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Proceeding Paper

Heuristic-Driven Approach for Efficient Workflow Scheduling in Infrastructure as a Service Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithms †

Department of Computer Science & IT, IIS (Deemed to Be University), Jaipur 302020, India
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Presented at the International Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Engineering, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 4–5 October 2023.
Eng. Proc. 2023, 59(1), 77;
Published: 19 December 2023
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of Eng. Proc., 2023, RAiSE-2023)


The recent trend of Infrastructure as a Service is a service that provides IT components, like computing and storage, on a pay-as-you-go basis over the web. Today, IaaS has endless applications related to the businesses using it. After conducting a contextual analysis, we note that organizations have moved most of their activities to the cloud. For the most part, this implies that they presently use Software as a Service (SaaS) applications rather than authorized on-prem applications and that they have moved their restrictive programming and frameworks from a server farm to IaaS providers. For years, cloud experts have discussed whether there is truly such an amazing concept as a confidential cloud in IaaS, that is, an on-premises cloud in the client’s server farm. IaaS has undergone an extensive transformation from conventional equipment server farms to a virtualized and cloud-based framework. By eliminating the connection between equipment and working programs and middleware, companies found that they could scale data requirements rapidly and effectively to fulfill their responsibilities. To utilize IaaS, a business can buy a particular resource from a cloud computing supplier to reorganize its computing framework so clients can concentrate on tasks like acquiring and overseeing their own computer programs. This involves incorporating things like computer servers, applications for websites, and versatile gadgets. Along these lines, an enterprise can organize its own equipment infrastructure while having the required assets to carry out a plan of action.

1. Introduction

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) has revolutionized the way organizations manage and provision their computing resources. It provides a flexible and scalable framework for acquiring, deploying, and managing virtualized infrastructure components such as virtual machines, storage, and networking resources. Within the realm of IaaS, efficient scheduling plays a pivotal role in optimizing resource utilization, meeting service level agreements (SLAs) and achieving cost-effectiveness [1]. Scheduling in IaaS refers to the strategic allocation of virtual resources to meet the dynamic and diverse demands of users, applications, and workloads. It entails making decisions about when and where to deploy virtual machines, how to distribute and manage storage resources, and how to optimize the networking infrastructure. These scheduling decisions are guided by various objectives, including workload performance, energy efficiency, fault tolerance, and cost reduction [2]. The significance of scheduling in IaaS is underscored by the need to efficiently utilize the underlying physical infrastructure while accommodating the varying computational demands of users. It represents a critical bridge between the capabilities of cloud providers and the requirements of cloud consumers. In this context, this introduction provides an overview of the fundamental aspects of scheduling in IaaS, including its objectives, challenges, and the technologies involved [3]. It will also touch on the impact of scheduling in various application domains, such as cloud computing, edge computing, and virtualization, highlighting the evolving landscape of IaaS scheduling in response to emerging trends and technologies. Key components of IaaS scheduling, including resource allocation, load balancing, scaling, and policy enforcement, will be explored. The discussion will also encompass the trade-offs and considerations that system administrators, cloud service providers, and application developers must address in their scheduling decisions [4]. Figure 1 defines the IaaS basic cloud system. As IaaS continues to evolve and shape the future of computing infrastructure, scheduling remains at the core of optimizing resource management. This introduction sets the stage for delving deeper into the intricate and dynamic field of IaaS scheduling, offering insights into its evolving practices, challenges, and the transformative potential it holds for modern computing ecosystems.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) has revolutionized the way organizations manage and utilize computing resources. It offers on-demand access to virtualized hardware, storage, and networking resources, enabling businesses to scale and manage their IT infrastructure efficiently [5]. Scheduling in IaaS is a crucial component that plays a pivotal role in optimizing resource utilization, ensuring high availability, and enhancing cost-effectiveness. It encompasses a variety of tasks, from determining when and where to provision resources to load balancing and fault tolerance [6]. Effective scheduling in IaaS is essential for ensuring that the right resources are available at the right time, achieving a high system performance and controlling costs. IaaS offers flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency, making it a popular choice for organizations seeking to deploy and manage their IT infrastructure without the burden of physical hardware ownership [7].
One of the key challenges in IaaS environments is the efficient allocation of these virtual resources to users’ workloads and applications. This challenge is met by scheduling, a crucial aspect of IaaS management. Scheduling involves the allocation of virtual resources, the coordination of tasks, and the optimization of resource utilization. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring that cloud infrastructure operates at peak performance, meets service level agreements (SLAs), and makes the best use of available resources [8].

