Quantum Materials

A section of Condensed Matter (ISSN 2410-3896).

Section Information

Quantum Materials (QMs) reveal a wealth of fascinating properties. In quantum matter, this is for instance manifested in strongly interacting electron systems, e.g., multiferroic materials and superconductors, where various types of orders/interactions associated with spin, charge or orbital degrees of freedom are present, which could compete or appear to be synergic.

The quantum properties of materials find their roots in complex interplay between factors such as the symmetry, quantum fluctuations, quantum confinement, topology, electron–electron interaction and relativistic spin–orbit interactions. Examples of these exotic physical properties are metal–insulator transition, quantum spin–liquid state, anomalous Hall effect in topological insulators and high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates and iron pnictides.

In addition, small variations of parameters, such as temperature, pressure or chemical composition, can alter the quantum properties of matter significantly. Therefore, studying such systems is not only important from a fundamental point of view but has also the potential to provide the basis for a new generation of profoundly transformative technologies, multifunctional devices and new information processing and storage.

The crucial requirement to achieve this is the development and investigation of suitable materials in crystalline form with the potential for new quantum behavior leading us through a voyage of discoveries.

Therefore, the main focus of the Section “Quantum Materials” is to encourage the submission of scientific manuscripts on novel QMs that display novel quantum electronic phases and/or have multifunctional properties, whereby their physics are studied by application of a suite of complementary experimental techniques combined with theoretical modeling of structural, electronic and magnetic properties. Then, to use the understanding gained from such experimental and theoretical investigations to prototype new device concepts with functional materials.

Prof. Dr. Amir-Abbas Haghighirad

Section Editor-in-Chief


  • Quantum Materials;
  • Synthesis and Crystal Growth of Novel Quantum Materials;
  • Thin Films and Nanostructures;
  • Crystallographic and Electronic Structure of Quantum Materials;
  • Quantum Crystallography;
  • High-Tc Superconductors (Iron-Based SCs and Cuprates);
  • Quantum Magnetism;
  • Quantum Phase Transitions;
  • Topological Superconductors;
  • Topological Insulators;
  • Dirac Materials;
  • Quantum Materials under Extreme Conditions of Pressure, Temperature or Magnetic Fields.
  • Editorial Board

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