A Multi-Layer Fusion-Based Facial Expression Recognition Approach with Optimal Weighted AUs
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Features for Facial Expression Recognition
2.2. Fusion Strategy for Facial Expression Recognition
2.3. Facial Partition Strategy for Expression Recognition
3. Overview of Our Proposed Multi-Layer Fusing Facial Recognition Approach
4. Selection of Affective Relative AUs and Feature Extraction
4.1. Choosing Affective Relative AUs Based on FACS
4.2. AU Feature Extracting Solution
- Gabor feature: Selecting a two-dimension Gabor wavelet with the scale and direction and respectively. Together with PCA, dimension reduction Gabor is extracted to represent each AU.
- Geometry feature: Utilizing the AAM shape model to calibrate feature points and generate corresponding geometry features for AU regions, and making the coordinate of feature points the geometry feature vector.
- LBP feature: Choosing a flexible circle operator to extract the local texture of each AU, and using a histogram to record the LBP feature vectors of AU regions.
- WLD feature: Using an emerging method that synthesizes multiple orientation and excitation operators of sub-image sets, and forming a histogram to record WLD feature vectors of each AU region.
5. Analysing Feature Fusion Performance According to Kappa-Error Diagrams
5.1. Theory of Kappa-Error Diagram Evaluation
5.2. Analyzing Feature Fusion Performance for AU Prediction Based on Kappa-Error Diagram Evaluation
6. Multi-Layer Fusion with Weighted AU for Facial Expression Recognition
6.1. Multi-Layer AUs’ Fusion with Stacking Framework
Stacking Procedure | |
Step 1 | i = 1. |
Step 2 | If i ≤ n, go to Step 3. Otherwise, go to Step 4. |
Step 3 | Classifying with the base classifier Fi. For each sample S, the probability vector Pi = {Pi1, …, Pij, …, Pim} under the base classifier Fi is derived, where pij indicates the probability that sample S is assigned to class Cj (j = 1, 2, …, m). Then i++ go to Step 2. |
Step 4 | The classification results of all base classifiers are obtained, here marked as P = {P1, P2, …, Pn}. Then go to Step 5. |
Step 5 | The meta-classifier M processes the input data, viz. the matrix P from base classifiers, and outputs the ultimate recognition result. |
6.2. AUs’ Weight Learning by Association Rules
6.3. AU Weighted Fusion Algorithm for Facial Expression Recognition
Abbreviations and notation AU—action unit—active for each instance/image AUi—action unit block—e.g., use (2, 4, 10, 13, 15, 16, 24, 27) G, A, L, W—features—e.g., use (Gabor, AAM, LBP, WLD) PP—prediction probability Ei—facial expressions—e.g., angry, disgust, fear, happy, sad, surprise |
Fusion level 1 |
A. AUs’segmentation: divide facial image into eight AU blocks which related with six basic expressions. AUi consists of AU2, AU4, AU10, AU13, AU15, AU16, AU24, AU27; |
B. Feature extraction: select G, A, L, W feature descriptors; extract each AU region. For one kind of AU, , i ∈ {1, 2, ..., 8}; |
C. Base-classifiers recognition: treat SMO, MLP, IBK as a base classifier to recognize AUs; calculate PP of each AUi. For one kind of AU, the , and j is SMO, MLP, IBK; |
Fusion level 2 |
