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5–8 September 2022, Łódź, Poland
10th International Meeting on Halogen Chemistry

HALCHEM-X follows the 20-year-old tradition of the symposia, which originates from the first one held in 2002, when a small group of fans of halogen chemistry arrived in Sardinia. The next four meetings were organized in the south of Europe: in Italy in 2004 (HALCHEM-II, Sardinia), in Greece in 2006 (HALCHEM-III, Ioannina), in Spain in 2008 (HALCHEM-IV, Barcelona), and Italy again in 2010 (HALCHEM-V, Cagliari). The HALCHEM-VI moved to India and was held in Bangalore in 2013. The 7th Symposium returned to Europe and was held in Częstochowa (Poland) in 2015. The 8th Symposium was held in Inujama (Japan) in 2017, and the most recent one, HalChem-IX was organized in Perugia (Italy) in 2019. Now, after a long break in face-to-face meetings due to the pandemic, the organizers are pleased to invite all colleagues interested in halogen chemistry to Lodz (Poland), in September 2022.

Hot topics of HalChem-X

  • Halogen containing substrates in modern organic synthesis
  • Halogenated compounds in polymer and materials chemistry
  • Halogens in medicinally relevant and naturally occurring compounds
  • Halogen mediated reaction mechanisms
  • Halogen bonding: structural aspects and theoretical calculations
  • Halogenated compounds in polymer and materials chemistry
  • Crystallography and crystal engineering of halogen containing compounds

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