1. Introduction
One of the most important lessons of contemporary physics is that the observed phenomena depend qualitatively and quantitatively on the scales of observation. Hence rather than looking for a “World Equation” or “Theory Of Everything” one looks for effective theories, valid only in some scale window. We know several such theories, starting with the Standard Model of Particle Physics and ending with the Standard Model of Cosmology, and the challenge is to understand the way these models follow each other on their renormalized trajectory as the resolution of the observations is changed. The goal of this work is to orient the attention to an important feature of the effective theories, namely that they deal with open dynamics. However, this point is actually obvious, since the unobserved degrees of freedom represent an environment for the observed system the systematic addressing of the problem has been lacking. We choose the simplest non-trivial model for this purpose, describing a scalar field in 3 + 1 dimensions.
There is another reason to consider open theories. In the first phase of the history of quantum field theory, attention was turned towards renormalizable models by the help of renormalized perturbation expansion. However, the need to go beyond this approximation scheme introduced the cutoff theories, which are defined by a large but finite UV cutoff back into the foreground of the interest. The cutoff theories describe open dynamics, as well, since the degrees of freedom beyond the cutoff serve as an environment. One can go a bit further an state that the inherent UV divergences of quantum field theory simply exclude a truly closed quantum dynamics by rendering the cutoff necessary. One might object that an environment consisting of very energetic particle modes should not modify the low energy physics in an important manner. However the question is more involved and a detailed knowledge of the scaling laws are needed to understand the role of the open channels at high energy in the physics at low energy.
Our main results, obtained for the four-dimensional real scalar theory, are as follows: (i) The change of the cutoff towards either the IR or the UV direction renders the dynamics open, in other words, closed theories are inconsistent according to the renormalization group method. This is demonstrated explicitly in
Section 3. (ii) There are open interaction vertices representing open interactions which are relevant and leave a trace on the physical quantities for arbitrarily high cutoff scale. (iii) The theory with sufficiently long lived quasi particles displays non-perturbative IR scaling and strong UV-IR entanglement, making the comparison of the quantum and the classical dynamics more difficult. Therefore quantum field theories should be used by allowing a mixed vacuum state. The most promising method to deal with open systems is the Closed Time Path (CTP) scheme (or Schwinger-Keldysh formalism) hence the renormalization of effective quantum field theories should be handled in that formalism.
The CTP formalism was first developed for the perturbation expansion in the Heisenberg representation [
3]; however its subsequent use is increasingly in open quantum systems where the system-environment separation appears in different disguise in different physical problem. The decoherence [
5], a necessary condition of the classical limit of quantum systems [
7], can easily be grasped by establishing the additive probabilities of histories [
11] in a macroscopic environment. The environment of an observed collective mode consists of the rest of the macroscopic system in non-equilibrium statistical physics [
13]. The environment of a dissipative system remains unreachable [
15]. The environment of driven nanophysical, solid state or optical devices is in the macroscopic domain [
16]. The nano wires are imbedded into an environment of their leads [
17]. A thermal reservoir can always be assumed as part of the environment, too. High energy physics applications stretch from thermal field theory [
18] to astrophysics [
19]. The path integral representation of quantum mechanics is particularly well suited to this formalism [
20], the calculation we report below has been performed in the framework of the path integral representation of the CTP formalism, covered concisely in ref. [
19]. The environment of a cutoff field theory is rather particular, it is provided by the UV modes which interact with the retained IR modes. Our goal is to discover the impact of the entanglement between the IR and the UV sectors on the IR dynamics.
