
21–22 May 2024, Chieti, Italy
2024 International Scientific Conference on Plant Biodiversity and Sustainability

The 2024 International Scientific Conference on Plant Biodiversity and Sustainability will be held online from 21 to 22 May 2024.

We believe that PhD and young researchers are key actors to targeting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030. They are invited to participate in the conference and share expertise and present results in an international context in order to improve their internationalization. Participation will offer the opportunity to activate interactions and connections useful to improving professional skills as part of an international research network

Think global, act local
The mission of the conference can be identified in a new interpretation of a famous sentence.
Plant Biodiversity and Sustainability represents general concepts that are easily interpreted as heritage related to the environment, but which for most are not something tangible in all day life.

The conference aims to activate awareness in each researcher of the role played by research activity within the context of higher vision.

As "local", we can imagine the works of thousands of researchers that every day invest time and expertise in the study of multiple aspects of the biodiversity, including the products that can be obtained from plant material.

As "global", we can envision the general effect that can be expected from innovative scientific results, from the combination of isolate research products or from cumulative effects deriving from complementary interactions.

From participants, a stronger awareness of the role of their experimental research is expected, which, with a wider point of view, should be interpreted and oriented as action driven by the Sustainable Development Goals.

Among others, the organizing committee have focused primary attention on the 5th goal, Gender equality.
We strongly believe that Gender equality is a human right, a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world, and a prequisite for fruitful scientific approach.

All contributors are invited to highlight the connection between their research work and selected targets among the 17 SDGs of the Agenda 2030.

More information on the symposium can be found on the following website:

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