1. Introduction
In information-theoretic security, the problem of secret key agreement by public discussion concerns a group of users discussing in public to generate a common secret key that is independent of their discussion. The problem was first formulated by Maurer [
1] and Ahlswede and Csiszár [
2] under a private source model involving two users who observe some correlated private sources. Rather surprisingly, public discussion was shown to be useful in generating the secret key; i.e., it strictly increases the maximum achievable secret key rate, called the
secrecy capacity. This phenomenon was also discovered in [
3] in a different formulation. Furthermore, the secrecy capacity was given an information-theoretically appealing characterization—it is equal to Shannon’s mutual information [
4] between the two private sources, assuming the wiretapper can listen to the entire public discussion but not observe any other side information of the private sources. It was also shown that the capacity can be achieved by one-way public discussion (i.e., with only one of the users discussing in public).
As a simple illustration, let
, and
be three uniformly random independent bits, and suppose user 1 observes
privately while user 2 observes
, where
. If user 2 reveals
in public, then user 1 can recover
and therefore
. Furthermore, since
is independent of
, it can serve as a secret key bit that is recoverable by both users but remains perfectly secret to a wiretapper who observes only the public message
. This scheme achieves a secrecy capacity equal to the mutual information
roughly because user 2 reveals
bit in public so there is
bits of randomness left for the secret key. However, if no public discussion is allowed, it follows from the work of Gác and Körner [
5] that no common secret key bit can be extracted from the sources. In particular,
cannot be used as a secret key because user 1 does not know whether
cannot be used as a secret key either because they may not be observed by user 2 when
, respectively. It can be seen that while the private sources are clearly statistically dependent, public discussion is needed to consolidate the mutual information of the sources into a common secret key.
The secret key agreement formulation was subsequently extended to the multi-user case by Csiszár and Narayan [
6]. Some users are also allowed to act as
helpers who can participate in the public discussion but need not share the secret key. The designated set of users who need to share the secret key are referred to as the
active users. In contrast to the two-user case, one-way discussion may not achieve the secrecy capacity when there are more than two users. Instead, an
omniscience strategy was considered in [
6] in which the users first communicate minimally in public until omniscience; that is, the users discuss in public at the smallest total rate until every active user can recover all the private sources. The scheme was shown to achieve the secrecy capacity in the case when the wiretapper only listens to the public discussion. However, this assumes that the public discussion is lossless and unlimited in rate, and the sources take values from finite alphabet sets. If the sources are continuous or if the public discussion is limited to a certain rate, it may be impossible to attain omniscience.
This work is motivated by the search for a better alternative to the omniscience strategy for multiterminal secret key agreement. A prior work of Csiszár and Narayan [
7] considered secret key agreement under rate-limited public discussion. The model involves two users and a helper observing correlated discrete memoryless sources. The public discussion of the users is conducted in a particular order and direction. While the region of achievable secret key rate and discussion rates remains unknown, single-letter characterizations involving two auxiliary random variables were given for many special cases, including the two-user case with two rounds of interactive public discussion, where each user speaks once in sequence, with the last public message possibly depending on the first. By further restricting to one-way public discussion, the characterization involves only one auxiliary random variable and was extended to continuous sources by Watanabe and Oohama in [
8], where they also gave an explicit characterization without any auxiliary random variable for scalar Gaussian sources in [
8]. For vector Gaussian sources, the characterization by the same authors in [
9] involving some matrix optimization was further improved in [
10] to a more explicit formula. However, if the discussion is allowed to be two-way and interactive, Tyagi [
11] showed with a concrete two-user example that the minimum total discussion rate required—called the
communication complexity—can be strictly reduced. Using the technique of Kaspi [
12], multi-letter characterizations were given in [
11] for the communication complexity, and similarly by Liu et al. in [
13] for the region of achievable secret key rate. The characterization was further simplified in [
13] using the idea of convex envelope using the technique by Ma et al. [
14]. While these characterizations provide many new insights and properties, they are not considered computable compared to the usual single-letter and explicit characterizations. Further extension to the multi-user case also appears difficult, as the converse can be seen to rely on the Csiszár sum identity [
2] (Lemma 4.1), which does not appear to extend beyond the two-user case.
