
25–29 September 2017, Trieste, Italy
ICXOM: 24th International Congress on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis

The ICXOM conference series is an international symposium for the discussion of new developments and advances in instrumentation, methods and applications in the fields of X-ray micro- and nano-analysis.
This conference series started in 1956 in Cambridge, UK, in response to the need for physical scientists, instrument developers and those using X-ray microscopes and electron probe analysers to come together every three (and now two) years to exchange experiences, learn about new developments in the field and gain new ideas for further research.
Following the trend of the last decade, the conference is focused on synchrotron radiation. Recent developments in laboratory instrumentation are also highly welcome. Besides micro-beam X-ray fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy, different methods based on diffraction and full-field imaging are covered, together with their applications in Life Sciences, Material Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, and Cultural heritage.

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