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Proceeding Paper

Sales-Based Models for Resource Management and Scheduling in Artificial Intelligence Systems †

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Maharishi Markandeshwar Deemed to Be University, Ambala 133203, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, Greater Noida 226001, India
Department of Management, Maharashtra Ex-Servicemen Corporation Ltd., Pune 411001, India
Department of Information Technology, GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Greater Noida 201306, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad 201015, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amity University, Lucknow 226010, India
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Presented at the International Conference on Recent Advances on Science and Engineering, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 4–5 October 2023.
Eng. Proc. 2023, 59(1), 43;
Published: 13 December 2023
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of Eng. Proc., 2023, RAiSE-2023)


Recent trends have shown a greatly increasing number of users in the digital world, so there is a need for a large number of resources. To handle these resources, there is the need to manage and schedule in an optimized manner using artificial intelligence (AI) systems. These systems deal with the business-common method of managing offerings. Ordinary models consolidate inbound deals, outbound bargains, account-based offerings, or a mix of diverse models. An organization model may gather multiple choices that an organization makes over a long period of time, considering a system, cycle, or trade. In our approach, computational resources are treated as commodities that can be bought and sold in a decentralized marketplace. Agents representing AI tasks or workloads participate in resource auctions, competing for the resources they need. The allocation of resources is determined through competitive bidding, where the highest bidder secures the required resources. This approach encourages efficient resource utilization and fair distribution based on the tasks’ priorities and value. Our sales-based models for resource management and scheduling offer a promising solution for optimizing AI systems’ resource allocation. By applying principles from auction theory and market dynamics, AI systems can become more adaptive, responsive, and efficient in managing computational resources, ultimately leading to improved performance and resource utilization.

1. Introduction

For the better part of the last two decades, the term artificial intelligence has been part of our collective consciousness as a field, technology, or buzzword. In several different fields, the significance of AI in enhancing business procedures, risk management, decision support systems, and customer service has been clearly established [1]. Up to 50% of respondents to a recent McKinsey survey titled The State of AI in 2020 indicated that their businesses had implemented AI in at least one business function, with product or service development and service operations seeing the greatest adoption. The significance of AI in business expansion, customer retention, and customer service is emphasized in this [2]. Therefore, the question that arises is how well-equipped businesses are to effectively utilize AI across the various business functions and guarantee timely, relevant, and accurate intelligence for the business functions that require it [3]. The execution of code in various types of data is the foundation of artificial intelligence, which is an extension of software engineering [4,5,6]. Typically, libraries known as algorithms or machine learning models are used to extract relevant intelligence from such code. Sentiment analysis in user-generated content based on natural language, revenue prediction in sales, and anomaly detections in security are all examples of such use cases. With readily available resources that assist software developers and programmers in creating working use cases based on the data they possess, the development of use cases utilizing AI algorithms has advanced significantly over the past few years [7,8,9].
The relative development of AI management systems is rare, despite the constant buzz about AI. Because of this, businesses that use AI manage it by creating their own solutions. This frequently provides a short-term solution to a problem or need, but it does little to address the much more pressing need for a mature AI management process [10,11,12]. This is something we will talk about in a future article, but to summarize, the size of a business’s operations largely determines the need for such systems. The scale of developing an AI management system in addition to its own internal systems can be far too demanding for a company offering a technology product or service that can be enhanced by AI to be effective. Clearly, these businesses stand to gain from utilizing external AI management systems.
AI is necessary for management and business. Around 12.9% of the world’s population now considers artificial intelligence to be a significant technology that is reshaping both the public and private sectors. A new management style that combines the vision of a leader with the expertise of a scientist over a growing body of specialized knowledge will need to be developed by an organization that adopts and invests in artificial intelligence technology [13]. AI has increased productivity by 40% in businesses. A prediction system is shown in Figure 1. A company’s business management procedures must be continuously and rapidly improved. There is always room for improvement because optimizations and enhancements can be made at any time. A prospective student will gain a better understanding of the role that artificial intelligence plays in maximizing business management [14]. As they implement artificial intelligence technologies into their operations, businesses are beginning to see measurable advantages. Depending on the maturity level of a company’s AI technology, business process efficiency is the most important benefit, according to enterprise users [15,16,17].
Increased productivity and efficiency are the most frequently mentioned advantages of incorporating AI into an organization. The speed and scale at which AI technology handles tasks surpass human capabilities. AI not only frees up human workers to concentrate on higher-value tasks that machines are unable to perform, but it also frees them from the responsibilities associated with completing such tasks. Consequently, organizations can maximize the potential of their human resources while simultaneously minimizing costs associated with repeatable tasks that can be performed with technology [14].