Nevertheless, partial solutions under more restrictive public discussion constraints were possible. By simplifying the problem to the right extent, new results were discovered in the multi-user case, which has led to the formulation in this work. For instance, Gohari and Anantharam [
15] characterized the secrecy capacity in the multi-user case under the simpler vocality constraint where some users have to remain silent throughout the public discussion. Using this result, simple necessary and sufficient conditions can be derived as to whether a user can remain silent without diminishing the maximum achievable key rate [
18]. This is a simpler result than characterizing the achievable rate region because it does not say how much discussion is required if a user must discuss. Another line of work [
22] follows [
11] to characterize the communication complexity, but in the multi-user case. Courtade and Halford [
19] characterized the communication complexity under a special non-asymptotic hypergraphical source model with linear discussion. A multi-letter lower bound was obtained in [
21] for the communication complexity for the asymptotic general source model. It also gave a precise and simple condition under which the omniscience strategy for secret key agreement is optimal for a special source model called the
pairwise independent network (PIN) [
23], which is a special hypergraphical source model [
24]. In [
25], some single-letter and more easily computable explicit lower bounds were also derived. These bounds also lead to conditions for the omniscience strategy to be optimal under the hypergraphical source model, which covers the PIN model as a special case. The more general problem of characterizing the multiterminal secrecy capacity under rate-limited public discussion was considered in [
26]. In particular, an objective of [
26] is to characterize the
constrained secrecy capacity, defined as the maximum achievable key rate as a function of the total discussion rate. This covers the communication complexity as a special case when further increase in the public discussion rate does not increase the secrecy capacity. While only single-letter bounds were derived for the general source model, a surprisingly simple explicit formula was derived for the PIN model [
26]. The optimal scheme in [
26] follows the tree-packing protocol in [
27]. It turns out to belong to the more general approach of decremental secret key agreement in [
29] inspired by the achieving scheme in [
19] and the notion of excess edge in [
24]. More precisely, the omniscience strategy is applied after some excess or less-useful edge random variables are removed (decremented) from the source. Because the entropy of the decremented source is smaller, the discussion required to attain omniscience of the decremented source is also less. Such decremental secret key agreement approach applies to hypergraphical sources more generally, and it results in one of the best upper bounds in [
20] for communication complexity. However, for more general source models that are not necessarily hypergraphical, the approach does not directly apply.
The objective of this work is to formalize and extend the idea of decremental secret key agreement beyond the hypergraphical source model. More precisely, the secret key agreement problem is considered with an additional source compression step before public discussion, in which each user independently compresses their private source component to filter away less correlated randomness that does not contribute much to the achievable secret key rate. The compression is such that the entropy rate of the compressed sources is reduced to under a certain specified level. In particular, the edge removal process in decremental secret key agreement can be viewed as a special case of source compression, and the more general problem is referred to as
compressed secrecy key agreement. The objective is to characterize the achievable secret key rate maximized over all valid compression schemes. For simplicity, this work will focus on the case without helpers—that is, when all users are active and want to share a common secret key. A closely related formulation is given by Nitinawarat and Narayan [
30], which characterized the maximum achievable key rate for the two-user case under the scalar Gaussian source model where one of the users is required to quantize the source to within a given rate. The formulation and techniques in [
30] was also extended in [
31] to the multi-user case where every user can quantize their sources individually to a certain rate. The compression considered in this work is more general than quantizations for Gaussian sources, and the new results are meaningful beyond continuous sources.
The compressed secret key agreement problem is also motivated by the study of multivariate mutual information (MMI) [
32]—that is, an extension of Shannon’s mutual information to the multivariate case involving possibly more than two random variables. The unconstrained secrecy capacity in the no-helper case has been viewed as a measure of mutual information in [
33], not only because of its mathematically appealing interpretations such as the residual independence relation and data processing inequalities in [
32], but also because of its operational significance in undirected network coding [
35], data clustering [
36], and feature selection [
37] (cf. [
38]). The optimal source compression scheme that achieves the compressed secrecy capacity can be viewed more generally as an optimal dimension reduction procedure that maximizes the MMI per bit of randomness, which is an extension of the information bottleneck problem [
39] to the multivariate case. However, different from the multivariate extension in [
40], the MMI is used instead of Watanabe’s total correlation [
41], and so it captures only the information mutual to all the random variables rather than the information mutual to any subsets of the random variables. Furthermore, the compression is on each random variable rather than subsets of random variables.
