Biomimetics and Education in Europe: Challenges, Opportunities, and Variety
:1. Introduction
1.1. Status Quo
1.2. Motivation
2. Challenges: Combining Knowledge and Competence
3. Opportunities: Facilitated Access to Biology and Technology
4. Variety: Education of Various Target Groups
5. Quo Vadis?
6. Conclusions
- Enthusiasm for technology is aroused through access via biological models.
- Enthusiasm for living nature is aroused through technical challenges and solutions.
- Up-to-date scientific research results can be presented in a timely manner in educational modules that have been newly developed and that are easy to understand and to perform.
- Students acquire personal skills: personal responsibility, perseverance and frustration tolerance in projects, and personal initiative.
- Students acquire professional competencies: interdisciplinary working and thinking, understanding of industrial production processes, understanding of innovation processes, and critical open-mindedness for new technologies.
- Students acquire social competencies: ability to work in a team, communication skills, cooperation, and responsibility.
- Awareness of biodiversity is increased.
- The discussion of “biomimetics and sustainable development” is encouraged.
- Young scientists are recruited: the variety of topics and activities in the field of biomimetics is a pathway to interdisciplinary knowledge and competence.
- Lifelong professional qualification is enhanced through the interdisciplinary approach of biomimetics.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Topic | OECD | EU-28 | Germany | Reference |
Expenditure on educational institutions in 2017 as % of GDP (=Gross Domestic Product) | 4.9% | — | 4.9% | [1] Table C2.1 |
Educational participation in 2018 | 14 years | — | 15 years | [1] Table B1.1 |
Average class size for primary education in 2018 | 21.1 | — | 21.0 | [1] Table D2.3 |
Average class size for secondary education in 2018 | 23.3 | — | 23.9 | [1] Table D2.3 |
Graduates of tertiary education in 2018 in natural sciences and mathematics | 5.5% | — | 9.1% | [1] Table B5.2a |
Graduates of tertiary education in 2018 in engineering | 14.3% | — | 21.4% | [1] Table B5.2a |
25- to 64-year-olds participating in lifelong learning in 2019 | — | 11.3% | 8.2% | [1] Table A8-EU |
PISA 2018: skills in reading | 487 | 498 | [2] | |
PISA 2018: skills in mathematics | 489 | 500 | [2] | |
PISA 2018: skills in natural sciences | 489 | 503 | [2] |
Biomimetic Approach | Question | Biological Model | Functional Principle | Abstraction | Biomimetic Product/Method |
| | | | | |
Biology push(Bottom-upapproach) | What makes self-cleaning leaves? | Plant leaves | Water repellency: water contact angle > 170° and contact area of droplet ≈ 0.6% | 1. Micro- and nano- rough surface 2. Hydrophobic surface 3. Surface tension of water | Lotus-Effect® |
Biology push (Bottom-up approach) | How do burrs stick to animal fur? | Burdock seeds together with animal fur | Reversible and random attachment:elastic hooks cling to fur or fabrics | 1. Hook tape with thick hooks 2. Loop tape with many small loops | Velcro® |
Technology pull (Top-down approach) | How to lift a mass? | Skeletal muscle | Cylinder surrounded by spirally netted fibers with variable fiber angle | Fiber angle < 54.7°: pressure-tight hose shortens when filled with compressed air | Fluidic muscle |
Biology push (Bottom-up approach) | How does a fish fin generate propulsion force? | Fish fin | Self-adaptive shape | Isosceles acute-angled triangle of two bending flexible longitudinal struts and flexibly connected cross struts | FinRay Effect |
Biology push (Bottom-up approach) | What makes bone a lightweight construction? | Internal bone structure | Bone trabeculae along the main force lines | 1:20 model, stress tests analyzed with photoelasticity | Lightweight ceiling |
Technology pull (Top-down approach) | How to quickly seal a leak in a pneumatic system? | Wound sealing in liana stems | Self-sealing cells squeeze into the rupture | Internal polyurethane foam coating with closed pores rapidly seals fissures | Self-sealing cells |
Biology push (Bottom-up approach) | How do external cracks seal in succulent leaves? | Wound sealing in succulent leaves | Hydraulically and mechanically driven leaf deformation until the wound edges meet | Polymer with shape-memory effect | Self-sealing by deformation |
Technology pull (Top-down approach) | How to create a hinge-less flapping system? | Movement of the perch of Strelitzia flowers | Torsional buckling | Finite element modeling | Flectofin® |