The functional renormalization group method was already applied in the CTP formalism to follow the coarse graining [
23], addressing a quantum dot [
24], open electronic systems [
25], the transport processes [
26], the damping [
27], the inflation [
28], quantum cosmology [
29] and critical dynamics [
33]. Furthermore, it can describe the behavior of the Bose–Einstein condensate [
36], the form of the spectral function [
38], or real time dynamics of gauge theories [
39]. The renormalization group scheme was extended to stochastic field theory [
40], too. The need for bi-local terms in the action was argued in ref. [
41]. The extension to the 2PI formalism has been used used to find non-thermal fixed points [
42] and the renormalization group scheme can be transformed to trace the time dependence [
45]. The one-loop renormalizability of the scalar model has been worked out on the one-loop level by the help of the more traditional multiplicative renormalization group method [
Before starting, it is worth distinguishing between a regulator and a cutoff of a field theory. The former renders the theory UV finite and the latter introduces a separation of the UV and the IR modes. A regulated theory, which is formulated in continuous space-time at arbitrarily large frequencies and wave vectors, can be called microscopic and a theory with a cutoff is necessarily effective. A cutoff of scale leaves the field modes with spatial three-momentum untouched in the IR and suppresses them completely in the UV for where and . The modes are neither IR nor UV. A cutoff with is called sharp and yields a well defined splitting of the degrees of freedoms into an IR and an UV class. A smooth cutoff with is only a regulator. In a regulated (UV finite) theory without cutoff the separation of the UV and the IR sector can be defined only qualitatively by introducing the UV regime for scales where the dynamics is strongly influenced by the regulator.
The choice of the width of a smooth cutoff,
, represents a compromise. One the one hand, the width should be small to separate clearly the observed and the unobserved modes. On the other hand, the width should be large enough to avoid long range oscillations in the space-time. According to the traditional strategy, one uses the truncated gradient expansion as an ansatz for the action and such oscillations make this approximation scheme ill-defined even in Euclidean space-time where the dynamics is free of mass-shell singularities. However, the gradient expansion is a dead end street in constructing a systematic approximation to real time dynamics owing to Ostrogadsky’s instability [
49] and should be replaced by the cluster expansion based on multi-local action functionals. By anticipating such a strategy for the future, we rely on the functional renormalization group method based on sharp cutoff with
50], used in the CTP formalism in the present work.
The CTP scheme is introduced briefly in
Section 2 below and the implementation of the gliding cutoff follows in
Section 3. The renormalization group trajectory is discussed in
Section 4. The summary of our result together with the conclusion are presented in
Section 5.
3. Gliding Cutoff
The central point of this work, the need for treating the mixed components of the vacuum state of a cutoff theory is discussed with the help of the functional renormalization group method within the CTP formalism, introduced in this section.
3.1. Euclidean Field Theory at Thermal Equilibrium
Lowering the cutoff is the simplest to cast in terms of the partition function of an Euclidean quantum field theory at finite temperature, written in a path integral form,
where the field is periodic in time with period length
and the regularization procedure is considered a part of the action,
k denoting the gliding cutoff. The right hand side is considered to be a partition function of a
d-dimensional classical statistical physical system with a Hamiltonian
at unit temperature. The cutoff should be introduced only for the spatial components of the momentum to preserve the temperature.
The blocking of the bare dynamics consists of the decrease of the UV cutoff,
and the splitting the field variable into the sum
, where
contains the IR (
) and the UV (
) modes, respectively. The blocked action of the thinned theory is found by integrating over the UV field [
One should in principle follow the cutoff-dependence of the generator functional for the connected Green functions,
to keep track of the cutoff-dependence of the dynamics. However, the presence of the IR field on both side of the blocking relation (
21) allows us to follow the evolution of the dynamics in the blocked action directly. The initial condition for the renormalized trajectory is the bare action at the initial UV cutoff,
3.2. Real Time Dynamics of Quantum Field Theories
The realization that the change of the cutoff can be treated in a similar manner in classical and quantum statistical physics had a strong impact on our way to handle many body systems. It arose from interpreting the
in (
21) either as the potential energy of a classical field theory in
dimensions or as the action of an Euclidean
d-dimensional quantum field theory. However there is a fundamental difference between the classical and the quantum dynamics, namely the entanglement, which forces us to follow a different route in the case of quantum systems.