The paper is organized as follows. The problem of compressed secret key agreement is formulated in
Section 2. Preliminary results of the secret key agreement are given in
Section 3. The main results are motivated in
Section 4 and presented in
Section 5, followed by the conclusion and some discussions on potential extensions in
Section 6.
2. Problem Formulation
Similarly to the multiterminal secret key agreement problem [
6] without helpers or wiretappers’ side information, the setting of the problem involves a finite set
V of
users, and a discrete memoryless multiple source:
Note that letters in sans serif font are used for random variables and the corresponding capital letters in the usual math italic font denote the alphabet sets.
denotes the joint distribution of
A secret key agreement protocol with source compression can be broken into the following phases:
Private observation: Each user
observes an
i.i.d. generated from the source
for some block length
n. For convenience,
denotes the set of positive integers up to
n (i.e.,
Private randomization: Each user
generates a random variable
independent of the private source; i.e.,
Source compression: Each user
for some function
that maps to a finite set.
is referred to as the compressed source.
Public discussion: Using a public authenticated noiseless channel, a user
is chosen in round
to broadcast a message
ℓ is a positive integer denoting the number of rounds and
denotes all the messages broadcast in the previous rounds. If the dependency on
is dropped, the discussion is said to be
non-interactive. The discussion is said to be one-way (from user
i) if
). For convenience,
denote the aggregate message from user
and the aggregation of the messages from all users, respectively.
Key generation: A random variable
, called the secret key, is required to satisfy the recoverability constraint that
for some function
, and the secrecy constraint:
K denotes the finite alphabet set of possible key values.
Note that, unlike [
11], non-interactive discussion is considered different from one-way discussion in the two-user case, since both users are allowed to discuss even though their messages cannot depend on each other. In contrast to [
42], there is an additional source compression phase, after which the protocol can only depend on the original sources through the compressed sources.
The objective is to characterize the maximum achievable secret key rate for a continuum of different levels of source compression:
Definition 1. The compressed secrecy capacity
with a joint entropy limit is defined aswhere the supremum is over all possible compressed secret key agreement schemes satisfyingThis constraint limits the joint entropy rate of the compressed source. Note that instead of the joint entropy limit, one may also consider entropy limits on some subset
If multiple entropy limits are imposed,
will be a higher-dimensional surface instead of a one-dimensional curve. For example, in the two-user case under the scalar Gaussian source model, the entropy limit was imposed on only one of the users in [
30]. In [
31], the multi-user case under the Gaussian Markov tree model was considered under the symmetric case where the entropy limit is imposed on every user.
However, for simplicity, the joint entropy constraint (
7) will be the primary focus in this work. It will be shown that
is closely related to the
constrained secrecy capacity defined as [
instead of (
2) (i.e., without compression), and the entropy limit (
7) replaced by the constraint on the total discussion rate:
It follows directly from the result of [
6] that
remains unchanged whether or not the discussion is interactive. Indeed, the relation between
to be shown in this work will not be affected either. Therefore, for notational simplicity,
may refer to the case with or without interaction, even though
may be smaller with non-interactive discussion.
It is easy to show that
is continuous, non-decreasing, and concave in
R [
26] (Proposition 3.1). As
R goes to
, the secrecy capacity
is the usual
unconstrained secrecy capacity defined in [
6] without the discussion rate constraint (
10). The smallest discussion rate that achieves the unconstrained secrecy capacity is the
communication complexity denoted by
Similar to , the following basic properties can be shown for :
Proposition 1. is continuous, non-decreasing, and concave in . Furthermore,achieving the unconstrained secrecy capacity in the limit. Proof. Continuity, monotonicity, and (
13) follow directly from the definition of
. Concavity follows from the usual time-sharing argument; i.e., for any
, a secret key rate of
is achievable with the entropy limit
by applying the optimal scheme that achieves
for the first
samples of
and applying the optimal scheme that achieves
for the remaining
samples. ☐
Because of (
13), a quantity playing the same role of
can be defined for
as follows.
Definition 2. The smallest entropy limit that achieves the unconstrained secrecy capacity is defined asand referred to as the minimum admissible joint entropy.
