Challenges in the Teaching of Sociology in Higher Education. Contributions to a Discussion
:1. Introduction
2. Sociology in Higher Education
2.1. Framing Principles of What to Teach
2.2. Guidelines on How to Teach
Key features of active learning—discussions and exchanges, questions, improvisations, and off-the-map developments—ensure that learners actively participate in knowledge creation rather than simply passively consume information. When students reflectively engage by talking about what they know, questioning what they don’t, and interacting with instructors and peers, they develop the ability to understand and apply what they have learned.[52] (p. 251)
Active, collaborative learning and other high-impact practices may not work well in all places or with all students, but in any case, instructors must hold up their end of the bargain by questioning their assumptions and adjusting their pedagogy and assessment accordingly.[53] (p. 213–214)
3. Opportunities and Challenges to Enrich the Teaching of Sociology
Higher education institutions engage in advancing good teaching for various reasons. First, they are interested in demonstrating that they are reliable providers of good quality education, while serving multiple stakeholders with different expectations. Second, they are required to respond to the increasing demand for meaningful and relevant teaching. Students as well as employers and policy makers want to assure that education will prepare students for rewarding employment and for professional growth over a lifespan. Third, research performance is no longer sufficient to maintain the reputation of the higher education institutions and balancing performance on teaching and learning achievements with research performance has become essential.[61] (p. 4)
4. Conclusions
The teacher is unlikely to be an effective teacher—especially at the level of higher education—without complex interactions both between the teacher and the students and between the students. It has long been held that the concept of teaching necessarily entails learning; what is beginning to become evident is that, in practice, the work of the teacher in higher education cannot be satisfactorily understood without a grasp of its related structures of dialogue and communication. Skilled teaching calls for the most intricate of communicative interactions if learning is going to be fully encouraged and promoted.[63] (p. 86)
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Ferreira, C.M.; Serpa, S. Challenges in the Teaching of Sociology in Higher Education. Contributions to a Discussion. Societies 2017, 7, 30.
Ferreira CM, Serpa S. Challenges in the Teaching of Sociology in Higher Education. Contributions to a Discussion. Societies. 2017; 7(4):30.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFerreira, Carlos Miguel, and Sandro Serpa. 2017. "Challenges in the Teaching of Sociology in Higher Education. Contributions to a Discussion" Societies 7, no. 4: 30.