
11–14 March 2018, Minneapolis, MN, USA
US HUPO 14th Annual Conference Technology Accelerating Discovery

The US HUPO annual conference has established itself as a highly valued contribution to the interdisciplinary scientific field of proteomics, with a particular focus on current technologies in the field and their application to solving biological and clinical questions relevant to human health. The topics covered at the annual conference reflect the multiple disciplines, strategies, and technologies encompassing the proteomics field, and their use to address complex biomedical problems and enable new discoveries aimed at advancing diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of human disease.

The title for US HUPO is Technology accelerating discovery, which encapsulates this interplay between technology (e.g. mass spectrometry, bioinformatics, clinical/cellular assays) and biological discovery inherent to the proteomics field.

We hope you will join us in Minneapolis next March.

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