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16–17 September 2021, Kuchl, Austria
Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials

On behalf of the organizing committee of SCSM21, it is our pleasure to invite you to the first international conference on Smart Materials from the 16th to 17th September in Kuchl, Salzburg, hosted by the Salzburg Center for Smart Materials, a joint project by the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg and the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.

The conference aims to bring together a highly diverse research community affiliated with smart materials. Relevant topics range from material science and engineering, to smart manufacturing and smart materials contributing to a bio-economy.

We start the first day with talks from keynote speakers from related scientific fields and industry representatives. The keynotes will be followed by paper and poster presentations divided by research areas. The second day will be dedicated to state-of-the-art smart materials within the industry. Representatives of leading companies will present their work, followed by a visit to a company active in the field.

Authors are invited to contribute with a poster or an oral presentation related to the suggested topics. Prospective authors must submit an abstract until the 1st of March, to be reviewed by the scientific committee. Upon acceptance, a full paper can be submitted. Selected full papers will be published within a special issue of the MDPI journal and will get the chance to win a best paper award (300CHF). Suggested topics regarding the call for abstracts are:

Material Science and Engineering

  • (Bio)-polymers
  • Lightweight and composite materials
  • Nano technology & materials

Smart Manufacturing & Material Design

  • (Personal) digital fabrication
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Do-it-Yourself materials

Smart Material Characterization

  • Measuring methods
  • Methodology of research & analysis

Smart Materials in a Bio-Economy

  • For energy & environmental applications
  • Coming from renewable resources

Thanks to the EFRE-program and the state of Salzburg there is no participation fee. However only a limited number of tickets is available (140).

We look forward to welcome you in September 2021 and to give you the opportunity of combing your scientific stay with a trip to various touristic highlights in the Austrian Alps.

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