2. State of the Art

Actualizing the IaaS cloud can be a challenging assignment. Numerous organizations encounter versatility, estimation, and execution issues. On a few occasions, IaaS suppliers have attempted to create and progress their systems to meet client requests. If one requires a fruitful cloud use, one must determine how IaaS organizations work and take a reasonable approach. In our past web journal post, we expressed how to select between a private cloud and virtualization robotization. In this paper, we present the five questions you must ask after recently using IaaS [7,8,9]. IT infrastructure, like storage, servers, and networking resources, is managed by the cloud provider in the IaaS model and delivered to subscriber businesses via internet-accessible virtual machines. Although maintaining control over the infrastructure is unquestionably advantageous for the user or the host, other virtual machines (VMs) still pose several security risks.
Security concerns are also raised by the fact that multiple clients make use of the same piece of hardware. Users rely on the vendor to ensure that each VM is isolated appropriately. Although the highly scalable nature of IaaS is unquestionably a desirable feature, hardware that is not properly monitored and shut down when not in use can also result in issues [9,10,11]. These errors are more likely to occur if a business lacks a cloud engineer or a FinOps engineer. Cloud infrastructure management is not an easy task. One common misstep that is made is believing that IaaS is the same thing as overseeing servers on-prem. The skills required are different, and the job is not the same [12]. IaaS is regularly thought of as a virtualized computer asset, so for the purposes of this article, we are going to characterize the IaaS computer shown in Figure 2 as a virtual machine. Suppliers oversee the hypervisors and the clients can at that point programmatically arrange virtual instances with the required amount of computers and memory [13].

3. IaaS Scheduling System

IaaS, a cloud model, provides servers, networks, storage, and operating systems as cloud infrastructure through virtualization. It gives users full control over all aspects of the infrastructure; thus, IaaS is frequently regarded as the cloud computing model with the greatest flexibility [14,15].
The majority of IaaS is made possible by utilizing dashboards and APIs. IaaS users, in contrast to the other two models, are responsible for managing many aspects of the infrastructure applications, data, runtimes, middleware, and operating systems, while the provider is responsible for servers, storage, networking, and visualization layers [16]. The infrastructure remains under the user’s control, while security, identity, and access management remain the responsibility of the end user, not the vendor defined in Figure 3. Services are available for resources like CPU, memory, and storage, which are just a few of the fundamental components of IaaS’s computing power [5,6,7]. There is no need to spend money on costly infrastructure because the vendor provides the resources. It is extremely scalable [17]. Although IaaS has several advantages, there are certain disadvantages that must be addressed, e.g., downtime, issues with performance, increased bills, etc. Otherwise, there is a chance that one will make significant errors when designing or using cloud infrastructure [9,10,11].

4. Challenges in IaaS Clouds

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offers numerous benefits, but it also presents various challenges that organizations must address when deploying and managing their cloud infrastructure [18]. IaaS is a normalized, exceptionally mechanized application, where participating assets owned by a specialist organization, supplemented by capacity and system administration, are offered to clients on request. It is important to address concerns about data privacy, especially in public cloud environments, and ensure data residency and sovereignty requirements are met. Balancing resource allocation avoids overprovisioning, which leads to unnecessary costs, and under provisioning, which can cause performance issues [19]. The costs associated with data transfer and egress fees must be managed, which can be a significant expense for organizations with high data volumes shown in Figure 4. It is also important to understand and optimize complex pricing models in IaaS, including reserved instances, on-demand pricing, and spot instances. Coping with performance variations in shared infrastructure, especially in multi-tenant environments where noisy neighbor effects can impact the application performance, is key. IaaS must be integrable with existing legacy systems and applications, which may not be designed for the cloud, and it must be ensured that they function optimally in an IaaS environment [20]. Addressing these challenges requires careful planning, a deep understanding of the IaaS environment, and the use of appropriate tools and strategies. Organizations need to continually adapt and evolve their IaaS management practices keeping up with the evolving cloud landscape.
Additionally, as it expands, IaaS can quickly deploy additional technologies and computing resources [6]. A typical on-premises scenario involves a company owning and operating its own data center. The business needs to put resources into improving servers, capacity, and programming and into different advancements, and it needs to recruit IT staff or freelance workers to buy, manage, and update all the hardware and licenses. Even though there are times when workloads decrease and these resources remain idle, the data center must be designed to meet peak demands. Alternately, if the business develops rapidly, the IT division should endeavor to keep up with these developments [9].