One may also consider both the entropy limit (
7) and discussion rate constraint (
10) simultaneously, and define the secrecy capacity as a function of
R. However, for simplicity, we will not consider this case but instead focus on the relationship between
The following example illustrates the problem formulation. It will be revisited at the end of
Section 5 (Example 3) to illustrate the main results.
Example 1. Consider andwhere , and are uniformly random and independent bits. It is easy to argue thatTo see this, notice that is observed by every user. Any choice of can therefore be recovered by every user without any discussion, satisfying the recoverability constraint (4) trivially. Since there is no public discussion required, the secrecy constraint (5) also holds immediately by taking a portion of the bits from to be the key bits in . Finally, setting for all ensures , satisfying the entropy limit (7) with equal to the key rate. Hence, , as desired. Indeed, we will show (by Proposition 5) that the reverse inequality holds in general, and so we have equality for for this example. For , every user can simply retain their source without compression; that is, with for while satisfying the entropy limit (7). Now, with and where ⊕ is the elementwise XOR, it can be shown that both the recoverability (4) and secrecy (5) constraints hold. This is because user 3 can recover from the XOR with the side information . Furthermore, the XOR bit is independent of and therefore does not leak any information about the key bits. With this scheme, . By the usual time-sharing argument, we haveIndeed, the reverse inequality can be argued using one of the main results (Theorem 1) and so the minimum admissible joint entropy will turn out to be . 5. Main Results
The following extends the single-letter upper bound (36) in Proposition 3 to the multi-user case.
Proposition 5. with equality if .
Proof. The upper bound is because cannot exceed the unconstrained secrecy capacity for the compressed source , which, by (22) and (7), is upper-bounded by for some as .
Next, to prove the equality condition is sufficient, suppose . Then, each user can compress their source directly to a common secret key at rate without any public discussion. Hence, as desired. ☐
Note that unlike the two-user case in Proposition 3, the equality condition above in terms of the multivariate Gács–Körner common information is sufficient but not shown to be necessary. Nevertheless, necessity seems very plausible, as there seems to be no counter-example that suggests otherwise.
As in Proposition 4, a duality can be proved in the multi-user case, relating the compressed secret key agreement problem to the constrained secrecy key agreement problem.
Theorem 1. With and defined in (9) and (12) respectively, we havefor all . Proof. Equation (43a) can be obtained from (43b) by setting
as follows:
where (b) is given by (43b) with
; while (a) and (c) follows directly from (11), (13), and monotonicity. It follows that the inequalities (a) and (b) hold with equality. In particular, equality for (a) means that
, implying (43a) as desired.
To show (43b), we consider an optimal compressed secret key agreement scheme achieving
with an arbitrary entropy limit
. It suffices to show that the discussion rate need not be larger than
. Letting
be the optimal compressed source and
be the smallest rate of communication for omniscience of
, which is given by (23) with
replaced by
, the discussion rate for the omniscience strategy is
by (22). This simplifies to
as desired in the limit
. Note that since the omniscience strategy is non-interactive, the desired hold even if
are defined with non-interactive discussion. ☐
While it is obvious from the above proof that a compressed secret key agreement scheme can be used as a constrained secret key agreement scheme, yielding one of the best lower bounds for
in [
26], the above result also means that a converse result for constrained secret key agreement can be applied to compressed secret key agreement. Upper bounds on
may be obtained from the upper bounds for
such as those in [
26]. It turns out that this approach can give better upper bounds which, surprisingly, are tight for the PIN model as mentioned in
Section 3.3. This leads to the following exact single-letter characterization of
Theorem 2. For the PIN model in Definition 3,for all . Proof. Equation (44a) follows easily from (44b) by setting the two terms in the minimization to be equal and solving for
. To show (44b), note that by (31b) we have
is non-decreasing and concave, and thus it must be strictly non-decreasing before it reaches
. Now, by (43b),
for any
such that
; that is, for
, and thus
. This implies ≤ for (44b). The bound is achievable by the same achieving scheme as in [
26] (Theorem 4.4) along the idea of decremental secrecy key agreement and the tree packing protocol in [
27]. More precisely, every
bits of edge variable forming a spanning tree are turned into a secret key bit by the tree packing protocol. This results in the factor of
in (44), which corresponds to the number of edges in a spanning tree. ☐
For the more general source model, the idea of decremental secret key agreement needs to be refined, because there need not be any edge variables to remove. The following is a simple extension that leads to a single-letter lower bound on .
