
Minerals is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of natural mineral systems, mineral resources, mining, and mineral processing. Minerals is published monthly online by MDPI.
  • Open Access— free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
  • High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), GeoRef, CaPlus / SciFinder, Inspec, Astrophysics Data SystemAGRIS, and other databases.
  • Journal Rank: JCR - Q2 (Geochemistry and Geophysics) / CiteScore - Q2 (Geology)
  • Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 18 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 2.6 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the first half of 2024).
  • Recognition of Reviewers: reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports receive vouchers entitling them to a discount on the APC of their next publication in any MDPI journal, in appreciation of the work done.
  • Companion journal: Mining
Impact Factor: 2.2 (2023); 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.5 (2023)
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Topic in Remote Sensing, Energies, Minerals, Geosciences, Geotechnics
Support Theory and Technology of Geotechnical Engineering Topic Editors: Qi Wang, Bei Jiang, Xuezhen Wu, Hongke Gao
Deadline: 20 July 2024
Topic in Molecules, Separations, Sustainability, Water, Minerals
Analysis and Separations of Trace Elements in the Environment Topic Editors: Gene Hall, Begoña González
Deadline: 31 July 2024
Topic in Minerals, Geosciences
STRESS—Highlights in Ammonite Research: Stratigraphy, Taphonomy, Resources, Ecology, Stable Isotopes, and Sedimentary Geology in Focus Topic Editors: Laszlo Bujtor, Camille Frau, Seyed Naser Raisossadat
Deadline: 31 August 2024
Topic in Applied Sciences, Energies, Materials, Minerals, Processes, Resources
New Advances in Mining Technology Topic Editors: Shuai Li, Xinmin Wang
Deadline: 20 September 2024
Special Issue in Minerals
Mineral Chemistry of Granitoids: Constraints on Crystallization Conditions and Petrological Evolution Guest Editors: Ignez de Pinho Guimarães, Jefferson Valdemiro De Lima
Deadline: 5 July 2024
Special Issue in Minerals
Uranium: Geochemistry and Mineralogy Guest Editors: Raymond H. Johnson, Johanna Blake
Deadline: 30 July 2024
Special Issue in Minerals
Soil-Water-Plant Cycle of Potentially Toxic Elements: Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment Approach, and Remediation Strategies Guest Editors: Abayneh Ataro Ambushe, Ntebogeng Mokgalaka-Fleischmann
Deadline: 10 August 2024
Topical Collection in Minerals
Clays and Other Industrial Mineral Materials Collection Editors: Manuel Pozo Rodríguez, Francisco Franco, Michael Stamatakis
Topical Collection in Minerals
Critical Metals and Minerals in Coal and Coal Combustion Products Collection Editors: Shifeng Dai, David French
Topical Collection in Minerals
Bioleaching Collection Editors: Anna Kaksonen, Sabrina Hedrich, Elaine Govender-Opitz, Mario Vera
Topical Collection in Minerals
New Minerals Collection Editors: Irina O. Galuskina, Igor V. Pekov, Zhenyu Chen
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