Abstract Impulsive Volterra Integro-Differential Inclusions
:1. Introduction
2. Preliminaries
- (P1):
- is Laplace transformable, i.e., it is locally integrable on and there exists such that exists for all with . Put inf .
- (P2):
- satisfies (P1) and , for some .
2.1. Solution Operator Families Subgenerated by MLOs
- (1)
- is a linear submanifold of X;
- (2)
- for and for and
- (i)
- ;
- (ii)
- is a single-valued linear continuous operator on
- (i)
- (ii)
- (iii)
- A strong solution of (1) is any function satisfying that there exist two continuous functions and such that , for all , and
- (i)
- is said to be a subgenerator of a (local, if ) mild -regularized -existence and uniqueness family if the mappings and are continuous for every fixed and as well as the following conditions hold:
- (ii)
- Let be strongly continuous. We say that is a subgenerator of a (local, if ) mild -regularized -existence family if and only if (2) holds.
- (iii)
- Let be strongly continuous. is said a subgenerator of a (local, if ) mild -regularized -uniqueness family if and only if (3) holds.
- (i)
- Assume that is an MLO, is injective and We say that a strongly continuous operator family is an -regularized C-resolvent family with a subgenerator if and only if is a mild -regularized C-uniqueness family having as subgenerator, and for all .
- (ii)
- If then we say that is exponentially bounded (bounded) if and only if there exists () such that the family is bounded.
3. Abstract Impulsive Differential Inclusions of Integer Order
- (i)
- By a pre-solution of on we mean any function which is n-times continuously differentiable on the intervals the right derivatives exist for and the left derivatives exist for and and the requirements of hold.A solution of on is any pre-solution of on which additionally satisfies that there exists a function such that for , for , the right limits exist for and the left limits exist for
- (ii)
- Suppose that and the sequence has no accumulation point. By a (pre-)solution of on we mean any function which satisfies that, for every and the function is a (pre-)solution of on
- (i)
- Let be a closed single-valued linear operator and Then it is well known that A is the integral generator of a distribution semigroup (distribution cosine function) if and only if for each there exists such that A is the integral generator of a local -regularized semigroup (-regularized cosine function) on ; furthermore, there exists an injective operator such that A is the integral generator of a global C-regularized semigroup (C-regularized cosine function); cf. [29] for the notion and more details. Therefore, Theorem 1 and Corollary 1 can be successfully applied in the case that ().
- (ii)
- Suppose that the sequence of positive real numbers satisfies (M.1), (M.2) and (M.3) as well as that a closed linear operator A generates a regular ultradistribution semigroup (regular ultradistribution cosine function) of -class; then there exists an injective operator such that A is the integral generator of a global C-regularized semigroup (C-regularized cosine function); cf. ([29], Section 3.5 and 3.6) for the notion and more details. Consequently, Theorem 1 and Corollary 1 can be successfully applied in the case that (). For some important examples of (differential) operators generating ultradistribution semigroups (ultradistribution cosine functions), we refer the reader to ([29], Example 3.5.18, Example 3.5.23, Example 3.5.30(ii), Example 3.5.39).
- (iii)
- Suppose that , , , for some α with , , , (condition ([4], (W), p. 68) holds), and X is one of the spaces (), , , . DefineThen it is well known that the operator generates an exponentially bounded C-regularized semigroup (C-regularized cosine function) with an appropriately chosen regularizing operator so that Corollary 1 can be successfully applied in the case that ().
- (i)
- We can analyze the well-posedness of the abstract impulsive inclusion for the multivalued linear operators satisfying the following condition:
- (P)
- There exist finite constants and such that
Then the degenerate semigroup generated by has an integrable singularity at zero but we can still apply the method obeyed in the proof of Theorem 1 if the function satisfies the requirements of ([23], Theorem 3.7) and there exist vectors from the continuity set of the semigroup such that The established conclusion can be simply applied in the analysis of the following abstract impulsive Poisson heat equation in the space - (ii)
- Suppose that and C are closed linear operators in and the conditions ([23], (6.4)-(6.5)) are satisfied with some numbers and cf. also ([30], Example 3.10.10). In ([23], Chapter VI), the following second order differential equation without impulsive conditionsThe argumentation contained in the proof of ([23], Theorem 6.1) shows that the multivalued linear operator satisfies the condition (P) for a sufficiently large number in the pivot space Hence, this MLO generates a degenerate semigroup in having an integrable singularity at zero and exponentially decaying growth rate at infinity. Then we can apply ([23], Theorem 3.8, Theorem 3.9) in the analysis of existence and uniqueness of solutions of the abstract degenerate Cauchy problem without impulsive conditions:Furthermore, we can apply Corollary 1 with and in the analysis of the existence and uniqueness of the piecewise continuously differentiable solutions of the following second-order impulsive differential equation:As is well known, we can simply incorporate this result in the analysis of existence and uniqueness of piecewise continuously differentiable solutions of the following damped Poisson-wave type equation in the spaces or
- (i)
- and
- (ii)
- The mapping is entire.