Theorem 3. A single-letter lower bound on isfor any random vector taking values from a finite set and satisfyingFurthermore, it is admissible to have . Proof. By (46b), we have
for some function
. W.l.o.g., we let
for some integer
. We choose
to be the following function of
acts as a time-sharing random variable, where
is the fraction of time the source
is processed to
, for
. More precisely, we have that
converges to
, and thus
by (46c), satisfying the entropy limit of (7). Hence,
is a valid compressed source, the unconstrained capacity of which is
, leading to the desired lower bound of (45).
The condition that
is admissible follows from the usual argument by the well-known Eggleston–Carathéodory theorem. More precisely, by letting
It can be seen that the conditions above are equivalent to (46a) and (46b), respectively, and thus the set of feasible values to (46), namely
is equal to the convex hull of
. Because the dimension of
is at most 2, the pair
can be obtained as a convex combination of at most three points in
as desired by the Eggleston–Carathéodory theorem. ☐
The main results above can be illustrated as follows using the hypergraphical source in Example 1 given earlier. In particular, an exact single-letter characterization of will be derived, even though such an exact characterization is not known for general hypergraphical sources.
Example 3. Consider the source defined in (15) in Example 1. It is shown that (16a) and (16b) are satisfied with equality, which gives the desired single-letter characterization of .
It is easy to show that as is the maximum common function of , , and . Hence, the reverse inequality of (16a) follows from Proposition 5.
The reverse inequality for (16b) can be argued using the bound in Theorem 1 by and the characterization of in Example 2. More precisely, by (32), the unconstrained secrecy capacity . Then, by (33)), we have for all . Now, by (43b),and thus for . This completes the proof. 6. Conclusion and Extensions
Inspired by the idea of decremental secret key agreement and its application to the constrained secret key agreement problem, we have formulated a multiterminal secret key agreement problem with a more general source compression step that applies beyond the hypergraphical source model. This formulation allows us to separate and compare the issues of source compression and discussion rate constraint in secret key agreement. While a single-letter characterization of the compressed secrecy capacity and admissible entropy limit remains unknown, single-letter bounds have been derived and they are likely to be tight for the hypergraphical model, and possibly more general source models such as the finite linear source model [
47]. For the PIN model in particular, the bounds are tight, giving rise to a complete characterization of the capacity in Theorem 2. One way to improve the current converse results is to show whether the equality condition in Proposition 5 is necessary; that is,
. By the duality in Theorem 1, the condition is necessary if one can show that
; i.e., (28) holds with equality. Such equality can be proved for hypergraphical as well as finite linear sources by extending the lamination techniques in [
26]. It is hopeful that a complete solution can be given for the finite linear source model and the well-known jointly Gaussian source model. The bounds (43) in the duality result may plausibly be tight for these special sources, in which case non-interactive discussion suffices to achieve the constrained secrecy capacity. The current achievability results may also be improved. In particular, for the two-user case with joint entropy constraint (35), the lower bound in (45) can be improved to
. Whether this improvement is strict or is the best possible is not yet clear, but an extension to the multi-user case seems possible. A related open problem is to characterize the
in the two-user case with two-way non-interactive discussion. A simpler question is whether two-way non-interactive discussion can be strictly better than one-way discussion.
As pointed out before, by regarding the secrecy capacity as a measure of mutual information, an optimal source compression scheme translates to a dimension reduction technique which is potentially useful for machine learning. A closely related line of work is the study of the strong data processing inequality in [
49]; in particular, the ratio
where—as in (21)—the supremum is taken over the choice of the conditional distribution
such that
forms a Markov chain and
. It is straightforward to show that
for the two-user case in (35) is upper bounded by
. However, a sharper bound and a more precise mathematical connection may be possible, and the result may be extended to the multivariate case. Furthermore, the linearization considered in [
50] may potentially be adopted to provide a single-letter lower bound on the compressed secrecy capacity. As in [
48], the problem may also be related to a notion of maximum correlation appropriately extended to the multivariate case.