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Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Condensed Matter in 2017

Condensed Matter Editorial Office
MDPI AG, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland
Condens. Matter 2018, 3(1), 3;
Submission received: 11 January 2018 / Revised: 11 January 2018 / Accepted: 11 January 2018 / Published: 12 January 2018
Peer review is an essential part in the publication process, ensuring that Condensed Matter maintains high quality standards for its published papers. In 2017, a total of 36 papers were published in the journal. Thanks to the cooperation of our reviewers, the median time to first decision was 26 days and the median time to publication was 56 days. The editors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following reviewers for their time and dedication in 2017:
Adhikari, RajdeepKugel, Kliment
Agoritsas, ElisabethKumar, Dushyant
Arutyunov, KonstantinKuzemsky, A. L.
Awana, Veer P.S.Lee, Changgu
Ban, MasashiLin, Feng-li
Barbiellini, BernardoLupi, Stefano
Benseman, Timothy M.Maignan, Antoine
Boettcher, IgorMerino, Gabriel
Bulka, BogdanMiao, Guoxing
Bussmann-Holder, AnnetteMilosevic, Milorad
Caprara, SergioMizuguchi, Yoshikazu
Carretta, PietroMurai, Shunsuke
Caruntu, GabrielNass, Karol
Chandrasekharan, ShaileshNeil, Ethan
Chaves, Anderson SilvaNovikova, Irina
Continentino, Mucio AmadoOlsen, Murray K
Czechowski, ZbigniewOzaki, Toshinori
De Mello, Evandro Vidor LinsPalacios, Juan Jose
Delfanazari, KavehPatrascu, Andrei
Edgar, James H.Pellegrino, F. M. D.
Fancher, Chris M.Pinheiro, Mario
Ferdeghini, CarloPoccia, Nicola
Fortune, Nathanael A.Požek, Miroslav
Francesco, StellatoPtok, Andrzej
Franz, MarcelRamanathan, Shriram
Ganichev, SergeyReshchikov, Michael
Goto, YosukeSantschi, Christian
Grbić, MihaelSokolowski, Moritz
Gutierrez-Heredia, GerardoSon, Junwoo
Haindl, SilviaSong, Can-Li
Hasegawa, TakayukiStone, Michael
He, LianyiSvistunov, Boris
Hehl, Friedrich W.Symko, Orest G.
Holzmann, MarkusTomków, Łukasz
Hospodková, AliceTorres Del Castillo, Gerardo F.
Ibison, MichaelTringides, Michael
Ichikawa, MasakazuTsujino, Soichiro
Johnston, StevenTurner, Philip
Kalska-Szostko, BeataUhrig, Götz S.
Kang, JianUsui, Hidetomo
Kapsalis, VassilisValletta, Antonio
Kibler, MauriceVillegas, César E.P.
Klimin, SergheiWelander, Paul B
Koblischka, Michael RudolfYamakawa, Youichi
Koren, GadYang, Fan
Koumoulis, DimitriosZarenia, Mohammad
Koutroulakis, GeorgiosZhai, Hua-Jin
Krztoń-Maziopa, AnnaZhou, You

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Condensed Matter Editorial Office. Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Condensed Matter in 2017. Condens. Matter 2018, 3, 3.

AMA Style

Condensed Matter Editorial Office. Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Condensed Matter in 2017. Condensed Matter. 2018; 3(1):3.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Condensed Matter Editorial Office. 2018. "Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Condensed Matter in 2017" Condensed Matter 3, no. 1: 3.

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