Wetting by Liquid Metals—Application in Materials Processing: The Contribution of the Grenoble Group
:1. Introduction
2. Non-Reactive Wetting
2.1. Thermodynamics
Type of substrate | Type of interaction | θ (degrees) | Examples |
Solid metals | Strong (chemical) | θ << 90° | Cu/Mo: 10°–30° |
Semiconductors | Sn/Ge: 40°; Si/SiC: 35°–45° | ||
Ceramics with a partially metallic character | Cu/WC: 20°; Au/ZrB2: 25° | ||
Carbon materials | Weak (physical) | θ >> 90° | Au/C: 120°–135° |
Ionocovalent ceramics | Ag/Al2O3, Cu/SiO2: 120°–140°; Au/BN: 135°–150° | ||
Ionocovalent oxides | Moderate (chemical) | θ ≈ 90° | (Ag+O)/Al2O3; Al/Al2O3 |
2.2. Kinetics
3. Reactive Wetting
3.1. Wetting with Formation of a New Compound at the Interface
3.2. Dissolutive Wetting
3.3. Dissolution vs. Formation of a New Compound
4. Application in Processing of Materials
4.1. Wetting in Infiltration
4.2. Wetting in Brazing: Effect of Interfacial Reactions
5. Conclusions and Perspectives
Conflicts of Interest
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Eustathopoulos, N. Wetting by Liquid Metals—Application in Materials Processing: The Contribution of the Grenoble Group. Metals 2015, 5, 350-370. https://doi.org/10.3390/met5010350
Eustathopoulos N. Wetting by Liquid Metals—Application in Materials Processing: The Contribution of the Grenoble Group. Metals. 2015; 5(1):350-370. https://doi.org/10.3390/met5010350
Chicago/Turabian StyleEustathopoulos, Nicolas. 2015. "Wetting by Liquid Metals—Application in Materials Processing: The Contribution of the Grenoble Group" Metals 5, no. 1: 350-370. https://doi.org/10.3390/met5010350
APA StyleEustathopoulos, N. (2015). Wetting by Liquid Metals—Application in Materials Processing: The Contribution of the Grenoble Group. Metals, 5(1), 350-370. https://doi.org/10.3390/met5010350