The Relation between Granger Causality and Directed Information Theory: A Review
:1. Introduction
“As an application of this, let us consider the case where represents the temperature at 9 A.M. in Boston and represents the temperature at the same time in Albany. We generally suppose that weather moves from west to east with the rotation of the earth; the two quantities and its correlate in the other direction will enable us to make a precise statement containing some if this content and then verify whether this statement is true or not. Or again, in the study of brain waves we may be able to obtain electroencephalograms more or less corresponding to electrical activity in different part of the brain. Here the study of coefficients of causality running both ways and of their analogues for sets of more than two functions f may be useful in determining what part of the brain is driving what other part of the brain in its normal activity.”
1.1. What Is, and What Is Not, Granger Causality
1.2. A Historical Viewpoint
Granger’s paper in 1969 does not contain much new information [3], but rather, it gives a refined presentation of the concepts.“In the case of q variables, similar equations exist if coherence is replaced by partial coherence, and a new concept of ‘partial information’ is introduced.”
Note that most of these studies considered bivariate analysis, with the notable exception of [46], in which the presence of side information (other measured time series) was explicitely considered.“the latter measure can also be understood as an information theoretic formulation of the Granger causality concept.”
1.3. Outline
1.4. Notations
2. Granger’s Causality
2.1. From Prediction-Based Definitions…
2.2. …To a Probabilistic Definition
2.3. Instantaneous Coupling
2.4. More on Graphs
3. Directed Information Theory and Directional Dependence
3.1. Notation and Basics
3.2. Directional Dependence between Stochastic Processes; Causal Conditioning
- In the absence of feedback in the link from A to B, there is the following:
- Likewise, if there is only a feedback term, then and then:
- If the link is memoryless, i.e., the output does not depend on the past, then:
3.3. Directed Information Rates
3.4. Transfer Entropy and Instantaneous Information Exchange
3.5. Accounting for Side Information
4. Inferring Granger Causality and Instantaneous Coupling
4.1. Information-theoretic Measures and Granger Causality
4.2. Granger Causality Inference
4.2.1. Directed Information Emerges from a Hypotheses-testing Framework
4.2.2. Linear Prediction based Approach and the Gaussian Case
4.2.3. The Model-based Approach
5. Discussion and Extensions
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Amblard, P.-O.; Michel, O.J.J. The Relation between Granger Causality and Directed Information Theory: A Review. Entropy 2013, 15, 113-143.
Amblard P-O, Michel OJJ. The Relation between Granger Causality and Directed Information Theory: A Review. Entropy. 2013; 15(1):113-143.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAmblard, Pierre-Olivier, and Olivier J. J. Michel. 2013. "The Relation between Granger Causality and Directed Information Theory: A Review" Entropy 15, no. 1: 113-143.
APA StyleAmblard, P.-O., & Michel, O. J. J. (2013). The Relation between Granger Causality and Directed Information Theory: A Review. Entropy, 15(1), 113-143.