We continue with an isolated, closed dynamics with the initial value
of the cutoff. The blocked action (
20) can be used in thermal equilibrium to obtain the reduced density matrix and the canonical partition function of the IR modes. However the IR-UV entanglement creates a problem when the real time effective dynamics is sought. The traditional use of (
21) is to find the usual Green functions for the IR field, generated by
denotes the vacuum of the closed cutoff theory with the initial cutoff
. The problem with this expression is that it corresponds to a transition amplitude between pure states while the elimination of a dynamical degree of freedom generates a mixed state. In other words, the blocking takes us beyond the traditional STP formalism of quantum field theory and forces us to use the reduced density matrix to represent the state of the retained degrees of freedom. One can naturally construct the reduced density matrixes by convoluting Green functions with different final states with the density matrix of the full system. Rather than following such an involved scheme we turn to the CTP formalism where these final state sums are already build in to streamline the calculation and to have more transparent equations.
3.3. Changing the Cutoff in Open Quantum Systems
The generalization of the blocking (
21) for CTP follows the steps of ref. [
50], by starting with
and the continuing with the one-loop approximation,
The unexpected strength of this procedure is the emergence of a one-loop equation which is exact. In fact, the limit of infinitesimal blocking
suppresses the higher loops contributions. To simplify the resulting evolution equation one assumes that the saddle point is trivial,
. One arrives in this manner at the Fresnel integral
which yields the CTP form of the Wegner-Houghton equation
where the trace is over the UV field space and the dot stands for the derivative with respect to
. The solution of the evolution equation is rendered unique by specifying the initial condition, the bare action at
. The compactness Equation (
24) hides the an essential element of the blocking in quantum systems: We seek the reduced density matrix (
3) for the IR modes hence these are handled in the OTP formalism by the help of the blocked action. The elimination of the UV modes and the execution of the partial trace in (
3), is carried out in the CTP formalism.
The blocking is the placing of the modes to be eliminated from the OTP to the CTP scheme. Without the infinitesimal off-diagonal term of (
11) in the free UV action the IR action remains additive and (
24) represents the product of two independent STP amplitudes.
To make the solution of this evolution equation feasible we project it onto the functional space of the bilocal action (
14). This step transforms the evolution Equation (
27) into a set of coupled differential equations for the running parameters of the blocked action. These parameters are defined by evaluating the blocked action on a family of IR field configurations,
, called subtraction point. The parameters of a cutoff theory characterize the physics at the cutoff scale, hence the subtraction point should be placed close to the gliding cutoff. The imaginary time theories are free of mass-shell singularities and one customarily places their subtraction point at the IR end, at a homogeneous field configuration
, by hoping that the truncated gradient expansion can still reproduce the desired dynamics around the cutoff scale. The real time dynamics is dominated by the propagating quasi-particle modes hence the subtraction point should be placed into their kinematical region [
54]. Thus, the evolution equation is evaluated at the subtraction point, defined by the IR field configuration
being a cutoff-independent dimensionless parameter of the subtraction scheme. The
parameter introduces a regular wave packet in time and a monochromatic subtraction point in the limit
3.4. Evolution Equation
The contribution of the closed local part to the left hand side of the evolution equation at the subtraction points,
The open part contributes by
The right hand side of the evolution equation contains the second functional derivative,
. The inverse propagator,
yields the propagator
in the absence of the IR subtraction field. It contains the Feynman propagator with complex mass in the diagonal and the corresponding Lorentz-spread mass-shell condition in the off-diagonal matrix elements. The self energy is
The Neumann expansion of the right hand side of the evolution equation in the self energy,
is sufficient up to the quadratic order and the identification of the coefficients of the terms
produces the beta functions, the derivatives of the parameters with respect to
Figure 3 and
Figure 4 where the
-dependent coefficients are
. The higher than two-cluster contributions arising from the Neumann expansion have been ignored in deriving the beta functions. The integrations can been carried out analytically.
It is remarkable that the STP beta functions contain no open parameters; in other words, the STP parameters evolve as in the traditional STP formalism of Quantum Field Theory. This follows immediately from the equivalence of the inhomogeneous CTP and the STP graphs, mentioned in
Section 2.4.