2. State of the art

Artificial intelligence will help businesses to move speedier within the advanced age, said Karen Panetta, a teacher of electrical and computer building at Tufts College and an individual at the IEEE. Shorter advancement cycles and shorter commercialization times empower speedier ROI on advancement dollars due to AI’s capacity to abbreviate improvement cycles and cut the time between planning and commercialization. AI can capture and prepare a gigantic sum of information in real time; organizations can actualize near-instantaneous checking capabilities that can caution them to issues, propose activities, and, in a few cases, start reactions [13]. Executives utilizing artificial intelligence can lead to the extension of their trade models. There is an opportunity for businesses to lock in an assortment of modern exercises at the same time. As a trade, it is progressively critical for us to convey positive client encounters. As Earley Data Science pointed out, it is our purpose to typify everything we know about a client, the customer’s needs, our arrangements, and our competitors, and after that display to them what they require when they require it. When AI innovations are included in firms, organizations can anticipate less mistakes and a more noteworthy adherence to setting up measures [15]. As AI and machine learning are combined with advances like RPA, which computerize monotonous, rules-based assignments with negligible human mediation, the combination improves efficiency and diminishes the number of mistakes, as well as preparing it to handle a broader extent of assignments promptly [18].

3. AI Resource Management

Artificial intelligence has the potential to make good managers great in business. However, what are the advantages of utilizing AI in business? The use of artificial intelligence can be found in a wide range of business settings, including automating routine tasks, finding patterns in vast amounts of data, and improving relationships with customers and employees [19]. Since they can now concentrate more on how they can add value to their organizations, these changes should be beneficial to most managers. One must embrace the potential of artificial intelligence in business if one wants to succeed, including expanding one’s skill set and maximizing AI’s impact. Data-driven management AI is better than humans at crunching numbers, recognizing patterns, and making data-driven decisions more quickly. This application of artificial intelligence, which is capable of processing large amounts of data and producing trend directions and actionable advice, can greatly benefit any manager who is looking for quantitative support in making decisions [5]. As a result, the fields of management and prevention use AI more frequently. Administrative work accounts for a significant portion of a manager’s day-to-day activities. These tasks are necessary but frequently routine, and do not test their skills. When artificial intelligence is applied to routine management tasks, managers can spend more time on high-value activities, and this is how AI works for administrative tasks. Achieving measurable, near-term results is a forward-looking activity that aims to achieve radical clarity soon. With great AI-powered goal-setting software, teams can set and meet better goals. By learning from previous target results, AI provides teams with immediate insights into objectives, management behavior, and engagement patterns so that they can maximize their impact.
Adaptive workload management was developed with the intention of intelligently allocating data resources across workloads, either automatically or by means of a preference-based alert. This process uses machine learning to keep track of both expected and actual runtimes so that workload predictions can be made, and resources can be adjusted accordingly. Adaptive workload management can either notify users of findings or automatically correct an issue if it is likely that one will occur. This contrasts with previous strategies for allocating resources in which users set a predetermined limit for the number or size of workloads. These cutoff points should then be checked and routinely changed physically in order to maintain the highest productivity. IBM testing has tracked down a better conceivable use with versatility in the responsibility of executives to bring data set execution enhancements up to 30 percent. This is, in part, because it helps to automate a process that was previously extremely manual and time-consuming: tuning. Instead of focusing on maintenance, DBAs can focus on activities that add value. Additionally, it aids in preventing asset underutilization and performance issues or failures that may result from human error. Extra optimization can be achieved by applying machine learning to how questions are run. Customarily, cost-based optimizers have been utilized, which work well to prescribe the speediest execution technique in a few cases, but are not effective at understanding later database changes and have no way to memorize based on encounters. Indeed, the same methodology would be recommended if it worked ideally on past events [7,8,9].
Machine learning inquiry optimization changes this by learning from real inquiry execution and repeating on the proposal that it makes for which way the inquiry ought to be handled. In this way, it mimics neural organizational designs to memorize based on involvement. For example, an optimizer looking at four tables may suggest joining two sets of tables together, and after that, joining the remaining two tables as well. Machine learning inquiry optimization seems to learn that this is not ideal and propose joining two tables, at that point adding a third to the result, and then adding a fourth to the result of that. Inside IBM testing has found that machine learning inquiry optimization has resulted in questions being completed 8-10 times quicker. In addition, as with versatile workload administration, the time that would have been spent by a DBA to screen execution and make redresses can be put towards things of greater importance [18].

