The Entropic Dynamics Approach to Quantum Mechanics
:1. Introduction
2. The ED of Short Steps
3. Entropic Time
3.1. Time as an Ordered Sequence of Instants
3.2. The Arrow of Entropic Time
3.3. Duration and the Sub-Quantum Motion
4. The Evolution Equation in Differential Form
5. The Epistemic Phase Space
5.1. Notation: Vectors, Covectors, Etc.
5.2. The Symplectic Form in ED
5.3. Hamiltonian Flows and Poisson Brackets
5.4. The Normalization Constraint
6. The Information Geometry of E-Phase Space
6.1. The Metric on the Embedding Space
- (a)
- the metric on be compatible with the metric on ; and
- (b)
- that the spherical symmetry of the -dimensional space be enlarged to full spherical symmetry for the -dimensional space .
6.2. The Metric Induced on
6.3. A Complex Structure
6.4. Complex Coordinates
7. Hamilton-Killing Flows
8. The E-Hamiltonian
9. Entropic Time, Physical Time, and Time Reversal
10. Linearity and the Superposition Principle
10.1. The Single-Valuedness of Ψ
10.2. Charge Quantization
11. The Classical Limits and the Bohmian Limit
11.1. Classical Limits
11.2. The Bohmian Limit
12. Hilbert Space
13. Remarks on ED and Quantum Bayesianism
- (a)
- QB adopts a personalistic de Finetti type of Bayesian interpretation while ED adopts an impersonal entropic Bayesian interpretation somewhat closer but not identical to Jaynes’ [15,16,17,18]. In ED, the probabilities do not reflect the subjective beliefs of any particular person. They are tools designed to assist us in those all too common situations in which are confused and due to insufficient information we do not know what to believe. The probabilities will then provide guidance as to what agents ought to believe if only they were ideally rational. More explicitly, probabilities in ED describe the objective degrees of belief of ideally rational agents who have been supplied with the maximal allowed information about a particular quantum system.
- (b)
- ED derives or reconstructs the mathematical framework of QM—it explains where the symplectic, metric, and complex structures, including Hilbert spaces and time evolution come from. In contrast, at its current stage of development QB consists of appending a Bayesian interpretation to an already existing mathematical framework. Indeed, assumptions and concepts from quantum information are central to QB and are implicitly adopted from the start. For example, a major QB concern is the justification of the Born rule starting from the Hilbert space framework while ED starts from probabilities and its goal is to justify the construction of wave functions; the Born rule follows as a trivial consequence.
- (c)
- ED is an application of entropic/Bayesian inference. Of course, the choices of variables and of the constraints that happen to be physically relevant are specific to our subject matter—quantum mechanics—but the inference method itself is of universal applicability. It applies to electrons just as well as to the stock market or to medical trials. In contrast, in QB the personalistic Bayesian framework is not of universal validity. For those special systems that we call ‘quantum’ the inference framework is itself modified into a new “Quantum-Bayesian coherence” in which the standard Bayesian inference must be supplemented with concepts from quantum information theory. The additional technical ingredient is a hypothetical structure called a “symmetric informationally complete positive-operator-valued measure”. In short, in QB Born’s Rule is not derived but constitutes an addition beyond the raw probability theory.
- (d)
- QB is an anti-realist neo-Copenhagen interpretation; it accepts complementarity. (Here complementarity is taken to be the common thread that runs through all Copenhagen interpretations.) Probabilities in QB refer to the outcomes of experiments and not to ontic pre-existing values. In contrast, in ED probabilities refer to ontic positions—including the ontic positions of pointer variables. In the end, this is what solves the problem of quantum measurement (see [70,71]).
14. Some Final Remarks
- Particles have definite but unknown positions and follow continuous trajectories.
- The probability of a short step is given by the method of maximum entropy subject to a drift potential constraint that introduces directionality and correlations, plus gauge constraints that account for external electromagnetic fields.
- The accumulation of short steps requires a notion of time as a book-keeping device. This involves the introduction of the concept of an instant and a convenient definition of the duration between successive instants.
- The e-phase space has a natural symplectic geometry that results from treating the pair as canonically conjugate variables.
- The information geometry of the space of probabilities is extended to the full e-phase space by imposing the latter be spherically symmetric.
- The drift potential constraint is updated instant by instant in such a way as to preserve both the symplectic and metric geometries of the e-phase space.
Conflicts of Interest
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Caticha, A. The Entropic Dynamics Approach to Quantum Mechanics. Entropy 2019, 21, 943.
Caticha A. The Entropic Dynamics Approach to Quantum Mechanics. Entropy. 2019; 21(10):943.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCaticha, Ariel. 2019. "The Entropic Dynamics Approach to Quantum Mechanics" Entropy 21, no. 10: 943.
APA StyleCaticha, A. (2019). The Entropic Dynamics Approach to Quantum Mechanics. Entropy, 21(10), 943.