3.5. Separatrices and Phase Transition
A quantum phase transition corresponds to a separatrix of the renormalization group flow, indicating that small modifications of the theory in the UV lead to large changes in the IR. One cannot strictly establish a phase transition with the help of a truncated renormalization group flow but it is reasonable to assume that while stable flows of an appropriately truncated flow represent a good approximation of the exact case this does not hold for trajectories with IR singularity. In fact, the latter never occurs for the exact flow and suggests that important parameters are missed due to the limited ansatz space for the blocked action. Hence the trajectory on the border of the stable IR flow indicates a separatrix of the exact solution.
One can gain some qualitative insight into the scaling laws of the closed parameters by writing the first two equation of (
39) as a single equation for
describing the complex trajectory of a one-dimensional damped motion with
in terms of the complex beta function parameters
. The quartic coupling is found by
. It is instructive first to inspect this equation in simpler cases.
In an
invariant Euclidean field theory the parameters are real and one finds at the subtraction point
The renormalized trajectory starting with the initial conditions , stretches toward negative . In the UV scaling regime, , , , and the evolution starting with positive velocity (towards decreasing t!) is slowed down by the friction. In the IR regime, , , , both the friction and the term continue to damp the evolution. However, for sufficiently negative the damped increase of may be slow enough to reach at . As this crossover is approached B diverges sending to zero and an IR singularity is generated.
In the real time theory with sharp momentum cutoff at the subtraction point
one finds
The parameters remain real and the symmetry broken phase is recovered in a qualitatively similar manner as in the imaginary time case.
The evolution of the theory in Minkowski space-time defined by a plane wave subtraction point (
28) with
at the threshold,
, is driven by
and the symmetry broken phase is recovered as well. The complex trajectory may avoid the singularity by having
. A short enough finite life-time of the quasi particles may weaken the crossover singularity and render the simple ansatz for the action applicable in the IR region within the symmetry broken phase.
The evolution of the open parameters can be read off from the scale-dependence of
satisfying the equation
corresponding to a one-dimensional particle of unit mass, moving under the influence of a friction force with Newton constant
and a potential
The real beta function parameters are -dependent, and . The other open parameter is given by . The trajectory starting in the vicinity of the Gaussian fixed point where with and . The dominant scale-dependence of C and D with finite is , which weakens the potential but keeps the friction stable and approximately scale invariant. The coordinate y rolls down on the potential in the positive direction reflecting the irreversible accumulation of the system-environment entanglement during the change of the cutoff. The entanglement is weak for short lived quasi particle excitations hence C and D decreases with increasing . Thus, the exponentially fast decreasing potential cannot destabilize the evolution for large enough . However, the lowering of strengthens the potential and the exponentially steep potential may make the trajectory divergent at finite scale, generating a separatrix for the flow of the open parameters. The evolution in the UV direction makes the instability stronger since .
4. Renormalization Group Flow
The issues we intend to comment on or clarify by the numerical integration of the evolution equations are (1) the phase structure of the theory, (2) the closed bare theory limit, (3) the relevance of the open parameters of the action and (4) the renormalizability. We do this by exploring the renormalization group flow restricted to initial conditions in the vicinity of the Gaussian fixed point.
4.1. Phase Structure
The closed parameters evolve independently from the open channels hence the usual phase transition between the
symmetrical and the spontaneous broken phases takes place at the same place as in the closed theory. The singularity at
is a spinodal instability indicating that the vacuum is in the symmetry broken phase [
59]. The IR singularity of the open channels indicates that the theory may undergo a phase transition where the system-environment interactions increases abruptly for the IR modes.