4. Sales Parameters

The effectiveness of a sales-based model for resource management and scheduling in an AI system heavily depends on the careful definition and tuning of these parameters to align with the specific goals, requirements, and characteristics of the AI workloads and resources in the system. Additionally, the ongoing monitoring and adjustment of these parameters are essential to maintain optimal resource allocation and system performance. As economies all over the planet are confronting difficulties, including production network challenges, enhancing assets has never been more significant. The versatile responsibility of executives is a use of artificial intelligence innovation that permits organizations and different associations to work out some kind of harmony. Leadership teams can use AI to make sure they are using every resource without overburdening the system they depend on. Intelligently allocating resources for data collection and processing is the goal of adaptive workload management. A basic method for envisioning the versatile responsibility of a board of executives is to picture a vigilant group chief. This individual is notified when each colleague is working ideally or, on the off chance, that some are becoming overpowered, while others are exhausted. They reallocate workloads based on this information [12,13,14,15,16].
Once modified and prepared, AI can keep learning without extra human information. Artificial intelligence and ML outflank people as assets due to their ability to deal with larger measures of information quicker than an individual could. They can quickly fill vacant capacities that humans might have missed because of this characteristic. ML algorithms, on the other hand, recognize and determine when a system is at risk of becoming overloaded [17]. Optimizing queries using machine learning goes beyond determining the most cost-effective option. The effectiveness of previous queries is taken into consideration by this more refined strategy. The machine learning algorithm adapts its suggestions based on previous queries. As opposed to just zeroing in on one element, like cost reserve funds, ML-controlled question advancement adapts for late data set changes and previous results. The human brain would approach the task exactly in this manner, locating pathways based on knowledge and experience [9].
Designing a sales-based model for resource management and scheduling in an artificial intelligence (AI) system involves defining key parameters to ensure efficient and dynamic resource allocation. These parameters are critical for controlling the behavior of the resource allocation process and adapting to the specific requirements of the AI workload [18]. Organizations gain a better understanding of their resources when artificial intelligence is used for resource optimization, the setup of which has been shown in Figure 2. Asset enhancement makes advanced processes apparent and eventually helps to balance abilities and costs, for example, by specifying the role and responsibilities of the auctioneer, who facilitates resource auctions (this may include determining the starting price, enforcing auction rules, and managing the auction process); defining metrics and parameters for evaluating resource utilization, such as resource utilization thresholds, load balancing goals, and efficiency benchmarks; specifying QoS requirements for AI tasks, including response time, throughput, and performance thresholds that need to be met; and considering how the sales-based model can scale as the system grows, including parameters related to accommodating additional resources and agents.