D. AUi PP combination: integrate PP from three classifiers matched to four features, for one AU region, format 12(3 × 4) dimensions vector. , and i ∈ {1, 2, ..., 8}, m ∈ {1, 2, 3, ..., 12}; |
E. AUi weighted optimal: employ an a priori algorithm, mining the strong relationship between AUi and expressions; produce the AU tuning matrix W6×8; Note: Each row is a weighted AU feature input for one basic expression classification. |
F. Meta-classifiers recognition: use one type of classifier to recognize facial expression; including MLP, SMO, IBK and NB. Note: there are six binary classifiers for determining the possibility of each expression. The final expression is the one with the highest prediction possibility. |
7. Experimental Results
7.1. Image Datasets and Experimental Setup
7.2. Comparison on Multi Features or Classifiers Fusion Performance Analysis
7.3. Performance Analysis with a Variety of Single Classifier Performance
7.4. Experiment on AU Weighting Multi-Layer Fusion Expression Recognition Performance Analysis
7.5. Comparison with Several State-Of-The-Art Expression Recognition Methods
8. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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AU | FACS Name |
AU2 | Outer Brow Raiser |
AU4 | Brow Lowerer |
AU10 | Upper Lip Raiser |
AU13 | Sharp Lip Puller |
AU15 | Lip Corner Depressor |
AU16 | Lower Lip Depressor |
AU24 | Lip Pressor |
AU27 | Mouth Stretch |
Image | Gabor | Geometry | LBP | WLD |
Predict Result | Correct | Wrong |
Correct | a | b |
Wrong | c | d |
Num | Expression Prediction Label | Real Label of Expression | |||||||
AU2 | AU4 | AU10 | AU13 | AU15 | AU16 | AU24 | AU27 | ||
1 | angry | disgust | angry | angry | angry | angry | angry | sad | angry |
2 | angry | happy | angry | angry | disgust | angry | angry | angry | angry |
3 | angry | angry | angry | angry | sad | angry | angry | angry | angry |
··· | ··· | ··· |
Expression | Association Rules of AU |
E1 (39) | AU24 = angry ≥ Expression = angry 39 |
E2 (43) | AU10 = disgust ≥ Expression = disgust 41; AU27 = disgust ≥ Expression = disgust 39 |
E3 (55) | AU16 = fear ≥ Expression = fear 54 |
E4 (81) | AU13 = happy ≥ Expression = happy 81; AU2 = happy ≥ Expression = happy 75; AU4 = happy ≥ Expression = happy 74 |
E5 (62) | AU15 = sad ≥ Expression = sad 60; AU2 = sad ≥Expression = sad 56; AU16 = sad ≥ Expression = sad 53 |
E6 (75) | AU27 = surprise ≥ Expression = surprise 75; AU2 = surprise ≥ Expression = surprise 70 |
Emotions | CK | JAFFE |
1: angry | 39 | 30 |
2: disgust | 43 | 29 |
3: fear | 55 | 32 |
4: happy | 81 | 32 |
5: sad | 62 | 30 |
6: surprise | 75 | 30 |
Total images | 355 | 183 |
Accuracy (%) | Feature Description | MLP | SMO | IBK | NB |
JAFFE | Gabor feature | 63.19 | 59.89 | 62.09 | 53.30 |
Geometry feature | 83.52 | 79.67 | 84.07 | 78.02 | |
LBP feature | 46.15 | 45.60 | 47.25 | 47.80 | |
WLD feature | 78.02 | 71.98 | 75.82 | 70.33 | |
Gab + Geo + LBP + WLD | 89.07 | 90.16 | 81.42 | 83.61 | |
CK | Gabor feature | 64.97 | 55.65 | 63.84 | 62.99 |
Geometry feature | 88.98 | 84.18 | 86.44 | 87.29 | |
LBP feature | 62.43 | 53.67 | 59.32 | 62.71 | |
WLD feature | 72.32 | 65.82 | 72.32 | 73.73 | |
Gab + Geo + LBP + WLD | 94.65 | 91.83 | 85.92 | 93.52 |
Accuracy (%) | Base Classifiers | Gabor Feature | Geometry Feature | LBP | WLD |
JAFFE | IBK | 53.30 | 64.29 | 38.87 | 60.85 |