3.1. The Abstract Impulsive Higher-Order Cauchy Problems
4. On Abstract Impulsive Fractional Differential Inclusions
- (i)
- The function is -times continuously differentiable on the intervals
- (ii)
- The right derivatives exist for and the left derivatives exist for and
- (i)
- Suppose that Then the Caputo fractional derivative is defined if and only if , by (8).
- (ii)
- Suppose that Then the Caputo fractional derivative is defined for if and only if for each we have and the Caputo fractional derivative is defined on the segment
5. Abstract Volterra Integro-Differential Inclusions with Impulsive Effects
- (i)
- (ii)
- (iii)
- A strong solution of (12) on is any function continuous on the set satisfying that there exist two functions and continuous on the set such that , for all , and
- (iv)
- (i)
- (ii)
- (i)
- Suppose and are kernels, , and is a closed subgenerator of a mild -regularized -uniqueness family , where Define for and if for some integer Define also for and if for some integer If then is a unique strong solution of problem (12) on with the operator C replaced therein with the operator .
- (ii)
- Suppose that and are kernels, , and is a closed subgenerator of a mild -regularized -existence family such that , where Define and in the same way as above, with the operator replaced therein with the operator and the elements Then is a solution of problem (12) on , with the operator C replaced therein with the operator .
- (i)
- Suppose that Ω is a bounded domain in a.e. , and Let B be the multiplication in with and let act with the Dirichlet boundary conditions. Then our analysis from ([28], Example 3.2.23) shows that that there exists an operator such that the MLO is a subgenerator of an entire -regularized -existence family. Consider now the following degenerate Volterra integral equation associated to the abstract backward Poisson heat equation in the space :
- (ii)
- Our analysis from ([28], Example 3.10.7) and the second equality in ([1], (1.21)) shows that we can similarly analyze the following degenerate Volterra integral equation closely connected with the inverse generator problem and the abstract backward Poisson heat equation in the space :
- (i)
- The mapping , is continuous for every fixed element .
- (ii)
- There exist and such that
- (iii)
- For every with and , the operator is injective, and
- (i)
- Suppose that and the following condition holds:
- (i.1)
- for every , there exista function and a number such that provided and .
Then the function , is a mild solution of (14) with , and without impulsive effects. The uniqueness of mild solutions holds if we suppose additionally that and the function satisfies (P2). - (ii)
- Suppose that , and the following condition holds:
- (ii.1)
- for every , there exist a function and a number such that provided and .
Then the function , is a strong solution of (14) with , and without impulsive effects. The uniqueness of strong solutions holds if we suppose additionally that the function satisfies (P2).
- (i)
- (ii)
6. Conclusions and Final Remarks
- (1).
- It seems very plausible that we can similarly analyze the well-posedness of the abstract incomplete Cauchy inclusions with impulsive effects; for more details about the subject, we refer the reader to ([28], Section 2.7, Section 3.9).
- (2).
- (3).
- Let us finally mention that we have not considered here the abstract impulsive Volterra integro-differential inclusions on the line as well as the existence and uniqueness of discontinuous almost periodic (automorphic) type solutions for certain classes of the abstract impulsive Cauchy problems on the line; see e.g., ([29], pp. 51–53) for more details about this subject in non-degenerate case. Our work almost completely belongs to the realm of pure mathematics, and numerical simulations and illustrations will appear somewhere else.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Du, W.-S.; Kostić, M.; Velinov, D. Abstract Impulsive Volterra Integro-Differential Inclusions. Fractal Fract. 2023, 7, 73. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract7010073
Du W-S, Kostić M, Velinov D. Abstract Impulsive Volterra Integro-Differential Inclusions. Fractal and Fractional. 2023; 7(1):73. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract7010073
Chicago/Turabian StyleDu, Wei-Shih, Marko Kostić, and Daniel Velinov. 2023. "Abstract Impulsive Volterra Integro-Differential Inclusions" Fractal and Fractional 7, no. 1: 73. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract7010073
APA StyleDu, W.-S., Kostić, M., & Velinov, D. (2023). Abstract Impulsive Volterra Integro-Differential Inclusions. Fractal and Fractional, 7(1), 73. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract7010073