5. AI-Based Evaluation System

An AI-based evaluation system is a technology-driven approach that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to assess and evaluate various aspects of a process, product, or performance. These systems can be applied in a wide range of domains, from education and human resources to quality control and healthcare. They offer numerous advantages, such as automation, consistency, objectivity, and the ability to process vast amounts of data [19]. Figure 3 shows the combined results of information mining, machine learning, and profound learning usage that designers are permitted.
One of the vital advantages of involving artificial intelligence in board assets is the capacity to run different questions simultaneously. For instance, it is not generally the best choice to prioritize enormous inquiries over little questions. Mature ML query optimization, on the other hand, considers which query combinations would work best in parallel [20]. To guarantee responsiveness and optimal utilization, the objective is to fairly allocate and isolate resources within a system. This task becomes more difficult with increasing system complexity.
All things being equal, scanners and standardized tags consequently associate with incorporated stock programming, which likewise holds basic creation- and deals-related data. As a result, a company’s inventory status can be seen in real time. Groups of inventories can be easily categorized using business tags. The maritime and shipping sectors are also being transformed by AI-based resource management. Despite experiencing a slowdown in business during the pandemic, the sector is now operating at full capacity. Artificial intelligence can uphold this bounce-back in various ways, including determining future transportation drifts and enhancing current business processes. One use for this is to keep track of the inventory of containers. AI-based evaluation systems have a broad range of applications, and their effectiveness largely depends on the quality of data, the appropriateness of AI models, and the alignment with specific evaluation goals and criteria. These systems are increasingly valuable in automating and enhancing evaluation processes across various domains.

6. Conclusions and Future Work

The future work for sales-based models in resource management and scheduling, particularly in the context of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, involves addressing emerging challenges, improving efficiency, and extending their applicability. A reasonable arrange of activity is one that grants a business to charge a fee for the value it is producing, with the concluding objective being that the business receives adequate reviews to form a reputation and keep working over the long haul. Anything a business advertises must moreover fulfill their client’s needs and quality presumptions by developing more advanced bidding strategies that can adapt to dynamic resource availability and pricing; considering reinforcement learning and game theory approaches to optimize agent bidding; expanding the scope of sales-based models to handle complex multi-agent systems with diverse objectives, priorities, and resource requirements; and developing mechanisms for effective negotiation and cooperation among agents.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, D.D., S.M.S., Y.G., M.S., N.G. and A.T.; formal analysis, A.T.; investigation, N.G. and D.D.; writing—original draft preparation, A.T. and M.S.; writing—review and editing Y.G., M.S., N.G. and A.T.; supervision, Y.G., M.S., N.G. and A.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data is contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

Though Yatish Ganganwar involved in the work as an expert from the Maharashtra Ex-Servicemen Corporation Ltd., pune, we declare overall there is no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Cloud-based sales system prediction.
Figure 1. Cloud-based sales system prediction.
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Figure 2. Cloud setup system of sales.
Figure 2. Cloud setup system of sales.
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Figure 3. Quality-based AI system.
Figure 3. Quality-based AI system.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Dudeja, D.; Sabharwal, S.M.; Ganganwar, Y.; Singhal, M.; Goyal, N.; Tiwari, A. Sales-Based Models for Resource Management and Scheduling in Artificial Intelligence Systems. Eng. Proc. 2023, 59, 43.

AMA Style

Dudeja D, Sabharwal SM, Ganganwar Y, Singhal M, Goyal N, Tiwari A. Sales-Based Models for Resource Management and Scheduling in Artificial Intelligence Systems. Engineering Proceedings. 2023; 59(1):43.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Dudeja, Deepak, Shweta Mayor Sabharwal, Yatish Ganganwar, Manoj Singhal, Nitin Goyal, and Ashish Tiwari. 2023. "Sales-Based Models for Resource Management and Scheduling in Artificial Intelligence Systems" Engineering Proceedings 59, no. 1: 43.

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