Such a phase structure is borne out by the integration of the evolution equations (
39). The four phases are shown on the complex
plane of
Figure 5. The spontaneous breakdown of the
symmetry is indicated within the framework of the local potential approximation by the divergence of the propagator,
, followed by a spinodal instability as the cutoff is lowered. The transition between the symmetric and the symmetry broken phase is a slightly right bended vertical line. The phases with regular or divergent
are separated by the curve which increases with
When the quasi-particles are stable enough to interact with the environment, the theories below the curve, the evolution drives at finite cutoff. The large positive turns on the interactions with the environment indicating a large amount of system-environment entanglement generated by the lowering of the cutoff. Hence the phases under the curve are called symmetric or symmetry broken entangled phases. The exact renormalized trajectories are regular in the IR direction and the singularity in the entangled phase indicates the insufficiency of our ansatz to give account of the increased amount of entanglement. A safe conclusion, point (iii) of the introduction, is that the long range macroscopic dynamics turns suddenly non-perturbative in terms of the microscopical quasi-particles at the curve separating the upper and the lower phases. With an improved ansatz for the action which allows us to penetrate the entangled phase the lower end of the separation of the phases and should become visible since the STP parameters evolve independently from the open interactions.
The Lorentzian width
of the subtraction point controls the energy interval around the
where the contributions to the evolution of the running coupling constants are read off from the right hand side of Equation (
27) and smaller width makes the propagating quasi-particles dominate. The general trend is that the entangled phase shrinks with the increase of
, we need propagating quasi-particles to pick up the system-environment entanglement. The decrease of
leads ultimately to numerical instabilities, c.f.
Section 4.2. Among the initial conditions with reliable solution we found no example that the closed limit
, cf. the inverse propagator (
11), with
would avoid the entangled phase.
The typical trajectories, shown in
Figure 6, indicate the presence of two independent phase transitions, one for the closed and the other for the open parameters. The left inequality of (
19) is satisfied in the entangled phase indicating the presence of strong decoherence. A more detailed flow at the
phase boundary is given in
Figure 7. The strong increase of
in the
phase before the evolution has to be halted indicates that the quasi particle become unstable at the onset of the spinodal instability. On the other side of the phase transition, in the
phase, the singularity appears only in the open parameters.
4.2. Closed Initial Dynamics
The main message of this work is the necessity of using open quantum field theories and retaining the inevitable UV-IR entanglement during the renormalization; see point (i) in the Introduction. While it is well known that the system-environment entanglement plays a decisive role in open quantum dynamics this feature has not been followed in quantum field theory. One can already see from the qualitative picture of
Section 3.5 that the movement with the cutoff either towards the IR or the UV direction leads to the accumulation of the entanglement contributions. A more detailed view of the generation of the mixed contributions to the blocked action can be found by inspecting the renormalization group flow in the limit of a closed initial theory,
Let us make a blocking step
in a closed theory with infinitesimal
and consider the beta function of
. The energy flowing through the third Feynman graph of
Figure 3 is
. The integrand of the loop integral with integral variable
contains two propagators with energies
in the second line of Equation (
40). The imaginary Dirac-delta peaks of the propagators, written by the help of the identity
, coincide for
and generate an
imaginary contribution to the beta function. The same holds for
however the imaginary part drops to
. Such a threshold singularity renders the subtraction point dominated by the propagating particles,
, difficult to use numerically.
One can avoid the threshold singularity by the use of a subtraction point with finite which is a wave packet rather that a monochromatic wave. The coinciding poles of the closed theory still generate imaginary contribution to the beta functions of and but the dependence on the subtraction point, on the parameter, is now regular. We could follow the trajectories down to with and being at least around 10 however the roundoff errors in the initial phase of the evolution arising from the incomplete cancellation between the partial fractions of the loop integral make the trajectory unreliable beyond this limit.
The renormalized trajectory of the symmetric non-entengled phase is shown as
and is decreased in
Figure 8. The limit is best tested by the convergence of
. The almost vertical evolution of
, the parameters with vanishing initial condition, is an artifact of the logarithmic plot. In terms of elementary processes, the second graph of
Figure 4 drives a rapid increase of
by starting in a closed theory which feeds back to accelerate the increase of the originally infinitesimal
. These two processes are represented by the coefficient
of the exponential function in the potential (
4.3. Relevance of Open Channels
The second quantitative point showing the importance of the open interaction channels consists of an estimate of their impact on the expectation values of physical quantities. Here we face the issue of the relevance of the IR-UV entanglement for observables defined at a scale far below the cutoff scale where the observed system and its environment are separated. A simple power counting argument indicates that the parameters and are renormalizable and therefore should be kept in the action.