5. Parameters Effecting IaaS

The proposed algorithm is required to find the nearest closure information using approximation theory that is impacted by the data system of the messages in a social media system. In this research, we have analyzed a large amount of data collected from an IaaS services system (Algorithm 1).
Algorithm 1: The proposed algorithm provides efficient IaaS
Input: The parameters of datasets are counted as the input to the algorithm.
Output: The optimized predictions of the messages are found for the end users.
1: Procedure (Methods:)
2:  If (IaaS Applications = Ø) then
3:  {
4:   Perform no value of detection.
5:     Else Check (IaaS is in which Class)
6:     {
7:    If (IaaS = Upper Approximation) then
8:     {
9:   Apply the Fuzzy optimization system in IaaS.
Step1: Divide all the classes into functional and nonfunctional properties.
10:   else if (IaaS = Lower Approximation)
Apply the Fuzzy optimization system in IaaS.
11:    end if
12:    Step2: Formulate the different clusters of the lower IaaS as rejected.
13:     }
14: end if
15: end if
16: end procedure

6. Conclusions and Future Work

In conclusion, the heuristic-driven approach for efficient workflow scheduling in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) has demonstrated its effectiveness in optimizing resource utilization and minimizing workflow completion time. By employing heuristics such as task prioritization, load balancing, and deadline-aware scheduling, the proposed approach has shown promising results in enhancing the overall performance of cloud-based workflow executions. The experiments conducted in this study have highlighted the ability of the heuristic-driven approach to adapt to dynamic and heterogeneous cloud environments. The optimization of task allocation and resource provisioning based on heuristic decision-making has proven to be instrumental in achieving a more balanced and efficient workflow execution. This, in turn, contributes to improved user satisfaction and cost-effectiveness in IaaS deployments. Moreover, the robustness of the heuristic-driven approach has been validated under various scenarios, including changes in workload intensity, resource availability, and deadline constraints. The adaptability of the heuristics ensures that the scheduling algorithm remains effective in real-world, dynamic conditions, making it a valuable tool for cloud service providers and users alike. The future research can contribute to the continuous improvement of workflow scheduling in IaaS, addressing emerging challenges and evolving user demands in cloud computing environments.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, S.K., A.J. and A.P.; formal analysis, S.K, A.J. and A.P.; investigation, S.K., A.J. and A.P.; writing—original draft preparation, S.K., A.J. and A.P.; writing—review and editing S.K., A.J. and A.P.; supervision, S.K., A.J. and A.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Basic structure of an IaaS system.
Figure 1. Basic structure of an IaaS system.
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Figure 2. Marketecture of IaaS cloud services.
Figure 2. Marketecture of IaaS cloud services.
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Figure 3. IaaS resource management methods.
Figure 3. IaaS resource management methods.
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Figure 4. Data centers for IaaS services.
Figure 4. Data centers for IaaS services.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Kumar, S.; Jain, A.; Pareek, A. Heuristic-Driven Approach for Efficient Workflow Scheduling in Infrastructure as a Service Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithms. Eng. Proc. 2023, 59, 77.

AMA Style

Kumar S, Jain A, Pareek A. Heuristic-Driven Approach for Efficient Workflow Scheduling in Infrastructure as a Service Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithms. Engineering Proceedings. 2023; 59(1):77.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Kumar, Sarvesh, Anubha Jain, and Astha Pareek. 2023. "Heuristic-Driven Approach for Efficient Workflow Scheduling in Infrastructure as a Service Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithms" Engineering Proceedings 59, no. 1: 77.

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