Technology pull (Top-down approach) | How to optimize notch shapes? | Growth processes of trees | Trees respond to notches through adaptive growth | Reinforcement of highly stressed outer areas of components until a shape without stress peaks is obtained | Tensile triangles, Computer Aided Optimization |
Technology pull (Top-down approach) | How to create lightweight structures? | Growth processes in bones | Adaptation to new loads by building up and removing bone material | Creating a lightweight design through removal of non-load-bearing areas | Soft Kill Option |
Technology pull (Top-down approach) | How to find the optimal solution without knowing the target? | Evolutionary concepts | Reproduction, mutation, recombination and selection | Population-based optimization algorithms | Evolutionary algorithms |
Pictogram | Biomimetic Product or Method | Educational Module | Brief Description | Content | Target Group | Language [Reference] |
| Lotus-Effect® | Self-cleaning leaf surfaces | Self-cleaning function of various plant leaves | Hands-on experiments | Pupils | German [20] German, English [21] |
| Lotus-Effect® | Wettability of surfaces | Shape of water droplets | Hands-on experiments | Pupils | German [20] German, English [21] |
| Lotus-Effect® | Damage of the self-cleaning effect | Effects of damage to the surface properties and destruction of the surface tension of water | Hands-on experiments | Pupils | German [20] German, English [21] |
| Lotus-Effect® | Self-cleaning technical surfaces | Production of self-cleaning glass and paper surfaces | Hands-on experiments | Pupils | German, English [21] |
| Velcro® | Velcro target | Construction of a target with various fabrics | Building instruction, Velcro quiz | Pupils | German [22] |
| Velcro® | Application of weight | Pull-off tests in different directions of the hook-and-loop fastener | Hands-on experiments | Pupils | German, English [21] |
| Fluidic muscle | Movement quality | Comparison of the Fluidic Muscle and a double-acting cylinder | Hands-on experiments | Pupils | German, English [21] |
| Balloon muscle | Bio-inspired actuator | Lifting a weight with balloon, net and cable ties | Building instructions, hands-on experiments | Kindergarten children | German [23] |
| Meshed actuator | Plant-inspired actuator | Linear and curved mesh demonstrators | Building instructions, hands-on experiments | Pupils, students | English [24] |
| FinRay Effect | Self-adapting gripper | Comparison of shape-adjustment of various grippers | Building instruction, hands-on experiments | Pupils | German, English [21] |
| Lightweight ceiling | Bone-inspired ceiling | Construction along the main force trajectories | Photoelasticity, hands-on experiments | Pupils | German [25], English Supplementary Material S1 |
| Self-repairing materials systems | Wound repair in plants | Self-sealing cells | Hands-on experiments | Pupils | German [26] |
| Flectofin® | Strelitzia flower meets architecture | Hinge-less movement in plants and technology | Building instructions, hands-on experiments | Pupils, students | German [19] |
| Foldings | Folding in nature and technology developed in parallel | 2D- and 3D-shapes of basic patterns of folding | Templates for paper folding models | Pupils, students | German [27] |
| Plant motions | Self-actuated paper and wood models | Spatially complex plant movements | Building instructions and templates, hands-on experiments | Pupils, students | English [28] |
| Method of tensile triangles | Durable components | Construction of an optimized champagne glass | Photoelasticity, hands-on experiments | Pupils | German, English [21] |
| Evolutionary algorithms | Brachistochrone problem | Marble run with a curve of fastest descent | Online-experiment EvoBrach, building instruction, hands-on experiments | Students | German [29] |
| Evolutionary algorithm | Optimization of a milk carton | Packaging 1 liter of milk with as little material as possible | Hands-on experiments | Students | German [30] |
| Plant biomimetics on a stroll | Guided biomimetics tour in the Botanic Garden | Selection of well-known examples | Simple experiments on biomimetics and biomechanics | All groups | German [31,32] |
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Speck, O.; Speck, T. Biomimetics and Education in Europe: Challenges, Opportunities, and Variety. Biomimetics 2021, 6, 49.
Speck O, Speck T. Biomimetics and Education in Europe: Challenges, Opportunities, and Variety. Biomimetics. 2021; 6(3):49.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSpeck, Olga, and Thomas Speck. 2021. "Biomimetics and Education in Europe: Challenges, Opportunities, and Variety" Biomimetics 6, no. 3: 49.
APA StyleSpeck, O., & Speck, T. (2021). Biomimetics and Education in Europe: Challenges, Opportunities, and Variety. Biomimetics, 6(3), 49.