0 | 9,862.4 | 34.4% | 7,555.6 | 26.3% |
Developed | 0 | 215.1 | 448.0 | 870.9 | 3.0% | 2,637.7 | 9.2% |
Wetland | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0% | 11.3 | 0.0% |
Flood plain | 0 | 10.1 | 10.1 | 96.1 | 0.3% | 693.4 | 2.4% |
Open water | 0 | 0 | 0 | 106.6 | 0.4% | 136.0 | 0.5% |
Total | 28,707.7 | 28,707.7 | 28,707.7 | 28,707.7 | 100% | 28,707.7 | 100% |
Table 3.
Fertilizer application for BY and BT simulations.
Table 3.
Fertilizer application for BY and BT simulations.
Crop name | Nitrogen application rate (kg/ha.) * |
Corn | 165.3 |
Soybean | 4.5 |
Wheat | 115.5 |