A more detailed view of the mixed contributions to the blocked action can be found by inspecting the renormalized trajectory. The open channels bring in new two parameters into the action,
. The former is relevant (super renormalizable) according to power counting. The latter is marginal and higher order contributions make it relevant or irrelevant (non-renormalizable). To see what happens, we followed the evolution of
corresponding to initial conditions where only its initial condition was slightly changed around zero. The trajectories plotted on
Figure 9 correspond to the initial conditions
and their increasing separation in the UV scaling regime indicates the relevance of this coupling constant, as in point (ii) of the Introduction.
4.4. Towards the UV
Finally, a few words about the UV direction and the issue of renormalizability. The conditions of renormalizability can be imposed on four, increasingly restrictive, levels. (i) The cutoff can be sent to infinity without encountering divergences. The perturbative condition is given by power counting and the
model of our ansatz belongs to this class. (ii) The renormalization conditions, a set of non-linear equations, are soluble for the bare parameters. These conditions are violated in non-asymptotically free theories which are restricted to free theories as the cutoff is removed. The simple qualitative view of the renormalization group flow of the open parameters, mentioned in
Section 3.5, suggests an UV Landau pole for
since the friction term with its “wrong”, unstable sign sends
to infinity at finite scale. (iii) The last condition can be strengthened by requiring the stability of the dynamics. The stability is expressed in terms of inequalities for the imaginary parts of some running parameters, which are specially difficult to maintain. All the trajectories encountered in our numerical efforts to follow the theory in the UV direction led to a condensate,
, or to the violation of the stability conditions. (iv) The cutoff is assumed to be very large in the multiplicative renormalization group scheme where the contributions, proportional to a negative powers of the cutoff, are neglected. This approximation is untenable in effective theories where the possibility of placing freely the cutoff to higher energy is assured by requiring the absence of the UV Landau pole. Since the functional renormalization group method handles all contribution within the restricted functional space it is better suited to test the renormalizability.
One can see without going into the details that the renormalization procedure and the interpretation of possible UV fixed points of open theories remains a challenging open question at the present time.
5. Summary
The functional renormalization group equation of the four-dimensional model is discussed here to clarify the importance of the open channels of a quantum field theory. The solution of the evolution equation is sought within a rather simple functional space for the action where the local vertices in space are kept up to fourth order in the field with the minimal necessary time dependence for the open channels. Furthermore, the absence of condensate is assumed in deriving the evolution equation.
It is argued that open interactions arise when the cutoff is moved either in the UV or the IR direction. Furthermore, it is found that the open parameters of the action are relevant around the Gaussian fixed point. Thus, closed theories are simply excluded from considerations by requiring an adjustable separation between the observed IR and the unresolved UV degrees of freedom.
Another result which is important in establishing a relation between the macroscpic and the microscopic physics is that our simple model exhibits a non-perturbative relation between the microscopic (UV) and the strongly decohered macroscopic (IR) degrees of freedom within a closed or almost closed system. Thus, one cannot take the correspondence principle between the classical and the quantum degrees of freedom for granted.
These results obviously raise further questions. An obvious issue is the systematic extension of the anstaz space for the action and the check of the stability of these results. This direction requires the use of multi-local actions [
60] and the increase of the order of the truncation in the field amplitude. Another question is the boost invariance. The separation of the degrees of freedom into IR and UV classes is based on the de Broglie wavelength and is not boost invariant. Furthermore, there is a conflict between regulators and boost symmetry since the latter has infinite volume [
61]. Hence the question arises whether Lorentz symmetry can be maintained in a quantum field theory at any scale. Furthermore, the obvious importance of the system-environment entanglement in open dynamics results in the spectacular success of quantum field theory, by ignoring the open interaction channels rather surprising. A revisiting of the renormalization program of realistic models is needed to locate the mechanism which operates in certain observations and suppresses the UV-IR entanglement.