MLP | 50.27 | 74.45 | 48.764 | 64.42 | |
SMO | 50.27 | 60.16 | 42.99 | 60.99 | |
SMO + IBK + MLP | 59.62 | 81.32 | 46.70 | 74.04 | |
CK | IBK | 53.74 | 74.79 | 50.49 | 58.55 |
MLP | 57.98 | 87.64 | 54.94 | 64.55 | |
SMO | 58.90 | 80.00 | 58.05 | 64.97 | |
SMO + IBK + MLP | 61.86 | 89.22 | 59.53 | 71.04 |
CK | Linear Support Vector Machine | Polynomial Kernel Support Vector Machine | Radial Basis Function Kernel Support Vector Machine |
Accuracy (%) | 91.83% | 92.39% | 93.24% |
Database | Mean Accuracy (%) | Angry | Disgust | Fear | Happy | Sad | Surprise |
CK | 96.62% | 95.49% (SMO) | 97.18% (NB) | 94.65% (SMO) | 97.46% (NB) | 94.93% (SMO) | 100.00% (NB) |
JAFFE | 94.63% | 89.61% (NB) | 96.72% (SMO) | 92.90% (NB) | 96.72% (SMO/NB) | 94.54% (MLP) | 97.26% (SMO) |
Reference | Accuracy | Method |
Cohen et al. (2003) [38] | 73.2% | Geometric feature + tree-augmented-NB |
Bartlett et al. (2005) [2] | 89.1% | Gabor filter + Adaboost + SVM |
Shan et al. (2009) [39] | 88.9% | Boosted-LBP + SVM |
Thiago et al. (2013) [26] | 88.9% | Ensemble Gabor and LBP |
Xu et al. (2009) [40] | 89.1% | ASM + geometry feature + LSVM classifier |
Jia et al. (2013) [29] | 90.7% | Dynamic geometry feature + stacking |
Tian Y et al. (2002) [3] | 92.7% | Gabor wavelets + geometry with FACS |
Chen-Chiung Hsieh et al. (2016) [31] | 94.7% | dynamic face regions + A multi-class SVM |
Deepak Ghimire et al. (2013) [23] | 95.17% | Feature selective multi-class AdaBoost |
Our proposed approach | 96.62% | Multi-layer of optimally weighted AU |
Ping et al. (2014) [41] | 96.7% | Boosted deep belief network |
Deepak Ghimire et al. (2013) [23] | 97.35% | SVM on boosted features |
Reference | Accuracy | Method |
Bashyal and Venayagamoorthy (2008) [42] | 90.2% | Gabor filters + Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) |
Koutlasand Fotiadis (2008) [43] | 92.3% | Gabor filters + artificial neural networks |
Yu et al. (2013) [44] | 85.7% | WLD + pool + SVM |
Kyperountas M et al. (2010) [45] | 85.9% | Gabor filters + Salient feature and reliable classifier selection (SFRCS) |
Fu (2008) [46] | 87.5% | Convolution Neural Network (CNN) |
Jia et al. (2013) [29] | 92.3% | Gabor filters + stacking |
Ping et al. (2014) [41] | 93.0% | Boosted deep belief network |
Our proposed approach | 94.63% | Multi-layer of optimal weighted AU |
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Share and Cite
Jia, X.; Liu, S.; Powers, D.; Cardiff, B. A Multi-Layer Fusion-Based Facial Expression Recognition Approach with Optimal Weighted AUs. Appl. Sci. 2017, 7, 112. https://doi.org/10.3390/app7020112
Jia X, Liu S, Powers D, Cardiff B. A Multi-Layer Fusion-Based Facial Expression Recognition Approach with Optimal Weighted AUs. Applied Sciences. 2017; 7(2):112. https://doi.org/10.3390/app7020112
Chicago/Turabian StyleJia, Xibin, Shuangqiao Liu, David Powers, and Barry Cardiff. 2017. "A Multi-Layer Fusion-Based Facial Expression Recognition Approach with Optimal Weighted AUs" Applied Sciences 7, no. 2: 112. https://doi.org/10.3390/app7020112
APA StyleJia, X., Liu, S., Powers, D., & Cardiff, B. (2017). A Multi-Layer Fusion-Based Facial Expression Recognition Approach with Optimal Weighted AUs. Applied Sciences, 7(2), 112. https://doi.org/10.3390/app7020112